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Economic activities

For those occupied and the unemployed who have already worked
[See column P20. Questions P21 through P23 were asked of persons age 6 or more who reported have worked in question P20.]

(P23) Branch of activity ____ _ _ _

Record the branch of activity of the establishment in which the person works or has most worked.
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B- Economic activities

Economic activity means any activity of production of goods or services intended to be the subject of an economic exchange or a personal use.

Column P23: Branch of activity

The economic branch of activity corresponds to the activity of the establishment or of the enterprise where the person has worked during the period of reference (for the occupied) or the last enterprise in which they have worked (for the unemployed having already worked).

You should try to find out what the enterprise or establishment where [the respondent] has worked or works does and record on the dotted lines the branch of economic activity concerned.


- Cultivation of maize, rice, coffee, cocoa, and so on.
- Medical services: for any employee (watchman, orderly, nurse, doctor and so on) working in a public or private health service (hospitals, clinics, and other health institutions).
- Teaching: for monitors, teachers in colleges, high schools, universities, and professional teaching institutions.
NB 33: For a doctor, a nurse, a typist working in an educational institution, the branch of activity will be "teaching".
- Electricity: for any employee at the CEET and the Compagnie Electrique du Bénin (CEB - Benin Electricity Company).
- Water: for any employee working at Togolaise des Eaux (TDE), the Voltic company, the Vitale company, and so on.
- Banks and Insurance: for any bank or insurance institution employee.

[p. 40]

- Posts/Telecommunications: for personnel of Société des postes / Togo Télécom, Togocel, Moov.
- Wholesale and/or retail trade: for all those who practice the trade.
- Public administration: for employees of the state, social security and other state services officers, except for soldiers and public security officers.
- National defense: for military personnel, gendarmes and any other employee of the Armed Forces.
- Public security: for personnel of the police or public security forces (Police officers and fire fighters, Prefecture guards).
- Hotels, bars and restaurants: for those who work in these establishments.
- Domestic services: for in house employees (houseboy, maid, watchman, gardener, and so on).
- Transport: for all those involved in road, rail, sea or air transport.
- Farming: for all those involved in the farming of poultry, goats, cattle, pigs, and so on.