Questionnaire Text

Brazil 1960 Greece 2011 Ireland 1986 Puerto Rico 2015
Brazil 1970 Hungary 1970 Ireland 1991 Puerto Rico 2020
Brazil 1980 Hungary 1980 Ireland 2002 Togo 1970
Brazil 1991 Hungary 1990 Ireland 2006 United States 2010
Brazil 2000 Hungary 2001 Ireland 2016 United States 2015
Canada 1971 Hungary 2011 Mexico 1970 United States 2020
Canada 1981 Ireland 1971 Poland 1978
Canada 1991 Ireland 1979 Poland 2002
Fiji 2007 Ireland 1981 Puerto Rico 2010
Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_RELATE — Relationship to head of household
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C. Family relationship or relationship with head of household

[] 7 head
[] 8 spouse
[] 9 child or stepchild
[] 10 grandchild
[] 11 parents and in-laws
[] 12 other relatives
[] 13 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without
being a relative, boarder or employee [agregado]
[] 14 boarder or employee

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Question C - Kinship or relationship with the Head of the family

The relationship existing in the dwelling between the person enumerated and the Head of the family should be indicated.
The following should be considered in the response to this question:

Head - The person responsible for the household;
Spouse - The person who lives maritally with the Head of the family, whether or not there is a formal matrimonial bond;
Child or stepchild - including adopted children, except for non-officially adopted children.
Grandchild - including great-grandchild and great-great-grandchild;
Parents and parents-in-law - including stepmothers and stepfathers;
Other relatives - grandparents, great-grandparents, sisters-in-law and brothers-in law, siblings' spouses, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, siblings, cousins, nephews and nieces, uncles and aunts, etc.;
Agregado - a person who has permanent residence in the household, without being a relative, boarder or employee;
Guest - a person, relative or not of the family, who, not having permanent residence in the household, is temporarily present there without paying for lodgings, or a person who, without being a relative, has permanent residence in the household and pays for lodgings;
[p. 27]
Employee - a person who provides remunerated services to the residents of the household and who sleeps there regularly, such as a cook, nanny, chambermaid, governess, gardener, butler, driver, etc.
In collective dwellings, the last box must always be marked for non-related persons [pessoas avulsas] (enumerated on individual census forms) (14 - Guest or employee).

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_RELATEFAM — Relationship to head of family
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4. Family relationship or relationship with head of household
[] 1 head
[] 9 individual (in collective dwelling)
[] 2 spouse
[] 3 child
[] 4 parents or in-laws
[] 5 son or daughter-in-law
[] 5 grandchild
[] 5 other relative
[] 6 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without
being a relative, boarder or employee (agregado)
[] 7 boarder
[] 8 employee
[] 7 visitor

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Question 4 - Kinship or Relationship with the Head of the Family

Record according to the specifications on the Form, considering:

Head - The person responsible for the household;
Spouse - The person who lives maritally with the Head of the Family, whether or not there is a matrimonial bond;
Child - including stepchildren and adopted children, except for foster children.
Parents and parents-in-law - including stepmothers and stepfathers;
Son-in-law or daughter-in-law - persons who live maritally with the daughter or son of the head couple of the family, regardless of the existence of a matrimonial bond;
Grandchild - including great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren;
Other relative - grandparents, great-grandparents, sisters-in-law and brothers-in law, cousins, nephews and nieces, uncles and aunts, etc.;
Agregado - a person who has fixed residence in the household, without being a relative, boarder or employee;
Boarder - a person who, without being a relative, has a fixed residence in the household and pays for lodgings;
Employee - a person who provides remunerated services to the residents of the household and who sleeps there regularly, such as a cook, nanny, governess, chambermaid, gardener, butler, driver, etc.
Guest - a person, relative or not of the family, who, not having permanent residence in the household, is temporarily present there on the date of the Census.

Box 9 - Individual - will always be marked for members of groups living together, regardless of their condition in the household.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_RELATEF — Relationship to head of household
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4. Family relationship or relationship with head of household
[] 1 head
[] 2 spouse
[] 3 child or stepchild
[] 4 parents or in-laws
[] 5 son- or daughter-in-law
[] 5 grandchild
[] 5 other relative
[] 6 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without being a relative, boarder or employee (agregado)
[] 7 boarder
[] 7 visitor/guest
[] 8 domestic servant
[] 9 relative of employee
[] 0 individual

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Question 3 - Kinship or relationship with the head of the dwelling

