Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1980 Egypt 1996 Liberia 2008 Rwanda 1991
Argentina 1991 Egypt 2006 Malawi 1987 Rwanda 2002
Argentina 2001 El Salvador 1992 Malawi 1998 Rwanda 2012
Argentina 2010 El Salvador 2007 Malawi 2008 Saint Lucia 1980
Armenia 2001 Ethiopia 1984 Malaysia 1991 Saint Lucia 1991
Armenia 2011 Ethiopia 1994 Malaysia 2000 Senegal 1988
Austria 1981 Ethiopia 2007 Mali 1987 Senegal 2002
Austria 1991 Fiji 1986 Mali 1998 Senegal 2013
Austria 2001 Fiji 1996 Mali 2009 Sierra Leone 2004
Bangladesh 1991 Fiji 2007 Mexico 1960 Sierra Leone 2015
Bangladesh 2001 Fiji 2014 Mexico 1970 Slovenia 2002
Bangladesh 2011 Germany 1971 Mexico 1990 South Africa 1996
Belarus 1999 Germany 1981 Mexico 1995 South Africa 2001
Benin 1992 Germany 1987 Mexico 2000 South Africa 2007
Benin 2002 Ghana 2000 Mexico 2005 South Africa 2011
Benin 2013 Ghana 2010 Mexico 2010 South Africa 2016
Bolivia 1976 Greece 1971 Mexico 2015 South Sudan 2008
Bolivia 1992 Greece 1981 Mexico 2020 Spain 1991
Bolivia 2001 Greece 1991 Mongolia 2000 Spain 2011
Bolivia 2012 Greece 2001 Morocco 1982 Sudan 2008
Botswana 1981 Greece 2011 Morocco 1994 Suriname 2012
Botswana 1991 Guatemala 1964 Morocco 2004 Tanzania 1988
Botswana 2001 Guatemala 1981 Morocco 2014 Tanzania 2002
Botswana 2011 Guatemala 1994 Mozambique 1997 Tanzania 2012
Burkina Faso 1996 Guatemala 2002 Mozambique 2007 Thailand 1970
Burkina Faso 2006 Guinea 1996 Myanmar 2014 Thailand 1980
Cambodia 1998 Haiti 1971 Nepal 2001 Thailand 1990
Cambodia 2004 Haiti 1982 Nepal 2011 Thailand 2000
Cambodia 2008 Haiti 2003 Nicaragua 1971 Togo 2010
Cambodia 2013 Honduras 1961 Nicaragua 1995 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Cambodia 2019 Honduras 1988 Nicaragua 2005 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Cameroon 1976 Honduras 2001 Palestine 1997 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Cameroon 1987 Hungary 1970 Palestine 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Cameroon 2005 Hungary 1980 Panama 1960 Turkey 2000
Canada 1971 Hungary 1990 Panama 1980 Uganda 1991
Chile 1960 Hungary 2001 Panama 2000 Uganda 2002
Chile 1970 Hungary 2011 Panama 2010 Uganda 2014
Chile 1982 Indonesia 1971 Paraguay 1972 United Kingdom 1991
Chile 1992 Indonesia 1990 Paraguay 1982 United States 1960
Chile 2002 Indonesia 1995 Paraguay 1992 United States 1970
Colombia 1973 Indonesia 2005 Paraguay 2002 United States 2010
Colombia 1985 Indonesia 2010 Peru 1993 United States 2015
Colombia 1993 Iran 2006 Peru 2007 Uruguay 1963
Colombia 2005 Iraq 1997 Philippines 1990 Uruguay 1975
Costa Rica 1963 Ireland 1971 Philippines 2000 Uruguay 1985
Costa Rica 1973 Ireland 1981 Philippines 2010 Uruguay 1996
Costa Rica 1984 Ireland 1991 Poland 1978 Uruguay 2006
Costa Rica 2000 Israel 1972 Poland 1988 Uruguay 2011
Cuba 2002 Israel 1983 Poland 2002 Venezuela 1971
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Italy 2001 Portugal 1981 Venezuela 1981
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Jamaica 1982 Portugal 1991 Venezuela 1990
Dominican Republic 1981 Jamaica 1991 Portugal 2001 Venezuela 2001
Dominican Republic 2002 Jamaica 2001 Portugal 2011 Vietnam 1989
Dominican Republic 2010 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 1970 Vietnam 1999
Ecuador 1962 Kenya 1989 Puerto Rico 1980 Vietnam 2009
Ecuador 1974 Kenya 1999 Puerto Rico 1990 Vietnam 2019
Ecuador 1982 Laos 1995 Puerto Rico 2010 Zambia 1990
Ecuador 1990 Laos 2005 Puerto Rico 2015 Zambia 2000
Ecuador 2001 Laos 2015 Romania 1992 Zambia 2010
Ecuador 2010 Lesotho 1996 Romania 2002 Zimbabwe 2012
Egypt 1986 Lesotho 2006 Romania 2011
Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_BATHRM — Toilet
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B. Dwelling

9. Sanitary service

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B. Dwelling

It is any housing fixed or mobile that has been built or adapted for housing persons. A house, apartment, trailer, tenant room, shack, hospital, and a room are all considered dwellings.

9. Toilet Facilities

a) Toilet.
With drainage of water, means that the elimination of residue is done through water channeled under pressure.

You will indicate if it drained to a public system, with other drainage systems; without drainage, or if there is no toilet.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

b) Shower or bath.
You will point out its existence or not and the availability of hot and cold water, cold only or the lack of facilities.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_TOILET — Toilet
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I. Characteristics of the dwelling for the only household or for the first household
[Questions 1-9]

[Questions 2-16 were addressed only in case of an occupied dwelling, with occupants present, per Question 1.]

II. Habitational Characteristics of the Dwelling- for each household
[Questions 10-16]

12. In the bathroom, does the dwelling have a toilet or lavatory with flushing water (with a button, chain, etc)?

[] For the exclusive use of the members of the household
[] Shared with another household
[] Does not have a toilet or lavatory with flushing water [skip question 13]

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2. Household habitation characteristics -- for all households

In this part of the document we will know the characteristics of the part of a dwelling that a household occupies. Because of this, always, in all households we fill out this part of the Document.

12. In the bathroom, does the dwelling have a toilet or lavatory with flushing water (with a button, chain, etc)?

Here we fill out a single alternative for a response and in the case of recording the category "does not have toilet inodoro o retrete with drainage of water in the bathroom", we go to question 14 following the arrow.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_TOILET — Toilet with discharge of water
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[Questions 5-24 were asked in the case of households that occupied some structure, per question 4.]

12. Does it have a bathroom/latrine?

[] Yes
[] No [skip questions 13-16]

13. The bathroom, does it have a toilet?
[] Yes
[] No [skip questions 14-15]

14. Does the toilet have a button/chain/tank?
[] Yes
[] No

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Question 12: Does the household have a bathroom/latrine?
Considered as a bathroom or latrine is a space closed by walls that go from the floor to the roof, or by dividers (wall that elevate from the ground to the height of two meters), used by the household for the evacuation of excretion. The bathroom/latrine can be inside the dwelling or outside of the dwelling.

Question 14: Does the toilet have a button/chain/tank?
The button/chain/tank is the water flushing system for cleaning the toilet. This system can be one of two types: with an automatic deposit or with an automatic valve.

If flushing water is done manually with a bucket, bottle, hose or other manual method (independent of whether there is a toilet in the bathroom) you should mark no.

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_BATH — Household have bathroom
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[Questions 3 to 19 were asked of inhabited households with persons present]

10. Does this household have a bathroom or latrine?

[] Yes
[] No - continue with 14

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Availability of bathroom/letrine: a space enclosed by walls, or dividers (wall that comes up from the floor to the height of two meters), used by the household for the removal of excrement. The bathroom/latrine can be inside or outside of the dwelling and be for exclusive use by the household or shared with other households.

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_TOILET — Household have toilet
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[Questions 3 to 19 were asked of inhabited households with persons present]

10. Does this household have a bathroom or latrine?

[] Yes
[] No - continue with 14

11. In the bathroom, is there a button, chain, or tank for cleaning the toilet?

[] Yes
[] No

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Availability of a button, chain, or tank for cleaning the toilet: automatic or semi-automatic system for flushing the water to clean the toilet (artefact installed inside the bathroom/letrine).

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_TOILET — Toilet
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Q9. What are your toilet facilities?
[] 1 Flushing, in the dwelling unit
[] 2 Flushing, outside the dwelling unit, for exclusive use by the household
[] 3 Flushing, outside the dwelling unit, for common use
[] 4 Non-flushing, outside the dwelling unit, for exclusive use by the household
[] 5 Non-flushing, outside the dwelling unit, for common use
[] 6 Other

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B.9 Is there a toilet?

a) In the dwelling unit: if the dwelling unit is equipped with a rinsing toilet connected with the sewer system.
b) Outside of the dwelling unit, only for the given household: if there is a rinsing toilet in the building and it is determined only for the given household.
c) Outside of the dwelling unit for general usage: if the toilet is outside of the dwelling unit and is for the general usage

Not inundating
d) Only for the given household: if the toilet is not connected with a sewage system and only the given household uses it.
e) For the general usage: if the toilet is not connected with the sewage system, and it is out of the building and is for general usage.
f) Other: all other cases.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_TOILET — Toilet
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B14. Availability of toilet facilities

[] Flush
[] In dwelling unit, only for current household?s use
[] In dwelling unit, for joint use with other households
[] Out of dwelling unit, only for current household?s use
[] Out of dwelling unit, for joint use with other households
[] No Flush
[] Only for the current household use
[] Shared
[] Other
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Questions for the households

Sections B, C and D are to be filled out by occupied households.

Question B.14

Is there a toilet?

In the dwelling unit for the one household - if the dwelling unit is equipped with a rinsing toilet connected to the sewerage system and is determined only for one household.
In the dwelling unit for the shared use - if the dwelling unit is equipped with a rinsing toilet connected to the sewerage system and several households share it.
Outside of the dwelling unit, only for the given household - if there is a rinsing toilet in the building and it is determined only for the one household.
Outside of the dwelling unit for the general usage - if the toilet is outside of the dwelling unit and several households share it.

Only for the one household - if the toilet is not connected with the sewerage and only the given household uses it.
For the general usage - if the toilet is not connected with the sewerage, is out of the building and is for general usage.
Other - all other cases.
No toilet.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_FACIL — Equipment standard of dwelling
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(4) Layout of dwelling:
Multiple responses possible

[] Kitchen-cum-living room
[] Kitchen
[] Kitchenette

[] Bathroom
[] Adjoining bath

[] Anteroom
[] Room created by partition
[] Cellar, Cellar section
[] Balcony, Loggia, Terrace

[] Connection to a working gas line
[] Waterline within the residence
[] Flushing toilet within the residence

[] Access to private garden
[] Parking garage (controlled parking lot)
[] Parking-storage area (reserved)

(4) A kitchen-cum-living-room is only considered a kitchen when it also has fittings for sitting area (i.e. three-piece suite). A kitchen is a separate room (a kitchenette is only a part of a [larger] room), which is chiefly used for the preparation of food--however not as a living area.

House garden use is only noted in the case that the possibility exists to use a garden belonging directly to the house.

A parking area is then noted when a personal parking area is reserved for this residence within the house property, or rather when--with the case of one and two-family homes--a parking space is available on the lot. "Parking spaces" located on public transportation areas should not be included.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_FACIL — Equipment standard of dwelling
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3. Equipment and size of the housing unit:
Please mark all that is applicable with an x.

[] Anteroom, hallway
[] Kitchen, kitchen-cum-living room
[] Kitchenette

[] Connection to piper gas system
[] Piped water within the dwelling
[] Flush toilet within the dwelling

[] Bathroom
[] Shower stand

[] Storeroom
[] Cellar, cellar section

[] Balcony, loggia: smaller than 4 m2
[] Balcony, loggia: 4 m2 or more
[] Terrace

f.. Number of rooms with a floor area of at least 4 m2 excluding the rooms marked a to e (rooms used for business and guest rooms: see remarks)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

[] Use of a house garden
[] Garage space for private cars
[] Parking space for private cars (no public roads)

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3, Equipment and size of the housing unit:
In points a) through e) of this question all present rooms and other equipment characteristics of the housing unit should be marked: a kitchenette or a shower stall are parts of another room, kitchen or bath room are individual rooms.
Flush toilets within the housing unit should also be marked if the toilet is found in the bathroom.
In point f) the number of living rooms should be entered. Considered as such are: living room, bedroom, child's room, guest room (for relatives, acquaintances) provided their floor space amounts to at least sq.m.
Not considered living rooms are: kitchens, combined kitchen/living rooms and other adjoining rooms (lobby, hallway, bathroom, storage room, pantry, closet, terrace, etc.).
Commercially used rooms and guest rooms that are never used for living purposes by the owner should not be included; however, rooms that are only used seasonally as guest rooms and for the rest of the year are used by the household should be included.

[p. 56]

Use of a house garden should only be indicated if the possibility to use a garden belonging directly to the house exists.
Garage space for private cars should be marked if a private car of the household is parked in an individual or community garage of the building or the residential complex.
Parking space for private cars should be marked if a parking space (outdoors) is reserved for this housing unit or if, in the case of single or two family homes, the property has a parking space. "Parking spaces" on public roads should not be included.

Enumerator guideline:
The subdivision in blocks serves the clarity: first adjoining rooms, then sanitary facilities and "external" quality characteristics. It is started with the adjoining rooms, so that these -because they were already entered - are not counted with the living rooms. Please pay attention to this and prompt a correction if necessary.

Purpose of the question:
The number and type of rooms is, next to the usable floor space, the most important information on housing unit size; this question together with the question on type of heating serves as the basic classification of housing units in Austria (categories of the Rent Act).
Despite all modernization efforts, some older housing units still do not conform to present quality requirements. A modernization with the goal of improving the providing of the population with good and affordable housing units, therefore, remains an important task of the federation, states and municipalities.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_TOILET — Toilet facility inside the dwelling
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1. Location and facilities of the housing unit (please mark all appropriate items):

1.3 Other facilities present

Bathroom, shower stall
[] Yes
[] No

WC inside the dwelling
[] Yes
[] No

Central heating
[] Yes
[] No

Water hook-up inside dwelling
[] Yes
[] No

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1. Location and facilities of the housing unit:
Explanation: If the rooms of a given housing unit are arranged one above the other on two or more floors, the floor on which the main entry door to the housing unit is located should be indicated.

A habitable attic is defined as all stories with (partially) inclined ceilings throughout (even those with semi-high exterior walls) regardless of whether the interior work was done when the building was initially built or subsequently.

In this question important rooms and other facilities of the housing unit should be indicated.

A kitchenette is part of another room.

[p. 56]

You should mark WC inside the housing unit even if it is located in the bathroom.

Inhabitable rooms are defined as living rooms, bedrooms, nurseries and "guest rooms" (for relatives, acquaintances). Not included in inhabitable rooms are: storage rooms, pantries, walk- in closets, verandas, etc.

Rooms used for commercial purposes and rooms rented out to tourists that are never used by the household for living purposes should not to be included here. Rooms that are rented to boarders only seasonally and used by the household the rest of the year should be included in this count.

Because the answer to the third section of this question affirms the housing unit category -- a very important statement about the housing unit -- the question is double verified by a "no" box row.

If central heating is present in a housing unit, but an individual stove (e.g. tiled stove) is used as the primary heating type (see question 3), "Central heating" should be marked in question 1.3. (In question 3 then, the actual primarily used type of heating will be specified.)
How many persons live in high rises or upper floors?

If an elevator is present in the building in a municipal area, housing quality increases with ascending height. If, on the other hand, no elevator is present, the housing quality strongly decreases with increasing number of stories - especially the higher the occupant's age. (With older buildings the presence of an elevator is saved from the 1991 census, or it comes from question 5 of the building data form, if an elevator was installed in the last 10 years.)

The question about the amenities, serves the basic classification of the housing units in Austria (Categories of the Tenancy Law).

Despite all modernization efforts, some older housing units still do not conform to present quality requirements. A renovation with the goal of providing as many sections of the population with good and affordable housing units, therefore, remains an important task of the federation, states and municipalities.

The number of rooms is, next to the usable floor space, the most important information on housing unit size. The presence of a room per person (e.g. separate nursery) is often considered desirable.

Bangladesh 1991 — source variable BD1991A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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8. Toilet facilities
[] 1. Sanitary
[] 2. Others
[] 3. None

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8. Toilet facilities:
Ask the respondent "Do you have sanitary toilet?" if you realize that the respondent cannot understand the meaning of the sanitary latrine, explain "If the waste of any toilet is placed in a deep place or placed to a distant place by a pipe and it neither pollutes the environment nor comes into the contact of man, animal or bird then it is termed as Sanitary latrine". If answer is "Yes" then mark (1) and in case of "No" ask again "Do you have other types of latrine?" Mark at (2) oval cell is answer is "Yes" and (3) is answer is "No".

Bangladesh 2001 — source variable BD2001A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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12 Toilet facilities
[] 1 Sanitary
[] 2 Others
[] 3 None

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Question 12: Toilet Facility
This question has three alternative answers. Fill out the most appropriate answer oval box.

Question 12: Toilet Facilities
Ask the respondent whether they have a sanitary toilet a not. If the respondent doesn't understand sanitary, explain to him that the waste of the toilet goes under a deep bunker or has a sewage connection by which the waste travels a distance through drains which do not pollute the environment and are disconnected from the touch of mankind and wild beats. This type of toilet is considered as sanitary toilet.

If the answer is yes, fill out 1 oval box and again ask whether the household has any other type of toilet. If the answer is yes fill out the oval box 2, and fill out oval box 3 for having no toilet facilities in the household.

Bangladesh 2011 — source variable BD2011A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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9. Toilet facilities
[] Sanitary (with water seal)
[] Sanitary (no water seal)
[] Non-sanitary
[] None

For questions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11a put x in the relevant box.

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Question -9. Toilet Facility:
Considering the use toilet facility has been divided in to four categories such as sanitary (water sealed), sanitary (Non-water sealed). Non-sanitary and none. The toilet which is pit latrine with water sealed facility is called sanitary (water sealed). The latrine wich is pit latrine but having no water sealed facility is called sanitary (Non water sealed). The toilet which may be pucca, semi-pucca or kutch but having no facility to cover the discharge waste is called Non-sanitary. Such type of toilet is not free from water and environment polution. None means there is no toilet for the household usually uses to go bush, jungle or open space as and when necessary.
Ask the respondent that what type of toilet the household use. Enter cross in the appropriate box for the answer.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_TOILET — Facilities: flush toilet
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II. Housing Conditions (Questions 1 - 4 to be completed for the dwelling)

4. Availability of essential facilities

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Floor electric cooker
[] 3 Piped gas
[] 4 Bottled condensed gas
[] 5 Central or district heating
[] 6 Heating from individual installation
[] 7 Stove heating
[] 8 Piped water
[] 9 Flush toilet
[] 10 Bath or shower
[] 11 Central hot water supply
[] 12 Hot water from individual boiler
[] 13 Telephone
[] 14 No specified facilities

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Question 4P. Availability of essential facilities

The codes are to be marked that correspond to one or more prompts offered.

A dwelling is considered equipped with:
- electricity when there is electrical wiring available;
- floor electric cooker when there is a floor electric cooker available.

A house with a detached kitchen (a special capital building intended for cooking), in which a floor electric cooker is installed is also considered equipped with a floor electric cooker;
- piped gas if there is a floor gas cooker available, which is connected with the gas line;
- bottled condensed gas if there is a floor gas cooker available, which is connected to the gas bottle.

A house with a detached kitchen, in which a floor gas cooker is installed, is also considered to be equipped with gas supply;
- central or district heating if heating is provided by the building boiler-room, quarter or district boiler-houses or by the heat and power station;
- heating from individual installation if heating is provided by the flat hot water heaters or local decentralized heating boilers of low capacity operating on gas or solid fuel;
- stove heating if the source of heating is a stove;
- piped water if there is a supply net within the house, to which water is supplied centrally from the water pipe or artesian well the year round.

A house with a detached kitchen is also considered equipped with water supply if a water tap connected to the water supply net is installed in the kitchen.

If there is a hydrant (a water pump) in the yard, but there is no water supply to the house, such dwelling is not to be considered equipped with water supply;
- flush toilet if there is a waste pipe inside the house for drainage of utility and fecal waters to the sewerage system or drain wells.

A house where the water supply is not available is not to be considered equipped with flush toilet.
- bath or shower if a bath or shower is installed both in a separate bathroom and in the other specially adapted room, irrespective of the way of hot water supply: centrally or from flat heaters, including heating boilers of low capacity and gas or wood water heaters.

A dwelling, in which a bath (shower) is installed but there is no sewerage available, is not to be considered equipped with bath or shower.
- central hot water supply if there is a special hot water supply intended for daily living needs;
- hot water from individual boilers if there is a special water pipe supplying water from gas or wood water heaters, flat heaters, including heating boilers of low capacity, for daily living needs;
- telephone if a telephone set is installed; if a radiotelephone is available, code 13 is also to be marked.

If one or another facility of a dwelling is temporarily idle (because of damage, repair or other reasons), the dwelling is to be considered equipped with these types of facilities.

If there is none of the above-mentioned facilities in a dwelling, the item "no specified facilities" is to be marked.

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_TOILET — Toilet type
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Household dwelling unit characteristics

Household's sanitation mode

[] 1 Septic tank
[] 2 Public latrine
[] 3 In nature
[] 4 W.C. with water flush
[] 5 Other
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Characteristics of the household's dwelling unit

Column (10): Toilet type
The census agent shall circle, depending on the case, the number corresponding to the type of toilet used and declared by the household members. The types are indicated in column (10).

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_TOILET — Toilet type
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Dwelling unit characteristics

(50) Household's sanitation mode

[] 1 Latrine with ventilated tank
[] 2 Latrine with unventilated tank
[] 3 Toilet with water flush
[] 4 Sewer system
[] 5 Suspended latrine/on stilts
[] 6 Latrine with bucket [tinette ]
[] 7 No toilet/in nature
[] 9 Other
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Column (50): Sanitation type
Ask the following question: "What type of toilet do most members of the household use?" According to the answer, circle one of the following options:

[] 1. Latrine with ventilated tank
[] 2. Latrine with unventilated tank
[] 3. Toilet with water flush
[] 4. Sewer system
[] 5. Suspended latrine/on stilts
[] 6. Latrine with tinette
[] 7. No toilet/in nature
[] 9. Other

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_TOILET — Household sanitation mode
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Dwelling Unit Characteristics
[Questions 43-56 were asked of all households]

53. Household's sanitation mode

[] 1 Latrine with ventilated tank
[] 2 Latrine with unventilated tank
[] 3 Toilet with water flush
[] 4 Suspended latrine or on stilts
[] 5 No toilet or in nature
[] 9 Other (specify) ____
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Section 4: Habitation Characteristics

This section gives information on the characteristics of the household's lodging.

In the case where a more than one questionnaire is used for the household, the answers to the questions on the habitation's characteristics shall only be noted on form number 1 used for the household.

53. [Main] mode of sanitation

This concerns the mode of evacuation of household members' excrements.

The modality codes for this variable are:

[] 1. Latrine with a ventilated pit
[] 2. Latrine with a non-ventilated pit
[] 3. Toilet with flush
[] 4. Suspended latrine/on stilts
[] 5. No toilet/in nature
[] 9. Other [specify]

Q: "What type of sanitation mode does this housing unit have?"
Circle the code corresponding to the modality of the interviewee's answer.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_TOILET — Use of sanitary services
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5. Availability of hygienic facilities (toilet, latrine)
[Question 5 was asked of persons in private dwellings, per Question 1.]

[] 1 Has, for exclusive use by this household
[] 2 Has, shared or common use
[] 3 None

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Question 5. Availability of hygienic services (toilet, latrine)

It is of private use only if persons in the household being investigated use it.

It is of common or shared use if two or more households use it.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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8. Is there a toilet, w.c., latrine or pit toilet?
[Question 8 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]

Does have:

[] 1 With instant water flush
[] 2 Without flush

[] 3 Does not have

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Toilet facilities

Question 8. Does it have a toilet, water closet, latrine, or lavatory?

1. Does have: with instantaneous flushing of the water. By using a button, chain, etc.

2. Does have: without flush. This is the case with latrines or lavatories or so-called pit toilets in which there is not instant flushing of water available. This box will also be marked if a water closet is available, but it is not supplied with water by pipes.

[p. 28]

3. Doesn't have. That is, the people in the household make use of public toilet facilities, yards, or the open air. In this case, continue on to question 9.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_TOILET1 — Toilet
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[Questions 6 to 26 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private dwelling and were present at the time of enumeration, per Questions 4 and 5.]

12. Is there a bathroom, water closet or latrine?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (skip to question 15)

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Chapter C. Characteristics of dwellings with inhabitants who are present

Question 12. [Does the dwelling] have a bathroom, toilet, or latrine?

A bathroom can be known by different names, such as those presented in the question. It is, therefore, important that all three names be mentioned. If it is known by a different name in the region, this name should also be mentioned.

The answer "no" implies that the persons use public services, outhouses [corrales], or the outdoors for their personal hygiene.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_TOILET — Toilet, bathroom, or latrine
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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

9. Does it have a toilet, bathroom, or latrine?

[] 1 Yes, private
[] 2 Yes, shared
[] 3 No, dwelling does not have [Go to question 11]
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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

9. Availability of a toilet
Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.
10. Waste water disposal
Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_SEWAGE — Sanitation facilities
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Section D
[Questions 1 through 15 were asked of private dwelling]

15. Sanitation facilities

[] 1 Communal
[] 2 Private flush toilet
[] 3 Private pit latrine
[] 4 Private pail/bucket
[] 5 Other private sanitation facility
[] 6 None
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Columns [H12 to H15] facilities in housing units
Put the questions to the respondent and enter the appropriate answer codes in the boxes provided.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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Section E

(Circle response)

11. Toilet

What type of toilet facility is used by this household?

[] 1 Private flush toilet
[] 2 Private pit latrine
[] 3 Private neighbour's pit latrine
[] 4 Communal flush toilet
[] 5 Communal pit latrine
[] 6 Movable
[] 7 None
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Column E11: Toilet Facility

Possible answers to this question are as follows:

1 Flush toilet
2 Pit latrine
3 Neighbour's Pit latrine

4 Flush toilet
5 Pit latrine
6 Movable
7 None

A private toilet/latrine is one which has been built by a private household for its use. A toilet/latrine which is used by more than one household in the lolwapa is still private. They may
share it with neighbouring household(s) by private arrangement. If the toilet facility is private, circle 1, 2 or 3 as appropriate.

A communal toilet/latrine is one which has been built by the community or local authorities for use by members of the public. If the toilet facility is communal, circle 4 or 5 as appropriate. A movable toilet is a temporary and portable toilet facility often found on construction sites.

If none of the above applies, meaning that the household either uses river or bush, circle 7.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 139, the household gets its water from a well and they use a pit latrine. Code 4 is circled in column E10 and code 2 is circled in column E11.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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E15. What type of toilet facility is used by this household?

[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
[] 3 Pit latrine
[] 4 Flush toilet
[] 5 VIP
[] 6 Pit latrine
[] 7 Neighbours' toilet
[] 8 None
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148. Column E16: Toilet facility

Q: What type of toilet facility is used by this household?

Possible answers to this question are as follows:


[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Ventilated Improved Pit latrine (VIP)
[] 3 Pit latrine


[] 4 Flush toilet
[] 5 VIP
[] 6 Pit latrine
[] 7 Neighbours toilet
[] 8 None

An own toilet/latrine is one which has been built by a private household for its use. A toilet/latrine which is used by more than one household in the lolwapa is still own. They may share it with neighbouring household(s) by private arrangement. If the toilet facility is own, circle 1, 2 or 3 as appropriate.

