Questionnaire Text

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For sample private households only
[Questions H1-9 were asked of sample private households only]

H5. The major type of cooking fuel used in the household

[] 1 Charcoal
[] 2 Wood
[] 3 Gas
[] 4 Electricity
[] 5 Kerosene
[] 6 Others
[] 7 No cooking done

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

5.5.3 Part 3 Questions on housing
[Ask only for the sample private household]

H5: What is the main type of cooking fuel used in this household?

[Table summarizing column H5 is not presented here]

1. Charcoal
2. Firewood
3. Gas
4. Electricity
5. Kerosene
6. Others
7. Not cooking

Procedure for recording the form

[p. 127]

Question asked [of respondent]: "In this household, what is the main type of fuel used for food preparation?

Record the code corresponding to the answer, using only one code in the check box