S9. Last year occupation
What job did [respondent] spend most of the time working on during last year? (1 April 1989 to 31 March 1990) ____
Column S9: Main occupation last year (1 April 1989 - 31 March 1990)
Ask: "During last year, what kind of work did ___(name)___ spend most of his/her time on?
Record the description of occupation, job description and position clearly. Examples are farmer, painter, engraver, furniture craftsman, laborer in rice mill, house maid, etc. (Do not record occupations such as government officer or merchant because they are not specific.)
Craftsman: Record what he/she made specifically such as making furniture, building houses, etc.
Teacher: Record the subject that he/she taught such as geography, math, arts, etc. If he/she taught more than one subject, record the subject on which he/she spent most of his/her time. If he/she is responsible for a particular, record the specific class he/she is responsible for such as grade1 in secondary school, grade 2 in primary school, etc.
Engineer or technician: Record the specific category of engineer or technician that he/she was such as civil engineer, electrical engineer, chemical engineer, mechanic technician, etc.
Clerk: Record the duty and description of the job such as typing, delivering documents, measuring, delivering products, etc.
Nurse: Record the type of nurse such as health care nurse, registered nurse, clinical nurse, home nurse, etc.
Driver: Record the type of automobile a person drove such as truck driver, pick-up driver, bus driver, rented-car driver, tricycle driver, etc.
Farmer: Record the type of crops grown in the plantation/farm such as coconut, fruits, palm trees, rubber, vegetables, flowers, cassava, corn, sugar cane, tobacco, etc.
Employee: Record the type of work that a person was employed to do such as carrying things, dish washing, laundry, digging soil, etc.
If there is more than one occupation, record only one main occupation last year by considering the following criteria:
2. The occupation from which a person earned more income, if a person spent equal amount of time on many occupations.
If a person does not know the occupation or position but knows that he/she was working last year, record "working but not knowing occupation".
If a person did not work at all did not have any occupation last year, such as pensioner, lender, etc., record "not working" and omit Columns S10 and S11.