A communal toilet/latrine is one which has been built by the community or local authorities for use by members of the public. If the toilet facility is communal, circle 4 or 5 or 6 as appropriate. Code 7 to be circled if the household uses a neighbours toilet.

If none of the above applies, meaning that the household either uses river or bush, circle 8.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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E. Household Information

Housing unit

Toilet facility
15. What type of toilet facility is used by this household?

[] 1 Exclusive use
[] 11 Flush toilet
[] 12 Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
[] 13 Pit latrine
[] 14 Dry compost (e.g. enviro-loo)
[] 2 Shared
[] 21 Flush toilet
[] 22 Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
[] 23 Pit latrine
[] 24 Dry compost (e.g. enviro-loo)
[] 3 Communal
[] 31 Flush toilet
[] 32 Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
[] 33 Pit latrine
[] 34 Dry compost (enviro-loo)
[] 4 Neighbor's
[] 41 Flush toilet
[] 42 Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
[] 43 Pit latrine
[] 44 Dry compost (e.g. enviro-loo)
[] 50 None
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195. Column E15: Toilet facility
Q. What type of toilet is used by this household?

1. Own
2. Shared
3. Communal
4. Neighbor
50. None
-1. Flush toilet
-2. Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
-3. Pit latrine
-4. Dry compost

An Own toilet is one, which has been built by a private household for its use. A toilet which is used by more than one household in the lolwapa/dwelling is still Own. They may share it with neighboring household(s) by private arrangement. If the toilet facility is Own and flush toilet, circle 1 for own and -1 for flush toilet as appropriate.

A communal toilet is one built by the community or local authorities for use by members of the public. If the toilet facility is communal and it is Pit Latrine, circle 3 for Communal and 3 for Pit Latrine as appropriate.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_TOILET — Sanitary equipment
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III. Housing Characteristics

H8. Sanitary equipment

[] 1. Flush toilet with septic system
[] 2. Ventilated pit latrine
[] 3. Ordinary latrine
[] 4. Outdoors
[] 5. Other

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_TOILET — Sanitary equipment
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H11. Sanitary equipment
[] 1. Private flush toilet
[] 2. Shared flush toilet
[] 3. Ordinary latrine
[] 4. Ventilated pit latrine
[] 5. Outdoors
[] 0. Other

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_TOILET — Toilet
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Form B Household Questionnaire Part 4: Housing Conditions and Facilities** (Enter Code in the box below)

**Part 4 need not be filled-in for Institutional and Homeless Households and for Boat and Transient Population.

4 Toilet facility within premises

1 Available
2 Not available
[ ]

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Column 4: Toilet Facility within Premises

122. Only one of the Codes (1 for available and 2 for not available) should be recorded. Note that toilet here refers to any installation which is used for the disposal of human excreta. Premises refers to the house or building in which household is living and not to the household. If there is no toilet in the house or building in which household is living, you should give Code 2.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_TOILTYP — Toilet type
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 4
Part 4: Housing conditions and facilities

[4] Toilet facility within premises

Enter code.

[] 1 Available
[] 2 Not available

If code 1 [available] put type of facility:
[] 1 Connected to sewerage
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit latrine
[] 4 Other type of toilet (specify) ____
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98. Column 4: Toilet facility within premises
Toilet here refers to any installation that is used for the disposal of human excreta. The first question asked is about the availability of toilet facility within premises (column 4 (a)) If the answer is "Yes", write code 1 in the box and go to ask the type of toilet facility in column 4(b). Please note that premises refers to the house or building in which household is living. If there is no toilet in the house or building in which household is living, you should give Cods 2 in box of column 4(a) and skip to column 5.
The type of toilet facility used by the household is to be given in column 4(b). If there is a toilet facility within the premise of a household give any code 1 to 4 as appropriate. The codes for the kind of toilet facility used by household are as follows:

1. Connected to sewerage
2. Septic tank
3. Pit latrine
4. Other (specify)

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_TOILET — Toilet on premises
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Form B: household questionnaire - part 4: housing conditions and facilities
Part 4 need not be filled in for institutional and homeless households, and for boat and transient population.

4. Toilet facility within premises

[] 1 Not available

If available, give one of the codes 2 through 5:
[] 2 Connected to sewerage
[] 3 Septic tank
[] 4 Pit latrine
[] 5 Other type of toilet (specify) ____

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Filling in of Form B Household Questionnaire Part 4 : Housing Conditions and Facilities

121. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts 2 and 3). This part should be completed with
the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

122. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

123. Please note that in this part for Columns 1 to 7, 18 and 19, you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

Column 4: Toilet Facility within Premises

127. If a toilet facility is not available within premises give Code 1 in the square provided. If available, ascertain the type of toilet and enter one of the Codes 2 to 5 as appropriate in the square.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_TOILET — Toilet type
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Part 5: Housing conditions and facilities

4. Toilet facility within premises

Enter code.

[] 1 Not available

If available, give one of the codes 2 to 5:

[] 2 Connected to sewerage
[] 3 Septic tank
[] 4 Pit latrine
[] 5 Other type of toilet (specify) ____
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96. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part -5: housing conditions and facilities

96.1. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts- 2 to 4). This part should be completed with the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

96.2. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

96.3. Please note that in this part of the questionnaire, for columns 1 to 8 and 23 to 25 you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

100. Column 4: toilet facility within premises

100.1 If toilet facility is not available within premises give code 1 in the square provided. If available ascertain the type of toilet and enter one of the codes 2 to 5 as appropriate in the square.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility household usually uses
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Form B household questionnaire part 4

Housing conditions, amenities and assets possessed by household

4. Type of toilet facility household usually uses

[] 1. None, not using toilet
[] 2. Pour flush (or flush) connected to sewerage
[] 3. Pour flush (or flush) to septic tank or pit
[] 4. Pour flush (or flush) to elsewhere (i.e. not a sewer or pit/tank)
[] 5. Pit latrine with slab
[] 6. Pit latrine without slab or open pit
[] 7. Latrine overhanging field or water (drop in the field, pond, lake, river, sea)
[] 8. Other (specify): ____

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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35) What is the type of toilet facility?
[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Latrine
[] 3 Other

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Questions on housing

Columns 28 to 36:

To answer these questions on housing, in each column circle the number of the characteristic corresponding to the structure and the housing unit which you are visiting. Only circle one number per column.

[Example omitted]

If the structure is a religious structure, you additionally mark the number of accommodations of the concession in column 28.

If it is a religious space, the physical characteristics to reveal are those in the main accommodation (materials of the walls, the roof, floor, and lighting). Yet, the number of rooms to mark in column 32 is the total number of rooms used by the household, all accommodations included. As such, in the case of a religious space composed only of round accommodations/huts, the number of rooms (column 32) is most frequently equal to the number of accommodations (column 28).

Type of toilet

This is about the type of toilet used by the household that can be different from installations used by other households in the same structure as the first.

-With a flush: This is regarding all the modern installations with a flush.

-Latrine: all installations that do not have a flush, including simple holes

- Other: installations other than those listed above.

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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Questions on housing

Circle the appropriate number where applicable: in the case of a compound occupied by only one household, take the characteristics (except for the number of rooms) of the main house.

H8. Type of toilet

[] 1 Internal with flush
[] 2 External, private with flush
[] 3 Shared with other households, with flush
[] 4 Private latrines
[] 5 Common latrines
[] 6 Others

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Filling in page 4.
Begin by filling in the space reserved for questions concerning housing and then fill in the space for deaths.
This page is completed only as concerns the first questionnaire used in the household.

1) Space for questions concerning housing. In this column, encircle only one number.
Example : The household is living in a modern villa, column H 1, encircle No. 3.
1 - Isolated house
2 - House with many self-contained flats
3 - Modern villa
4 - Apartment story building
5 - Compound or saré
6 ? Other

If the housing unit is a compound or saré, the numbers to be encircled are those corresponding to the characteristics of the main house as concerns the materials used for the walls, roof, floor, type of lighting system, water supply, source of energy for the kitchen, type of toilet. However, the number of rooms to be written in column H10 is the total number of room used by the household in all the housed that make up the compound or saré.
The rooms to be taken into account are the bedrooms, sitting rooms, the dining rooms, rooms for house servants and kitchen; do not count corridors, verandahs, lobbies, bathrooms, toilets, rooms for professional practice such as lawyer's chambers, doctor's consultation room, tailoring workshop, street stalls, etc.
If a room is used by two or more households (examples: kitchens, dining rooms, etc.), record it in the name of one household and do not count it for any other household.
If in a housing unit you note many characteristics for the materials, record the main one:
Example: a mud wall plastered with cement (half concrete), record 6 ? mud

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_TOILET — Toilet
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51. Type of toilet
[] Flushing WC inside
[] Private flushing WC outside
[] Common flushing WC
[] Private latrine
[] Common latrine
[] Nature
[] Other

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51. Type of toilet
Q. What type of toilet is available in this dwelling?

The codes of the terms for this variable are:

1-inside toilet with flush
2-private outside toilet with flush
3-communal toilet with flush
4-private latrines
5-communal latrines
6-open air
7-other to specify

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_TOILET — Flush toilet facilities
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H1 to H9 should be answered by the head of the household.
Note that the dwelling refers to the living quarters occupied by this household. See definition in instruction booklet.

H8. Does this household have the use of a flush toilet in this building?

[] Yes, one for this household only
[] Yes, two or more for this household only
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No

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H8. If your household does not have the use of a flush toilet inside the same building, fill the circle opposite "No".

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_SEWAGE — Sewage
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5. Toilet facilities

a) System of waste removal
[] 1 Sewer installation
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit/latrine
[] 4 Drain to irrigation canal (acequia)
[] 5 Other system
[] 6 None

b) The toilet is used:
[] 1 Exclusively by this family
[] 2 By two or more families

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5. Toilet Facilities

Under this heading information will be collected only: a) about the system for elimination of human waste, and b) about the exclusive use, or lack thereof, of the toilet facilities (lavatory, toilet, (excusados lavables), etc.), generically referred to as "toilets."

Take note of the following definitions of systems for elimination of human waste:

a) Sewer system. This term is used when the dwelling's facilities drain into the general receptacles of the sewer system.

b) Septic tank or well. This is used only when a sewer system isn't present. This term is used when the drain leads to a closed concrete tank, where [p. 29] a process of decanting and rotting takes place. These tanks drain, ultimately by overflow, into an absorption well.

c) Pit/latrine. Or absorbent well, is a hole, without further specifications, where waste materials end up.

The rest of the systems mentioned in the document don't need further clarification.

Mark the appropriate response for each of the two types of information requested.

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_SEWER — Sewage
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5. Water service for the dwelling

8. Toilet wastewater removal system

[] 1 Sewer
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit/latrine
[] 4 ____ Other system (specify)
[] 5 None

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Question No. 8--household's sewer system

This question attempts to investigate the elimination of human waste. You should mark one of the following alternatives:

--Sewer: You will mark box 1 if the dwelling that this household inhabits is connected to a network of sewage receptacles.

--Septic tank: You will mark box 2 if the drains lead into a closed concrete tank where the product decants. These tanks drain by overflowing into an absorption well.

--Pit/latrine: You will mark box 3 if the waste flows into a hole in the land which was made for that purpose.

--Other system: You will mark box 4 if the waste flows into a canal, river, barrel, or other waste receptacle [abrómico], etc.

--None: You will mark box 5 if the dwelling that the household inhabits doesn't have any of the systems mentioned.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_SEWAGE — Sewage system
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9. The toilet is:
1. Connected to the sewer system or septic tank
2. Latrine
3. Outhouse
4. Connected to another type of system

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9. The toilet is?:

Refers to the toilet's drainage system.

Connected to a Sewer or Septic Tank, when the toilet drains into the public network's system, or into a well system that is similar to the sewer for purposes of drainage.

Above an Irrigation Ditch or Canal.

Above a Pit. Generally this type of toilet is found in camp dwellings or dwellings under construction. It is also typical of rural dwellings or those removed from urban areas.

Connected to another system. Fill in this oval if the emptying of the toilet takes place through a system that is different from those previously described.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 9 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_TOILET — Have toilet
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8. Is there a toilet?
1. Yes

For exclusive use of the home?

1. Yes ____
2. No ____

2. No ____

(Continue to question 10)
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8. Does it have a toilet?

If the household has a toilet, you should ask [Is it] for the exclusive use of this household?

Fill in the oval for "Yes" when the toilet is only used by the members of the household.

If the toilet is shared with another household, as would be the case with those who rent a room or rooms, or with relatives who cook separately, fill in the oval for "No."

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 8 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_TOILET — Toilet available
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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present (applies to questions 3 through 16)

8. The toilet (W.C.) is:

[] 1 Connected to a sewer or septic tank
[] 2 A pit or latrine (pozo negro)
[] 3 On a river or canal
[] 4 Connected to another system
[] 5 Doesn't have toilet facilities

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8. The Toilet services (W.C.) are:

1. Connected to a Sewer or Septic Tank. When the toilet drains into the public network's system, or into a deep well system that is similar to the sewer for purposes of drainage.

2. Outhouse [cajón] above a Pit. Generally this type of toilet is found in camp dwellings or dwellings under construction. It is also typical of rural dwellings.

3. Outhouse over an Irrigation Ditch or Canal. The same as the previous, but located above an irrigation ditch or canal.

4. Connected to another system. Fill in this circle if the emptying of the toilet takes place through a system that is different from those previously described. Example: chemical (Port O'let).

5. Doesn't have toilet facilities.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 8 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_TOILET — Availability of toilet facilities
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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present [applies to questions 3 to 16]

8. The toilet (W.C.) for this dwelling is:

[] 1 Connected to a sewer
[] 2 Connected to a septic tank
[] 3 On a pit or latrine
[] 4 On a river or canal
[] 5 Chemical
[] 6 Doesn't have toilet facilities (W.C.)

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[Questions 3 through 16: Only for private dwellings which are occupied with people present.]

Question 8. Hygienic Services (toilet)

Mark only one oval. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 8 on the census form.]

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_TOILET — Toilet
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6. Toilet

What type of toilet is available to this household?
[] 1 Toilet connected to a sewage system
[] 2 Toilet connected to septic tank
[] 3 Latrine
[] 4 No toilet

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Question No. 6. Toilet facilities

[Below the text is a form.]

Toilet facilities are understood to be any system that permits the elimination of residues, sewage, etc.

Mark "x" in box No. 1, when the toilet service is connected to a sewer system. Mark "x" in box 2 when the toilet facilities are connected to a septic well.

Mark "x" in box No. 3 when a household has a latrine. Mark "x" in box no. 4, when a household does not have toilet facilities; in this case, omit questions 7 and 8 and continue.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_TOILET — Type of sanitary service
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18. What type of sanitary service is available to the household?
[] 1 Toilet connected to a sewage system (continue with number 19)
[] 3 Toilet connected to septic tank (continue with number 19)
[] 5 Latrine (continue with number 19)
[] 7 Not available (continue with number 20)

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Question No. 18 Toilet facilities of the dwelling

[Below the text is a form.]

Toilet facilities are understood to be any system that permits the elimination of excreta and excrement. This system receives different names according to the regions of the country and according to the type of facilities; for example toilet, lavatory, toilet bowl, taza campesina, latrine, etc.

Mark "x" in the corresponding box taking into account the following definitions.

Toilet connected to a sewer system is a toilet bowl connected to a system of pipes that collect the sewage of the city.

[p. 35]

Toilet connected to a septic tank is a toilet bowl connected by means of a pipe with a subterranean well or hole where excreta is deposited.

Latrine is a well or hole into which excrements directly fall from the bowl or seat.

Bajamar, when excrements fall directly from a bowl or seat to a site from which they are taken away by water.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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14. The toilet facilities used by the household are:
[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Latrine
[] 3 Expelled to running water like ditch or stream (bajamar)
[] 4 Doesn't have toilet facilities (continue with 16)

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14. The toilet facilities used by the household are:

Toilet facilities are understood to be the system used for the elimination of excreta.

[Below the text is a form.]

If the response is "does not have toilet facilities", mark option 4 and go to question 16, do not ask question 15.

Take into account the following definitions:

Flush toilet
It refers to a toilet bowel with elbow pipe, that needs to circulate water to eliminate the fecal material.

When the fecal materials fall directly without circulation of water into a pit toilet.

Expelled to running water like ditch or stream (bajamar)
When the fecal materials fall directly into a current of water like a ditch, river or sea.

Does not have facilities
When a household does not have any type of toilet facilities; it is also named open country (campo abierto). Remember that if you marked this option, you should continue with question 16 and leave 15 blank.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_TOILET — Type of sanitary service
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6. The sanitary service is: (expanded)
[] 1 Toilet connected to a sewer
[] 2 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Toilet without a connection, latrine, or hole in the ground
[] 4 No sanitary service

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_SEWER — Sewer facilities
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8. Sewer facilities

(mark only one box)

[] 1-2 Sewer
[] 3-4 Septic tank
[] 5-6 Concrete Cesspool (Pozo negro de planchet)
[] 7-8 Wooden Cesspool (Pozo negro de madera)
[] 9-0 Other
[] 11 Does not have
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Box No. 8.- Sewer facilities

Mark with an "X" the box that identifies the type of toilet facilities that the Dwelling has.

Sewer: When the apparatus is connected to a public system.

Septic Tank: When the apparatus is connected to a system that consists of a cement tank, in which the "negros" [black] waters are eliminated by special procedures.

Cesspool: (pit toilet): When the Dwelling only is provided a pit more or less deep, over which is a hut. The cesspool can be: [p. 30]
1) of Concrete: When the floor and the walls are concrete.

2) of Wood: when the floor or the walls, or both wooden.

Other: Any other means of toilet services no thought of here.

Does not have: When the Dwelling is not supplied toilet services.

Box 9.- Use of Toilet Services

You should ask if the toilet services are for exclusive use of the occupants of the Dwelling ("Only For This Dwelling") or if it is also used with equal right by those of other Dwellings ("For This and Other Dwellings"), and mark with an "X" the respective box.

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_TOILET — Type and use of toilet
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10. Type and use of toilet facilities

[] 0 For this dwelling only
[] 1 For this and other dwellings

Septic tank

[] 2 For this dwelling only
[] 3 For this and other dwellings

Concrete pit toilet

[] 4 For this dwelling only
[] 5 For this and other dwellings

Wooden pit toilet

[] 6 For this dwelling only
[] 7 For this and other dwellings

Other type

[] 8 For this dwelling only
[] 9 For this and other dwellings


[] Y

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5.3.- Question 10.- Class and Use of Sanitary Facilities

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

[p. 27]

Mark with a single "X" the circle corresponding to the service that the dwelling has, either for the use of a single or for two or more dwellings.

5.3.1.- Sewer: System of toilet bowls connected to the system of water supply which eliminates human residue through means of water and pressure and is connected to a public or private system of sewers or sanitary sewer system.

Sewer (sewer system) exists when a system is correctly installed and covered [underground] that eliminates sewage. It can be that which serves a whole city of part of it and that takes the residue to the sea, a river, a common tank, as is the case with some private residential complexes (ciudadelas).

5.3.2.- Septic Tank: is a system of toilet bowls that is connected to a cement tank, which eliminates "negras" waters by special Procedures and that generally is built in the patio of the house.

5.3.3.- Pit Toilet (Pozo Negro): consists of a pit more or less deep over which is a hut. They can be of two classes. Of Concrete: When the floor and the walls are concrete. Of Wood: When the floor or the walls or both are wooden.

5.3.4.- Other Type: It is marked here when the dwelling does not have any of the types of facilities described in the previous points.

5.3.5.- Does not have: When the dwelling does not have any type of sanitary facilities.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_TOILET — Type and use of toilet facilities
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10. Type and use of toilet facilities
Sewer or septic tank

[] 1 Only for this dwelling
[] 2 For this and other dwellings

Concrete pit toilet

[] 3 Only for this dwelling
[] 4 For this and other dwellings

Wooden pit toilet

[] 5 Only for this dwelling
[] 6 For this and other dwellings


[] 7 Only for this dwelling
[] 8 For this and other dwellings

[] 9 None

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Question 10: Type and use of toilet facilities

Something similar to bath services occurs with "toilet facilities". In some areas of cities and, principally, in rural areas, it is possible to find that dwellings do not have toilet facilities, that is to say, a space adapted in some manner for depositing urine and excreta.

On the other hand when you find that the dwelling that you are to enumerate has toilet services, of course it is not always the same type, also, in some cases it is only for the dwelling that is being enumerated and in others of more than one dwelling. You can see a faithful reproduction of question 10, such as it is included in the dwelling form.

As you will be able to see, for this question, 9 possible responses exist, according to the type or class of toilet facilities, that they have. Among these options are included dwellings that have no toilet facilities. If it has more than one class, write down the one of greatest use.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

[p. 33]

Definition Of Concepts

{Types of toilet facilities}

It is possible that all types or classes of toilet facilities that exist in the dwelling of the country are familiar to you. Nevertheless, it is not bad to review what consists of each class of toilet facilities.

  • Sewer or septic tank


It concerns a system that consists of a toilet bowl connected to a sewer system through which fecal material is eliminated.

Septic tank

It concerns a toilet bowl that is connected to a concrete or reinforced concrete tank, connected to drainage areas by means of which human residues are eliminated (urine and excreta). Generally a "septic tank" is in the patio of the house, with a simple glance there is no difference between facilities by sewer or by septic tank, which is the reason why they appear as a single category.

  • Concrete pit toilet

Commonly we call it in our country "pit toilet". It concerns a more or less deep hole over which is constructed a hut, in which the floor and base that serves as a toilet bowl is built of cement or concrete.

  • Wooden Pit Toilet

This case we also know commonly in our country as "pit toilet". It is similar to what we described previously, only that the floor or the base are wooden.

  • "Other" type of toilet services

Those toilet services that have a "bowl" or any object that does the function of it, connected to a waste pipe, irrigation ditch, (ditch), river, the sea etc. are classified here. That is to say, the form of discarding excreta is a natural current of water or a ditch built to give passage to water in an improvised manner or at times to the earth from some given height.

  • "Does Not Have" toilet facilities, that is to say, that there is no form of eliminating the human excreta and urine similar to those previously cited. Generally grown ups go to the woods (al monte) to do their necessities and children do it near the house.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_SEWER — Sewage
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12. Does this dwelling have toilet facilities
[] 1 connected to the public sewer?
[] 2 connected to a septic tank?
[] 3 pit toilet or latrine?
[] 4 other system?
[] 5 Doesn't have (skip to 14)

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Question 12: Availability of Toilet Facilities

This question permits obtaining an indicator of the sanitary conditions of the country.

Toilet facilities: Space equipped within or outside of the dwelling, so that in it its inhabitants can fulfill their physiological needs.

Mark with an "X" only one of the following types of toilet facilities.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

Connected to public service: Toilet facilities are connected to a sewer system that collects sewage from many dwellings.

[Below the text is a picture of pipes.]

Connected to a septic tank: Toilet facilities are connected to a tank of concrete, cement or other materials, connected to drainage areas. Generally, it is built in the patio of the house. If the tank is connected to a public sewer system, mark the previous option.

[Below the text is a picture of pipes.]

From pit toilet or latrine: Also called "pit toilet". Consists of a hole over which there is a hut with a cement, concrete or wooden floor, and a base that serves as a latrine made also of any of these materials.

[Below the text is a picture of an outhouse.]

With another system: Toilet services formed by a "toilet bowl" or any object that drains into a natural current of water: irrigation ditch, ditch, river, estuary, etc.

[Below the text is a picture of a house next to a river.]

Does not have: The residents of the dwelling are not provided any type of toilet facilities. In this case, the persons generally deposit their excreta directly on the ground, that is to say, they go "to the mountain".

If this response is selected go directly to question 14.

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_TOILET — Presence of toilet
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Section III. Information about the Private Dwelling

12. Sanitary services.

a. Does the dwelling have sanitary services for use?

(Mark only one per group)

[] 1 Exclusive of this dwelling
[] 2 Shared among various dwellings
[] 3 Does not have - continue with question 13.

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Question 12. Sanitary service

With this question, we want to know if the dwelling has sanitary services, if it is for exclusive use or shared, the type of service, and its location.

12. a. Does the dwelling have sanitary services for use:? (mark only one per group)

[] 1 Exclusive of this dwelling
[] 2 Shared among various dwellings
[] 3 Does not have -- Continue with question 13.

Part A) is asked in the following manner: Does the dwelling have sanitary service that is for exclusive use, shared use or none?

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_TOILET — Type of sanitation facilities
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Housing: characteristics of the home
(Questions to ask the head of household only)

45. Sanitation facilities

Ask the question in accordance with the instruction manual.

[] 1 Flushing toilet inside home
[] 2 Non-flushing toilet inside home
[] 3 Flushing toilet in courtyard
[] 4 Non-flushing toilet in courtyard
[] 5 Latrine in courtyard
[] 6 Latrine outside of courtyard
[] 7 Outdoor sanitation area without facilities
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4.3.3 The fourth page - Questions about fertility and housing.

These questions should be asked only of the head of the household or his representative.

Question 45: Characteristics of the sanitation facilities

Ask the question for each of the types of facilities listed below, one after the other, until you obtain the right answer.

[] 1 Flushing toilet inside home
[] 2 Non-flushing toilet inside home
[] 3 Flushing toilet in courtyard
[] 4 Non-flushing toilet in courtyard
[] 5 Latrine in courtyard
[] 6 Latrine outside of courtyard
[] 7 Outdoor sanitation area without facilities

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Housing features and amenities

44. Characteristics of the toilet facilities

[] 1 Indoor toilet
[] 2 Outdoor toilet
[] 3 Latrines in the courtyard
[] 4 Latrines outside the courtyard
[] 5 In nature
[] 6 Other, specify ____
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6.3.1- Features and amenities of the dwelling of an ordinary household

The questions about housing pertain to the characteristics and amenities of the household's dwelling, or of its primary dwelling, in the event that the household occupies several buildings for residential use. However, in regard to the number of rooms available or occupied by the household, all residential rooms located in the building or buildings occupied by the household for residential use are to be taken into account.


For each question, circle the code that matches the correct answer. For questions involving numbers, legibly write the numbers declared by the head of household in the appropriate grids.

Note: Details must be provided when the "Other, specify" option is selected. In cases where the answer to a question is visible (Questions 39, 41, 42), do not ask the question.

Question 44: Characteristics of the toilet facilities
The WC is a toilet facility with a sanitary installation: a bowl or seat and flush. A facility that has only a bowl is considered a WC.

Latrines are basic toilet facilities (excluding any sanitary installation).
Ask the question: What kind of toilet facility do you have? or: Describe your toilet facility. Following the description, if a WC or latrine is present, ask: Where is it located? Depending on the answer given, circle the correct answer:

[] 1 Indoor WC
[] 2 Outdoor WC
[] 3 Latrines in the courtyard
[] 4 Latrines outside the courtyard
[] 5 In nature (no toilet)
[] 6 Other, specify

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_SEWAGE — Toilet or sewage facilities
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16. Toilet facilities

a) Does this dwelling have toilet facilities?
[] 1 Toilet connected to sewer
[] 2 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Toilet of unknown connection
[] 4 Latrine
[] 5 Does not have
b) Are the toilet facilities for the exclusive use of this dwelling?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Question 16: Toilet Facilities
a) Does the dwelling have toilet facilities?

The alternatives are read and the corresponding circle is filled in.

[The instructions refer to graphic illustrations, the options are: toilet connected to sewer, toilet connected to septic tank, toilet connected to unknown system, latrine, does not have]
b) Is the toilet for the exclusive use of this dwelling?

If the toilet is only used by persons living in the dwelling, circle 1 (yes) is filled in.

