Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 36-39 were asked of persons age 12 or older who had worked during last week or had a job attachment to, as per question 35.]

36. What was your main task or duty at the job that you worked or had a job attachment to in the last week?

(Occupations such as farmer, mechanical engineer, bank manager, typist, history teacher, greengrocer, shoe repairer, barber, carpet machine operative, amateur workman builder, etc., should be written.) General names such as: tradesman, official, worker, self-employed should not be written.


Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 35-43, are to be asked of all males and females age 12 or older

Question 36. What was the job you either worked at (that you did) or did not sever your connection to, during the last week?

(Names of occupations such as farmer, mechanical engineer, bank manager, typist, history teacher, fruit seller, shoe repair person, carpet machine operator, mason, are to be written, for example . General names such as shopkeeper, public employee, laborer, liberal professional/self-employed are not to be written.)

This question is to be asked of people for whom the "Worked" or "Did not work but continuing to be involved with the job" options were marked in question 35.

This question is to be asked of those who during the last week, either worked or did not sever their connection to the job they were doing in their workplace.

A person may have worked in more than one job within the last week. In such situations, the job in which most of the time was spent during the last week is to be considered to be the main job. If the time spent in the jobs that were doing is equal, the main job shall be considered to be the job in which the most money was earned and questions are to be asked in reference to that job.

A person's job title and the job done in his/her work place may differ from one another. In this question, the person's duties and responsibilities in the job at the workplace, i.e., the job done, whatever it is, is what must be written. For example, if a person working at the State Institute of Statistics has the job title of "Statistician" but the job done is computer programming, "Computer programmer" is what must be written down. For example, if despite a person's occupation being "Teacher" his duty in the school is "Principal", "School principal" is what is to be written down.

In this question, the job done should be written clearly and explicitly.

For example, the term "Shoemaker" written down as the job the person does is neither precise nor accurate. This term needs to be elaborated further as to whether or not the job being done is, production, repair, sales, or working as a shoe shiner.

In order to be able to fill out this question precisely and accurately, the following detailed examples are provided:

[An example showing correct and incorrect ways of entering the job done in the original document is omitted here]

The job being done is to be entered precisely and accurately, just as is in the examples provided above.