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Prefecture or country of birth

Questionnaire Text

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For all persons
[Columns P01 to P10B were asked of all persons]

(P07) Place of birth ____ _ _ _

Record on the dotted lines the name of the locality, the canton, and the prefecture or sub-prefecture or record the name of the country for all those born outside of Togo.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
A- Sociodemographic characteristics

Column P07: Place of birth

Pose the following question: "In what locality was [the respondent] born?"

Make sure you note on the dotted lines of the first line the name of the locality declared (or read on a document). Then record on the dotted lines of the second line the name of the canton to which the locality is attached and on the dotted lines of the third line the name of the prefecture to which it belongs.

Ama declares being born in the Amégnran locality, in the canton of Dzrékpo located in the prefecture of Vo. Record Amégnran on the dotted lines of the first line, then Dzrékpo on the dotted lines of the second line, and then Vo on the dotted lines of the third line.

NB 17: For persons born in the Lomé municipality, find out the neighborhood in which they were born. Record the name of the neighborhood on the dotted lines of the first line. The arrondissement to which the neighborhood is attacked will be recorded on the second line of dotted lines, and "Lomé municipality" on the third line of dotted lines.

Norbert declares being born in the Nyékonakpoè neighborhood in the 4th arrondissement of the city of Lomé. Record Nyékonakpoè on the dotted lines of the first line, 4th arrondissement and Lomé municipality respectively on the dotted lines of the second and third line.

NB 18: For those born outside of Togo, record only the name of the country of birth on the dotted lines.

Example: Ghana for someone born in Kpando (a town in Ghana).