If it is used by persons from 2 or more dwellings, circle 2 (no) is filled in.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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Sanitary facility
16. What type of sanitary facility does the household have?

[] 1 Toilet
[] 2 Latrine
[] 3 None
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Question 16: What kind of toilet facility does your household have?

Fill in the option 1 if there is a toilet, 2 if latrine (outside or inside the house). If the house does not have any type of bathroom, fill in option 3 (none) and skip to question 19.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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Section IV - Household characteristics

12. What kind of toilet facility does your household have?

[] 1 Toilet
[] 2 Latrine
[] 3 None (skip to question 14)
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Question 12. What kind of toilet facility does your household have?
Read all the options and fill in the corresponding code to the kind of toilet facility that the household has.
If the informant answers that there is a toilet, mark code 1. If the answer is a latrine, then fill in the bubble for code 2. If the answer is no toilet facility mark code 3 and the skip to question 14.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Only for private, occupied dwellings
[Refers to items III through X]

V. Toilet facilities

[] 1 Toilet for exclusive use of the dwelling
[] 2 Toilet for shared used in the building
[] 3 Latrine or pit toilet
[] 4 None of the above facilities

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Toilet facilities. Includes the facilities (toilet) for the elimination of fecal matter, by means of channeled water under pressure, with the fecal matter being dragged to a sewer, septic tank, or drain. These facilities can be for the exclusive use of a census household (a dwelling) or for common use by two or more census households (two or more dwellings), in the building.

Latrine or pit toilet. Is a shallow hole, located outside of a dwelling, that is used for the elimination of fecal matter, but not by means of channeled water under pressure.

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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6. Availability of toilet facilities (W.C.) in the dwelling
[] 1 Toilet for exclusive use of the dwelling
[] 2 Shared use toilet
[] 3 Latrine
[] 4 None

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[Question No. 7]

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 7, "availability of toilet facilities", in this section of the enumeration form.]

Read the different types of toilet facilities and mark the box that corresponds to the answer that the person being enumerated gives.

[Note that this question corresponds to question 6 on the enumeration form.]

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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6. What toilet facilities (W.C.) are available in the dwelling?
[] 1 Toilet for exclusive use of the dwelling
[] 2 Shared use toilet
[] 3 Latrine
[] 4 None

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Question 6. What availability to toilet facilities does the dwelling have?

It is a toilet exclusively used by the dwelling if it is used only by the people in the dwelling being investigated.

Those used by members of more than one dwelling are common-use toilets.

A latrine is a hole that serves as a receptacle for excrement, generally covered by an outhouse.

Mark the box none if the dwelling doesn't have any of the facilities previously mentioned.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_TOILET — Toilet
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4. What toilet facilities are available in this household?
[] 1 Toilet for exclusive use of the household
[] 2 Toilet shared by various households
[] 3 Latrine
[] 4 None

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Question 4. What sanitary service is available to the household?

Mark box 1, toilet for the exclusive use of the household, if it used only by the members of the household that you are interviewing.

Mark box 2, toilet for the shared use of various households, when the service is used by members of more two or more households.

Mark box 3, latrine, if the place for depositing excrement is a hole, generally covered with a small structure.

Mark box 4, none, if the household does not have any of the above mentioned services.

Question 4. What sanitary service is available to the household?
[ ] 1 Toilet for the exclusive use of the household
[ ] 2 Toilet for the shared use of various households
[ ] 3 Latrine
[ ] 4 None

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_WASTEWTR — Sanitary service
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5. The sanitary service available to this household is:
[ ] 1 Bathroom for the exclusive use of the household
[ ] 2 Bathroom shared by various households
[ ] 3 Latrine
[ ] 4 None

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Question 5.- The toilet facilities that the household has are:

[There is a picture of question 5 from this section of the enumeration form.]

[p. 30]

Mark box 1. toilet for the exclusive use of the household, if it is used only by the members of the household that you are investigating.

Mark box 2. toilet for the common use of various households, when the toilet facilities are used by the members of two or more households in the same dwelling and also when they are used by the households of various dwellings.

Mark box 3. latrine if the place for depositing excrement is a hole, generally covered by an outhouse.

Mark box 4. doesn't have, if the household doesn't have any of the alternatives previously mentioned.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_TOILET — Type of sanitary service or toilet for the household
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Section 2: Information about the household.
[Questions 1-15 were asked for private dwellings.]

3. The sanitary service or toilet that is available to this household is:

[] 1 For the exclusive use of the household?
[] 2 Shared with various households?
[] 3 Does not have

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_TOILET — Separate toilet
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Separate toilet

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 None
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1. Kitchen: means the place that takes the shape of a big or small room and is basically used for cooking food.
2. Bathroom with toilet: means the bathroom that has a toilet in it.
3. Separate bathroom: means the bathroom without a toilet inside.
4. Separate toilet: means a toilet without a bathroom.

In all cases a circle:

number (1) that mains if the kitchen or bathroom or the toilet etc. are used by the household only.
number (2) if the household share with other household the used of kitchen, bathroom or toilet.
number (3) if the kitchen or bathroom etc. are not available.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_TOILET — Bathroom facility with toilet
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[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 None

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1. Kitchen: means the location that takes the shape of a big or small room and it is basically made for food preparation
2. Bathroom with toilet: means the bathroom which has a toilet inside
3. Separate bathroom: means the bathroom with no toilet inside it
4. Separate toilet: means a toilet without a bathroom

In all cases the circle is put ink in front of No.(1) if the household alone uses the kitchen, bathroom with toilet...etc.
In front of No.(3) if the kitchen, bathroom ...etc. are not available
The facilities are either inside or outside the housing unit but, they are inside the building

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_TOILETEX — Separate toilet
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Separate toilet
[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 None

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1. Kitchen: means the location that takes the shape of a big or small room and it is basically made for food preparation
2. Bathroom with toilet: means the bathroom which has a toilet inside
3. Separate bathroom: means the bathroom with no toilet inside it
4. Separate toilet: means a toilet without a bathroom

In all cases the circle is put ink in front of No.(1) if the household alone uses the kitchen, bathroom with toilet...etc.
In front of No.(3) if the kitchen, bathroom ...etc. are not available
The facilities are either inside or outside the housing unit but, they are inside the building

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_BATHTOIL — Bathroom with toilet
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Table 2: Housing characteristics
[Questions in table 2 are asked of all persons, except for the question on educational status]


Bathroom with toilet

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 Not available

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Table 2: Housing characteristics
Mark the correct response number in the square or squares allotted for answering each question. The answer also must be recorded in words beside the square for the questions on dwelling type and ownership type.

This includes the kitchen, bathrooms with a toilet, separate bathrooms, and separate toilets.

Separate bathroom means a bathroom without a toilet. Separate toilet means a toilet without a bathroom. In all cases, answer (1), (2) or (3) is placed inside the square according to the availability of the utility in the household. (1) When the household has a separate utility; (2) When the household shares the utility with another household(s); (3) When the utility is not available.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_SEPTOIL — Separate toilet
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Table 2: Housing characteristics
[Questions in table 2 are asked of all persons, except for the question on educational status]


Separate toilet

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 Not available

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Table 2: Housing characteristics
Mark the correct response number in the square or squares allotted for answering each question. The answer also must be recorded in words beside the square for the questions on dwelling type and ownership type.

This includes the kitchen, bathrooms with a toilet, separate bathrooms, and separate toilets.

Separate bathroom means a bathroom without a toilet. Separate toilet means a toilet without a bathroom. In all cases, answer (1), (2) or (3) is placed inside the square according to the availability of the utility in the household. (1) When the household has a separate utility; (2) When the household shares the utility with another household(s); (3) When the utility is not available.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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II. Household information

2. Characteristics of the dwelling

[Questions 4-15 were asked of occupied private households, per question 3 and Section 1.]

5. What type of toilet facilities does the dwelling have?

a) Flush toilet

[] 1 For private use
[] 2 For shared use

b) Latrine

[] 3 For private use
[] 4 For shared use

c) [] 5 Other type
d) [] 6 None

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4.2.3 Household characteristics
These characteristics refer exclusively to single family [private] households.

The first two questions of this part of the ballot will be answered by the enumerator using simple observation, before introducing themselves to the occupants of the household; however, if there are any doubts, they can consult with the informant in the household.

5. Toilets and latrines
What kind of toilet or latrine does this household have?

a. Flushing toilet:
It is the flushing that eliminates the waste expelling it to the public sewer system or septic tank.

For private use: This is the toilet that only occupants of one household use.
For common use: This is a toilet used by the occupants of two or more households.

b. Latrine: A toilet in which the waste accumulates in a pit.

For private use: If it is used only by the occupants of one household.
For common use: If it used by the occupants of two or more households.

c. Other type:
This option will be marked for cases that another way of eliminating waste is used, different from those mentioned previously.

d. No toilet or latrine:
When a household lacks a toilet, latrine or other means of disposing of human waste.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_SEWER — Type of toilet service
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5. What type of sanitary service is available?
[] 1 Toilet connected to sewer
[] 2 Toilet connect to septic tank
[] 3 Latrine
[] 4 Fertilizing latrine
[] 5 Does not have (go to question 7)

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Question 5: What type of sanitary services are available?
Toilet connected to sewer:
This is when the waste is sent to the public sewer system.

Toilet connected to a septic tank:
This is when the waste is sent to a septic tank.

[Next page]

This is a sanitary installation in which the waste accumulates in a pit.

Fertilizing latrine:
This is a basin or special seat (separate for fecal matter and urine) and possessing two receiving chambers which are used on an alternating basis.

Does not have:
This category refers to a household that lacks sanitary service. In this case go to question 7.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_TOILET — Toilet type
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57. What type of toilet facility does the housing unit have?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Flush toilet, private
[] 3 Flush toilet, shared
[] 4 Pit, private
[] 5 Pit, shared
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Column 57: What kind of toilet facility does the house have?
The type of toilet the house has will be asked and based on the response one of the options given below is selected and circled. The code selected will be entered in column 57 card column 49. If the house has a pit and also restroom with flush, then restroom with flush will be selected and recorded in the column. If the house has a toilet which is out of order as a result of waste overflow, or breakage beyond recovery then the house is considered as having no toilet.

1 = None
2 = Flush toilet, private
3 = Flush toilet, shared
4 = Pit, private
5 = Pit, shared

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_TOILETR — Type of toilet (rural households)
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Section V: Detailed information on housing unit
[This version of Section V was asked for rural households.]

45. What type of toilet facility does the housing unit have?

[] 1 No toilet facility
[] 2 Pit or flush toilet
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Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
5. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
6. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
7. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
8. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Column 45: What type of toilet facility does the housing unit have?

In this question, the interest is to know the type of toilet facility that the housing units have and also to know the distribution of housing units that do not have such facilities. It is a known fact that the availability of toilet faculty is a very crucial element to prevent and control disease
Pg 88
transmission and to improve the health status of the society. The data generated from this question can thus be used as an important health indicator.

Therefore, the enumerator shall circle the appropriate code from the given choice below. In addition, if a toilet facility is no more functioning for various reasons and it is not in a position to be maintained and put back to service then the housing unit is considered as not having the facility.

1 = No toilet facility
2 = Pit or flush toilet

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_TOILETU — Type of toilet (urban households)
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Section V: Detailed information on housing unit
[This version of Section V was asked for urban households.]

56. What type of toilet facility does the housing unit have?

[] 1 No toilet facility
[] 2 Flush toilet private
[] 3 Flush toilet shared
[] 4 Pit private
[] 5 Pit shared
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Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
5. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
6. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
7. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
8. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Chapter Four
Instructions for Filling the Population and Housing Census Questionnaires in Urban Areas

Two types of census questionnaires are prepared for urban areas: short and long questionnaires. The long questionnaire will be filled in for the selected sample households, for all hotels/hostels and for other collective quarters' inmates. It should be noticed again that the short questionnaire is to be filled in for the rest households (for unselected households). The instruction given below is to fill in the long questionnaire and this instruction is again used to the short questionnaire because questions included in the short questionnaire are parts and parcels of the long questionnaire. The questionnaire is filled in for residents of housing units coded as code 1, 2, 3 or 4 is entered in column 11. Note that, only short questionnaire will be administered for homeless peoples.

Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction

In this section information on urban housing units are collected.
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. If there is a radio and television in the housing unit we record it but if it is out of order the household does not have the intention to maintain it again we consider as there is no radio or television in the housing unit.
5. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
6. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
7. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
8. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
9. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Column 56: What type of toilet facility does the housing unit have?

In this question, the interest is to know the type of toilet facility that the housing units have and also to know the distribution of housing units that do not have such facilities. It is a known fact that the availability of toilet faculty is a very crucial element to prevent and control disease transmission and to improve the health status of the society. The data generated from this question can thus be used as an important health indicator.

Therefore, the enumerator shall circle and enter in the given card column the appropriate code from the given choice if a housing unit has both pit latrine and a toilet with flush, the enumerator should circle the code given for a toilet with flush. In addition, if a toilet facility is no more functioning for various reasons and it is not in a position to be maintained and put back to service then the housing unit is considered as not having the facility.

1 = None
2 = Toilet with flush, private
3 = Toilet with flush, shared
4 = Pit latrine, private
5 = Pit latrine, shared

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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Section 5: Information on housing unit

5. What type of toilet facility does the housing unit have?

[] 1 No toilet facility
[] 2 Flush toilet
[] 3 VIP latrine
[] 4 Pit latrine
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Question 5:- What type of toilet facility does the housing unit have?

In this question, the interest is to know the type of toilet facility that the housing units have and also to know the distribution of housing units that do not have such facilities. It is a known fact that the availability of toilet faculty is a very crucial element to prevent and control disease transmission and to improve the health status of the society. The data generated from this question can thus be used as an important health indicator.

Therefore, the enumerator shall mark the appropriate code from the given choice if a housing unit has both pit latrine and a toilet with flush, the enumerator should mark the code given for a toilet with flush. In addition, if a toilet facility is no more functioning for various reasons and it is not in a position to be maintained and put back to service then the housing unit is considered as not having the facility.

1 = No toilet facility
2 = Toilet with flush
3 = Pit latrine, ventilated
4 = Pit latrine, without ventilation
Toilet faculty with flush is one that let the waste to be swept away by water to the pit.
Ventilated pit latrine (VIP) is one with additional out let for the release of gas.

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_TOILET — Type of toilet facilities in household
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8. Toilet facilities
Does the household have:

[] 1 Flush toilet for exclusive use
[] 2 Water sealed privy for exclusive use
[] 3 Toilet or privy shared with others
[] 4 Pit latrine
[] 5 Other, specify
[] 6 None

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Questions 5, 6, 7 and 8 are self-explanatory.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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H8. Toilet facilities
Does this household have a
[] 1. Flush toilet for its exclusive use
[] 2. Flush toilet shared with others
[] 3. Water sealed privy for its exclusive use
[] 4. Water sealed privy shared with others
[] 5. Pit latrine for its exclusive use
[] 6. Pit latrine shared with others
[] 7. None
[] 8. Other, specify _____

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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[Questions H1-14 were asked of all households.]

H8. Toilet facilities.
What type of toilet facilities does this household use?

[ ] 1 Flush toilet for exclusive use
[ ] 2 Flush toilet shared with other households
[ ] 3 Water sealed privy for exclusive use
[ ] 4 Shared water sealed privy
[ ] 5 Pit latrine for exclusive
[ ] 6 Shared pit latrine
[ ] 7 None
[ ] 8 Other, specify____

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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Household and housing
[Put appropriate number in right hand box]

[H8] Toilet facilities

What type of toilet facilities does this household use?
[] 1 Flush toilet for exclusive use
[] 2 Flush toilet shared with other households
[] 3 Water sealed privy for exclusive use
[] 4 Shared water sealed privy
[] 5 Pit latrine for exclusive use
[] 6 Shared pit latrine
[] 7 None
[] 8 Other, specify ____

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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A. Facilities in dwelling

24. A W.C. is located:

[] 1 Within the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 3 Outside the building

A dry toilet is located:
[] 4 Within the dwelling
[] 5 Outside the dwelling but within the building,
[] 6 Outside the building

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A. Facilities in dwelling

A W.C. is located:

[] 1 Within the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 3 Outside the building

A dry toilet is located:
[] 1 Within the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but within the building,
[] 3 Outside the building

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_TOILET — Type and location of toilet

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_TOILET — Toilet (furnishing w.c.)
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Data on dwelling

Subtenants are not required to answer any further questions in the dwelling questionnaire
[Questions 2-10 were optional for subtenant occupants]

4. Are there inside the dwelling:

Several answers are possible

[] Kitchen
[] Kitchenette
[] Bath/shower
[] WC

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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H10a Toilet facilities: What type of toilet is used by the household?
[] 1 W.C.
[] 2 Pit latrine
[] 3 KVIP
[] 4 Bucket/pan
[] 5 Toilet in another house (different house) (Go to H11)
[] 6 Public toilet (WC, KVIP, Pitt, pan etc.) (Go to H11)
[] 7 No facilities (bush/beach/field) (Go to H11)
[] 8 Other (specify) ________(Go to H11)

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H10a. Toilet facilities: What type of toilet is used by this household?

A toilet is an installation for the disposal of human excreta. The enumerator must find out the type of toilet facility that the household uses. If the response to this question (H10a) is any of the options from 05 to 07, skip question H10b and go to question H11.

1. Water closet (WC): Refers to flush toilet . A flush toilet is an installation connected with piped water, arranged for humans to discharge their wastes and from which the wastes are flushed by water.

2. Pit latrine: Refers to the deep pits which are used as latrines mainly in rural areas of the country. They are not ventilated i.e. no specific channels have been provided for fumes to escape.

3. KVIP: Means Kumasi Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine. This is an improvement over the pit latrine, in that there has been an addition of a pipe that provides a channel for fumes to escape. All types of ventilated pit latrines are included in this category.

4. Bucket/pan: Refers to the type of latrine which consists of a pan/bucket and a seat. The pan/bucket is usually removed for disposal of the waste.

5. Toilet facility in another house (different house): Refers to the situation where the household being enumerated uses the toilet of other living quarters.

6. Public toilet (WC, KVIP, pit, pan, etc): Where members of the household use a communal or public facility.

7. No facility (bush, beach, field): This category applies where there is no toilet of any kind available for the use of the household as well as when the respondent answers that they use the bush, beach or field.

8. Other (specify)

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_TOILET — Toilet
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[H08- H12 and H13a were asked of all non-vacant households.]

H13a: Toilet facilities
What type of toilet facility is usually used by the household?

[] 1 No facility (e.g. bush/beach/field) (go to H14)
[] 2 W.C.
[] 3 Pit latrine
[] 4 KVIP
[] 5 Bucket/pan
[] 6 Public toilet (e.g. WC, KVIP, Pit, Pan) (go to H14)
[] 7 Other (specify) ____
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H13a. Toilet facilities: What type of toilet facility is usually used by this household?

A toilet is an installation for the disposal of human excreta. The enumerator must find out the type of toilet facility that the household uses. If the response to this question is 01, 06 or 07, skip question H13b and H13c and go to question H14.

1. No facility (bush, beach, field) - This category applies to situations where there is no toilet of any kind available for the use of the household and cases where respondents use the bush, beach or field.

2. Water closet (WC) - This refers to flush toilet. A flush toilet is an installation connected to piped water, for humans to discharge their wastes and from which the wastes are flushed by water.

3. Pit latrine - This category refers to deep pits which are used as latrines mainly in rural areas of the country. They are not ventilated i.e. no specific channels have been provided for fumes to escape.

4. KVIP - The Kumasi ventilated improved pit (KVIP) latrine is an improvement over the pit latrine. A pipe is provided through which fumes escape. All types of ventilated pit latrines are included in this category.

5. Bucket / pan - This refers to the type of toilet facility which consists of a Pan/Bucket and a seat. The pan/bucket is usually removed for disposal of the waste.

6. Public toilet (WC, KVIP, Pit, Pan, etc.) - This category refers to cases where members of the household use a communal or public facility.

7. Other (specify) - All other types of toilet facility not mentioned above must be specified in the space provided

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_TOILET — Toilet
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If it is a regular dwelling, ask all the following questions. If not, go to question 10.

7. Toilet
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but in the building, private
[] 3 Outside the dwelling but in the building, shared
[] 4 No toilet available

If there is a toilet, is it a flush toilet?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Questions 2-9 should not be completed for irregular dwellings.

59. Question 7, Toilet

[Omitted, question 7 is repeated]

Toilet refers to a space built so that sewage is directly disposed of in a sink or sewage network.

To qualify as a flush toilet, the water supply must be through pipes and the system for disposing of the sewage must be outside the dwelling.

[p. 26]

For responses 1 and 2, the relevant definitions given in paragraph 58 apply here as well.

Select response 3 (shared toilet) if the toilet is outside the dwelling but inside the building, and if it is used by households residing in one or more dwellings.

Select response 4 if the household is using a toilet outside the building or none at all.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_FLUSH — Toilet is a flush toilet
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If it is a regular dwelling, ask all the following questions. If not, go to question 10.

7. Toilet
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but in the building, private
[] 3 Outside the dwelling but in the building, shared
[] 4 No toilet available

If there is a toilet, is it a flush toilet?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Questions 2-9 should not be completed for irregular dwellings.

59. Question 7, Toilet

[Omitted, question 7 is repeated]

Toilet refers to a space built so that sewage is directly disposed of in a sink or sewage network.

To qualify as a flush toilet, the water supply must be through pipes and the system for disposing of the sewage must be outside the dwelling.

[p. 26]

For responses 1 and 2, the relevant definitions given in paragraph 58 apply here as well.

Select response 3 (shared toilet) if the toilet is outside the dwelling but inside the building, and if it is used by households residing in one or more dwellings.

Select response 4 if the household is using a toilet outside the building or none at all.

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_TOILET — Toilet
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Amenities of regular dwelling.

8. Toilet

With flush toilet:
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling

With non-flushing toilet:
[] 3 Inside the dwelling
[] 4 Outside the dwelling
[] 5 No toilet available

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82. Question 8, Toilet

[Omitted, question 8 is repeated]

Toilet is a specially built space so that the sewage is directly disposed in a sink or sewage network.

Cases 1 and 2 refer to flush toilets and cases 3 and 4 to toilets without a hydraulic installation.

In order to be a flush toilet the water supply must be through pipes and the water sewage outside the dwelling.

Case 1 is recorded if there is flush toilet inside the dwelling.

Case 2 is recorded if the flush toilet is outside the dwelling.

The toilet is considered outside the dwelling if it is in any other space inside the building.

Case 3 is recorded if the toilet without flush is inside the dwelling.

Case 4 is recorded if the toilet without flush is outside the dwelling.

[p. 33]

Case 5 is recorded if the household is using a toilet outside the building.

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_TOILET — Toilet
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Amenities of regular dwelling

10. Toilet

Flush toilet:
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling

Non-flushing toilet:
[] 3 Inside the dwelling
[] 4 Outside the dwelling

[] 5 No toilet available

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_TOILET — Toilet
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(Questions 2 to 13 in Part A are to be completed only if the answer to question 1 is 1 or 2.)

11. Toilet

Flush toilet
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling

Non-flushing toilet
[] 3 Inside the dwelling
[] 4 Outside the dwelling

[] 5 No toilet available

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_TOILET — Toilet or WC
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Amenities of conventional dwelling or other living quarters
[Questions 5 through 12 were asked of all households]

10. Toilet or WC.

Flush toilet
[] 1 In the housing unit
[] 2 Outside the housing unit
No flush toilet
[] 3 In the housing unit
[] 4 Outside the housing unit
[] 5 No toilet or WC
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Question 10 Toilet or WC

[Omitted question as in the form]
The toilet space is properly situated and it drains directly into the drain or into fossa [pit].
Cases 1 and 2 are listed for toilets which have plumbing [cistern], while cases 3 and 4 are for toilets without plumbing.
For plumbing in the toilet, household must provide water for piping and to pipe drainage water outside the house.
[] If the toilet [with plumbing] is in the house, answer with X.
[] In case 2, if the toilet [with plumbing] is outside the house, answer with X. The toilet is considered to be out of the house if it is in any space within the plot.
[] In case 3 if the toilet [no plumbing] is in the house, answer with X.
[] In case 4 if the toilet [no plumbing] is outside the house, answer with X.
[] In case 5 if there is no toilet with or without plumbing inside or outside the residence, answer with X.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_TOILET — Type of sanitary service
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VII. Housing services and amenities
[Mark only one box in each division]

Sanitary services

26. Type of service

[] 1 Toilet
[] 2 Washable latrine
[] 3 Black pit
[] 4 None
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VII. Services and amenities of the dwelling

In this section, we investigate the existence and characteristics of some of the services that should be in every dwelling, such as water, drains, lighting, etc.

b) Sanitary services:

[p. 28]

In this section of the form, we investigate three aspects:

1) Type of service: it refers to the type of installation used for the elimination of fecal materials in the dwelling;
2) Use of service: it refers to the use of that installation (private or collective); and
3) Type of sewer: it is the place where the sewer drain of the sanitary service is connected.

Type of service (line 26):

To investigate the type of service, we have left four lines requiring that only one small box be marked. Those options are:

Toilet: it corresponds to the installation through which fecal materials are eliminated by using pressurized water (can be from a high or low tank) that drags them to a public sewer system, a septic tank, or an absorbent well. The toilet bowl is connected to the sewer through a siphon that prevents bad odors from returning.

Washable outhouse: This installation is generally made up of a well of small or median depth, at whose base there is running water, either continuous or intermittent, which removes the materials from the site. Commonly the upper part is made up of a wooden board or a cement slab. In our country, this type of washable outhouse is commonly called pit latrine, but it will only be considered in this category if there is the water system as described. If the outhouse is not like this, it will fall into the following category.

Pit well: installation similar to the above, but with the difference that there is no running water, therefore the contents disappear slowly through the absorption through the walls of the well or through biochemical processes.

None: if there is not any facilities of the above mentioned, used for the elimination of fecal materials, you will mark this small box.

If in the dwelling there is two or more classes of sanitary services simultaneously, you will mark the first one that appears in the column. Therefore, if in a dwelling in addition to the toilet there is also a washable latrine, you will only mark the first one.

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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III. Living situation of household number

2. Toilet facilities

What type of toilet facilities are available to the household?
[] Toilet connected to wastewater system:
[] 1 For exclusive use
[] 2 For various households
[] Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 For exclusive use
[] 4 For various households
[] 5 Toilet connected to a drain but not to a water supply
[] 6 Pit toilet or latrine
[] 7 None
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III. Living situation of household number

The questions included in this part of the form should be investigated for each of the households that are residing in the dwelling at the time of the Census.

The following specific instructions will allow the enumerator to carry out the work more efficiently.

Question 2: toilet facilities

1. How to formulate the question

What type of toilet facilities doe the household have access to?

The following definitions are taken under consideration:

The enumerator should be aware of the difference between: a) a "toilet connected to a sewer"; b) "toilet connected to a septic tank"; c) "washable toilet"; and d) "outhouse or latrine". Type "a" refers to the installation for the elimination of human waste connected to a sewer that receives water through pressurized pipes.

[p. 43]

Type "b" refers to an installation for the elimination of human waste that receives pressurized water and is connected directly to a septic tank.

Type "c" refers to an installation for the elimination of human waste without a pressurized water connection; rather the waste is washed with water transported in a recipient or in another form (water current). Type "d" is similar to the previous type except it does not have a current of water.

In the cases in which the dwelling has a toilet (either connected to a sewer or septic tank), the enumerator will find out, before recording the data, if it is used by only one household (exclusive service) or by two or more households (service for multiple households).

