Questionnaire Text

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Section 1 Characteristics -- For all persons

6. Religion
To which religion does (N) [the resident] belong?

[] 1 Anglican (E.C)
[] 2 Baptist (Orthodox)
[] 3 Hindu (Sanatanist)
[] 4 Jehovah Witness
[] 5 Methodist
[] 6 Muslim (ASJA)
[] 7 Pentecostal
[] 8 Presbyterian/Congregational
[] 9 Roman Catholic (RC)
[] 10 Seventh Day Adventist
[] 98 None
[] Other (specify) _____
[] 99 Not stated
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Section 1 Characteristics

Question 6 - Religion

Write in the appropriate code which indicates the religion to which the respondent belongs. If the individual does not belong to one of the denominations listed write in the name of the denomination given in the "other" category. Use the space also to write in "Atheist" for individuals who so respond.

For Baptists [other than "Orthodox"] Muslims and Hindus write in the particular association/ sect to which the person belongs together with the name of the religion.