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4. What is the ownership status [forma de tenencia] of the dwelling occupied by this household?
[] 1 Own dwelling
[] 2 Own dwelling paid in installments to a public institution
[] 3 Own dwelling paid in installments to a private institution
[] 4 Own dwelling being paid in installments to NGOs
[] 5 Rented
[] 6 Occupied for free
[] 7 Other status

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Question 4: What is the ownership status of the dwelling occupied by this household?
Own dwelling:
This is when the head of household or a member of the household is the owner of the dwelling.

Own dwelling paid in installments to a public institution:
This is when the head of household or a member of the household is paying for the dwelling in installments as the owner of the dwelling. This might be to FONAVIPO, the Social Fund for Dwelling, etc.

Own dwelling paid in installments to a private institution:
This is when the head of household or a member of the household is paying for the dwelling in installments to a private institution such as a bank, a cooperative, etc.

Own dwelling paid in installments to NGOs:
This is when the head of the household or a member of the household is paying for the dwelling in installments to an NGO such as FUNDASAL, etc.

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This is when the head of household or a member of the household pays some value as rent.

Occupied for free:
This is when the dwelling is occupied without any payment to the owner, and no service has been provided in exchange.

Other status:
This includes those not included in previous categories.