2. How to record the data

The enumerator will circle the number corresponding to the answer given.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 2 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_TOILET — Sanitary service
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III. Inhabited condition of the household

3. Sanitary service

What type of sanitary service is available in the household?

a. Exclusive use
[] 1 Toilet connected to a drainage network
[] 2 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Washable toilet
[] 4 Latrine or open pit
b. For several households
[] 5 Toilet connected to a drainage network
[] 6 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 7 Washable toilet
[] 8 Latrine or open pit
c. None available
[] 9 None available

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_SEWAGE — Type of sanitary service
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Chapter IV. Habitation situation of the household

[Questions 1 to 4 are asked of all dwellings]

[Questions 4 to 5 are asked of dwellings with sanitary services]

4. What is the type of sanitary service?

[] 1 Toilet connected to a drainage network
[] 2 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Washable toilet
[] 4 Latrine or open pit
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Section 4: Household housing status

The information you record in this section is for each household in a dwelling.

4. Type of toilet facilities
Ask, "What kind of toilet facilities?"

[A graphic of question 4, from section 4 of the census form, is included here.]

Fill in the appropriate option.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_TOILET — Toilet type
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Housing characteristics

H05 Type of toilet facility

[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Latrine
[] 3 Ditch
[] 4 Nature
[] 5 Other

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H05 Type of toilet facility
Toilet facilities are the places used to satisfy man's natural needs: latrines, bathroom, toilets, etc. In this instance it is both easier and more comfortable to ask the following question: "What type of toilet facility do you have in your household" Of the 4 possible answers, only one should apply to the household. If you thus obtain this answer, circle the number of the corresponding code.

Haiti 1971 — source variable HT1971A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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9. Toilet facilities
[] 1 Hydraulic toilet
[] 2 Pit latrine in the yard
[] 3 Pit latrine outside of the yard
[] 4 Other

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9. Toilet facilities

There are 4 possible responses to this question. Write an 'x' in the appropriate box.

a) Hydraulic Toilet: This type of hygienic latrine, commonly known as 'modern comfort', is generally located inside the house and empties its contents into the sewer or a ditch with the help of a water boost system.

Please note: If there is also another type of latrine in the house, only check off hydraulic toilet.

b) Pit latrine in the Yard/Courtyard: Check off this heading if the only toilet is a latrine in the yard/courtyard of the house itself.

c) Pit latrine outside of the Yard/Courtyard: If there is a latrine in another place which is used by several households or dwellings, check this heading.

d) Other: If there is no other

pg 23

type of latrine in the dwelling other than those cited above, check off this heading and indicate what type is used in the section reserved for comments.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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17. What type of toilet facilities does this housing unit have available?
[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Individual latrine
[] 3 Shared latrine
[] 4 A hole in plot of land (la parcelle)
[] 5 None

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_TOILET — Toilet facilities type
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For all occupied dwellings
[Questions 1-8 were asked of occupied dwellings]

7. Type of toilet facilities

Number of toilets _ _

[] 5 Flush toilet
[] 6 Pit toilet
[] 7 None
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Cell number 7: Toilet facilities, type
This question is designed to find out the type of toilet service found in the dwelling. When there is a toilet in the dwelling, the number of toilets in the dwelling is recorded in the space next to the corresponding box. When another type of toilet facility exists, only the corresponding box should be marked; for example:

If there is a latrine connected to a drain, box number 5 is marked. If it is a latrine connected to a cesspool; that is, there is a hole where the excrement accumulates, box number 6 is marked.

When there is no toilet facility or if there is something that does not correspond to the three types mentioned (toilet, latrine connected to the drain, latrine connected to a cesspool), box number 7 (does not have [a toilet facility]) is marked.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_TOILET — Sanitary services
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Chapter II Dwelling Information

12. What type of toilet service does the dwelling have?

[] 1 Toilet connected to the sewer system
[] 2 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Hydraulic latrine
[] 4 Simple pit latrine
[] 5 None (skip to question 14)

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12. What type of toilet service does the dwelling have?
Toilet connected to sewer system: It is s a toilet connected to a sewer system, whose waste goes into the sewer.

Toilet connected to a septic tank: It is a toilet connected to a cement tank that is connected to a drainage area.

Latrine with a hydraulic flush: It is a toilet connected to a drain where the waste is washed away with a current of water or with buckets.

Latrine with a simple hole: It is a hole, more or less deep, over which a cement or wooden toilet is constructed.

[Four graphics, related to this question, illustrate the types of toilet service]

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_TOILET — Sanitary services
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Section C. Household information

Sanitary service

5. Does this household have?:

[] 1 Toilet connected to a public sewer system
[] 2 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Toilet that drains into a river, ditch, lagoon, sea, or lake
[] 4 Latrine with a simple well
[] 5 None (Continue to question 7)
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Sanitary service

Question 5: Does this household have:
A toilet connected to a sewage network?; toilet connected to a septic tank?; toilet that drains into a river, ditch, lagoon, sea, or lake?; a latrine with a simple well?; does not have? Mark only one box.

If there are doubts, remember that:

- Toilet connected to a sewage system: This is when the toilet waste and sewage waters are cleaned water under pressure arriving by pipes or with a bucket of water which discharges to a network of a sewage system.

- Toilet connected to a septic tank: This is when the toilet wastes and sewage water are cleaned with water at pressure, arriving with pressure through pipes or with a bucket of water is discharged to a deposit built for this.

[Illustration is omitted]

[p. 40]

- Toilet that discharges into a river, ditch, lagoon, sea, or lake: This is when the excretions and sewage waters are cleaned by water under pressure that arrives through pipelines or a bucket of water and discharge directly to the river, ditch, lagoon, sea or lake.

- Latrine with a simple well: This consists of a rather deep hole over which a cement or wood toilet is built.

- Does not have: When the household does not have a system for eliminating excretions. If you mark this option, continue with question 7.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_TOILET — Water closet (flush toilet)
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6. Toilet
a. Type

[] 1 Water closet
[] 2 Other

b. Place

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling, but in the building
[] 3 On the plot, court, of the building

c. Use

[] 1 It belongs only to the dwelling
[] 2 It is common with other flats

7. Way of sewage disposal

[] 1 Public canal
[] 2 House canal
[] 3 No canal

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_TOILET — Toilet
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[Questions 12-18]

16. W.C. (lavatory)

[] 1 Water closet inside the dwelling
[] 2 Water closet outside the dwelling
[] 3 Latrine

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16. Toilet

Flush toilet "within the dwelling (1)" should be marked only in cases where the dwelling is connected either to the community drainage or to a local cesspool.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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6. Is there a flush toilet?

[] 0 No
[] 1 Yes, inside the dwelling
[] 2 Yes, but outside the dwelling
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6. Availability of flush-toilet

The answer "yes, within the dwelling (1)" will be accepted provided the dwelling is supplied with running water in the dwelling and is connected to a sewage facility.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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14. Flushing Toilet
[] 1 In a separate room of the dwelling
[] 2 In a (shared) room of the dwelling
[] 3 Outside the dwelling
[] 0 No flushing toilet

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Question 14: Flush toilet?

The answer is "yes, in a separate premises of the dwelling" if the flush toilet is in a separate premises within the dwelling.

The answer is "yes, in other premises of the dwelling": if the flush toilet is not in independent premises but in a space used for other purposes too (e.g. in the bathroom). The precondition of the acceptance of the answer is the availability of the communal or domestic tap water in the dwelling and a direct access of the waste water to a sewage disposal.

The answer is "yes, outside the dwelling": if the flush toilet is used by the members of several families living in the building. These flush toilets are usually available by levels of the residential buildings.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_TOILET — Number of flush toilets (in bathroom or separately)
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Dwelling questionnaire

I. Dwelling data

[Questions 2 through 23 were asked of all occupied private households, seasonal and non-residential housing unit]

7.6 Flush toilet
[] 1 Yes _ (number)
[] 2 No
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I. Dwelling data

7. Is there a room, a kitchen etc. in the dwelling?
Rooms and kitchens must be enumerated with their size also taken into account. Premises of common airspace with more functions (e.g. living room and cooking room together) must be divided by function. Attics (mansards) must be enumerated only if the headroom is 1.9 m2 or higher. Gallery is not considered an individual room.

In questions 7.1.- 7.7 do not forget to mark "no" in case the given premise is not available in the dwelling.

7.1., 7.2. Rooms are premises provided with direct natural light used as living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms etc. They must be taken into account by their size.

7.3., 7.4. Kitchens are premises established and used for cooking (or eating). Kitchenettes and kitchen cabinets are included. In case the dwelling does not have a kitchen but has a summer kitchen that is used for cooking by the household living in the main building then it must be counted according to the size.

Premises of common airspace with more functions had been enumerated based on the purpose of use, and classified in the appropriate category of premises.

7.5. Bathroom (shower-stall, wash-basin alcove) is a premise used for washing in the dwelling. Bathrooms generally are equipped with water supply system, sewage disposal system and bathing (washing) facilities.

7.6. The total number of flush toilets must be marked irrespective of whether they are in a separate room or e.g. in the bathroom. Flush toilets belonging to the dwelling and used exclusively by the occupants must not be counted if they are not in the dwelling.

7.7. Other room e.g. lobby, corridor, pantry. In case you answered other to question 2 and the housing unit contains more premises, then each premise must be counted according to its function. However if it consists of one function, only then the premise must be counted as a room of the given size.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_TYTOILET — Type of toilet
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Household and living unit information

13. Type of toilet

[] Flush
[] Not flush

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6.16. Question 13: Type of toilet
Procedure of asking question:
"What type of water closet is it, flush or not?"
Fill the answer in the pertinent box for this question.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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Household and living unit information

12. Toilet facility

[] Private
[] Shared
[] Public
[] Other

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6.15. Question 12: Toilet facility
Procedure of asking question:
"Where do household members usually use the water closet?"
Fill the answer in the pertinent box for this question.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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14. Toilet
[] 1 Private with septic tank
[] 2 Private without septic tank
[] 3 Share toilet
[] 4 Public toilet
[] 5 Other ____

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Question 14: Toilet
Private toilet with septic tank is a toilet that is used by only one household, made by using a passageway directly to the disposal area that is water proof and has a septic tank.
Private toilet without septic tank is a toilet that is used by a [single] household, made by using a passageway directly to another disposal area such as a river or pond.
Sharing if the toilet facility limited to only a few households
Public if the toilet facility used by anybody may need it
Others if the disposal place is not categorized above, for example in a lake or in the sea

Circle the code of toilet/disposal place that is normally used by the household members.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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IV. Household information

420. Toilet facility

[] 1 Private, with septic tank
[] 2 Private, without septic tank
[] 3 Shared
[] 4 Public
[] 5 Dry latrine
[] 6 Bushes/forest/yard
[] 7 Pond
[] 8 River/stream
[] 96 Other, specify ____

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6.4. Block IV. Household characteristics
This block is used to record the household characteristics, such as household income one year ago, type of physical building, status of residence ownership also other household facilities.

Question 420: Toilet
Private toilet with septic tank is a toilet that is used by only one household, made by using a passage directly to the disposal area that is water proof and has a septic tank, such as in Picture 6.8.

Private toilet without septic tank is a toilet that is used by a household, made by using a passage directly to another disposal area such as a river or pond.

Sharing if the toilet facility used by a household is also used by some households (limited to only a few households)

Public if the toilet facility used by a household is also used by other households who need to use it (anybody may use it).

Dry latrine (kakus cemplung) is a latrine where underneath the sitting/squatting unit there are no passages directed to the final disposal area.

Bushes/forest/yard if the disposal place is in an open air area


Pond if the disposal place is in a pond

River/stream if the disposal place is in a river/river flow

Other if the disposal place is not categorized as above, for example in a lake or in the sea

Circle the code of toilet/disposal place that is usually used by the household members. If the answer is "Other", circle code 96 and write down the place of disposal in the provided places.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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525. What kind of toilet facility does your household have?
[] 1 Private toilet with septic tank
[] 2 Private toilet with no septic tank
[] 3 Shared toilet
[] 4 Public toilet
[] 5 River
[] 6 Pit
[] 7 Yard/bush/forest
[] 96 Other (specify) ____

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Question 525: Toilet facilities
As in the case of Q 522, the question is intended to obtain information regarding the sanitation conditions of the household because the availability of clean water and toilet facilities are important in the prevention of diseases and improvement of health. If the respondent answers that they defecate in the garden or in other places, circle code "96" ("Others"), and write "Garden".
"Own toilet with septic tank" is a toilet facility used by only one household with a sewer line from the toilet so that the waste will go to a place that is waterproof and has a seepage channel (septic tank).

"Own toilet without septic tank" is a toilet facility used by only one household with a sewer line to a place that is not waterproof and seepage proof or has no septic tank.

"Common toilet" is a toilet that is used by members of several specific households.

"Public toilet" is a toilet that can be used by anyone.

[p. 90]

"River toilet" is the toilet facility if the members of the household defecate in the river.

"Hole in the ground" is a hole in the ground where members of the household defecate where there is no sewer line. This is called by different names in different areas.

"Yard/bush" is an open field that can be used to defecate; there is no specific facility like a hole or walls for privacy.

"Others" are places used to defecate that cannot be classified into one of categories mentioned above such as a lake or sea.

Circle the appropriate code for the toilet/place to defecate that is normally used by the members of the household. If the answer is others, circle code "96" and write the type of place in the space provided.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_SEPTIC — Sewage disposal
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407. What kind of excreta disposal does the toilet use?
[Question 407 was asked of households with a toilet facility.]

[] 1 With septic tank
[] 2 Without septic tank
[] 3 No disposal facility

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Question 407: Type of Waste Disposal System
Ask and place a mark beside the appropriate answer.
Waste Disposal System
1. With a septic tank is a place for disposing of waste which is usually a basin made from brick/stone or cement, with or without absorption.
2. Without a septic tank such as into a hole in the ground or directly into river/water.
3. No disposal facility means there is no disposal facility provided for the waste and waste is put into a pool, rice field, river, lake, sea, hole in the ground, shore, open field, garden.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_TOILET — Toilet
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406. What type of toilet facility?
[] 1 Private toilet
[] 2 Shared toilet
[] 3 Public toilet
[] 4 No toilet facility (go to Q408)

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Question 406: Type of Toilet Facility Used
229. Ask the type of toilet facility used by members of the household and put a mark beside the code which corresponds to the answer.
This question is asking if a toilet facility is available for the use of the members of the household.
Toilet Facility
1. Private means a latrine/toilet which is used only by the members of the respondent's household, even though from time to time it may be used by others.
2. Shared is a latrine/toilet which is used by several specific households.
[p. 159]
3. Public is a latrine/toilet whose use is not limited to certain households, but whoever wants to use it can use it.
4. No facility means there is no facility provided, for example an open field can be used (field/garden/yard/thicket), beach/shore, river, lake, pool, and other.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_TOILET — Water closet
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Questions 45-55 should be filled out for households residing in Conventional residential unit (number 1 in Question 44)

47. Facilities and utilities:

9. Water closet

Does it exist in the housing unit?

[] Yes
[] No

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30. General explanation about questions 41 through 56
Fill question 41 only for normal settled households and leave it blank for other households. But fill questions 42 to 55 also for collective households in addition to normal settled ones.
Note: For those normal settled and collective households for which you filled more than one sheet of questionnaire, fill these questions along with question 56 only on the first sheet and leave them blank on other sheets.

35. General explanation about Questions 45 through 55
Fill these questions only for those households who live in a conventional residential unit (box 1 question 44) and leave it blank for households living in other types of units.

38. Facilities and utilities, Question 47
Different types of facilities and utilities are mentioned in this question. First, ask about the existence of these facilities and utilities in the housing unit and mark either box 1 or 2 in section A. Then, ask about each facility and utility available in the unit (box 1 in section A) separately and whether the household takes advantage of it or not. If yes, mark 1 in section B, otherwise mark 2. For those facilities and utilities not available in the housing unit (box 2 in section A), leave section B blank. Note the following in order to fill this question:

- For electricity, private generators in units are not what is meant, but the electricity available to everyone is.
- For piped water, the important aspect is for the unit to have a pipeline and for the water in the pipeline to be connected to the public water network.
- For piped gas, the important aspect is for the unit to have a pipeline and for the gas in the pipeline to be connected to the public gas network.
- A central heating system, which also includes a package, is a system in which heat is produced in one defined part and is transferred from that point to the entire housing unit.
- A central air conditioning system is a system in which heat or cold air is produced in a specific part and then transferred to the entire housing unit.

Note: for electricity, central heating system, central air conditioning system and bathroom, the point is only to ask for the existence of it.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_TOILET — Water closet
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[The following instructions apply to questions 16 to 26]
Fill for each household living alone in the residential unit, if occupied by more than one household, only one of the households should respond.

20. Is there any water closet?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

21. Are the bathroom and the water closet in the same place?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Is in the residential unit:

20. Independent water closets:
If there are independent water closets in the residential unit the sign (x) is put in the square to the word (yes) and if there are no independent the water closets the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (no).

21. Bathroom and water closets in the same place:
If there is a bathroom and water closets in the same place in the residential unit the sign (x) is put in the square to the word (yes) and if there is no bathroom and water closets in the same place the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (no).

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_TOILET — Sanitary facility
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[The following questions should be answered in respect of each private household and of the house, flat or rooms occupied by that household. These questions need not be answered in respect of private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

26. Sanitary facilities

[] Flush toilet
[] Dry closet
[] Chemical closet
[] No toilet or closet

Is the toilet or closet inside the building?
[] Yes
[] No

Is the toilet or closet shared with another household?
[] Yes
[] No

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Answers should be furnished to Questions 19 to 28, inclusive, in respect of all private household (except those in mobile dwellings) and in respect of the houses, flats, or rooms occupied by such households.

Question 24, 25 and 26 - Water supply, bath or shower and sanitary facilities. The Enumerator should check that entries have been made in the appropriate spaces in Boxes 24 and 26 and in Box 25 and that they are consistent with his own knowledge of the district. In particular, there should be appropriate entries ("Yes" or "No") in relation to the sharing of a bath or shower, to the situation of the sanitary facilities and to the sharing of the sanitary facilities.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_TOILET — Type of sanitary facilities
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[Questions 23-30 should be answered in respect of each private household. These questions need not be answered in respect of institutions or private household living in caravans or other mobile dwellings]

Q.29 Sanitary facilities

[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Chemical closet
[] 3 Dry closet
[] 4 No toilet or closet

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Details of the dwelling
Answers should be furnished to Questions 23 to 30, inclusive, in respect of all private households (except those in mobile dwellings) and in respect of the houses, flats or rooms occupied by such households.

Q.27, Q.28, Q.29: Water supply, bath or shower and sanitary facilities
You should check that entries have been made in the appropriate spaces for these questions and that they are consistent with one another and with your own knowledge of the district. In particular, you should ensure that the questions relating to the possession of a hot water tap, the sharing of a bath or shower, the situation of the sanitary facilities and the sharing of sanitary facilities are answered.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_TOILET — Sanitary facilities
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PART B - Household questions

[Questions 25-33 should be answered with respect to each private household. These questions need not be answered with respect to institutions or private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

Q.31 Sanitary facilities

Insert a check mark in appropriate box

[] 1 Flush toilet connected to public sewer
[] 2 Flush toilet connected to septic tank
[] 3 Chemical closet
[] 4 Dry closet
[] 5 No toilet or closet

Is the toilet or closet inside the building?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Is the toilet or closet shared with another household?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Appendix 1

Details of the dwelling

Q.29 through Q.31: Water supply, bath, shower, sanitary facilities
You should check that entries have been made in the appropriate spaces for these questions and that they are consistent with one another and with your own knowledge of the district. In particular, you should ensure that the questions relating to the possession of a water tap inside the building, the sharing of a bath or shower, the situation of the sanitary facilities and the sharing of sanitary facilities are answered.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_TOILET — Toilet
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6. Do you have a lavatory?
[] 1. There is no lavatory. Mark and pass on to question 9.
[] 2. There are 2 lavatories. Mark and pass on to question 9.
[] 3. There is 1 toilet

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_TOILET — Toilet
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[Questions 1-11]

8. Are there one or more bathrooms in this apartment?

[] 1 One bathroom
[] 2 More than one bathroom
[] 3 No bathroom

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9. Question 8 -- explanations: Bathroom

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 8.]
If the bathroom is located outside the apartment -- mark the apartment has a bathroom.
Mark the apartment has a bathroom even when it is shared by several apartments.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_TOILETN — Number of toilets (WC) in the dwelling
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3.3 Indicate the number of toilettes (WC) in the dwelling
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
If more than 3 specify the number ____

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Question 3.3
The term toilet refers to a WC permanently connected to a plumbing and a drainage system located in the house or in the rooms with separate entrance.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_TOILET — Toilet facilities, type
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Section 8: Housing
[The head of the household only]

42. Toilet facilities:

a. Sharing:

[] Shared
[] Not shared
[] None
[] Not stated

b. Type:

[] Pit
[] W.C. linked to sewer
[] W.C. not linked to sewer
[] Other
[] Not stated

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Section 8 - Housing

5.68 General
The information in this section relates to the building or part of the building used for living purposes. The information is to be recorded on the questionnaire for the Head of the Household only, and the required information must be given with respect to the entire household; no information on this topic is to be entered on the questionnaires for other members of the household.
Because the information is being sought from each household, this means that in some cases there will be different sets of replies with respect to the same building. The relevant instructions for non-private dwellings are given in Part 6.

5.72 Question 42 - Toilet Facilities
[Image omitted here]
This question is divided into two parts: Question 42(a) which deals with whether or not the household has toilet facilities and if so whether they have to share with other households. The second part Question 42(b) indicates what type of toilet facility is available.

5.73 Question 42(a) - Availability of Facilities
What is required here is whether the household has any toilet facilities which they are entitled to use because they occupy the dwelling.
If the household has no facilities, record None. If they have facilities, enquire whether they are shared with any other household (Shared or not Shared). Entitlement to use the facilities must be related to their occupancy of the dwelling; it must not, for example, be a public toilet.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_TOILET — Type of toilet facilities
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2.9. (a) What type of toilet facilities does this household have?
[] Pit
[] WC linked to sewer
[] WC not linked to sewer
[] Other
[] None (go to Question 2.10)
[] Not stated

(b) Are these facilities shared?
[] Shared
[] Not shared
[] Not stated

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5.30 Question 2.9 (a) Type of Toilet Facilities
If the household has available to it more than one kind of toilet facility, indicate the best kind. In this context, water closets are considered to be better than pit latrines.


Indicate the kind of facility available to the household whether or not it is shared with another household(s).

Pit - Score this if the toilet facility is a pit latrine.

WC Linked to Sewer - Mark this if the toilet facility is a flush toilet or water closet which fills from a piped water supply and empties into a sewerage disposal system.

WC Not Linked to Sewer - Mark this if the toilet facility is water borne and empties into a septic tank or an absorption pit (soak away).

Other - Include here toilet facilities other than Pit or WC (Water Closet).

None - Score this if the respondent indicates that the household has no toilet facilities.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_TOILET — Type of toilet facilities
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3.10 What type of toilet facilities does this household have?
[] 1 WC linked to sewer
[] 2 WC not linked to sewer
[] 3 Pit
[] 4 None (go to question 3.12)
[] 9 Not stated

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5.28 Question 3.10: Type of toilet facilities
If the household has available more than one kind of toilet facility, indicate the more modern type. In this context, water closets are considered to be more modern than pit latrines. Indicate the kind of facility available to the household, and whether or not it is shared with another household(s).

Pit: Score this if the toilet facility is a pit latrine.

WC linked to sewer: Mark this if the toilet facility is a flush toilet or water closet, which fills from a piped water supply and empties into a sewerage disposal system (commonly referred to as a sewer main).

WC not linked to sewer: Mark this if the toilet facility is a flush toilet or water closet, which fills from a piped water supply and empties into a septic tank or an absorption pit (soak away). This pit is not to be confused with the pit latrine.

None: Score this if the respondent indicates that the household has no toilet facilities.

Not stated: This position is to be scored if satisfactory information cannot be gathered.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_TOILET — Availability of toilet in the housing unit
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125. Availability of toilet in the housing unit
[Question 125 was asked of persons who lived in occupied private or collective household, per Question 116.]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 125 - the availability of a toilet in the housing unit:
The enumerator asks about the presence of a toilet in the housing unit. The code of the answer that applies is written in the reserved area. The enumerator should consider that the question is about the type of toilet regardless of whether it is Arab or European or it is inside or outside the building.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_SEWAGE — Sewage
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H15. Main type of sewage disposal
State whether:

[] 1 Main sewer
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit latrine
[] 4 Bucket latrine
[] 5 Cesspool
[] 6 Bush

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180. In column H15 ask, 'where do members of this household go for toilet?'

Code the answers according to the categories given below (e.g., code '3' for pit latrine, '5' for cesspool, etc).

Sewage is the liquid waste matter drained away from the structure for disposal.

The main types of sewage disposal are:

(a) Main sewer means the sewage liquid waste from the structure is drained by pipes into a main tank of the estate. This type of sewage disposal is common in main urban centers like Nairobi, Mombasa, etc.

(b) A septic tank is a tank into which sewage is conveyed and remains until bacteria make it liquid enough to drain away. Examples of septic tanks are found in urban areas, where the tank is often located within the dwelling structure's compound. Ask the respondent if they have this tank in the compound or whether sewage drains into some main sewer.

(c) A bucket latrine is a bucket designed for human excrement. It is emptied occasionally. This type of waste disposal is rare, but can still be found in urban residential estates.

(d) A cesspool drains and collects liquid waste from dwelling units.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_SEWAGE — Sewage dispose
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H-17. Main type of human waste disposal:
[] 1. Main sewer
[] 2. Septic tank
[] 3. Cess pool
[] 4. Pit latrine
[] 5. Bucket latrine
[] 6. Bush
[] 7. Other

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Column H17: Main type of human waste disposal

110. In column H17 ask, "where do members of this household dispose of human waste?" Code the answers according to the 'categories given below e.g. code 4 for pit latrine, 3 for cesspool etc. Sewage is the liquid waste matter drained away from the structure for disposal.
The categories of main type of sewage disposal are:

Main sewer
Means the sewage liquid waste from the structure is drained by pipes into a main trunk sewer line. This type of sewage disposal is common in main urban centers like Nairobi, Mombasa etc.

Septic tank
Is a tank into which an individual household's sewage is conveyed and Remains there until it is emptied. Examples of septic tanks are found in urban areas, where the tank is often located within the compound where you find dwelling structures.

Bucket latrine
This is a bucket placed in a residential area used for human excreta. It is emptied occasionally. This type of waste disposal is now rare but can still be found in urban residential estates.

Cess pool
Is a pool where liquid waste is drained into communally from the dwelling units until it is emptied.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility mainly used by household
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G. Housing characteristics

25. What type of toilet facility is mainly used by this household?

[] 1 Modern toilet
[] 2 Normal toilet
[] 3 Dry toilet
[] 4 Other
[] 5 None
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Section G: Housing characteristics
Responses to questions 20 to 22 and 24 to 26 are pre-coded. Circle the correct response. Write a "9" for not known.

Question 25: What type of toilet facility is mainly used by this household?
This information can be used in obtaining a measure of sanitation level of the household since these facilities are important for disease control and health improvement. Please note that it is access to a toilet facility which is referred to here and not the ownership.

The response alternatives are:

1. Modern toilet: constructed according to the standards of toilet construction and has a filter system (better definition needed?)
2. Normal toilet: a tank inserted into a pit, with a toilet seat
3. Dry toilet: does not have toilet seat, with a pit dug in the ground and planks of wood at the floor and wall
4. Other types
5. None

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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I. Housing characteristics

32. What type of toilet facility is mainly used by this household?

[] Modern toilet
[] Normal toilet
[] Other
[] None
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Section G: Housing characteristics
Responses to questions 21 to 25 and 27 to 29 are pre-coded. Tick the box for the correct response.

