Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

18. Last week, were you doing any work:
- as an employee, or on a Government sponsored training scheme,
- as self-employed/freelance, or in your own/family business?

[Check] 'Yes' if away from work ill, on maternity leave, on holiday or temporarily laid off.
[Check] 'Yes' for any paid work, including casual or temporary work, even if only for one hour.
[Check] 'Yes' if you worked, paid or unpaid, in your own/family business.

[] Yes -- Go to 24
[] No -- Go to 19

[Questions 19 - 23 were asked of persons who were not doing any work last week.]

19. Were you actively looking for any kind of paid work during the last 4 weeks?

[] Yes
[] No

20. If a job had been available last week, could you have started it within 2 weeks?
[] Yes
[] No

21. Last week, were you waiting to start a job already obtained?
[] Yes
[] No

22. Last week, were you any of the following?

[Check] all boxes that apply.

[] Retired
[] Student
[] Looking after home/family
[] Permanently sick/disabled
[] None of the above

23. Have you ever worked?

[] Yes, please write in the year you last worked _ _ _ _ -- Go to 24
[] No, have never worked -- Go to 36

[Questions 24 - 35 were asked of persons who are currently working or have ever worked.]

25. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed?

[] Employee
[] Self-employed with employees
[] Self-employed/freelance without employees