Questionnaire Text

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Only for persons 11 years and over
[Questions 17-24.]

Number of children ever born alive:

[Ask only women who have been married]

18. Total born alive ______

19. Still living ______

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[From column 17 to column 24, ask only persons age 11 years or older.]

Column 19: Number of children ever born alive who are still living
Ask: "From the number of children even born alive, how many of them are still living as of 0:00 am of April 1, 1970?"
Record the number of children ever born alive who are still living as of 0:00 am of April 1, 1970 in this column.

In the case where there are some number of children ever born alive in column 18, but none of them is still living, record "none" in column 19.

If record "none" in column 18, do not ask this question and write a dash in this column.

Ever-married women refer to women whose marital status in column 17 is married, widowed, divorced, or separated.

For the nuns whose marital status is "nun-ever married", ask for the number of children ever born alive as well.