Question 4 - Kinship or relationship with the head of the household

Kinship or relationship with the head of the dwelling - Mark the box corresponding to the relationship existing between each person and the person responsible for the dwelling.
Kinship or relationship with the head of the household - Mark the box corresponding to the relationship between each member of the household and the person responsible for the household within the dwelling to which it belongs.
The entries regarding condition in the household and condition in the family should comply with the following criteria:
Head - person (man or woman) responsible for the household or family;
Spouse - person (man or woman) who lives conjugally with the Head of the household or Head of the family, whether or not there is a matrimonial bond;
Child or stepchild - including adopted and foster children;
Parents or parents-in-law - including stepfathers and stepmothers;
Son-in-law or daughter-in-law;
Grandchild - including great-grandchild and great-great-grandchild;
Sibling, brother-in-law or sister-in-law - only on CD 1.02; on CD 1.01, record other relative;
Other relative - any degree of kinship, except for those listed above;
Agregado - a person who has fixed residence in the household without being a relative, boarder, domestic employee or relative of the employee, and does not pay for lodgings;
Boarder - a person who, without being relative, has fixed residence in the household and pays lodgings;
Domestic employee - a person who renders remunerated domestic services to the residents of the household;
Relative of employee - relative of a domestic employee, who does not render remunerated domestic services to the residents of the household; and
Guest - a person, relative or not, who does not have fixed residence in the household but is present at the household on the date of the Census (not including domestic employees).
In collective dwellings, Box 0 - Individual - will always be marked for persons do not live in the company of a relative. For families, the relationship or dependence will always be in relation to the Head of the family, in both Questions 3 and 4.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_RSPHEADF — Relationship to head of family
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3. Family relationship or relationship with head of household
[] 1 head
[] 2 spouse
[] 3 child
[] 4 stepchild
[] 5 father or mother
[] 6 mother or father in law
[] 7 grandparent/great grandparent
[] 8 grandchild
[] 9 daughter- or son-in-law
[] 10 brother or sister
[] 11 sister- or brother-in-law
[] 12 other relative
[] 13 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without being a relative, boarder or employee (agregado)
[] 14 boarder
[] 15 domestic servant

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Question 3 - Kinship or relationship with the head of the household
Mark the box corresponding to the relationship between each member of the family and the person responsible for the family in the household to which he or she belongs.
The entries regarding condition in the household and condition in the family should comply with the following criteria:
1 - Head - person (man or woman) responsible for the household or family;
2 - Spouse - person (man or woman) who lives conjugally with the Head of the household or Head of the family, whether or not there is a matrimonial bond;
3 - Child - including adopted and foster children;
4 - Stepson or stepdaughter - a son or daughter only of the spouse, even if the spouse has died or does not live in the household;
5 - Father or mother - including stepfather and stepmother;
6 - Father-in-law or mother-in-law - even if not a relative of the current spouse;
7 - Grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather or great-grandmother - including only of the spouse;
8 - Grandson, granddaughter, great-grandson or great-granddaughter - including only of the spouse;
9 - Son-in-law or daughter-in-law - including only of the spouse;
10 - Sibling;
11 - Brother-in-law or sister-in-law - even if not a relative of the current spouse;
12 - Other relative - nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, cousin, including only of the spouse;
13 - Agregado - a person who has fixed residence in the household without being a relative, boarder, domestic employee or relative of the employee, and does not pay for lodgings;
14 - Boarder - a person who, without being a relative, has fixed residence in the household and pays for lodgings;
15 - Domestic employee - a person who provides remunerated domestic services to residents of the household;
16 - Relative of employee - a person who is a relative of a domestic employee and who does not exercise remunerated domestic work for residents in the household. This designation is not shown in Question 3 of CD 1.02 because, in the composition of the family, a relative of a domestic employee is a member of the domestic employee's family.

[p. 56]
In collective dwellings, Box 20 - Individual will always be marked for persons who live alone. For families, the relationship or dependence will always be in relation to the Head of the family, both in Question 2 and in Question 3.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_RELATEF — Relationship to head of family
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4.03 Family relationship or relationship with head of household?
[] 1 head (person responsible)
[] 2 spouse or partner
[] 3 child or stepchild
[] 4 father, mother, mother- or father-in-law
[] 5 grandchild, great-grandchild
[] 6 brother, sister
[] 7 other relative
[] 8 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without being a relative, boarder or employee (agregado)
[] 9 boarder
[] 10 domestic servant
[] 11 relative of domestic servant
[] 12 individual in collective household

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Question 4.03 - What is your relationship with the person responsible for the family?

Mark an X with the code corresponding to the relationship between each member of the family and the person responsible for the family to which he or she belongs in the household.

Example: 3 - Son, Daughter, Stepson, Stepdaughter

For the first person of the household, only Code 01 or 12 may be filled out, according to the concept, both in the relationship with the person responsible for the household (Question 4.02) and in the relationship with the person responsible for the family (Question 4.03).

In the supplementary questionnaires, the pages with the questions related to the 1st person should be filled out for the 7th, 13th, etc. persons. In this case, the code indicated in Question 4.02 may not be 01 or 12, codes which apply only to the person responsible for the household and, in Question 4.03, Code 12 may not be indicated, since it refers alone to a person who lives only in a collective dwelling.

