Questionnaire Text

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For all persons
[Columns P01 to P10B were asked of all persons]

(P09) Religion

[] 00 No religion
[] 11 Catholic
[] 21 Evangelical Presbyterian
[] 22 Methodist
[] 23 Assembly of God
[] 24 Baptist
[] 25 Pentecostalism
[] 26 Jehovah's Witness
[] 27 Adventist
[] 30 Other Christian
[] 41 Muslim
[] 51 Traditional (Animist)
[] 61 Other religion ____
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A- Sociodemographic characteristics

Column P09: Religion

You will ask each member of the household what religion they practice by posing the following question: "What is the religion practiced by [the respondent]?" You will record according to the response the appropriate abbreviation on the dotted lines and the corresponding code in the boxes reserved for this purpose. The possible responses are:

00 SR = Without religion
11 CAT = Catholic
21 EVP = Evangelical Presbyterian
22 MET = Methodist
23 AD = Assembly of God
24 BAP = Baptist
25 PEN = Pentecostalism
26 TJ = Jehovah's Witness
27 ADV = Adventist
30 AC = Other Christian
41 MUS = Muslim
51 TRA = Traditional religion
61 AUT = Other religion

NB 20:
- Children are usually the same religion as their parents except for cases when the latter decide otherwise. If the parents are of different religions, ask the religion of their children.
- The other Christian (code 30) include: Seventh Day Adventist, Aladoura,
Go Get Them, Friends of Christ, Apostolic, Brotherhood, Celestial Christianity, Church of the Deep Life, Church House of Christ, Jesus Will Return, The Rebirth, Ministry of Faith, Ministry of the Christian Faith, New Apostolic Alliance, Saints of God, and so on.