Questionnaire Text

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6. Whereabouts on night of 21-22 April 1991
Please tick appropriate box to indicate where the person was on the night of 21-22 April 1991.

[] 0 At this address, out on night work or traveling to this address
[] 1 Elsewhere in England, Scotland or Wales
[] 2 Outside Great Britain

7. Usual address
If the person usually lives here, please tick 'This address'. If not, tick 'Elsewhere' and write in the person's usual address.
For students and children away from home during term time, the home address should be taken as the usual address.
For any person who lives away from home for part of the week, the home address should be taken as the usual address.
Any person who is not a permanent member of the household should be asked what he or she considers to be his or her usual address.

[] 1 This address
[] Elsewhere
If elsewhere, please write the person's usual address and postcode below in block capitals
Postcode _ _ _ _ - _ _ _