The records of the condition in the household and condition in the family should obey the following criteria:

1 - Person responsible - for the person (man or woman) who is responsible for the household or for the family, or who is considered the person responsible by the other residents;
2 - Spouse, common law spouse - for the person (man or woman) who lives maritally with the person responsible for the household or for the family, whether or not there is a marital bond;
3 - Son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter - also considering adopted or foster children, as well as children only of the spouse, even if this spouse is deceased or no longer lives in the household;
4 - Father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law - also consider stepfather and stepmother;

[p. 95]

5 - Grandchild, great-grandchild - consider including only of the spouse;
6 - Sibling - Consider even those without ties of blood-relationship (adopted and foster);
7 - Other relative - grandparent, great-grandparent, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew niece, cousin, including only of the spouse;
8 -Agregado - for persons who have fixed residence in the household without being a relative, boarder, domestic employee or relative of a domestic employee;
9 - Boarder - for persons who, without being relatives, have their fixed residence in the household and pay for lodgings;
10 - Domestic employee - for persons who rendered remunerated domestic services to the residents of the household or family;
11 - Relative of a domestic employee - for a persons who is a relative of a domestic employee and who does not render remunerated domestic services to the residents of the household or family;
12 - Individual in a collective dwelling - for persons alone who live in collective dwellings.

For families who live in collective dwellings, the relationship or dependence in the household will always be in relationship to the person responsible for the family in the collective dwelling.

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_RELATEF — Family membership
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2. Relationship to head of household
The head of household is the husband rather than the wife; the parent where there is one parent only with unmarried children, or any member of a group sharing a dwelling equally.
Fill one circle only.
[] Head of household
[] Wife of head
[] Son or daughter of head
[] Father or mother
[] Brother or sister
[] Son-in-law /daughter-in-law
[] Father-in-law/mother-in-law
[] Brother-in-law/sister-in-law
[] Grandchild
[] Lodger
[] Lodger's wife
[] Lodger's child
[] Nephew or nice
[] Other, specify as uncle, aunt, employee, employee's wife, employee's child, partner ____

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1. It is very important that all usual members of the household (including those temporarily away on vacation, business, at school, etc., as well as those with no home elsewhere) be listed. When entering names, follow the order shown below to ensure that all members of the same family group are enumerated together:
1 Head of household
2 Wife of household head
3 Unmarried children in order of age, eldest first
4 Married children and their families
5 Other relatives and their families
6 Lodgers and their families
7 Employees and their families
8 Other members of the household.

2. Include as "son or daughter" a stepchild or an adopted child, as well as foster children or wards for whom no pay is received. An unrelated foster child or ward for whom pay is received should be marked "Lodger". Be sure to (i) fill the "Other" circle, and (ii) write in the actual relationship to the household head for all persons for whom no marking position has been provided.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_FAMTY — Census family status and living arrangements
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Question 2. To enable us to identify family groups within the household, it is necessary to select a reference person (Person l), and to state the relationship of each household member to that person. For example, if John Smith lives with his father Thomas Smith, and Thomas Smith has been entered as Person 1, John Smith would mark "Son or daughter of Person 1". There may be a member or members of your household whose relationship to Person 1 is not described in Question 2. In such cases, mark either "Other relative of Person 1" or "Other non-relative", and also print the exact relationship to Person 1 in the space provided.
"Other relative" includes persons such as uncles, aunts, cousins, grandfathers, grandmothers, and so on. "Other non-relative" refers to household members who are not related to Person 1 by blood, marriage, adoption or common-law. Some examples are employee's wife, employee's daughter, room-mate's son, landlord, and so on.
The term "common-law", as used in "Common-law partner of Person l" or as may be used to describe any other such partnership in the household (for example, "Lodger's common-law partner"), should be interpreted as applying to any case of a couple living together in this type of union.

Note that stepchildren, adopted children, and children of a common-law partner should be considered as sons and daughters. Foster children, wards and guardianship children who are not related to Person l by blood, marriage, adoption or common-law should be listed as lodgers.

2. Relationship to Person 1

[] Husband or wife or Person 1
[] Common-law partner of Person 1
[] Son or daughter of Person 1
[] Father or mother of Person 1
[] Brother or sister of Person 1
[] Son-in-law or daughter-in-law of Person 1
[] Father-in-law or mother-in-law of Person 1
[] Brother-in-law or sister-in-law of Person 1
[] Grandchild of Person 1
[] Nephew or niece of Person 1
[] Other relative of Person 1 (Print below) ____
[] Lodger
[] Lodger's husband or wife
[] Lodger's son or daughter
[] Room-mate
[] Employee
[] Other non-relative (Print below) ____

For each person in this household, mark "X" one box only to describe his or her relationship to Person 1. If you mark the box "Other relative" or "Other non-relative", print in the relationship to Person 1. Some examples of the "Other" relationships are:
Room-mate's daughter
Employee's husband

For further examples and special cases, see guidelines.