Question 29: What type of toilet facility is mainly used by this household?
This information can be used in obtaining a measure of sanitation level of the household since these facilities are important for disease control and health improvement. Please note that it is access to a toilet facility which is referred to here and not the ownership. If both modern and normal toilets are available: tick alternative 1
The response alternatives are:

1. Modern toilet: constructed according to the standards of toilet construction and has a filter system
2. Normal toilet: a tank inserted into a pit, with a toilet seat
3. Other types
4. None

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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I. Dwelling characteristics

Q58. What is the type of toilet facility mainly used by this household?

[] 1. Flush/pour flush
[] 2. Pit latrine ventilated
[] 3. Pit latrine other
[] 4. Composting toilet
[] 5. Bucket
[] 6. Hanging toilet/hanging latrine
[] 7. Other
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4.10. Section I: Household's characteristics
Section I is for individual households. The household group is not included in this section.

Question Q58: What type of toilet is used by households?
The purpose of the question is to know about the type of toilets that the interviewed households are using regularly. Types of toilets include:

1) Toilet with water for washing: refers to a toilet that requires washing water from a water tank and the toilet has stagnant water to prevent flies and unpleasant smell.
2) Dry toilet with a concrete floor: refers to a toilet with a hole in the floor to collect feces and a stone or wooden plate for sitting. It is higher than the ground level to prevent water seepage into the hole and the floor is paved with concrete.
3) Dry toilet without concrete floor: refers to a toilet with a hole in the floor to collect feces and a stone or wooden plate for sitting. It is higher than the ground level to prevent water from seeping into the hole, but the floor is not paved with concrete.
4) Un-covered toilet: refers to a toilet to collect feces and other organics such as vegetables, grass, and sawdust... which are stored in special conditions to produce biological fertilizer.
5) Tanked toilet: refers to a toilet with a tank or container or another cabinet to store feces. The feces will be removed from time to time.
6) Hanging toilet: refers to a toilet that was built on the sea, a pond, river, and or surface water where feces falls directly into the water.
7) No toilet: means people use the surrounding forest, canal, and river for defecating.

To record the answer, please write down the interviewee's answer by highlighting it in black on the box of the answer code in accordance with the answer code specified on the questionnaire.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_TOILET — Toilet
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Section F. Housing characteristics and household possessions

38. Main toilet facility

[] 1 No toilet
[] 2 Sewage system
[] 3 Pit latrine
[] 4 VIP
[] 5 Bucket toilet
[] 6 Public toilet
[] 7 Other, specify ____
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6. Part F of the questionnaire (housing)

146. Column 38: Relate to toilet facilities possessed by the· household. Circle (Where appropriate) Code O for a household without toilet facilities.
Code 1 if the household uses a sewerage system toilet.
Code 2 if the household possesses a pit latrine.
Code 3 if the household possesses an improved pit latrine with a ventilator.
Code 4 if the household possesses a bucket system latrine.
Code 5 will only be for a few households in some urban areas where public toilets are conveniently accessible to the entire household.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_TOILET — Toilet type
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

61. Main toilet facility

[] 1 No toilet
[] 2 Sewage system
[] 3 Septic tank
[] 4 Soak away
[] 5 Pit latrine
[] 6 VIP
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Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

130. Column 61: Main toilet facility.

Please code according to the list.

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_SEWER — Means of human waste disposal
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H10. What type of human waste disposal is used by household members??
[] 1 Flush toilet for HU only
[] 2 Flush shared with other HU
[] 3 Covered pit latrine outside building
[] 4 Open ditch
[] 5 Bush
[] 6 Other (specify)

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_TOILET1 — Toilet, first dwelling
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Flush toilet:

[] 1 Exclusive
[] 2 Shared

Pit latrine:

[] 3 Exclusive
[] 4 Shared

[] 5 Bucket
[] 6 None

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Toilet: Ask the respondent the type of toilet facility available to members of the dwelling unit and record the appropriate code in column 88. The various types of toilet facilities and their appropriate codes are as follows:

[] 1 Flush toilet, exclusive: if the dwelling unit has a flush toilet which is exclusively used by members of that dwelling unit or members of other dwelling units belonging to the same household.

[] 2 Flush toilet, shared: if the dwelling unit has a flush toilet which is shared between members of that dwelling unit and members of other dwelling unit(s) belonging to another household. Note that the dwelling units sharing the toilet should have equal rights to the use of the facility.

[] 3 Pit latrine, exclusive: if the dwelling unit has a pit latrine which is exclusively used by members of that dwelling unit or members of other dwelling units belonging to the same household.

[] 4 Pit latrine, shared: if the housing unit has a pit latrine which is shared between members of that dwelling unit and members of other dwelling unit(s) belonging to another household who have equal rights to use the facility.

[] 5 Bucket: if the dwelling unit uses a bucket as a toilet facility.

[p. 31]

[] 6 None: if the dwelling unit has no toilet facility of its own and has no explicit right to share an existing toilet facility with members of another dwelling unit.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_TOILET1 — Toilet of 1st dwelling
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D7. Toilet
[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 VIP latrine
[] 3 Traditional pit latrine
[] 4 None

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Part D: Dwelling Unit Characteristics and Access to Facilities

D7. Toilet: Ask the respondent the type of toilet facility availability to members of the dwelling unit and record the appropriate code in column D7.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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D10. What kind of toilet facility do the household members use?
[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Traditional pit toilet
[] 3 Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine
[] 4 No facility
[] 5 Other

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D08. Type of toilet
Enquire about the type of toilet or means of excreta disposal used in the household and shade the appropriate code.
Flush toilet: This refers to the type of toilet which is characterized by the draining of human excreta by a rush of running water.

Traditional pit latrine: This is an ordinary pit latrine built without health or hygienic-related specifications, which has no vent pipe.

Pit - VIP (Ventilated Improved latrines): This is a ventilated pit latrine which is defined as an on-site means of human excreta disposal in a hygienic, low cost and more acceptable manner. It comprises amongst other things a vent pipe.

No facility: this refers to the use of bushes, veld and other open spaces for this purpose.

Other: For other methods of excreta disposal not mentioned above.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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[Questions A2-9 were asked of living quarters built or converted for living.]

A8. What is the type of toilet facility used?

[] 1 Flush system
[] 2 Pour flush
[] 3 Bucket
[] 4 Pit
[] 5 Enclosed space over water
[] 6 None (Go to Part B)

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Question A8

[Question A8 from the enumeration form is not presented here.]
This question is to obtain information relating to the type of toilet facility used by the members of the LQ.


Types of toilet facility are as follows:

(i) Flush system (Code 1)
This type of toilet is fixed with a mechanical/automatic sewerage system. Human waste is flushed off with water by pressing or pulling the mechanical device.

(ii) Pour flush (Code 2)
This category differs from the mechanical pull-type in disposing off the waste. This pour flush type necessitates the user to pour waste into the sanitary bowl to dispose off the waste. It is also known as "Jamban Siram"

(iii) Bucket (Code 3)
This type uses a bucket to collect the waste. The bucket is portable and is usually cleaned by public/private authority.

(iv) Pit (Code 4)
This includes all pits dug into the ground to collect the human waste. They are commonly referred to as "Jamban Siam" or "Jamban Lubang". Cesspits should also be included under this category.


(v) Enclosed space over water (Code 5)
This is constructed over water so that the human waste fall direct into the water, i.e., it is constructed over drains, river, sea, pond, lake and swamps. This type of toilet should have a closed or semi-closed structure.

(vi) None (Code 6)
This includes all cases whereby the LQ does not have any toilet facility. The occupants of the LQ use swamps, river, bushes, etc. to dispose their human waste.

How to ask the question
Ask the question as follows:

"What is the type of toilet facility normally used by the members of the LQ?"

How to record the answer
Mark "X" in the relevant code box.

If the answer is code 6, you need not ask question A9. Proceed to part B.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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A8. Type of toilet facility
[] 1 Flush system
[] 2 Pour flash
[] 3 Pit
[] 4 Enclosed space over water
[] 5 None

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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8. Type of toilet facility
[] Flush toilet
[] Pit latrine
[] Other type

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8. Type of Toilet Facility
This question indicates whether or not the household has a toilet at its disposal. For institutional households (see Concepts) indicate the number of toilets [cabinet].

Definition: A "toilet", also called a WC, is a facility intended for the disposal of waste or human excrement. It can be a flush toilet or a latrine.
a. The flush toilet. A flush toilet (or modern WC) is an installation linked to a network of water pipes through which human waste is evacuated.

b. Latrine. This is the most common type of WC. It is a hole in the ground, the sides of which may or may not be cemented, and located in a small building in a corner of the compound. It is used as a bath for household members, in addition to their [toilet] needs.

[Page 48]
Refer to these definitions and then ask the head of household the following question: "Does the household have a toilet facility?" Check the corresponding box according to their response.

Example 1. The household uses a WC located in a corner of the compound as a toilet. It is a simple hole with cemented sides and surrounded by walls.
Question 8 - Type of Toilet Facility:
[] Flush Toilet
[x] Latrine
[] Other

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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Section "D": Housing

9. Type of toilet facility

[] Private flush toilet, internal
[] Private flush toilet, external
[] Flush toilet, communal
[] Pit latrine, private
[] Pit latrine, communal
[] Other type

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1.4. Housing

This second part is devoted to housing, and aims at listing all housing units for the households at time of the census, at gathering information on building characteristics, and to obtain indicators on the conditions in which the population is housed.

9. Column H23: Type of toilet facility

This Column helps to indicate whether the household has a toilet facility or not. For the institutional household (see concepts), indicate the number of toilets.

Definition: A "toilet facility", also called Water Closet (WC), is a specific installation made to evacuate waste or human feces. It can be a flushing toilet or a latrine:

a. flushing toilet: a flushing toilet, or a modern water closet (WC), is an installation connected to a water source through a pipe, and through which the human feces are evacuated.

[Page 44]

b. latrine: this is the most common type of toilet facility. It presents itself as a hole, the walls of which being cemented or not, and located in a small separate building in a corner of the compound. It may also be used, in addition, for the bathing of household members.

The 1998 census has selected the following items for the type of toilet facility:
[] 1 Private flushing toilet, located inside
[] 2 Private flushing toilet, located outside
[] 3 Flushing toilet, common to several households
[] 4 Private latrine
[] 5 Latrine, common to several households
[] 6 Others

Refer to the above definitions to ask the household head [C.M.] the following question: "Does the household have a toilet facility?" Depending on the answer, circle the corresponding number.

Example 1: The household uses, as toilet facility, a pit latrine located in a corner of the compound. It is a simple cemented hole, fenced with a wall. In this example, circle the number (5): Latrine, common to several households

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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Circle the code that applies or record the appropriate code in the space provided. If there is a plot occupied by a single household, use the characteristics of the main building (without including the number of rooms)

H9) Type of toilet

[] 1 Indoor private with flush
[] 2 Outdoor private with flush
[] 3 Communal to several household with flush
[] 4 Private latrine
[] 5 Communal latrine
[] 6 Nature/field
[] 7 Other, specify
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Type of toilet (Column H9)
The agent asks, "What kind of toilet does the household use?" Enter the code corresponding to the correct answer.

1 = Private interior with flush: Toilet located in the dwelling, with a bowl and a flush (usually going to a septic tank)
2 = Private outside with flush: Toilet located outside the dwelling (in the courtyard), with a bowl and a flush (usually going to a septic tank).
3 = Shared with many households with flush: Toilet located in the dwelling or the concession, with a bowl and a flush (usually going to a septic tank). It is a facility for many households (collective use).
4 = Private latrine: Latrine without slab covered by a ventilation shaft for the use of a single household
5 = Common latrine: Latrine without slab covered by a ventilation shaft for the use of several households
6 = Outdoors: Needs are relieved outdoors, in the bush or in the ruins of the house, etc.
7 = Other specify: Any other type of toilet not listed

For households with multiple types of toilets, consider the most used type of toilet.

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_SEWER — Sewer connection and bath
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54 Does the dwelling have a drain or sewer? Yes or no


Column 47-57. These columns are for the dwelling or house that the family occupies. Therefore, the answers will only be written in the row for the head of household.

Column 47: If the family that lives in the dwelling is the homeowner, make an X. If not, leave the column blank.

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Column 54. When the dwelling has drainage or sewage, the word YES is written in column 54, and the word No when they do not have these services.

Column 55. The word Yes is written in column 55 when the dwelling has a bathroom with running water, and the word No when they do not. In a case in which there is no bathroom, write the word No.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_SEWER — Sewer connection
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Does the dwelling have a drain or sewer? Mark with an X.
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image


Mark the answer with an X.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_TOILET — Toilet
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6. Toilet

Does this dwelling have a toilet? Mark with an X one circle only.

[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Characteristics of the dwelling

The series of questions found on page two of the questionnaire will permit you to find out the principal characteristics of the dwellings: the materials that they are made out of, the number of rooms that the dwelling consists of and the use the rooms are given, the available services, ownership of the dwelling and the cooking fuel that they use.

6. Toilet

For census purposes, a dwelling has a toilet if it is used only by the occupants of the dwelling. If the toilet is used by persons from different dwellings, such as the case of communities, the dwelling is considered to not have a toilet.

If the dwelling has a toilet and also a water deposit to remove the sewage water, then the toilet is considered to have a water connection.

If the toilet is a sewage hole or a latrine and it is only used by the occupants of the dwelling, then the dwelling is considered to have a toilet, but not a water connection.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_TOILETF — Flush toilet
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If the answer is yes, ask:

Does the toilet have running water? Mark with an X one circle only.

[ ] 3 Yes
[ ] 4 No

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Characteristics of the dwelling

The series of questions found on page two of the questionnaire will permit you to find out the principal characteristics of the dwellings: the materials that they are made out of, the number of rooms that the dwelling consists of and the use the rooms are given, the available services, ownership of the dwelling and the cooking fuel that they use.

6. Toilet

For census purposes, a dwelling has a toilet if it is used only by the occupants of the dwelling. If the toilet is used by persons from different dwellings, such as the case of communities, the dwelling is considered to not have a toilet.

If the dwelling has a toilet and also a water deposit to remove the sewage water, then the toilet is considered to have a water connection.

If the toilet is a sewage hole or a latrine and it is only used by the occupants of the dwelling, then the dwelling is considered to have a toilet, but not a water connection.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_TOILET — Sanitary service
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1.9 Sanitary services
Do the occupants of this dwelling have:
Read the options until getting an affirmative answer.

[] 1 Lavatory or sanitary services?
[] 2 Toilet or latrine?
[] 3 (Septic) tank?
[] 4 Black hole or blind well?
[] 5 Do not have sanitary services? Go to 1.13

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1.9 Sanitary services

The purpose of this question is to identify if a dwelling has an instillation or sanitary services, of the type of instillation not being important. Because of this, it is considered that dwellings that have a lavatory, sanitary services, latrine, toilet, tank, black hole or blind well, do have this service, whether or not it is found inside or outside, if it is exclusive of the occupants of a dwelling or if it is of common use with other dwellings within the same piece of land.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The question has five answer options, which let it be known if a sanitary instillation exists or not, its type not important. Because of this, the options correspond to the instillations that are used with most frequency in order to name the different types of services or sanitary instillations.

Lavatory or sanitary services have many names and do not always correspond to technical characteristics. Lavatory can be differentiated technically in the following manner:

A hydraulic work that functions or acts as a means of water, that is, an instillation that permits the elimination of residual waters, commonly called sanitary, lavatory, bathroom or WC.

A deposit of confinement, that is, it is an instillation that does not eliminate the waste, but rather they accumulate. In general, it has a limited life and is built away from rooms or the dwelling. Commonly they are called latrine, black hole, blind well or tank.

When the informant answers that there is no sanitary service, circle code 5 and go to question 1.13, Drainage.

In plots of land where there are many dwellings and they respond to you with expressions like, "we use the latrine at my father's house" or "we share the bathroom with another family," consider that the dwelling does have sanitary services.

[p. 71]

If there is a regional term for naming this service, mention it in the question as a synonym.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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8. Toilet

Does this dwelling have any of the following: toilet, a pit, a latrine, a black pit, or well?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No (Continue with number 11)

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8. Toilet Facilities and 9. Exclusive Use

Toilet facilities or services are known by distinct names, such as those mentioned in the question. If in that area the toilet is known by a different name, mention it in asking the question.

[Depiction of these two completed questions on the enumeration form]

The dwelling does not have toilet facilities when the people do their business in the open air, that is, in the corral, in the bushes or cactus, in the garden, in a mud wall, etc.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_FLUSH — Flush toilet
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10. Water Connection

For this toilet:
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response. Circle only one answer.

1 Has a water connection
2 Flushed with water in a bucket
3 Cannot be flushed

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10. Water Connection

The toilet facilities are considered to have a water connection when it has a lever or pedal that regulates the passage of the water. If it does not have a connection, and they pour water it, normally with a bucket, to eliminate the excrement, circle code 2.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_SANSERV — Availability of sanitary services
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1.6 Toilet or sanitary service
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Section I: Characteristics of the dwelling

If the class of private dwelling is an independent house, apartment in a building or tenement house and dwelling or room on a roof, ask questions of section 1.

If it is a premises not built for inhabitation, mobile dwelling or shelter, do not ask the questions of section I: Characteristics of the dwelling.

1.6 Lavatory or sanitary services

The objective of the first question is to know if in a dwelling an instillation exists for the eviction of human wastes.

This installation is known by different names (lavatory, sanitary system, toilet, WC, etc) mention it according to how it is known in the region or locality where you carry out the interview.

It is considered that a dwelling does not have a lavatory when it does not have any instillation for the eviction of human wastes, so its inhabitants do their duties outside (yard, patio, field, garden, etc) or use the lavatory of another dwelling.

[To the right of the text is a form for 1.6 Lavatory or sanitary service.]

In the second question, read each one of the options until getting an affirmative answer and mark it.

[Below the text are forms and drawings of two of the five options.]

The option It does not have water? should be marked when an instillation does not need water to function. For example, dry latrines, black holes and blind wells.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_WATSRC2 — Water connection
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1.6 Toilet or sanitary service
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Section I: Characteristics of the dwelling

If the class of private dwelling is an independent house, apartment in a building or tenement house and dwelling or room on a roof, ask questions of section 1.

If it is a premises not built for inhabitation, mobile dwelling or shelter, do not ask the questions of section I: Characteristics of the dwelling.

1.6 Lavatory or sanitary services

The objective of the first question is to know if in a dwelling an instillation exists for the eviction of human wastes.

This installation is known by different names (lavatory, sanitary system, toilet, WC, etc) mention it according to how it is known in the region or locality where you carry out the interview.

It is considered that a dwelling does not have a lavatory when it does not have any instillation for the eviction of human wastes, so its inhabitants do their duties outside (yard, patio, field, garden, etc) or use the lavatory of another dwelling.

[To the right of the text is a form for 1.6 Lavatory or sanitary service.]

In the second question, read each one of the options until getting an affirmative answer and mark it.

[Below the text are forms and drawings of two of the five options.]

The option It does not have water? should be marked when an instillation does not need water to function. For example, dry latrines, black holes and blind wells.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_TOILET — Toilet
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I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]

10. Toilet
Do they have a toilet or latrine?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No (go to 13)

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6.3 Section I. Housing characteristics

In this section, instructions will be presented for the questions that investigate the characteristics of the private inhabited dwellings.

If the class of the private inhabited dwellings is a premise not intended for inhabitation, a mobile dwelling, a shelter, or a collective dwelling, don't apply this section. Start the interview with the section II, List of People.

10. Toilet, 11. Exclusive use, 12. Water discharge
This question finds out if the residents of the dwelling use sanitary plumbing to remove human excrement and urine, if it is for the exclusive use of that dwelling, and if the sanitary plumbing eliminates the waste materials through discharges of water.

Sanitary plumbing is understood as: toilet, lavatory, water closet, toilet bowl, latrine, black hole, or septic tank. Form these questions referring to the specific word that is used in the place where you are gathering the information.

The toilet can be located within the dwelling or on the property.

[p. 81]

Consider that it doesn't have a toilet when the residents of the dwelling defecate level with the ground in the open air (corral, patio, field, garden, woods, etc.)

The sanitary facility is shared when the residents of two or more dwellings are accustomed to use it habitually.

The sanitary facility has direct discharge of water when it's regulated with a lever or pedal.

There are sanitary installations that don't admit water for functioning, for example, dry latrines, black holes, and septic tanks.

If the response to question 10 is negative, go on to question 13 "Drainage".

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_TYTOILET — Type of toilet
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I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]

12. Water discharge
The toilet:

[Question 12 was asked of households that have a toilet in the dwelling, per question 10.]

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer, then circle only one code.

[] 5 Discharges water directly
[] 6 Has water poured into it from a bucket
[] 7 Can't have water poured into it

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6.3 Section I. Housing characteristics

In this section, instructions will be presented for the questions that investigate the characteristics of the private inhabited dwellings.

If the class of the private inhabited dwellings is a premise not intended for inhabitation, a mobile dwelling, a shelter, or a collective dwelling, don't apply this section. Start the interview with the section II, List of People.

10. Toilet, 11. Exclusive use, 12. Water discharge
This question finds out if the residents of the dwelling use sanitary plumbing to remove human excrement and urine, if it is for the exclusive use of that dwelling, and if the sanitary plumbing eliminates the waste materials through discharges of water.

Sanitary plumbing is understood as: toilet, lavatory, water closet, toilet bowl, latrine, black hole, or septic tank. Form these questions referring to the specific word that is used in the place where you are gathering the information.

The toilet can be located within the dwelling or on the property.

[p. 81]

Consider that it doesn't have a toilet when the residents of the dwelling defecate level with the ground in the open air (corral, patio, field, garden, woods, etc.)

The sanitary facility is shared when the residents of two or more dwellings are accustomed to use it habitually.

The sanitary facility has direct discharge of water when it's regulated with a lever or pedal.

There are sanitary installations that don't admit water for functioning, for example, dry latrines, black holes, and septic tanks.

If the response to question 10 is negative, go on to question 13 "Drainage".

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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16. Bathroom
Do you have:
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 1 Toilet bowl (WC or bathroom)
[] 2 Latrine (pit or hole)
[] 3 There is no toilet or latrine [skip to question 19]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
16. Bathroom
This question identifies whether the occupants have a facility to dislodge the feces and urine or "go to the bathroom". In addition, this question distinguishes whether there is a toilet, usually connected to drainage, or there is a latrine. Read the question and each option until obtain an affirmative answer and circle the corresponding code.

[Figures are omitted]

A latrine is a facility that has a seat of wood or other material to sit to "go to the bathroom" and also has an excavation (well or hole) where falls the excrement and urine. This type of facility is generally not connected to drainage. It is common that are located in a yard or land to ward off bad smells. This option includes wells or pits used to defecate, even if these do not have a seat.

Dry ecological toilets that have a tank (box) to store the waste and use add ash, sawdust, or lime instead of water, are recorded in the first option: toilet bowl (WC or bathroom) even if it is not connected to the drainage.

Circle the third option "there is no toilet or latrine" when occupants defecate elsewhere, either in a courtyard, mountain, cornfields, yard, or garden.

If the occupants do not have toilet or latrine, go to question 19 "Drainage"; otherwise, continue with question 17 "Water disposal".

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_TYTOILET — Toilet (or latrine) type of operation
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17. Water disposal
For the toilet (latrine):
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 1 Is there a direct flush system
[] 2 Do you flush it with a bucket of water
[] 3 Water cannot be flushed
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17. Water disposal
This question asks whether the toilet or latrine used by the dwelling occupants runs on water to evacuate the human waste (feces and urine). This question also specifies if the water is discharged through a lever, chain, button, or pedal (direct discharge), or if the water is emptied manually with a bucket or pail by the occupants. Read the question and all options and circle the code corresponding to the response of the informant.

[Figures are omitted]

The option "water cannot be flushed" refers to facilities that do not use water to evacuate the waste. They can be latrines, wells, pits, or dry composting toilets.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_TOILET — Has toilet facility
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I. Characteristics of the housing unit

16. Toilet: Do you have a:

Read the options until you get an affirmative answer and circle one code only

[] 1 Toilet (toilet room or lavatory)?
[] 2 Latrine (pit or hole)?
[] 3 Do you not have a toilet or latrine? (go to 19)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

VII. Sanitary facilities and sanitatiton
16. Sanitary
The question identifies whether the residents of the housing unit have a sanitary facility to dispose of excrement and urine, or "toileting". In addition, it distinguishes whether it is a toilet, usually connected to the drain and with a device (lever, button, or chain) to evacuate waste by flushing water; or whether it is a latrine.

Read the question and each of the options until you get an affirmative answer and select the appropriate code.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

The latrine is a facility consisting of a seat made of wood or other material to sit on while "toileting" and an excavation (pit or hole) where excrement and urine fall. This type of installation is generally not connected to the sewage system and is commonly located in the yard or in the housing unit ground to keep bad odors away.

This option also includes the "wells" or "black holes" that are used to defecate, even if they do not have a seat.

Dry toilets or ecological toilets that have a toilet bowl and a reservoir (airtight box) to receive the waste, which instead of water is poured ash, sawdust, or lime, are considered in the first option even if they are not connected to the drain, as long as they have a toilet bowl.

[p. 250]

[Image omitted]

Mark the third option They have no toilet or latrine when the residents defecate anywhere, be it in the patio, mountain, cornfield, corral, or orchard.

If people do not have a toilet bowl or latrine, go to question 19. Drain; otherwise, continue with 17. Water intake.

The sanitary question is presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_TYTOILET — Type of toilet (or latrine)
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I. Characteristics of the housing unit

17. Water intake: Does the toilet (latrine):

Read the options until you get an affirmative answer and circle one code only

[] 1 Have direct flushing?
[] 2 Get filled with water from a bucket?
[] 3 Is it not possible to pour water into it?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

17. Water intake
The question asks whether the toilet or latrine used by the residents of the housing unit accepts water to evacuate human waste (excrement and urine). It also specifies whether the water is flushed by means of a lever, chain, button, or pedal (direct flush), installed in the toilet bowls, or whether it is manually emptied with a bucket or pail for its users.

Read the question and its options, and mark the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

The no-water option refers to facilities that do not use water for waste disposal. They can be latrines, holes or pits, or the so-called dry ecological toilets.

[Image omitted]

The water admission question is displayed in the census manager as follows:

[p. 252]

[Figure omitted: image with text]

18. Toilet use
This question identifies whether the toilet or latrine used by the residents of the housing unit is for their exclusive use or if they share it with people from other housing unit(s). Read the question, listen to the answer, and select the appropriate code.

Register the option yes when the toilet or latrine is regularly used by people who do not reside in the housing unit.

Register no when the sanitary facility is normally used by the residents of the housing unit only.

The sanitary use question is presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_TOILET — Toilet
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[Questions 2-10 were asked of households living in houses not gers.]

8. Toilet:

[] 1 Inside of house: separate
[] 2 Inside of house: public
[] 3 Outside of house

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8. Toilets The corresponding code should be selected from the categorization of toilets as inside toilet, outside toilet and public toilet.

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_TOILETG — Toilet (ger)
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Conditions of ger
[Questions 11-16 were asked about households living in gers.]

15. Toilet:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Ger condition

15. Whether having or not a toilet facility If there is a toilet facility, the answer should be "Yes" if there is not, the answer should be "no"

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_TOILET — Water closet / toilet
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27b. Toilet/WC inside the dwelling
[] 0 No
[] 1 Yes, private
[] 2 Yes, shared

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27. Housing equipment
[This is question 26 for rural dwellings]

b. Bathroom within dwelling:

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 0 Not available

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_TOILET — Toilet
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Housing equipment
[Questions 25a-g.]

Q25b. Bathroom [toilet]:

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 Not available

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Housing record

Housing equipment
[Questions 25a-g.]

