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Energy for cooking

Questionnaire Text

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Dwelling unit

(H08) Principal source of energy used for cooking

Circle the appropriate code and record it in the box

[] 1 Fire wood
[] 2 Charcoal
[] 3 Vegetable waste
[] 4 Oil
[] 5 Butane gas
[] 6 Electricity
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
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[p. 49]

F- Characteristics of the habitat

Question H08: Main energy source used for cooking

This concerns the main energy source used in the household for cooking food. Circle and record in the box the code corresponding to the main energy sources used for cooking in the household.

The modalities of possible response are:

1. Firewood
2. Charcoal
3. Vegetable waste (stalks of millet, maize, cotton stalk, cassava, walnut chips, coconut, and so on)
4. Oil
5. Butane gas
6. Electricity
8. Other (to be specified)

For any other energy source not indicated above, circle and record code 8 in the box, and then record the respondent's declaration on the dotted lines.