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_FAMST — Census family status
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2. Relationship to Person 1
For each person living here, describe his/her relationship to Person 1.
Mark one circle only.
If you mark the circle "other," use the box provided to indicate this person's relationship to Person 1.
Examples of "other" persons related to Person 1: cousin, grandfather/grandmother, son's common-law partner, nephew/niece.
Examples of "other" persons not related to Person 1: lodger's husband/wife or common-law partner, lodger's son/daughter, room-mate's son/daughter, employee.
Person 1:

[] Person 1

Person 2:

[] Husband/wife of Person 1
[] Common-law partner of Person 1
[] Son/daughter of Person 1
[] Son-in-law/daughter-in-law of Person 1
[] Grandchild of Person 1
[] Father/mother of Person 1
[] Father-in-law/mother-in-law of Person 1
[] Brother/sister of Person 1
[] Brother-in-law/sister-in-law of Person 1
[] Lodger/boarder
[] Room-mate
[] Other, specify ____

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_RELATE — Relationship to household head
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D18 were asked of all persons.]

D2. What is [person's] relationship to head of household?

(Enter relationship from inside front cover)
[ ] 1 Head
[ ] 2 Spouse of head
[ ] 3 Son/daughter
[ ] 4 Adopted son/adopted daughter
[ ] 5 Son-in-law/daughter-in-law
[ ] 6 Grandchild
[ ] 7 Mother/father /father-in-law/mother-in-law
[ ] 8 Brother/sister/brother-in-law/sister-in-law
[ ] 9 Other relatives
[ ] 10 Not related

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_SUBREL — Subfamily relationship

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_FAMTYPE — Type of family nucleus

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_NUCMEM — Type of nuclear family member

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_RELATEF — Relationship to family head
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I. General Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 1-10.]

5. Relationship to the head of the household

[] 1 Head of household
[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Partner in life
[] 4 Child
[] 5 Spouse of the child
[] 6 Partner in life of the child
[] 7 Grandchild
[] 8 Spouse of the grandchild
[] 9 Partner in life of the grandchild
[] 10 Great-grandchild
[] 11 Father
[] 12 Mother
[] 13 Father-in-law
[] 14 Mother-in-law
[] 15 Grandparent
[] 16 Brother, sister
[] 17 Spouse of the brother or sister
[] 18 Partner in life of the brother or sister
[] 19 Child of the brother or sister
[] 20 Other relative, namely ____
[] 21 Person living alone
[] Other non-relative, namely ____

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Head of household

In defining the head of household the following procedure should be followed:

In case of a one-family household the head of family is regarded as the head of household.

Irrespective of his activity status (person in employment or dependent) in a married couple type family the husband, in the lone parent with children type family the parent is the head of the family. This rule is valid even in case one or more relatives (not forming a different family) are living in the family.

In a multifamily household, the eldest head of one of the family (provided he works or has an income) should be regarded as the head of household. In case none of the head of families is working the eldest head of family having a pension, otherwise the eldest inactive head of family is the head of household. In the case of in a multifamily household there is an economically active female head of family and none of the male head of families are working the female shall be regarded as head of household. In case both the male and female heads of families are working, irrespective of their age, the male person should be regarded as head of the household.

In case there are more lone persons or relatives (brothers/sisters) not constituting a family are living in a household the above rules should be followed (eldest economically active person, etc.). The same procedure will be followed in case lone parents (widowed, separated, divorced) are together with their lonely living, formerly married children. (In this particular case not the inactive parent but the economically active child will be the head of household.)

Warning! The same method will be applied for each of the households in case there are several households living in a given dwelling.

5. Household status

The enumerator at first should select the head of household and afterwards the (family and other household) relation against the head of household of the other household members will be defined. After completing this procedure -- irrespective of the presence/absence of the given person the corresponding answer should be marked.


Head of household

In defining the head of household, the principles on page 24 should be taken into account.


Wife is the female living in legal marriage with the head of household.

Consensual partner

Cohabiting (consensual) partner is the female living with the head of household without a legal marriage.


In case the head of household is the parent of a definite person irrespective of his age and marital status should be enumerated as "child". In case. Adopted or bred children will be enumerated as "children" too.

Grandchild, etc.

While defining the family status attention should be given to the relation of the particularly person to the head of household. That is the answer "grandchild" can be underlined only if the head of household is the grandfather of the person, while a person will be marked as grandfather only if the head of household is his grandchild., etc.

