Questionnaire Text

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19. What is your nationality?
(For those who are not Turkish citizens write the name of the country.)

[] 1 T.R. [Turkey]
[] 2 Does not have any nationality
Country name ____

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Question 19. Your nationality?

(For non-nationals of the Republic of Turkey, write the country name)

In filling out this question:
For people who are citizens of the Turkish Republic, an "X" is to be placed into the T.R. box.

For people who are not citizens of the Turkish Republic, the name of the country corresponding to their nationality is to be written into this question's "Country name" section.

For people with more than one nationality, if one of those nationalities is the Turkish Republic, an "X" is to be entered into the T.R. box for that person's nationality.

If a person who is a not a Turkish citizen has multiple nationalities, the one preferred is to be entered into this question's "Country name" section.

For those declaring that they have no nationality, an "X" is to be marked for this question's "No nationality" option.