Q25b. Toilet:

1 Private
2 Shared
3 Not available

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_TOILET — Use of toilet or W.C.
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Housing characteristics (living conditions of the household)

Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)

L6b. Toilet / WC

[] 1 Yes, private
[] 2 Yes, shared
[] 3 No

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Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)
Either private, shared or not available

L6B: Toilet/WC: is place prepared to this end.

1. Yes, private
2. Yes, shared
3. No

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_SEWAGE — Toilet facility: sewer / public
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Housing characteristics (living conditions of the household)

Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)

L9. Waste water disposal

[] 1 Public sewage
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit / cesspool
[] 4 Other cases, specify ______

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Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)
Either private, shared or not available

L9. Waste water disposal

(Multiple answers are possible)

1. Public sewage
2. Septic tank: emptied when necessary
3. Pit/cesspool: not emptied, just left after being full.
4. Other cases, specify: such as open waste water ___

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_SEPTIC — Toilet facility: septic tank
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Housing characteristics (living conditions of the household)

Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)

L9. Waste water disposal

[] 1 Public sewage
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit / cesspool
[] 4 Other cases, specify ______

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Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)
Either private, shared or not available

L9. Waste water disposal

(Multiple answers are possible)

1. Public sewage
2. Septic tank: emptied when necessary
3. Pit/cesspool: not emptied, just left after being full.
4. Other cases, specify: such as open waste water ___

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_TOILSHAR — Toilet availability
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Household living conditions

L09. Use of dwelling facilities

Latrine (WC)
[] 1 Private
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_TOILET — Plumbing
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2. The house you live in is:
[] Rented
[] Owned
[] Borrowed
[] Other
[] Vacant

[Questions 5 through 10 were asked of private households in occupied dwellings.]

8. The house has:

[] Flush toilet
[] Toilet without flush
[] Latrine
[] No toilet/ latrine
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E8. The house has:
This question refers to the type of toilet or latrine available at home.
Read the question and each alternative. Wait for the reply. Tick X at the corresponding number of the answer.
Keep in mind the following definitions:

Flush toilet - when the toilet is located inside the house or yard and has a water discharge system that works,
Toilet without flushing - when the toilet is located inside the house or yard, but does not have an exhaust system for lack of water or does not work,
Latrine - when the house is the latrine,
Do not have toilet/latrine - when the house has no toilet or latrine.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_SEWAGE — Sanitation system
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Section E: Characteristics and Condition of the Dwelling
Enumerator: Fill out the Enumeration Form using the question about the dwelling. If there is more than one household within the dwelling, fill out questions 1-11 only, for the first household.

[Question 7 through 11, section F and G were asked those in private occupied dwellings]

10. The dwelling has:

[] 1 Flush toilet linked to septic tank
[] 2 Improved latrine
[] 3 Traditional improved latrine
[] 4 Non-improved latrine
[] 5 Does not have flush toilet/latrine
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E10. The dwelling has:

This Question refers to the type of toilet or latrine available in the dwelling.
Read the Question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the response. Mark an X in the corresponding number.

The following categories have been included:

Flush toilet linked to septic tank: often used in dwellings that have piped water supply.

Improved latrine: consists of a cesspit made of concrete slab often concave that is 1.20 1.50m in diameter. The cover has a thick layer of concrete that helps control the disease vectors and minimizes the problem of odor. To allow privacy and protection, the latrine is protected by a hut covered by culm.

Improved traditional: consists of a cesspit made of wood or mortar slab (round or squared) and an outer protection to allow privacy and the resistance of the cesspit. To support the feet, feet supports are made in the wood or mortar slabs. For privacy and protection, a superstructure of bamboo, culm or other material is built.

Non-improved latrine: consists of a cesspit of 60cm in diameter and 1.5 5m in depth. It is covered by bamboos/wood to allow support for the user. The surface is finished using a mixture of animal manure and earth. Hollow or wood blocks are used for feet support. A gasket is built to allow privacy and protection.

Does not have flush toilet/latrine: when the occupants use the river, bush, etc. in order to relieve themselves.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_TOILET — Toilet
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Housing characteristics

37. Type of toilet used in this household

[] 1. Flush
[] 2. Water Seal (Improved PL)
[] 3. Pit (Traditional pit latrine)
[] 4. Bucket (Surface latrine)
[] 5. Other
[] 6. No toilet

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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4. What is the type of toilet used by this household (HH)?
[] 1. Flush/modern
[] 2 Ordinary
[] 3 No toilet

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Q.4: What is the type of toilet used by the household?
[] 1. Flush/modern
[] 2. Ordinary
[] 3. No toilet

A toilet is defined as an installation for the disposal of the human excrements of the household. Toilet may be named differently in different places, like: latrine, toilet, restroom, etc. The toilet used by the household should be inside the house or in the housing compound, or near the home on his/her land. Public toilet should not be included here.

Toilet can be categorized in different categories by its types; however toilets are grouped in the two categories for the purpose of census taking.
1. Modern or flush toilet
2 Ordinary toilet

1. Modern/flush toilet: A flush/modern toilet is defined as a toilet installation having automatic system, or manual system, or water poured by hand for flushing to discharge wastes by water and linkage with sewerage or safety tank.

2. Ordinary toilet: This type of toilet is defined as not having discharge facilities, like: pit latrine, holes etc.

If the household is using modern/flush toilet, then encircle code 1; or if it is ordinary, then encircle code 2.

3. No Toilet: If the household has no toilet or the household members have any specific or non-specific or free places for the disposal of the human excrements, then encircle code 3 to denote the household has no toilet facilities.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_TOILET — Type of toilet used
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Household Information

[6] What type of toilet facility are you using in your household?

[] 1 Flush [public sewerage]
[] 2 Flush [septic tank]
[] 3 Ordinary
[] 4 No toilet
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Household information

Question 6: what types of toilets are in use in the household?

[] 1 Flush toilet (public sewerage)
[] 2 Flush toilet (septic tank)
[] 3 Ordinary toilet
[] 4 No toilet

There are different names in in Nepalese for the toilet where the family members generally dispose their feces. The toilet that the family uses generally should be in the house they are living or in the premise / compound of the house or somewhere near the house. Toilets are of different kinds, but for the purpose of the census it has been divided into four categories.

1. Flush toilet (public sewerage)
2. Flush toilet (Septic tank)
3. Ordinary toilet
4. No toilet

1. Flush toilet (public sewerage) - If the toilet is inside the house with the system of flush button (machine use) or has the facility of water to clean / flush the urine / feces and connected it directly with sewerage system of municipality for drainage, then to indicate such toilets as having flush and connection with public sewerage circle the reference 1.

2. Flush toilet (septic tank) - If the toilet is inside the house or compound of the house with the system of flush button (machine use) or has the facility of water to clean / flush the urine / feces or can be flushed using water and the drainage of it is connected with septic tank, then to indicate such toilets as having flush connected with septic tank, circle reference 2.

[p. 29]

3. Ordinary toilet - The toilets in the house or compound without having the systematic facility of flushing with water is said ordinary toilet. Such toilets might be constructed by digging ditch/pit on the ground and using wood or similar kind of temporary materials. The drainage of such toilets might not connected to any septic tank or sewerage. If the toilet that the family is using is of such ordinary type, circle the reference 3.

4. No toilet - Some families may not have their own toilet and go to the jungle, field or bank of river for toilet purpose. Hence, to indicate that the family do not have toilet in their house or compound or near the house, circle reference 4. For the purpose of the census, In the case of people are using public or settlement toilets, this should be considered having no toilet.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_TOILET — Toilet/sewage facilities
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9. Toilet facilities

Toilet connected to sewer system

[] 1 Exclusive use
[] 2 Shared use

Toilet connected to a septic tank or sump

[] 3 Exclusive use
[] 4 Shared use

Pit toilet or latrine

[] 5 Exclusive use
[] 6 Shared use

[] 7 None

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Question #9

Toilet Facilities

a. How to carry out the investigation
The following definitions should be taken into account in investigating this topic:

Toilet facilities: This is the installation or means that permits the elimination of human waste. This elimination can be via a "Toilet" with running water or through a latrine, which is commonly called an excusado.

Toilet: This is the installation for the elimination of human waste that is plumbed with pressurized water and connected to the sewer, a drain, or to a septic tank.

Excusadoor latrine: This is the installation used for the elimination of human waste but that is not connected to a sewer or to a septic tank.

Taking into account the preceding definitions, the enumerator should also ask if the toilet facilities are for the dwelling's exclusive use or if they are for common use among various dwellings.

[p. 31]

b. How to record the data
The box corresponding to the type of toilet facilities and whether it is for exclusive or common use is marked with an "X".

If the dwelling does not have a toilet or a latrine, box 7 "Does not have" is marked. Only one box is marked.

c. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 9 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Characteristics of the dwelling

Toilet facilities
9. What type of toilet facility does this dwelling have?

[] 1 Outhouse or latrine
[] 2 Toilet - connected to sewerage system
[] 3 Toilet - connected to sump or septic tank
[] 4 Toilet - discharged into river or stream
[] 5 None

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Question 9: Toilet facilities
This is the installation to eliminate fecal materials. It can be an outhouse or latrine, it can be a toilet connected to a sewage network, connected to a septic field or septic well or it can discharge to a river or ditch.

Read the question and each one of the alternative answers and mark the one that is indicated by the informant. If in any dwelling you are told that there is a toilet and an outhouse, you should mark only one of the answers. In this case, you will mark the box for toilet.
1. Outhouse or latrine
This is a sanitary service used for elimination of fecal material that is not connected to a sewage system and does not have any drainage. It is built of materials like wood or concrete and its base is mounted over a hole in the ground.

2 [to 4]. Toilet
This is a sanitary service that through a pressurized water system permits the removal of human residue which is drawn through pipes in the public drainage network or another system.

5. None
When the dwelling does not have any type of sanitary service available and the fecal material is deposited out in the open.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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1. The type of toilet facility used in this household is:
[] 1 Outhouse or latrine
Toilet that drains into:

[] 2 Sewage drains
[] 3 Septic field or tank
[] 4 River / ditch

[] 5 None (continue to question 3)

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Question 1. The type of toilet facility used in this household is:

Read the options one by one and mark an "X" next to the one stated by the informant.

If the informant replies that there aren't any, mark an "X" next to option 5 and go to question 3.

If a household says they have both an excusado [code (1)] and an inodoro [codes (2) - (4)], inodoro should have precedence depending on how the waste is discharged.

The toilet (inodoro) that drains into pipes for wastewater [code (2)] will only be classified as such if it discharges its sewage into pipes connected to the public network.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_TOILET — Toilet
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15. The availability of a toilet
[] 1 Toilet connected to water supply system
[] 2 Toilet not connected to water supply system
[] 3 None

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_TOILET — Availability of toilet
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16. Toilet availability
[] 1 Connected to water
[] 2 Not connected to water
[] 3 No toilet

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Get data for questions 2 - 14 only for an occupied dwelling

4. Toilet facilities:

[] 1 Private connected to sewer
[] 2 Private connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Private pit toilet
[] 4 Communal connected to sewer
[] 5 Communal connected to a septic tank
[] 6 Communal pit toilet
[] 7 Without toilet facilities

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Question 4 Toilet facilities:

Mark the corresponding box taking into account that:
a) Toilet facilities can be of private or communal use.


b) It is "private" when one family exclusively uses them.
c) It is communal when two or more families use them.
d) Toilet facilities can be connected to a system of sewers (drains) that serve the whole community or a part of it, or can be connected to a septic tank, generally built in the patio of the dwelling.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_SEWER — Availability of sewer facilities
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Ask questions 3 through 14 only for those dwellings, with inhabitants present, that are classified in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of question number 1, Type of Dwelling.

9. Sewer facilities


[] 1 Connected to sewer
[] 2 Connected to septic tank
[] 3 Pit or latrine

Shared use:

[] 4 Connected to sewer
[] 5 Connected to septic tank
[] 6 Pit or latrine

[] 7 Without toilet facilities

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Question 9 Sewer facilities

Mark only one box keeping in mind:
a) Toilet facilities can be of private or communal use. "Private" when they are for exclusive use of one family (boxes 1, 2, or 3). "Communal" when it is for the use of two or more families (boxes 4, 5 or 6).
b) Toilet facilities can be connected to a system of sewers (drains) that serve the whole community or part of it; they can be connected to a septic tank, generally constructed in the patio of a dwelling; or they can be a pit toilet or latrine.
c) If the dwelling does not have toilet facilities mark box 7 (without toilet facilities).

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_TOILET — Type of toilet facilities
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16. Does this household have toilet facilities . . .
[] 1 Pit or latrine?
[] 2 Connected to sewer system?
[] 3 Connected to a septic tank?
[] 4 None? (Skip to question 18)

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Question No. 16: Does this home have toilet facilities?

The object of this question is to determine if a home has or does not have a bathroom (toilet) or any form for eliminating human waste, independent of the material of which it has been built.
This question alludes to the availability of a system of elimination of excreta or feces, which can be exclusive for the home or shared with other homes.

[To the left of the text is a photograph of an outhouse that is very hard to see.]

Read the question and each of the following options for the response that appears in the questionnaire. After the person indicates one of the 4 options, you should consider that only one circle can be marked according to this response. Make explanations that you consider necessary keeping in mind the following:
a) Facilities of pit or latrine: is formed by a deep pit in the ground covered by a small hut. This type of facilities is characteristic en rural areas of the country.

b) Toilet facilities connected to a sewer system: is connected to a system of pipes that belongs to the community or part of it, for the collection of used water from toilets.

[p. 56]

c) Toilet facilities connected to a septic tank: is generally built from waterproof concrete. It is used more frequently in suburban areas, where there is a water system, but no sanitary sewers. In the case of Areas or Urbanizations that have a septic tank for all dwellings consider the facilities as connected to a sewer system.

d) If the home does not have toilet facilities, mark circle 4 (there are none) and go immediately to question 18.

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_TOILET — Type of toilet facilities
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13. Does this dwelling have toilet facilities
[] 1 Pit or latrine
[] 2 Connected to a sewage system
[] 3 Connected to a septic tank
Answers 1-3, continue with question 15
[] 4 No sanitary service

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Question No. 13: Does this dwelling has toilet facilities?
The objective of this question is to determine if the household has any system to eliminate human waste, disregarding the material of which it has been built.
[There is a picture of a toilet facility.]
Read the question and next each of the options that appear in the questionnaire. After the respondent indicates one of the 4 options, consider that you must mark only one circle, according to the respondent's answer. Make the necessary clarifications considering this:
a. Facilities of pit or latrine (circle 1): It is formed by a deep pit in the ground covered by a small hut. This type of facilities is characteristic of rural areas of the country.
b. Toilet facilities connected to a sewage system (circle 2): It is connected to a system of pipes that exist in some localities for collection and transportation of waste water.
c. Toilet facilities connected to a septic tank (circle 3): It is built generally of waterproof concrete. It is used more frequently in suburban areas, where there is a water system, but no sanitary sewers. In the case of neighborhoods or urbanizations that have a septic tank for all dwellings, consider the facilities as connected to a sewer system.
[There is a picture representing toilet facilities connected to a septic tank.]
If the answer is any of the circles 1, 2, or 3, mark the corresponding circle and continue with question 15. You must draw a diagonal line in question 14.
[p. 78]
d. Does not have (circle 4): If the dwelling does not have toilet facilities, mark circle 4 (does not have) and continue with question 14.
[There is a simple image of question 13 from the enumeration form.]

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_TOILET1 — Type of toilet facilities
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[Questions 3 to 10 were asked of private households]

III. Household information

7. Toilet facilities

A. Type of facility

[] 1 W.C. connected to public network
[] 2 W.C. with another system of wastewater removal
[] 3 Municipal-type toilet
[] 4 Common latrine, etc.
[] 5 Doesn?t have

B. Use
[] 1 Exclusive to this household
[] 2 Shared with another household

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III. Information about the household

7. Sanitary service:

a) Type of service:

Mark box 1, when the service has a drain connected to a public network or sewer (type called CORPOSANA).
Mark box 2, when the drain is connected to another system of sewer, which can be a septic tank or sewage pit.
Mark box 3, when it is a Municipal-type latrine, which means, when the excavation is covered with bricks, covered by a cement slab or wood board, and protected by a fabric or wood shelter.
Mark box 4, when it is a common outhouse or latrine, which means a simple excavation covered with logs or boards, with or without an isolating shelter.
Mark box 5, when the "household" does not have sanitary service.

7. Sanitary service
A. Type of service
[] 1 Toilet connected to a public network
[] 2 Toilet connected to another sewage system (septic tank)
[] 3 Municipal-type latrine
[] 4 Common latrine
[] 5 Does not have

b) Use: mark box 1, when the service is used only the members of the "Household". If it is shared with another "household", mark box 2.

7. Sanitary service
b. Use
[] 1 For exclusive use of this household
[] 2 Shared with another household

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_TOILET1 — Toilet
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a) What type of toilet facilities does the dwelling have?

[] 1 W.C. connected to a public system
[] 2 W.C. with another form of wastewater disposal (pit toilet)
[] 3 Municipal-type toilet
[] 4 Common latrine, etc.
[] 5 None
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Question 6. Sanitary services

Reach each of the following questions and the possible answers; make an X in the corresponding box. If it is a source of water which is not listed, annotate the name of the source on the line for "other."

Keep in mind the following definitions:

[A depiction of question 6a and b, to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

W.C. connected to the public sewer system: when the service has a system of tubes (sewer) into which the human residues flow.

W.C. with a different excremental system (latrine): when the human residue is eliminated by way of some other flushing system.

Municipal-type latrine: When the excavation or well is protected by a stall of material or wood and covered with a sheet of cement or wood.

Common latrine: A case in which there is a simple excavation or well covered with tree trunks, boards, without or without an isolating stall.

Does not have: When the dwelling does not have any system for the elimination of human residue.

[P. 28]

[A drawing of persons going to the bathroom: in a house, outhouse, nature is omitted here.]

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_TOILET — Toilet
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Section III. Household information

[Question 14 through 24 were asked of occupied households with present members]

21. What type of bath or toilet facilities are there?

[] 1 Modern bath with septic tank [pozo ciego]
[] 2 Modern bath connected to public system
[] 3 Municipal-type latrine
[] 4 Common latrine
[] 5 None

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[Question 21 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 21. What type of toilet or sanitary service to you have?

-Mark only one answer according to the type of toilet that the dwelling has. If they have more than two types of toilet, mark the most modern and sanitary one (or the one of the greatest value).

[page] 22

21. What type of toilet or sanitary service do you have?

[] 1 Modern bathroom with septic tank
[] 2 Modern bathroom connected to a public network
[] 3 Municipal-type latrine
[] 4 Common latrine
[] 5 Does not have

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_TOILET — Sewage
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Chapter C. Household information

21. The toilet wastewater goes to...

[] 1 Hole or pit?
[] 2 Septic tank?
[] 3 Public system (sewer)?
[] 4 Surface of the earth, stream, river, etc.?
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C. Information about the household

Question 21: The bathroom drains to...

21. The bathroom drains to...

Public network (sewer): when the bathroom has a system of pipes through which the human residue drains.

Septic well: when the bathroom is connected to a septic tank.

If the dwelling has more than one type of bathroom, note the most modern drain.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_SEWAGE — Toilet facilities/sewerage connection
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6. The dwelling has toilet facilities (Water, toilet, latrine, etc.), connected to:
Circle the appropriate number:

[] 1 Public system, inside the dwelling
[] 2 Public system, outside the dwelling but inside the building
[] 3 Cesspit, latrine
[] 4 An irrigation ditch or canal
[] 5 Doesn't have toilet facilities

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Question No. 6: The dwelling has toilet facilities connected to:
Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for an answer. Circle the number that corresponds to the response.
[There is a picture of question 6 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Take into account the following definitions:
To a public system: Is a system of pipes located in the subsoil of a public thoroughfare, through which dwellings get rid of human waste.
Depending on the location of the toilet facilities (toilet, lavatory, latrine, etc.), it can be:

  • Inside the dwelling: When the toilet facilities are inside the dwelling.
  • Outside the dwelling but inside the building: When the toilet facilities are within the perimeter of the building, as in the case of shantytowns [corralones] and tenement houses.

Septic tank or pit: When the human waste is sent directly to a well, which receives no treatment whatsoever.
To an irrigation ditch or canal: When the human waste is eliminated directly through an irrigation ditch, river, channel, etc.
[Each of the above responses to this question is represented by a drawing.]
Doesn't have toilet facilities: When the dwelling doesn't have any toilet facilities.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_SEWAGE — Dwelling's bathrooms or toilets are connected to system
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6. What are the bathrooms or toilets in the dwelling connected to? (Read each option and circle only one number)
[] 1 Public sewer system within the dwelling
[] 2 Public sewer system outside of the dwelling but within the building complex
[] 3 Septic tank
[] 4 Cesspit, latrine
[] 5 River, drainage ditch or canal
[] 6 Doesn't have

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Fill out the second section, "Dwelling Characteristics and Services," for the main dwelling only.

Question 6: What are the bathroom or toilets in the dwelling connected to?
If the respondent doesn't answer affirmatively to any one of the options 1-5, circle option 6, doesn't have.
Public Sewer System. This is the system of pipes located underground on public land by which dwellings rid themselves of human waste. Depending on where the connection to the toilet/bathroom [servicio higienico] is located (water, toilet, etc.), it may be:
[Each of the following six categories below is accompanied by a drawing reproducing the written description.]

1. Public sewer system within the dwelling. This is when the connection to the toilet/bathroom [servicio higienico] is located inside the dwelling.
2. Public sewer system outside of the dwelling but within the building complex. This is when the connection to the toilet/bathroom is within the perimeter of the building complex, as is the case of housing units grouped around a blind alley, or shanties built on a vacant lot.
3. Septic tank. This is when human waste is sent directly to a septic tank which is treated with lime, ashes, or other substances which break down the waste. An example of this is muriatic acid, etc.
4. Cesspit, latrine. This is when human waste is sent directly to a pit which is not treated in any way. Don't count the use of bleach/lye or detergents as agents which break down the waste.

[p. 33]
5. River, drainage ditch or canal. This is when human waste is disposed of directly into a drainage ditch, river, canal, etc.
6. Doesn't have. This is when the dwelling doesn't have any toilet/bathroom.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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H9. Kind of Toilet Facility

What type of toilet facility does this household use?

___ Enter code

1 Water-sealed, sewer/septic tank, used exclusively by the household
2 Water-sealed, sewer/septic tank, shared with other households
3 Water-sealed, other depository, used exclusively by the household
4 Water-sealed, other depository, shared with other households
5 Closed pit (without a water-sealed bowl and the depository is constructed usually of large circular tubes made of concrete or clay covered on top and has a small opening: antipolo, etc.)
6 Open pit (same as closed pit but without covering)
7 Others (pail system, etc.)
8 None

Water-sealed bowls are those where after water is flushed or poured into the bowl, a small amount of water is left and seals the bottom of the bowl from the pipe leading to the depository.
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H9 Kind of Toilet Facility

The data on kind of toilet facility provide the minimum data required for the evaluation of facilities available to the housing units. The proportion of households with access to sanitary toilet facilities is an indicator of health and sanitation status of households.

Enter the code corresponding to the type of toilet facility used by the household.

The different types of toilet facilities commonly used in buildings and houses throughout the country and their corresponding codes are:

1 Water-sealed, sewer/septic tank, used exclusively by the household

2 Water-sealed, sewer/septic tank, shared with other households

3 Water-sealed, other depository, used exclusively by the household

4 Water-sealed, other depository, shared with other households

Water-sealed - as the name implies, is the type of toilet where after water is flushed or poured into the bowl, a small amount of water is left in the bowl and seals the bottom of the bowl from the pipe leading to the depository.

Sewer/septic tank - a tank in which the solid matter or sewage is accumulated to be disintegrated by bacteria. This is commonly called "Poso Negro".

Other depository - if the depository is other than a sewer/septic tank.

5 Closed pit - it is a type of toilet without a water- sealed bowl and the depository is constructed usually of large circular tubes made of concrete or clay covered on top and has a small opening. It may or may not have a box for sitting or squatting over the opening. Example: antipolo, etc.

6 Open pit - it is the same as closed pit but without covering.

7 Other (pail system, etc.) - classify here a toilet wherein fecal matter is accumulated in a pail to be picked up for disposal from time to time or any kind of toilet facility not belonging to the preceding types.

8 None - for households using no toilet facility.

Refer to Illustration 8.7 for the different types of toilet facilities.

[Picture: Illustration 8.7 Types of toilet facilities]

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_TOILET — Kind of toilet facility
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H11. Kind of toilet facility
What type of toilet facility does this household use?
(Please cross out one of the selections below)

[] Water-sealed, sewer septic tank, used exclusively by household
[] Water-sealed, sewer septic tank, shared with other households
[] Water-sealed, other depository, used exclusively by household
[] Water-sealed, other depository, shared with other household
[] Closed pit (without a water-sealed bowl and depository is constructed usually of large circular tubes made of concrete or clay covered on top and has a small opening; ex. Antipolo, etc.)
[] Open pit (same as closed but without covering)
[] Others (pail system, etc.)
[] None

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H11 Kind of toilet facility

The data on kind of toilet facility provide the minimum data required for the evaluation of facilities available to the housing units. Like safe drinking water source, a sanitary toilet facility is a measure to prevent diseases and improve the health condition of household members. This indicator likewise determines the sanitation status of households.

Cross out the circle corresponding to the type of toilet facility used by the household.

The different types of toilet facilities commonly used in buildings and houses throughout the country are:

[] 1 Water-sealed, sewer/septic tank, used exclusively by the household

[] 2 Water-sealed, sewer/septic tank, shared with other households

[] 3 Water-sealed, other depository, used exclusively by the household

[] 4 Water-sealed, other depository, shared with other households

Water sealed - as the name implies, is the type of toilet where after water is flushed or poured into the bowl, a small amount of water is left in the bowl and seals the bottom of the bowl from the pipe leading to the depository.

Sewer/septic tank - a tank in which the solid matter or sewage is accumulated to be disintegrated by bacteria. This is commonly called "Poso Negro".

Other Depository - if the depository is other than a sewer/septic tank.

[] 5 Closed Pit - it is a type of toilet without a water-sealed bowl and the depository is constructed usually of large circular tubes made of concrete or clay covered on top and has a small opening. It may or may not have a box for sitting or squatting over the opening; e.g., antipolo, etc.

[] 6 Open pit - it is the same as closed pit but without covering.

[] 7 Other (pail system, etc.) - classify here a toilet wherein fecal matter is accumulated in a pail to be picked up for disposal from time to time or any kind of toilet facility not belonging to the preceding types.

[] 8 None - for households using no toilet facility.

Refer to Illustration 8.7 for the different types of toilet facilities.

[Illustration 8.7 omitted]

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_TOILET — Kind of toilet facility
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H10. Kind of toilet facility - What type of toilet facility does this household use?

Write X in the box.

[] 1 Water-sealed, sewer septic tank used exclusively by household
[] 2 Water-sealed, sewer septic tank used shared with other households
[] 3 Water-sealed, other depository, used exclusively by household
[] 4 Water-sealed, other depository, shared with other households
[] 5 Closed pit
[] 6 Open pit
[] 7 Others (pail system, and others)
[] 0 None
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H10-Kind of Toilet Facility
Data on the kind of toilet facility provide the minimum data required for the evaluation of toilet facilities in housing units available to households. A sanitary toilet facility is necessary to prevent diseases and improve the general health condition of the household members. Likewise, the presence of sanitary toilet facilities indicates the sanitation as well as economic status of the household.