Other relatives

If the printed answers do not describe the relation between the given person and the head of household (e.g. cousin, brother/sister of the spouse, aunt, etc.), the respective denotation should be written on the dotted line.

Lone person

If a person does not live with anybody else, the answer "lone person" will be marked. In case lone persons (e.g. friends) other than relatives form a household one of the persons will be marked as head of household.

Other non-relatives

If there are living in the household persons other than relatives, the term expressing their position (e.g. maid, student in board, child in state care, person supported for a material compensation, etc.) should be written on the dotted line.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_RELATEF — Relationship to family head
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3. Family status
[] 1 Husband
[] 2 Wife
[] 3 Father, mother
[] 4 Child
[] 5 Ascending line relative
[] 6 Other relative
[] 7 Non relative
[] 8 Person living alone
[] Institute inhabitant

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3. Family status

While defining the family status, the reference person is in case of married couple type families the husband, in case of lone parent with child(ren) families the father or the mother respectively.

If married couple type families "husband (1)" and "wife (2)" is the correct entry, even if the partners live in consensual partnership.

"Father (or) mother (3)" should be marked if only one of the parents live with the child(ren). The answer is "child (4)" if children of persons marked with family status "husband (1)", "wife (2)" or "father, mother (3)". Family status of adopted children and nurslings is "child (4)" too.

"Ascending line relative (5)" is the family status of the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents of persons classified as "husband (1)", "wife (2)" or "father, mother (3)".

"Other relative (6)" is the code for the persons not listed above (siblings of husband/wife, spouse of sibling's of husband/wife, etc.). In case blood-related persons not forming a family live together (e.g. three siblings) each person should be coded as "other relatives (6)".

The code "non-relative (7)" is marked if non-relatives living with the family (e.g. person in state care, boarder or person supported upon contract.

"Person living alone (8)" code is entered in case a person lives alone. The category includes the non-relatives living together (e.g. two friends).

For private households, the code "living in institutional household" must not be used.

Annex 1
Examples for answering question 3 of the Personal questionnaire

In cases where the persons listed below, the family status marked with "bold" should be recorded:

Husband: [All the following persons are included in this category]

One family household: Married/consensual partners
Household with two families: 1st family parent couple; 2nd family child couple

Wife: [All the following persons are included in this category]
One family household: Married/consensual partners
Household with two families: 1st family parent couple; 2nd family child couple

Father, mother: [All the following persons are included in this category]
Lone parent: parent

Child: [All the following persons are included in this category]
One family household: child
Lone parent: child

Ascending relative: [All the following persons are included in this category]
One family household: father of male partner

Other relative: [All the following persons are included in this category]
Lone parent: sibling of parent
Household of persons other than family: Grandfather; Grandchild; Siblings (for each person)


Lone person: [All the following persons are included in this category]
Non-relatives forming one household

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_RELATEF — Family status: relationship to family head
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Family status:
[] 1 Husband
[] 2 Wife
[] 3 Partner-in-life
[] 4 Mother or father living alone with her/his child
[] 5 Child
[] 6 Ascendant
[] 7 Other relative
[] 8 Non-relative
[] 9 Person living alone
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1. Data on the persons living in the dwelling

The on the first page of the dwelling questionnaire will be filled in with the help of the respondent. The persons living in the dwelling will be grouped by households, within the households by families. By listing the family members the sequence should follow the family ties, or rather the family status. The printed versions at the table will help the classification of the family members. The persons belonging to the same family will be allotted by the same family number while those belonging to the same household will be marked with the same household number.

A common household is a group of persons living together in a common housing unit or in a part of it, bearing together, at least partly, the costs of living (i.e. daily expenses, meals). Subtenants, night-lodgers and co-tenants should be marked always with individual household numbers.

Consequently before starting the enumeration it has to be defined the number of households, families living in the dwelling, than the families and the households should be "set up". The next step is the fixing of the family status.

Family is formed from the following persons living in a common household:

-- Married couple with or without child(ren);

-- Persons living in consensual union with or without child(ren);
[p. 6]
-- Mother or father living with child(ren) (unless the spouse or cohabiting partner does not live in the same dwelling, while

The following persons do not live in a family:

-- The related or non-related persons (other than listed above), e.g. two siblings, three friends, etc.;

-- Lone persons.
Fixing the family status (heading "d")

One of the printed answers will be underlined:

-- "Husband (1)" or "wife(2)" in case of legally married male and female;

-- "Consensual partner (3)" in case of males and females living in consensual partnership without legal marriage;

-- "Mother or father living with at least one child (4)" in case one of the parents lives with the children);

-- "Child (5)" in case of a child (own or foster) of the previously mentioned persons irrespective of the age of the person;

-- "Ascending relative (6)" in case of parent, grand-parent, brother-in-law, father-in-law of a "husband", "wife", "consensual partner" or "lone parent with children" in case the ascending relative lives in the family without his/her spouse;

-- "Other relative (7)" in case of any non-ascending relative not forming an independent family (e.g. aunt, sibling, grandchild);

-- "Non-relative (8)" in case of a persons other than blood-related (e.g. child in state care).

