Persons aged 6 years and above who study at all daytime, evening and correspondence educational establishments and courses with the term of studying 12 months and more regardless off-the job or on the job studying are filled with a mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response.
Higher is marked to those who study at higher educational establishments -- academies, universities, institutes, colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, etc.
Vocational is marked to those who study at vocational schools, art schools, professional schools of social rehabilitation, schools-agricultural firms, plant-schools, training and production centres, centres for training and retraining of workers, training centres and other types of establishments that provide working profession
General is marked to those who study at senior, basic, elementary day schools (including boarding schools), evening (shift-system) schools (classes), in a full-time / correspondence groups in general schools as well as at schools for children with mental and physical development defects.
Other educational establishment (courses) is marked to those who study at schools and courses with the term of studying 12 months or more that do not provide general education (e.g., training and skill development courses, preparatory courses at educational establishments) and courses that provide professional qualification. For those who study at two educational establishments at the same time, one should note the higher type of educational establishments.
Do not study is marked to persons aged 6 years and above, who do not attend school, as well as to pupils of coterie regardless of the duration of training.
The answer to this question is not filled for children under 6 years.
For persons aged 7 years who do not attend school, one should specify whether they attend pre-school establishments.
Yes is marked for children who attend preschool establishments -- nurseries, kindergartens, etc. If at the time of census a child temporarily does not attend a pre-school, for example due to illness, one should mark yes.
No is marked to children under 7 years who do not attend kindergartens.