Water sealed -- as the name implies, is the type of toilet facility where after water is flushed or poured into the bowl, a small amount of water is left in the bowl and seals the bottom of the bowl from the pipe leading to the depository.
Sewer/septic tank -- a tank in which the solid matter or sewage is accumulated to be disintegrated by bacteria. This is commonly called "poso negro".
Other depository -- if the depository is other than a sewer/septic tank like canals, rivers, and others.
Ask the respondent, "What type of toilet facility does this household use?" Write "X" in the box corresponding to the type of toilet facility used by the household.
The different types of toilet facilities commonly found in buildings and houses throughout the country are:

[] 1. Water-sealed, sewer/septic tank, used exclusively by the household
[] 2. Water-sealed, sewer/septic tank, shared with other households
[] 3. Water-sealed, other depository, used exclusively by the household
[] 4. Water-sealed, other depository, shared with other households
[] 5. Closed pit -- is a type of toilet facility without a water-sealed bowl; the depository is constructed usually of large circular tubes made of concrete or clay with a top cover and small opening. It may or may not have a box for sitting or squatting over the opening; for example, antipolo-type, and others.
[] 6. Open pit -- is the same as closed pit but without covering.
[] 7. Others (pail system and others) -- includes a toilet facility wherein fecal matter is accumulated in a pail to be picked up for disposal from time to time, or any kind of toilet facility not belonging to the preceding types.
[] 0. None -- for households which do not have any toilet facility.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_TOILET — Flush toilet in the dwelling
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5. Flush toilet

[] Inhabitants use piped water facilities for flush toilet
Within dwelling
Facilities connected:
[] 1 To the public water supply system
[] 2 To local system
Outside dwelling, but within the building
[] 3 As above in point 1
[] 4 As above in point 2
[] 0 There is no access to flush toilet in dwelling nor in building
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24. Flush toilet (Question V) [p.39]
1. Only toilets flushed with running water that is connected to the water supply system shall be indicated.
2. If, within the dwelling, there is a flush toilet installed then, basing on the hints and tips in points 4 and 5, the census enumerator shall specify whether wastewater is removed my means of public or local water treatment system, and in accordance with the specified answer encircle symbol 1 or 2.
3. If there is no flush toilet inside the dwelling, but such a device is located inside the building (for example, in the hall or basement) and is used as such by the inhabitants of the building, it must be also specified whether the device is connected to the public water treatment system or to the local system, and in accordance with the specified answer encircle symbol 3 or 4.
In some cases, the inhabitants of the building (all or some of them) have private flush toilet which are not located within the dwelling but in the same time inside the house. Even if such a system is utilized by the representatives of a single household only, it should be considered to be located within the building rather than within the dwelling.
4. Water treatment system shall be understood as an underground sewerage system utilized to transfer wastewater from the dwellings to a given destination, such as river, channel, lake, sea, upper layer of the ground), if only the overall length of the installation is equal to or exceeds 250 m. It may be a general water treatment system, as well as economic or natural waste treatment one. The latter as the name suggests is utilized to remove the surplus of natural wastewater but in some cases, dwellings or whole houses can be connected to it.
Water treatment system, such as water supply one, may be municipal, provincial or workplace-managed.
5. Local water treatment system shall be understood as a network connecting few neighboring buildings and transferring wastewater to a cesspit or to river, channel, lake, sea, upper layer of the ground, etc. The distance between the destination and the buildings does not exceed 250 m.
Local water treatment system, similarly to a local water supply one, may be owned by one or more lodgers, as well as may be managed by organized agricultural units.
6. If there is no water treatment system within the dwelling and the inhabitants do not use the system installed inside the house, then the 0 symbol shall be encircled.
In some cases, the inhabitants of a given building may have access to a flush toilet, but in order to do so, it is necessary to leave the building. In such an instance, the 0 shall be encircled as well.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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Characteristics of the dwelling

7. Flush toilet

[] 1 In dwelling
Not in dwelling:
[] 2 But the inhabitants can use flush toilets in the building they live in
[] 0 The inhabitants can not use flush toilets in the building they live in
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Characteristics of the Dwelling

16. Technical appliances in the dwelling (Questions 6-10) [p.19]
Both working and broken technical appliances should be indicated. What is more, all appliances, which are in possession of inhabitants, but haven't been plugged in yet, should also be indicated (for example in a newly constructed building). However, appliances which are broken for longer than a year shouldn't be registered at all. For informational purposes -- piped water and flush toilet should be taken into consideration as plugged in and local appliances.

Flush toilet
Only appliances, which are flushed with running water should be registered, hat is connected with the pipeline, located in the dwelling, regardless of whether they are located in the bathroom or in any other separate room.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_TOILET — Flush toilet in the dwelling
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8. Is there a flush toilet in this dwelling?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Questions 6-9. Heating and sanitation in the dwelling [p. 55-57]

Indicate both active and temporarily out of order devices in the census. Appliances already installed but not connected to the mains (e.g. in a newly erected building) should also be included.

Do not include appliances which have been out of order for more than a year due to considerable damage.

Question 8. Is there a flush toilet in this dwelling? [p. 56]

Indicate only the appliance located in the dwelling, flushed by water from the water cistern connected to the water mains, regardless of the fact whether the appliance is in a separate space (WC) or in a bathroom.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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[Questions 1-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter, except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type" -- that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, per questions A, B]

4. Toilet facilities

Indicate if the housing unit has:

[] 1 No toilet available
[] 3 Has toilet with flush device
[] 5 Has toilet without flush device

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[Questions 1-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter, except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type," that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, per questions A, B]

Question 4 - Toilet facilities

Note: With this question we must observe the coherence between the answer we have here and the one given on the Water question.

As for toilet with flush, we understand the ones having a mechanical device for evacuating used water into the sewer.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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[Questions 7-18 were asked of private dwellings only]

[Questions 8-18 were asked of usual-residence dwellings only]

10. Toilet facilities:

With toilet within the housing unit for exclusive use:

[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 3 No flush toilet

With toilet within the building but outside of the housing unit for shared use

[] 5 Flush toilet
[] 7 No flush toilet

[] 9 No toilet available

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Question 10: Toilet facilities

a) With toilet within the housing unit for exclusive use:

1. Flush toilet
2. No flush toilet

b) With toilet within the building but outside of the housing unit for shared use:

1. Flush toilet
2. No flush toilet

c) No toilet available

Note: With this question we must observe the coherence between the answer we have here and the ones given on the previous question. One cannot have a flush toilet if it goes to a fountain for water.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_TOILET — Toilet
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[Questions 4-18 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question 3]

7. Toilet facilities:

With toilet within the housing unit for exclusive use:

[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 No flush toilet

With toilet within the building but outside of the housing unit for shared use

[] 3 Flush toilet
[] 4 No flush toilet

[] 5 No toilet available

Question 7 - Toilet facilities:

By flush toilet, we mean the flushing mechanism, flow meter, etc., in other words, the mechanical system for discharging water inside the lavatory cistern.

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Question 7 - Toilet facilities

With this question we must observe the coherence between the answer we have here and the ones given on the previous question. One can not have a flush toilet if it goes to a fountain for water.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_TOILET — Toilet
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Dwelling questionnaire

[Questions 1 through 17 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question II]

3. Does the dwelling have a toilet?

A discharge mechanism is considered to be a flushing cistern, flow metering device or other mechanism to discharge water inside the toilet.

[] 1 Yes, connected to the public water supply system
[] 2 Yes, connected to a private water supply system
[] 3 No, but there is running water in the building
[] 4 No running water is available
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Filling out the Single Dwelling questionnaire

Question 3 - Does the dwelling have a toilet?
[There is an image of the box for question 3]
The term discharge mechanism refers to the flush valve, flow meter, etc., or rather the mechanical system for flushing water inside the toilet.
Dwellings with outdoor toilets or buildings whose landings have a toilet for exclusive use by the dwelling are considered as having a toilet, choosing either "Yes, with a discharge mechanism" or "Yes, without a discharge mechanism depending on the situation.
On the other hand, there could be a building whose toilet is on the landing for use by two dwellings, in which case the answer should be "No, but there is running water in the building".

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_TOILET2 — Type and location of toilet facilities
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H16. Location and type of toilet
[] Flush toilet inside structure
[] Flush toilet outside structure, for this household only
[] Flush toilet outside structure, also used by another household
[] Privy
[] No flush toilet or privy

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_TOILET2 — Type and location of toilet facilities
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H5c. Is there a flush toilet in this building?
[] Yes, for this household only
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No

If "No", what type of toilet?
[] Privy
[] Other or none

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_TOILET2 — Type and location of toilet facilities
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H4c. Is there a flush toilet in this (house/apartment)?
[ ] 1 Yes -- Skip to H5
[ ] 2 No -- Go to H4d

H4d. What type of toilet facilities do you have?

[ ] 1 Privy
[ ] 2 Other or none

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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[Questions 7 - 14 were asked of all households.]

8. Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have:

Indicate with "yes" or "no"

a) Hot and cold running water?
[] Yes
[] No
b) A flush toilet?
[] Yes
[] No
c) A bathtub or shower?
[] Yes
[] No
d) A sink with a faucet?
[] Yes
[] No
e) A stove or range?
[] Yes
[] No
f) A refrigerator?
[] Yes
[] No
g) Telephone service from which you can both make and receive calls? (Include cell phones)
[] Yes
[] No

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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c. A flush toilet?
[] Yes
[] No

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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Chap. II Data on housing unit
To be completed by the first household in the dwelling only

14 Water closet (WC)

[] 1 inside the dwelling
[] 2 outside the dwelling

[] 3 None

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Q. 14 Water closet (WC)

38. A dwelling is considered as having a flush toilet whenever it has a water tank and drains for waste water that feeds into a piped system, regardless of whether it is situated within the bathroom or in a separate room inside the dwelling (mark an X in the box for code 1) or outdoors (mark an x in the box for code 2).

Not considered a flush toilet are the so called "dry" latrines where no water is used and excrement remains, such as a cesspool. A dwelling will be also be recorded as not having a flush toilet when the housing unit has a flush toilet fixture but does not yet have a piped water facility and/or sewer connection.

For dwellings that have more then one flush toilet, record only one of them.

Consistency Checks: when this item is marked with code 1 (within the dwelling), it is necessary that item 7 (sewer installations) has an entry of code 1 or code 2 and that item 5 (water supply system)also has an entry of code 1 or code 2.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_TOILET — Location of flush toilet
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10. Flush toilet
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling
[] 3 None

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Flush toilet -- (item 10)

30. The dwelling is considered as having flush toilet, if it has water tank and waste water empties into piped system, regardless of whether it is situated within the bathroom or within a separate room, indoor the dwelling or outdoor.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will written in the code box 1 (within the dwelling) -- when the toilet is situated within the dwelling;
-- the mark x will be written in the code box 2 (outdoor) -- when the toilet is outside the dwelling, (regardless whether it is within the building or outdoor);
-- the mark x will be written in the code box 3 (without) -- for so called "dry" latrines- no water used and evacuation is in - cesspools. Also, to this code will be recorded the situation when the housing unit has a flush toilet, but not yet piped water facility and/or sewage.
Correlations: when at this item the entry x was marked to the code 1 (within the dwelling), it is necessary that:

-- at item 11 (water supply system) -- the mark x will be written to the code box 1 (from public scheme) or code box 2 (from own system).
-- at item 13 (sewerage installations within the dwelling) -- the mark x will be written to the code box 1 (public sewage disposal) or code box 2 (own system)

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_TOILET — Toilet
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13. Flush toilet (WC)

There is flush toilet
[] 1 In the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling, within the building
[] 3 Outside the dwelling, outside the building
No flush toilet there is another type of flush toilet
[] 4 In the dwelling
[] 5 Outside the dwelling, within the building
[] 6 Outside the dwelling, outside the building
[] 7 No flush toilet

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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For private households
[Questions H1 - H11]

H9. Toilet facility

What is the type of toilet facility used by the household?

[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Pit latrine, individual
[] 3 Pit latrine, shared
[] 4 Neighbor
[] 5 Nature / outside
[] 6 Others

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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H10. What type of toilet facility do you use in this household?
[] 1. Flush toilet
[] 2. Pit latrine, individual
[] 3. Pit latrine, shared
[] 4. Nature/outside
[] 5. Others

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Question H10: Toilet facility
See H08.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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Section H: Housing Units Characteristics

11. What is the main type of toilet facility used by the members of the household?

[] 1 Flush toilet/ water closed (WC) system
[] 2 Private pit latrine
[] 3 Public pit latrine
[] 4 Bush
[] 5 Other
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Section H: Housing units characteristics
5.3.5. How to complete Section H: Habitat [H01 to H35]
Questions on habitat are also asked to the household head or his representative.

H11: Type of toilet facility
The enumerator encircles the appropriate code from the given choice:

1 - Flush toilet
2 - Private pit latrine
3 - Public pit latrine
4 - Bush
5 - Other

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_TOILET — Toilet facilities available
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39. Toilet facilities


[] Shared
[] Not shared
[] None


[] Pit
[] W.C. linked to sewer
[] W.C. not linked to sewer
[] Other

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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1.9 What type of toilet facilities does this household have?
[] W.C. linked to sewer
[] W.C. cesspit or septic tank
[] Pit latrine
[] Other
[] None -- Skip to 1.11

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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H2. Type of toilet facility
[] 1 Water closet, connected to sewage
[] 2 Water closet, septic tank
[] 3 Cesspool
[] 4 Public toilet facility
[] 5 In the wild
[] 6 Other cases
[] 7 No answer

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H2) Toilet facility

You have to circle the item corresponding to the answer given, that is, the type of toilet facility most commonly used by the household members. This rule can be explained by the fact that different household members may utilize different types of toilet facility.

Note: "WC FOSSE" applies to septic tanks that need to be emptied.
"FOSSE PERDUE" applies to latrines.
"OTHER" applies to chamber pots that are emptied every morning.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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E04. Type of toilet facility
[] 1 Water closet, connected to sewage
[] 2 Water closet, septic tank
[] 3 Cesspool, Latrine
[] 4 Public toilet facility
[] 5 In the wild
[] 6 Other cases

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E04. Type of toilet facility

You have to circle the item corresponding to the answer given, that is, the type of toilet facility the most often used by the household members. This rule is made because the household members may utilize several types of toilet facility.

A flush toilet (water closet) corresponds to a type of toilet where wastes are drained with water running into pipes. The flush toilet might go into a sewage or to a tank. A cesspool corresponds to a hole dug into the soil.

Note: Record in 6 "Others" the case of chamber pots, emptied every morning.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_TOILET — Main type of toilet facility
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E- Characteristics of the home environment

E08. Main type of private facilities

Toilet connected to a sewer / pit
[] 11 Plumbing connected to the sewer
[] 12 Plumbing connected to a pit
[] 21 Covered
[] 22 Uncovered
[] 23 Improved ventilation
[] 31 Public facilities
[] 41 In nature
[] 88 Other
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4.5 Part E: characteristics of the dwelling

E08: main type of toilet
The type of toilet used is an important indicator of the hygienic conditions in which the household lives. For a good classification of households, the types of toilets are defined in advance.
Flushing is the type of toilet where water flushes waste through pipelines. This water can come from a tap or be poured by means of buckets. For these types of toilets, the waste 'goes' directly to the sewer or into a pit that will be emptied when it is full.
The AR will circle code ''11'' (Flushing connected to the sewer) if the waste goes directly to the sewer and code ''12'' (flushing with septic pit) if it is a pit that receives the waste through a pipeline (pipe or tube installed for the circumstance) originating from the commode.
The codes ''21'', ''22'' and ''23'' are allocated respectively to households using covered latrines, those not covered, and those with improved ventilated.
Dry latrines or pits are holes dug to receive the waste directly;
They can be covered or not.
[p. 60]
[Illustrations are omitted].
Improved ventilated latrines are toilets that, in addition to the pit, are equipped with additional facilities (e.g. a pipe) that allow gas to be evacuated.
For households declaring that they use public buildings ''toilets in markets, schools and so on'', the AR will circle code ''31''.
If the respondent replies that the members of the household go to a corner of the compound or use bowls, buckets or other chamber pots, the AR will circle the code ''41'', which corresponds to the modality ''in nature''.
For any other means declared, different from those declared above, the AR will circle the
code ''88'', corresponding to ''other'' modality.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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What kind of facilities do you have for:

H12. Toilet


[] 11 VIP
[] 12 Flushed inside
[] 13 Flushed outside
[] 14 Pit
[] 15 Bucket
[] 16 Bush/river bed
[] 17 Other (specify) ____


[] 21 VIP
[] 22 Flushed inside
[] 23 Flushed outside
[] 24 Pit
[] 25 Bucket
[] 26 Other (specify) ____

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Section 2 - Housing facilities

H12 -- Toilet facilities
175. There are instances where several households share the same toilet facility and in this case, the toilet facility is used in a communal way. Where only one household uses the toilet facility, we say it is private.

176. Ask, 'What kind of toilet facility do you have'? If the answer is "Pit latrine", you also want to find out if exclusively his/her household uses the pit latrine. If the answer to the question is "Yes", then the toilet facility is 10, but if the answer


indicates that other households share the facility, you record it as 04. Refer to the code list).

177. Some communities use the bush/riverbed. Here, the use of the bush or riverbed is communal and therefore should be recorded as 06. Only one code is allowed.

Section 2: Housing facilities

What kind of facilities do you have for:

H12 Toilet


[] 11 VIP
[] 12 Flushed, inside
[] 13 Flushed, outside
[] 14 Pit
[] 15 Bucket
[] 16 Bush / river bed
[] 17 Other (specify)

[] 21 VIP
[] 22 Flushed, inside
[] 23 Flushed, outside
[] 24 Pit
[] 25 Bucket
[] 26 Other (specify)

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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[Questions H01, H06, and H07 were asked of all people. The rest of the questions in section III were recorded only for respondent's whose indicated type of residence was occupied housing units in question I15]

What kind of facilities do you have for [Questions H14-H15]

H14. Toilet

[] 11 VIP
[] 12 Flushed inside
[] 13 Flushed outside
[] 14 Pit
[] 15 Bucket
[] 16 Bush/river bed
[] 17 Other
[] 21 VIP
[] 22 Flushed inside
[] 23 Flushed outside
[] 24 Pit
[] 25 Bucket
[] 26 Other
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Section 3: Housing facilities

186. Columns H01 to H19 relate to specific questions concerning the household. They are questions that relate to the household as a whole and not to individual members.

H14 -- Toilet facilities
200. There are instances where several households share the same toilet facility and in this case, the toilet facility is used in a communal way. Where only one household uses the toilet facility, we say it is private.


201. Ask, 'What kind of toilet facility do you have'? For example, if the answer is 'Pit latrine', you also want to find out if his/her household uses the pit latrine exclusively. If the answer to the question is 'Yes', then the toilet facility is '24', but if the answer indicates that other households share the facility, you record it as '14'.

202. Some communities use the bush/riverbed. Here, the use of the bush or riverbed is communal and therefore should be recorded as 16.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_TOILET — Toilet in the dwelling
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17. Toilet in the dwelling:
[] Flush toilet
[] Non-flush toilet
[] There is no toilet in the dwelling

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17 Toilet in the dwelling:

A toilet in the dwelling can be in a separate premise or in the bathroom.

Flush toilet is marked by the enumerator if the dwelling has a flush toilet. Such a toilet has a device for flushing water under pressure, irrespective of whether it is connected to the sewage system or to a cesspool.

Non-flush toilet is marked by the enumerator if the dwelling has a toilet that does not flush.

There is no toilet in the dwelling is marked by the enumerator if there is no toilet in the dwelling or the toilet is outside the dwelling in the same building or in the yard.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Services used by this household

2.3. What type of toilet facility is available? (Circle only one code)

[] 1 = Flush toilet or chemical toilet
[] 2 = Pit latrine
[] 3 = Bucket latrine
[] 4 = None of the above

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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H-27. Toilet facility
_ What is the main type of toilet facility that is available for use by this household? Write only one code in the box.
1 = Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system)
2 = Flush toilet (with septic tank)
3 = Chemical toilet
4 = Pit latrine with ventilation (VIP)
5 = Pit latrine without ventilation
6 = Bucket latrine
7 = None

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Question H-27 -- Toilet facility

"What is the MAIN type of TOILET facility that is available for use by this household?"

[P. 60]

Read out the alternatives. Alternative 1, flush toilet attached to a sewerage system, is found mainly in urban settlements.

Alternative 2 is a flush toilet attached to a septic tank. A septic tank is an underground tank where the organic matter in sewage is dealt with by bacterial activity. It has to be emptied from time to time.

We want only one toilet facility. If there are several types available for the household, indicate the one that is mostly used.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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H-06 Toilet facilities
What is the main type of toilet facility available for use by this household?
Read out:
[] 1 Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system)
[] 2 Flush toilet (with septic tank)
[] 3 Dry toilet facility
[] 4 Pit toilet with ventilation (VIP)
[] 5 Pit toilet without ventilation
[] 6 Chemical toilet
[] 7 Bucket toilet system
[] 8 None
Write only one code in the box.

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(H-06) Toilet facilities: What is the main type of toilet facility available for use by this household?
Read out types of toilet facilities.

If more than one facility, mark the one that is most frequently used.

A chemical toilet is a toilet consisting of a seat or bowl attached to a container holding a chemical solution that changes waste into sludge/mud.

A dry toilet is a simple pit latrine that does not need water to function. It consists of a hole in the ground that can be covered when full or emptied for re-use after a period of stabilization. It may or may not have a
urine diversion.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_TOILET — Toilet
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H-10 Toilet facilities
What is the main type of toilet facility used by this household?
Write the appropriate codes in the boxes _

1. Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system)
2. Flush toilet (with septic tank)
3. Chemical toilet
4. Pit toilet with ventilation (VIP)
5. Pit toilet without ventilation
6. Bucket toilet
7. Other
0. None
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10. Section H: Housing (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information collected here is important to all users such as Eskom, Telkom, etc. as it can be used to monitor progress regarding service delivery issues (or lack thereof).

This section must be completed for every household.
H-02: Other dwelling refers to another structure that the household occupies other than the main house/dwelling.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_TOILET — Main type of toilet used
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4 Housing, household goods, services and crime and agricultural activities

Now, I am going to ask you some questions related to housing, household goods and services, crime and agricultural activities for this particular household.


[4.41] What is the main type of toilet facility used by this household?

[] 1 Flush toilet connected to a public sewerage system
[] 2 Flush toilet connected to a septic tank or conservancy tank
[] 3 Chemical toilet
[] 4 Pit latrine/toilet with ventilation pipe
[] 5 Pit latrine/toilet without ventilation pipe
[] 6 Ecological toilet [e.g. urine diversion, enviroloo, etc.]
[] 7 Bucket toilet [collected by municipality]
[] 8 Bucket toilet [emptied by household]
[] 9 Other
[] 10 None

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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39. What is the main type of toilet facility used by this household?
[] 1 Pit latrine private
[] 2 Shared pit latrine
[] 3 Private flush toilet
[] 4 Shared flush toilet
[] 5 Bucket toilet
[] 6 No toilet facility

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Q39 "What is the main type of toilet facility used by this household?"
  • A household may have or use more than one toilet facility. You must ask them which toilet facility they use most often.
  • If the respondent is uncertain, read the categories aloud.
  • Shade the number corresponding to the answer provided by the respondent.
  • Remember that only one of the facilities listed should be shaded.

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_TOILET — Toilet
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10. Toilet
[] 1 Toilet inside the housing unit.
_ _ Number
[] 2 There is no toilet inside the housing unit, but there is a toilet outside the housing unit.
[] 3 No toilet.

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_TOILET — Bathroom with toilet
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3. Which of the following installations does the dwelling have?
Bathroom with toilet (WC, lavatory)
[] yes
[] no
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3.8 Availability of a bathroom with toilet

Categories of this variable:

With availability of bathroom within the household
Without availability of bathroom within the household

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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39. What is the main type of toilet facility used by this household?
[] 1 Pit latrine private
[] 2 Shared pit latrine
[] 3 Private flush toilet
[] 4 Shared flush toilet
[] 5 Bucket toilet
[] 6 No toilet facility

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Q39 "What is the main type of toilet facility used by this household?"
  • A household may have or use more than one toilet facility. You must ask them which toilet facility they use most often.
  • If the respondent is uncertain, read the categories aloud.
  • Shade the number corresponding to the answer provided by the respondent.
  • Remember that only one of the facilities listed should be shaded.

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_TOILET — Toilet
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Household module

Part 3: Facilities available to the household
[Applies to questions 10 - 18]

16. What type of toilet facility does the household have?

N.B.: Please provide only one answer.

[] 1 Flush toilet and septic tank
[] 2 Outhouse (private)
[] 3 Open pit or hole in the ground
[] 4 River or creek
[] 5 Woods, field
[] 6 Other, namely ____
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

[If answer 1 or 2, go to question 17. Elsewise, go to question 18.]

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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29. What toilet facilities are available in this house?
[] 1 Flush inside the house
[] 2 Flush outside the house
[] 3 Pit/other
[] 4 No toilet

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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39. What kind of toilet facility does your household use?
[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Traditional pit toilet
[] 3 Ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
[] 4 No facility
[] 6 Other type

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G. Housing conditions and ownership of properties
These questions are about tools used in house construction, services available in this household (such as water, toilets, electricity), the total number of bedrooms used by the household, and ownership of properties. The head of household is asked these questions. If the head of household is absent, try to get another member of the household to answer these questions on behalf of the head of household.
Usually, if a household is using more than one house, all questions about the material used to construct the house and the electricity used in the house are to be asked for the main house where most household members live.
For Census purposes, a house is a building used by people for living. Workshops or store, places where people do not live, are not involved.
Note: Questions about house are to be asked to private households only. For collective households such as schools, hostels, camps, hospitals, etc. these questions should not be asked because they are not relevant.

Question 36: What kind of toilet does your household use?
Apart from knowing that a household has a toilet, there is a need to know what kind of toilet facility they are using. If a household has two types of toilets, take the most used one. Shade the code according to the answers of the respondent.
[p. 72]
The following are types of toilets and their codes:

[] 1 Flush toilet
[] 2 Pit latrine
[] 3 Ventilated pit latrine
[] 4 No toilet
[] 5 Other

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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G. Housing conditions and ownership of assets

50. What is the main type of toilet facility used by this household?

[] 1 Flush/pour flush to piped water system
[] 2 Flush/pour flush to septic tank
[] 3 Flush/pour flush to covered pit
[] 4 Flush/pour flush to somewhere else
[] 5 Ventilated improved pit [VIP] latrine
[] 6 Pit latrine with washable slab and with lid
[] 7 Pit latrine with washable slab without lid
[] 8 Pit latrine with not-washable /soil slab
[] 9 Pit latrine without slab /open pit
[] 10 Composting /ecosan latrine
[] 11 Bucket
[] 12 No facility / bush / field / beach

[] 1 Improved
[] 0 Non improved
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Questions 41 to 52 ask about the house characteristics and ownership of assets/properties and they are answered by the head of the household.

These questions ask about types of home ownership and materials used for construction of the house household members live in. Also, these questions aim to understand services available in the house, for example, water, toilets, energy source for cooking and lighting the house.
Explanation/clarification of the question: Answers to these questions will enable the nation understand the level of poverty in the households.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Part 4 Housing questions

Do not ask the collective household.

For Municipal Areas, ask housing questions in all households.

For Non-Municipal Areas, ask housing questions only in households with the letter "B".
(The letter of the 9th column in the "Sor Por Kor 1" form is:
[] A
[] B
[] C
[] D.
If the letter "B" is checked, ask the housing questions. If not, terminate the interview.)

[Approximately 1 in 3 households from Non-Municipal Areas were asked the household questions.]

25. Type of structure:

[] 1 Detached house
[] 2 Row house
[] 3 Apartment
[] 4 Room
[] 5 Mobile (boat, raft, or car)
[] Others, specify ____

If marked "5" or "Others," terminate the interview.