In case the household consist of one person the answer is "lone person "9") while in case of several -- related and non-related -- persons not forming a family the answer is either

-- "Other relative (7)" or
-- "Non-relative (8)".

The title of use of dwelling (heading "e") should be marked in case of every person. The following title of use of dwelling can be marked: owner (including beneficiary user), tenant (including service dwelling), co-owner, co-tenant, subtenant, night-lodger, persons having family ties to the former persons (e.g. child of the owner, brother of the tenant, etc.) as well as courtesy user, inhabitant without legal rights and user upon settlement o contract for life. The right of use on family ties can be marked provided not rental fee is paid. The title of use of dwelling of those renting the entire flat is always "tenant".

If more than 8 persons live in the dwelling an additional Dwelling questionnaire will be used as a supplement.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_RELATEF2 — Relation to the head of family
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The person's marital status (CSLAS) and role in the family (household)
[] 1 Husband, wife
[] 2 Partner in life
[] 3 Lone father, mother
[] 4 Child
[] 5 Ancestry
[] 6 Other relative
[] 7 Child under state care
[] 8 Non-relative
[] 9 Single

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What is the position of the person in the family? Family status?
  • One of the answers will be underlined; only one answer must be marked:
  • Husband, wife: legally married male and female living in a common household;
  • Partner in life: consensual partner, male and female living together without legal marriage, forming a household;
  • Father,mother: male or female living in a family with the children and without spouse;
  • Child irrespective of the age, marital status and the source of livelihood the child (adopted, foster-child, including child born outside marriage) of the husband, wife, consensual partner, or father or mother provided he/she does not form an independent household;
  • Ascending partner father or mother, grandparent, grand-grandparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law if living in the household without spouse or child (e.g. the father or mother of one of the spouses, couple living with one of the grandparents);
  • Other relative is the person other than descried above, living in the given household, relative of at lest one f the members of the household, not forming a family (e.g. sibling of one of the married couple, aunt, uncle, one of the grandparents with his grandson);
  • Child under state care living in the family is the child placed at the given family by the Children's Protection Authority (for temporarily or permanently and not adopted). In this cases the family receives a cash contribution financing the upbringing clothing and training of the child;
  • Non-relative: non-relative persons living with the family (e.g. domestic help, person supported upon life-contract) as well as the non-relative person living together in a household not incorporating any family nucleus, with other persons (e.g. friend);
  • Lone person is the person living alone in a separate household.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_RELATEF — Relationship to the head of family

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_RELATE — Relationship to family head
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Relationship to head of household_____
Write "Head", "Wife", "Son", "Daughter", "Visitor", "Inmate", "Employee", etc. as appropriate.

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Question 2 - Sex and Question 3 - Relationship to head of household. Both the sex and the relationship to head of household entered for each person must be consistent with one another and with the name of the person as entered in Column 1. In the case of a Form A completed in Irish, note that "F" should be used for a male and "B" for a female in Column 2. The description "Visitor" must be used in Column 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see Column 4) even though he is related to the head of the household.

Ireland 1979 — source variable IE1979A_RELATE — Relationship to family head
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3. Relationship to head of household _______
Write "Head", "Wife", "Son", "Daughter", "Visitor", "Patient", "Employee", etc. as appropriate.

Anyone in a private household whose usual residence is elsewhere should be described as "Visitor" whether related to the head of the household or not.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_RELATE — Relationship
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Q.3 Relationship to head of household _______
Write "Head", Husband", "Wife", Son", "Daughter", Visitor", "Patient", "Employee", etc. as appropriate.

Question 3: Relationship to the head of household

(i) Anyone in a private household whose usual residence is elsewhere should be described as "visitor", whether related to the head of the household or not.
(ii) For persons in hotels, hospitals or other institutions write "Employee", "Guest", "Patient", "Inmate", etc., as appropriate.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.3: Relationship to head of household
Note that any adult either male or female of a private household, present on Census night may be returned as head answering as the household members consider appropriate. Of the term "joint head" is used accept this without questioning provided the relationship with the other members is clear. The description "Visitor" must be used at Question 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see question 11) even though he/she may be related to the head of the household.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_FAMREL — Relationship within household
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Q.3 Relationship to the person listed on line 1 ___

Write as appropriate "Husband", "Wife", "Son", "Daughter", "Visitor", "Patient", "Employee", etc. Write "Visitor" for a son, daughter, etc who usually lives elsewhere.

Question 3: Relationship to the head of household

(i) Anyone in a private household whose usual residence is elsewhere should be described as "Visitor", whether related to the person listen on Line 1 or not.
(ii) For persons in hotels, hospitals or other institutions, write "Employee", "Guest", "Patient", "Inmate", etc. as appropriate.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.2 Sex and Q.3 Relationship to person listed on line 1
The answers to these questions for each person must be consistent with one another and with the name of the person as entered at Question 1.

Note that any adult member (male or female) of a private household, present on Census night may be returned as Head according as the household members consider appropriate. If the term "joint head" is used accept this without questioning provided the relationship with the other members is clear. The description "Visitor" must be used at Question 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see Question 9) even though he/she may be related to the head of the household.

Q.5 and Q.6: Marital status
An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 13 April 1971. For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born on or after 14 April l97l), these questions should be left blank. At Question 6 information is required on the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status. Thus, for example a deserted wife though legally married should have a tick in box 5.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_FAMREL — Family relationship
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Q.3 Relationship to person listed on line 1____

Write as appropriate "Husband", "Wife", "Son", "Daughter", 'Visitor", "Patient", "Employee", etc. Write "Visitor" for a son, daughter, etc. who usually lives elsewhere.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Appendix 1

Q.2 Sex and Q.3: Relationship to head of household
The answers to these Questions for each person must be consistent with one another and with the name of the person as entered at Question 1. Note that any adult member (male or female) of a private household, present on Census night may be returned as head according as the household members consider appropriate. If the term "Joint head" is used accept this without questioning provided the relationship with the other members is clear. The description "Visitor" must be used at Question 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see Question 11) although she may be related to the head of the household.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_FAMREL — Family nucleus
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3 What is your relationship to Person 1?
Relationship question does not apply to Person 1.

Check one box only

[] 1 Husband or wife
[] 2 Partner
[] 3 Son or daughter
[] 4 Mother or father
[] 5 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
[] 6 Mother-in-law or father-in-law
[] 7 Other related, write in relationship ____
[] 8 Unrelated (including foster children)

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3. What is your relationship to Person 1?
Question 3 establishes the usual make up of households and families in private dwellings. From it we can learn the number of children living with one parent or two parents and the number of people who live alone. The information shows changes in the nature of families and helps plan for housing, social welfare programmes and employment services.

[] 1 Husband or wife
[] 2 Partner
[] 3 Son or daughter
[] 4 Mother or father
[] 5 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
[] 6 Mother-in-law or father-in-law
[] 7 Other related, write in relationship ______
[] 8 Unrelated (including foster children)

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_FAMREL — Family nucleus code
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3. What is your relationship to Persons 1, 2, 3, and 4 on page 3 of the Household Form?

Answer only if in a private household. Check one box only for each person.
[] 1 Husband or wife
[] 2 Partner
[] 3 Son or daughter
[] 4 Step-child
[] 5 Brother or sister
[] 6 Mother or father
[] 7 Step-mother/-father
[] 8 Son-/daughter-in-law
[] 9 Grandchild
[] 10 Other related
[] 11 Unrelated (including foster child)

From the responses to Question 3 it is possible to build up a picture of the changing family situation in Ireland. In previous censuses persons were asked to give their relationship to Person 1 only. While this adequately catered for the most prevalent family types in most households, it did not cater for second families within the one household or the more atypical type of families, for instance where step-children are involved.
In the current formulation Persons 2 to 5 are required to give their relationship to the person(s) previously listed while for households consisting of 6 or more persons, Persons 6 and higher are required to give their relationship to Persons 1 to 4 only. This was done for reasons of space on the form. This layout will enable each of the families in a multi-generational household to be accurately distinguished. Information in relation to families which have been reconstituted following the break-up of previous marriages can also be determined.
The results based on the responses to this question will allow the changing nature of families in Ireland to be charted and will help to plan housing and social welfare programmes.
The example at the back of the Household Form shows how to complete the relationship question for a household consisting of: Helen Murphy, her husband Thomas, their daughter Catherine and grandchild Aoife (Catherine's daughter).

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_RELATE — Relationship
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
4. What is your relationship to person 1?

Mark one box only
Relationship of Person # to Person 1

[] 1. Husband or wife
[] 2. Partner (incl. same-sex partner)
[] 3. Son or daughter
[] 4. Step-child
[] 5. Brother or sister
[] 6. Mother or father
[] 7. Grandparent
[] 8. Step-mother/-father
[] 9. Son-/daughter-in-law
[] 10. Grandchild
[] 11. Other related
[] 12. Unrelated (incl. foster child)
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question 4: What is your relationship to persons 1,2, 3 and 4?]

From the responses to Question 4, it is possible to build up a picture of the changing family situation in Ireland. The multiple categories will enable families in multi-generational households to be accurately distinguished. Information in relation to families which have been reconstituted following the break up of previous marriages can also be determined.