34. Toilet facilities

Flush toilet:
[] 1 Shared with other households
[] 2 Exclusive use
Molded bucket latrine:
[] 3 Shared with other households
[] 4 Exclusive use
[] 5 Pit
[] 6 Other or none
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Number 34: Toilet facilities
Ask "What type of toilet is normally used in this household? Select the corresponding answer from the following categories:
Flush toilet

Shared with other households
Used by this household only


Shared with other households
Used by this household only


If the toilet is another type or there is no toilet, select number 6.
If the household lives in more than one house and there are more than one type of toilet, select the type of toilet from the toilet in the house in which the head of household lives.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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Part 3. Housing Questions (For Private Household)

[Questions H1-H18 were asked of private households.]

H15. Toilet Facilities

[] 1 Flush toilet, exclusive
[] 2 Flush toilet, shared
[] 3 Moulded bucket latrine, exclusive
[] 4 Moulded bucket latrine, shared
[] 5 Pit
[] 6 Other or none

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Section 3 Questions on Housing
(Ask only private household)

Questions on housing are concerned with living places of every private household in municipal area. For those outside municipal area and Bangkok, ask only the sample households.

Guideline for questioning and recording

1. Ask conditions of living place by household not by person.
2. If a household living in many houses in the same area, consider the house where head of the household lives.
3. If several households living in the same house, consider conditions of the living place of the main household, other households or conditions of living are regarded as rooms in the house.
4. In recording answer, circle one code number only. If answer is "others," specify and record the answer clearly.
5. The question that has no answer code, record statement or number in the blank on the dot line.
H 15. Type of toilet

Ask "What type of toilet facility is normally used in this household?"

Circle a code corresponding to the answer:

1. Used by this household only
2. Shared with other household
3. Used by this household only
4. Shared with other household
5. Pits
6. Other or none

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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Part III Housing questions (for private household)

H13. What kind of toilet is used in this household?


[] 1 Exclusive
[] 2 Shared

Moulded bucket latrine

[] 3 Exclusive
[] 4 Shared

Flush and moulded bucket latrine

[] 5 Exclusive
[] 6 Shared

[] 7 Pit others
[] 8 None

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H13. Toilet
Ask: "What type of toilet facility is normally used in this household?"

Record the following codes:
[] 1 Exclusively used within the household
[] 2 Shared with other households

Molded bucket latrine
[] 3 Exclusively used within the household
[] 4 Shared with other households

Flush and molded bucket latrine
[] 5 Exclusively used within the household
[] 6 Shared with other households

[] 7 Pit or others
[] 8 No toilet

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_TOILET — Toilet
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For sample private households only
[Questions H1-9 were asked of sample private households only]

H6. Type of toilet facility normally used in the household

[] 1 Flush
[] 2 Moulded bucket latrine
[] 3 Flush and moulded bucket latrine
[] 4 Pits or others
[] 5 None

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5.5.3 Part 3 Questions on housing
[Ask only for the sample private household]

H6: What type of toilet facility is normally used in this household?

1. Flush
2. Molded bucket latrine
3. Flush and molded bucket latrine
4. Pits or others
5. None

Procedure for recording the form
Question asked [of respondent]: "What type of toilet facility is normally used in this household?"

Record the code corresponding to the answer, using only one code in the check box provided.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_TOILET — Type of lavatory
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Dwelling unit

(H11) Type of lavatory

Circle the appropriate code and record it in the box

[] 1 Private WC with water flush
[] 2 Public WC with water flush
[] 3 Private dry pit
[] 4 Public dry pit
[] 5 In nature
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
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[p. 49]

F- Characteristics of the habitat

Question H11: Type of toilet

Pose the following question: "What type of toilet do most of the members of your household use?" According to the response, circle then and record in the box the code corresponding to the type of toilet used by most of the members of the household.

The modalities of possible response are:

1. Private WC with flush
2. Public WC with flush
3. Private dry pit
4. Public dry pit
5. In nature
8. Other (to be specified).
[p. 54]

For any other type of toilet not indicated above, circle then record code 8 in the box then record the respondent's declaration on the dotted lines.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Characteristics of Dwelling Unit

45. Toilet facilities
45(a). What type of toilet facilities does the household have?

[] 1 Pit
[] 2 WC linked to sewer
[] 3 WC not linked to sewer
[] 4 Other
[] 5 None
[] 9 Not stated
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Question 45 - Toilet facilities

This question is divided into two [2] parts - question 45[a] and question 45[b]. In question 45[a]; your tick must indicate the type of toilet facilities available to the household. For question 45(b); your tick must indicate whether the household has its own private toilet facilities or shares with one or more households.
Question 45[a] - Type of toilet facilities

Pit - This describes the type of toilet facility available to the household as being a pit or latrine. This toilet facility is not water-borne.

W. C. linked to sewer - This toilet facility is a flush or water closet which fills from a piped water supply and empties into a sewerage disposal system.

W. C. not linked to Sewer - This toilet facility is water-borne and empties into a septic tank or an absorption pit [soakaway].

Other - This category refers to all other types of toilet facilities not described above.

None - Applies if no toilet facilities are available to the household on the premises. Immediately such an entry is made, question 45[b], Box [8] must be ticked to indicate that the question does not apply.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_TOILET — Type of toilet facilities
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

41. Toilet facilities
41(a). What type of toilet facilities does the household have?

[] 1 Pit
[] 2 WC linked to sewer
[] 3 WC not linked to sewer
[] 4 Other
[] 5 None
[] 6 Not stated
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Question 41[a] type of toilet facilities

This describes the type of toilet facility available to the household as being pit or latrine. This toilet facility is not water-borne.
-W.C. linked to sewer
This toilet facility is flush or water closet which fills from a piped water supply and empties into a sewerage disposal system.
-W.C not linked to sewer
This toilet facility is water-borne and empties into a septic tank or an absorption pit [soak-away].
This category refers to all types of toilet facilities not described above.
Applies if no toilet facilities are available to the household on the premises. Immediately after such an entry is made, question 41[b], box [8] must be ticked to indicate that the question does not apply.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

58. Toilet facilities

(a) What type of toilet facilities does the household have?

[] 1. WC linked to sewer
[] 2. Septic tank / Soakaway
[] 3. Pit / Latrine
[] 4. Other
[] 5. None
[] 9. Not stated
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Characteristics of dwelling unit occupied by household

Question 58 - Toilet facilities

This question is divided into two (2) parts - question 58(a) and question 58(b).

In Question 58(a) the tick must indicate the type of toilet facilities available to the household. i.e.

1. Water closet (W.C.) linked to sewer: This toilet facility is flush or water closet, which fills from a piped water supply and empties into a sewerage disposal system.

2. Septic tank / soakaway (W.C. not linked to sewer): This toilet facility is water borne and empties into a septic tank or an absorption pit (soak­ away).

3. Pit / latrine: This describes the type of toilet facility available to the household as being pit or latrine. This toilet facility is not water-borne.

4. Other: This category refers to all other types of toilet facilities not described above.

5. None: Applies if no toilet facilities are available to the household on their premises. Immediately such an entry is made, question 58(b), box 8 must be ticked to indicate that the question does not apply.

For question 58 (b) the tick must indicate whether the household has its own private toilet facilities or shares with one or more households.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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Section 11: Housing - Head of household

B. Characteristics of Occupied Dwelling Unit and Land Tenancy

49. Toilet facilities

49(a). What type of toilet facilities does this household have?

[] 01 WC linked to sewer
[] 02 WC linked to septic tank/soak away
[] 03 Pit/latrine
[] 04 Other
[] 05 None
[] 09 Not stated
Interviewer: For persons who shaded 05 or 09, skip to Q.50(a).

49(b). Are these toilet facilities shared with any other household?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No
[] 08 Not applicable
[] 09 Not stated
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Section 11 - Housing

11.10. Toilet facilities

Toilet facilities are categorized as follows:

(i) Water closet (W.C.) linked to sewer - This is a toilet facility, which is a flush or water closet that fills from a piped water supply and empties into a central sewerage disposal system.


(ii) Water closet (W.C.) linked to septic tank / soakaway - This is defined as a toilet facility, which is a flush or water closet and empties into a septic tank or an absorption pit (soakaway).

(iii) Pit / latrine - A toilet facility available to household which is a pit/latrine. This toilet facility is not water-borne.

(iv) Other - All other types of toilet facilities not described above.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_TOILET — Toilet
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Section III: Questions related to households and dwellings
(For the places constituting a household, ask the questions between 1-12 in this section to the household head or to anyone who can answer instead.)
[Questions 1-12 were asked of housing units, per Section II.]

8. Which of the following are in your household?


[] 1 Inside
[] 2 Outside
[] 3 Doesn't exist

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Section III: Questions related to households and dwellings
Attention! Section III is to be filled out for places where a household [housing unit] is constituted.

Questions 1 to 12 in this section are to be asked of the household head or someone able to answer in his/her place.

Question 8. Which of the following are to be found in your dwelling?

An "X" to be entered into the boxes corresponding to each one of the amenities (toilet, bath, kitchen and piped in water) that exist in the dwelling that the household is living in, doing so according to whether these amenities are located inside or outside the dwelling. For dwellings occupied by a household lacking a toilet, bath, kitchen or piped water either inside or outside the dwelling, an "X" is to be entered for the "None" option for each one of these non-existent amenities.

In filling out this question, the following definitions should be kept in mind:

Toilet (inside the dwelling): That area situated inside the dwelling, enclosed on four sides, with a separate door, from which human feces and dirty water are conveyed via pipe, tile/clay pipe, etc., to a main canal, a septic tank or to the sewer lines.

Toilet (outside the dwelling): A place enclosed on four sides, located outside the dwelling being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land), built with the purpose of permitting people to meet their toilet needs.

Bathroom (inside the dwelling): A place inside the dwelling being lived in, enclosed on four sides, with a separate door, that has been set aside for washing.

Bathroom (outside the dwelling): A place outside the dwelling that is being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land), enclosed on four sides with a separate door, that has been set aside for washing.

Kitchen (inside the dwelling): A place inside the dwelling being lived in, enclosed on four sides, closed off on top, with a separate door in which food may be cooked, dishes washed, and where essential kitchen utensils may be placed.

Kitchen (outside the dwelling): A place outside the dwelling being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land) enclosed on four sides, closed off on top, with a separate door, within which food may be cooked, dishes washed, and where essential kitchen utensils may be placed.

Piped water (inside the dwelling): Running water brought all the way into the dwelling by means of a pipe connection to the city water network or to a private system such as a water tank pump.

Piped water (outside the dwelling): Running water located outside the dwelling delivered by means of a pipe connection to the city water network or to a private system such as a water tank pump.

If a toilet or piped water exists both inside and outside the dwelling that the household lives in, the toilet or piped water shall be designated as being "Inside the dwelling". If a section of the toilet inside the dwelling the household lives in is used as a bathroom, then both the toilet and bathroom will be deemed to be "Inside the dwelling".

For situations not covered by those defined above, the "None" option is to be marked.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_TOILET — Facilities, toilet
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What facilities does this household have-


[] 1 Water borne not shared
[] 2 Water borne shared
[] 3 Pit latrine not shared
[] 4 Pit latrine shared
[] 5 None
[] 6 Other (specify)


[] 1 Inside not shared
[] 2 Inside shared
[] 3 Outside not shared
[] 4 Outside shared
[] 5 None


[] 1 Inside not shared
[] 2 Inside shared
[] 3 Outside not shared
[] 4 Outside shared
[] 5 None

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185. The questions on facilities are self-explanatory. Tick the appropriate boxes.
"Not shared" facilities are used by one household only.
"Shared" facilities are used by more than one household.
"Water borne" toilet facilities are those where water must be used to flush the toilet.
A "kitchen" is a room or an out building used for cooking. If the household cooks on a verandah or in the open or in a room used for other purposes as well, tick "none".

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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H15 Toilet: What type of toilet facilities does this household MAINLY use?
[] 11 Covered pit latrine private
[] 12 Covered pit latrine shared
[] 13 VIP latrine private
[] 14 VIP latrine shared
[] 15 Uncovered pit latrine
[] 16 Flush toilet private
[] 17 Flush toilet shared
[] 18 Bush
[] 19 Other (specify)

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Questions H15: Toilet Facilities
Ask, "What type of toilet facilities does this Household mainly use?"
238. Flush Toilet facilities are those where water must be used to flush the waste.
239. Uncovered Pit Latrines are those without shelter i.e. lacking either a wall or roof or both.
240. "Not shared" facilities are used by one Household only while "Shared" facilities are used by more than one Household. In case of pit latrine, even if you have different stances, provided its one pit, it is regarded as shared.
241. Circle the appropriate code for each question.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_TOILET — Toilet type
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Section 4: Household characteristics

H18 What type of toilet facility does this household mainly use?

[] 10 Flush toilet
[] 11 VIP latrine
[] 12 Covered pit latrine with a slab
[] 13 Covered pit latrine without a slab
[] 14 Uncovered pit latrine with a slab
[] 15 Uncovered pit latrine without a slab
[] 16 Ecosan (compost toilet)
[] 17 No facility, bush, polythene bags, bucket, etc
[] 96 Other

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_TOILET — Availability of inside flush toilet
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Does your household - that is, you and any people who usually live here with you - have use of:

b. A flush toilet/WC with entrance inside the building?

[] 0 Yes - for use only by this household
[] 1 Yes - for use also by another household
[] 2 No - flush toilet with outside entrance only
[] 3 No - no flush toilet indoors or outdoors

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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H10. Is there a flush toilet in this house or building? (Check one)
[] Yes, for the use of this household only
[] Yes, but shared with another household
[] No flush toilet for the use of this household

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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H6. Do you have a flush toilet?

[] Yes, for this household only
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No flush toilet

"See instructions for H3 for meaning of Also used by another household."

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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8. Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have:

b) A flush toilet?

[] Yes
[] No

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_TOILET — Flush toilet
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

8. Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have

b) a flush toilet?
[] Yes
[] No

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_TOILET — Type of toilet facility
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8. Sanitary service

With instant discharge of water:

[] 1 W.C., with seat
[] 2 W.C., at floor level

Without instant discharge of water:

[] 3 Latrine
[] 4 Without service

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Common

[] 1 Public system
[] 2 Septic ditch
[] 3 Cesspool
[] 4 Hole in the ground
[] 5 On surface
[] 6 Other

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Title VIII. Sanitary service
146. Under this title, information about the following three aspects is registered:

a) The type of sanitary service, that is, from an installation used for the elimination of excrement, distinguishing whether an instant discharge of water is used every time that the installation is used;
b) The type of use with the aforementioned installation, that is, exclusively for one family or common, for many;
c) The type of waste pipe, or that is, the place where the discharge is meant to go, after finishing.

Facilities with instant discharge of water
147. Two types of facilities exist, that is, the standing W.C. of porcelain and with a seat; and the so called "taza turca" [squat toilet], or simply a toilet made of porcelain or similar materials that is found at floor level.

Facilities without instant discharge of water
148. The typical latrine exists that can have many forms of construction.

[p. 26]

Use of facilities
149. Make the corresponding notation, according to the case.

Waste pipes
150. Mark only one of the boxes, corresponding to the six headlines that are specified below:

a) Septic tank or septic chamber, is a closed chamber made of concrete which the waste pipes go to and where a phenomenon of decantation and purification is produced. These ditches finally drain by overflowing into an absorption well.

b) Cesspool, or absorbent well is an excavation closed by a ditch and whose lateral walls may or may not be covered with brick or other materials where the eliminated material goes.

c) Hole in the ground is a common hole similar to latrines without any lid and where the eliminated materials go without any discharge of water. This is typical in rural areas.

d) As for the remaining answers, they do not require any other explanation.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_TOILET1 — Toilet
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2. Sanitary service: W.C., taza turca [type of toilet at ground level], latrine, etc.
[] 1 Has - with flushing system
[] 2 Has - without flush (latrine)
[] 3 Does not have

2.1 Use of the sanitary service
[] 1 Private use of the home
[] 2 Shared use with other homes
[] 0 Does not apply (doesn't have sanitary service)

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F. Information about the private home
Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that if in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section "E. Information about the private dwelling".

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

2. Sanitary service: W.C., squat toilet, latrine, etc.

136. You will consult the members of a home if they have a sanitary service and of what type, the use and the evacuation of the service.

Use of the sanitary service

137. The use will be "Private" when the sanitary service is used only by members of a family that you are enumerating.

You will consider it "Common" when it is shared with members of one or more homes. In general, when a dwelling is shared by many homes, you will find that they use the sanitary service in common.

If a dwelling "Does not have" a sanitary service in use, you will register:
0 "Does not apply".

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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F. Information about the private home

2. Sanitary service

Does it have water, "taza turca" [squat toilet], latrine, etc.?

It has

[] 1 With instant discharge of water
[] 2 Without discharge

[] 3 Does not have

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F. Information about the private home

Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section E. Information of the private dwelling.

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

2. Sanitary service

Do you have a water "taza turca" [squat toilet], latrine, etc.?

Ask the question and mark the box corresponding to the answer you receive.

2.1 Use of sanitary service
Is the use of sanitary services: private to this home?

The use will be private when the sanitary service is used only by members of a family that you are enumerating.

When it is shared with members of one or more other homes you will mark box 6.

[p. 29]

In general, when a dwelling is shared by many homes, you will find if they use the sanitary service in common.

If a dwelling does not have sanitary service, go to question No. 3 and do not make notations in use or in disposal of sewage.

2.2 Disposal of the sewage
Ask the questions, reading the different alternatives, until you get an affirmative response.

[p. 30]

[An example has been omitted.]

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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1. Does the household in this dwelling have any hygienic service (e.g. W.C., latrine, etc.)?
[] 1 Yes, with instantaneous discharge of water
[] 2 Yes, but without discharge
[] 3 Does not have hygienic service.

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Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_BATHTYPE — Type of bathroom
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14. Does this dwelling have bathroom?
[] 1 Yes, with a cistern
[] 2 Yes, without a cistern
[] 3 No (go to question 18)

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14. Does this dwelling have a bathroom?

This question and those that follow are also asked to determine the living conditions of the people as well as their level of sanitation. A dwelling is considered as having sanitary service when it has at least one space that has a bathroom, latrine, or toilet--with or without a cistern.

According to the response, the corresponding code will be marked. Whenever the item "No" is marked, the interview continues with question 18.

15. How many bathrooms does it have?

Indicate the quantity of bathrooms.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_BATHDW — Bathroom in the dwelling
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Sanitary Service

6. Does this household have a bathroom in the dwelling? (HogSH01)

[] 1 Yes, with water tank
[] 2 Yes, without water tank
[] 3 No (go to q. 9)
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7.3.3 Sanitary Service

Does this household have a bathroom in the dwelling?

A dwelling has a bathroom when it has a space that contains at least a toilet, latrine, or squat toilet, with or without a water tank.

The toilet is a sanitary element (bowl) used to collect and eliminate human excrement and that (through a siphon seal of clean water) impedes the escape of smells toward the inhabited spaces.

The squat toilet is a toilet without a bowl, such that it is a hole in the ground with two adjacent places to support the feet. Sometimes they call it a latrine since it lacks a seat but, as opposed to this, it possesses a hydraulic seal that impedes the escape of smells.

The latrine is the hole in the ground covered with a sheet of wood or concrete in which a hole is placed that could eventually hold a bowl. Select the option according to the informant's response.

  • with water tank.
  • without water tank.
  • no

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_TOILET — Bathroom waste removal
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5. Wastewater elimination
[] 1 Toilet or W.C. to sewer
[] 2 Toilet or W.C. to septic tank
[] 3 Pit toilet or latrine
[] 4 Without any toilet facilities

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6.15. Bathroom waste removal (Q-5).

A toilet, or W.C., to sewer is understood to be the system installed to eliminate human waste by means of pressurized piped water [p. 69] taken to a sewer system, septic tank or drain.

Pit toilet or latrine: A shallow excavation made outside of the dwelling for the deposit of human wastes. It can be in the open air or surrounded by any type of materials.

Mark without toilet facilities when the dwelling has no facility.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_TOILET — Waste elimination
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11. Does this dwelling have?
[] Toilet (w.c.) connected to sewer
[] Toilet (w.c.) connected to a septic tank
[] Pit toilet or latrine
[] Doesn't have a toilet

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Installations and equipment

Question 11

-- Does this dwelling have?

Mark [the appropriate oval] if the dwelling has:

-- Toilet connected to sewer
-- Toilet connected to septic tank
-- Pit toilet or latrine
-- No toilet

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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11. This dwelling has:
[] Toilet (W.C.) connected to sewer
How many?

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3 or more

[] Toilet (w.c.) connected to a septic tank
How many?

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3 or more

[] Pit toilet or latrine
[] Doesn't have a toilet or latrine

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Question No.11

[Toilet facilities]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section II, question 11 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and possible answers and fill in the corresponding cell:

-- If the answer is toilet to sewer or toilet to septic tank ask how many and fill in the corresponding cell.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_SEWER — Removal of excretion
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12. This dwelling has:
[] A toilet connected to a sewer
[] A toilet connected to a septic tank
[] A toilet not connected to a sewer or septic tank
[] An outhouse with a hole or a latrine
[] Does not have a toilet or outhouse

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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c. Toilet facilities:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 *Toilet with flushing facilities
[] 4 *Double tank
[] 5 *Other

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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9. What type of toilet facility is your household using?
[] 1 Flushing toilet
[] 2 Suilabh toilet
[] 3 Simple toilet
[] 4 No toilet

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Question 9: What type of latrine system do you use?
Circle the appropriate number for the type of latrine the household is using. Note that this question obtains information up to the time of the investigation, regardless of who owns the latrine. If the household uses more than one type of latrine, then only record the type of latrine that is being used the most.

The types of latrine the household is using are categorized into the following 4 types:
1) Self disposal or semi self disposal latrine: This type of latrine uses water to move feces through the sewer to the tank (also referred to as septic tank), regardless whether the water is poured into the tank through a line or the water is poured into the tank using barrels/pails/basins.

2) Suilabh toilet (also referred to as absorption latrine): This type of latrine destroys feces using water absorption mechanism.

3) Simple latrine: This includes latrines with one compartment, two compartments, or a simple hole that was dug/covered/built. Latrines that use water but no tank, or latrines that use barrels, cat holes, fishing bridges etc., also belong to this type.

4) No latrine: This is the case where the household uses no latrine, but must go to the toilet out in the fields/hills/mountains/an empty piece of land/thick bushes etc.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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[Questions 53-57 were asked of all households]

56. What kind of toilet facility is your household using most?

[] 1 Indoor flush/semi-flush toilet
[] 2 Outdoor flush/semi-flush toilet
[] 3 Other
[] 4 No toilet

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Question 56. What kind of toilet facility is your household using most?
This question is to collect information on what kind of toilet facility was used by the household the most in the past year (12 months prior to the census day), regardless of the ownership of the toilet facility. If the household has used several kinds of toilet facilities in the past year, only one box will be marked according to the kind of toilet facility used most by the household.


Toilet facilities include:
Indoor flush/semi flush toilet: this is the facility located inside the house which uses water to remove feces to a tank (also named a septic tank which comprises between one to three sections; one section contains feces and one or two segments filter feces before draining it to the sewer) regardless of where the water comes from that is used to flush.

Outdoor flush/semi toilet: this is the facility located outside of the house (separated area)

Others: facilities which are not characterized by the two mentioned above. They include: filtered toilet, one-compartment toilet, two-compartment toilet, and the simplest form of toilet such as a hole in the ground. These kinds of toilet facilities also include where water is used to drain feces, but do not include septic tanks, simple tanks, ponds, etc.

No toilet: Household does not use any of the above mentioned toilets and always defecates on the ground, in a field, bush, etc.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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Part 3. Information on housing

64. What kind of toilet facility does your household use most?

[] 1 Indoor flush or semi-flush toilet
[] 2 Outdoor flush or semi-flush toilet
[] 3 Other
[] 4 No toilet
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 3: Information about housing
The DTV collects information about the housing situation of the household. Do not collect housing information for specific demographics.

Question 64: What type of latrine does your household use?
This questionnaire collects information about the type of latrine that the households use the most in the past year (12 months prior to the time of the survey), regardless of where the latrine is located and who it belongs to. Types of latrines include:

- Septic/semi-septic toilets in the house: A type of latrine built inside a house (closed), using water to discharge feces through a pipe into a septic tank (also known as an infection tank with 1 to 3 compartments: a fecal compartment, one or two filter compartments before discharging water to the sewer), regardless of whether water is poured into the toilet through a pipe or poured into the toilet using a drum, bucket or basin.
- Septic/semi-septic toilets outside the house: A septic and semi-septic toilet built outside the house (built in a separate area).

- Other toilets: These are types of latrines that do not fall into the above two categories, including permeable latrines, latrines with 1 compartment, 2 compartments or simply 1 hole dug/paved/built, latrines that use water but do not have a septic tank or bucket toilet, cathole, outhouse above a water body, ...

- No latrines: This is the case where the household does not use any kind of latrine but has to defecate in the fields, hills, open fields, in the bush, river banks, etc. ...

For example: A household rents a room in a motel and uses the shared bathroom and septic toilet every day. In this case, the DTV recorded that the household used "outdoor septic/semi-septic latrines."

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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HH-3 What type of toilet is used by members of this household?

[] 1-Flush
[] 2-Pit latrine
[] 3-Aqua privy
[] 4-Bucket
[] 5-Other (Go to HH-6)
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HH - 3: What type of toilet is used by members of this household?
6. Everybody uses some toilet of some sort and we are interested in the type of toilet used by members of the household. Enter the appropriate code in the box provided.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_TOILET — Toilet facilities
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6. What is the main type of toilet used by members of this household?
[] Flush (private)
[] Flush (communal)
[] Pit latrine
[] Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine (VIP)
[] Bucket
[] Other -- Go to 7
[] No toilet Facility
Is this toilet inside or outside this housing unit?
[] Inside
[] Outside
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HH6: What is the main type of toilet used by members of this household?

Everybody uses a toilet of some sort and we are interested in the type of toilet used by members of the household. Shade the appropriate code in the box provided. If the household has no toilet facility, or uses "other" toilet facility, do not ask HH-7. Instead, go to HH-9.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_TOILET — Type of toilet
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HH4. What is the main type of toilet used by members of this household?
[] 1 Flush private connected to water sewer system
[] 2 Flush private connected to stand alone soak away
[] 3 Flush communal
[] 4 Pit latrine
[] 5 Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine (VIP)
[] 6 Bucket
[] 7 Other
[] 8 No toilet facility - [Go to] HH7
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HH - 4: What is the main type of toilet used by members of this household?

Everybody uses a toilet of some sort and we are interested in the type of toilet used by members of the household. Shade the appropriate code If the household has no toilet facility, skip to HH7.

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_TOILET — Toilet facility
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F - Living conditions

32. What type of toilet facility is used most by this household?

[] 1 Flush
[] 2 Blair
[] 3 Pit
[] 4 Communal
[] 5 None
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Section F: Living Conditions
This section seeks information on the living environment and touches on such aspects as access to electricity and toilets, sources of drinking water etc.

Responses to Questions 28 to 33 are pre-coded and you have to shade the correct response.

Q32 Toilet facility
This information can be used in obtaining a measure of sanitation level of the household since these facilities are important for disease control and health improvement. Please note that it is access to a toilet facility that is referred to here and not the ownership.

Some explanations on the categories are as follows:

1 Flush toilet
Water carries the waste down a pipe whether the water is piped onto the toilet or poured in by buckets.

2 Blair toilet/VIP (Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine)
A special ventilated pit latrine protected from flies and which ventilates odors away from the latrine itself.

3 Pit toilet
A pit or latrine dug into the earth.

4 Communal toilet
Refers to a shared toilet, as in compounds.

5 None