The results based on the responses to this question will allow the changing nature of families in Ireland to be charted.

[The original document includes an image below.]

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_RELATE — Relationship
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What relationship does this person have with the head of household? Mark with an X
[ ] 3 Is the head of household
[ ] 4 Is the spouse or companion
[ ] 5 Is the son or daughter
[ ] 6 Is another relative
[ ] 7 Is not a relative
[ ] 8 Is a single person

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2. Characteristics of the population

First and last name of the enumerated, family ties or relationships, and sex.

Column 1

The boxes for this column say:
[Depiction of enumeration form; section: "first and last name of the enumerated, family ties or relationships, and sex."]

In order to annotate the data which is asked for in the three boxes of column 1, the enumerator should take into account whether the dwelling is inhabited by one family, or by more than one family. In a case in which there is more than one family in a single dwelling, first write down the data corresponding to all the members of the first family, then the data for all the members of the second family, and so on.

The order that should be followed for writing down the data for each family should be the following:

Write the first and last name of the head of family, who can be a man or a woman, and mark the circle corresponding to "is the head," as well as the circle for their corresponding sex.

Then, write the first and last name of the wife or companion, and then the names of the single sons or daughters, from oldest to youngest, marking with an X the circles corresponding to the family tie or relationship that they have with the head of their family, as well as their sex.

Then write the first and last names of the people who are also related with the head of the family (mother, uncle, mother-in-law, nephew, etc.) and, for these people, mark with an X the circles corresponding to "also related," as well as their sex.

Finally, write the first and last names of the people who inhabit the dwelling and have "no relation" with the head of family (servants, guests, etc.), marking with an X, for these people, the circle corresponding to "no relation," as well as their sex.

Remember that there are some names that are common for both women and men, such as: Guadalupe, Trinidad, Refugio, etc. In these cases, take special care in marking the sex.

[P. 32]

This is the only data that will be written vertically (from top to bottom). The following questions should be asked for each person in a horizontal fashion (from left to right), until you have finished with them, before continuing on to the next.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_FAMPOS — Position in the family
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7. Relation to the head of household (please write in respectively: head of household, wife or husband, son, daughter, grandson, father, etc.) ____

For head of household is considered household member contributing mainly to defraying the cost of household keeping.
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37 Relation to the head of household (please write in respectively: head of household, wife or husband, son, daughter, grandson, father, etc.) (Question 7) [p.52]
1. For a person, who, in accordance with the rules set forth in 31, has been considered to be head of household, the "head of household" title shall be written down in question 7. The same title shall be written down for the individuals creating single-person households.
2. For all other representatives of a given household, the relation to the head of household shall be specified by writing in respectively: "husband" ("wife"), "son", "daughter", "stepson", "stepdaughter", "father", "mother-in-law", "brother", "grandson", "granddaughter", "aunt", or "distant relative" if there is no possibility of specifying the kinship. A person, who is not related to the head of household but is considered to be a member of the household due to the provided financial support, shall have the "not related to the head of household" answer written down, or, in abbreviation "n. related".
It must be taken account that such levels of relation to the head of household as "tenant", "subtenant", or "co-tenant" cannot be used while specifying the kinship. They are members of their respective household and should be considered "head of households" in the social units they are members of.
3. The principles of closest kinship shall apply while identifying relation to the head of household, so, in the first place such individuals as husband or wife, children or parents, etc. Individuals in a relationship having children who are not engaged shall be registered next to one another. However, if there has been a mistake, due to which it is impossible to keep the proper order, the annotation shall not be corrected, nor shall be a new form used. It is enough to justify the relation in a comprehensible manner (for example, "Janek's wife", "grandson, Czes?aw's son").
4. If there are certain individuals living in a dwelling but not supporting the household financially (such a case is discussed in question 31, point 5 on page 47), such individuals shall be classified with proper terms and titles, such as: "help", "apprentice", "agricultural worker", "student", "hired worker".
It should be remembered that the above concerns only single individuals. If a help lives in a given dwelling together with his or her child, then they create a separate household ("head of household" and "daughter" or "son"). Such individuals may be both permanent and temporal inhabitants (typically staying in a dwelling for over 2 months).
5. If in a given dwelling there are also other individuals staying there in a temporary manner, then they shall be registered as follows:

a) If the duration of the stay has been specified as lasting up to 2 months and if they are related to the head of household the relation shall be specified similarly to other inhabitants or, if there is no kinship, they should be classified as "guests".
b) If the duration of the stay has been specified as lasting over 2 months it should be specified whether or not the said individuals support the household financially. Afterwards, the division into household shall be made in the same manner as for permanent inhabitants.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_FAMPOS2 — Position in a household according to family composition
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7. What is your relationship to the head of private household?
[] 1 Head of household
[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Cohabitant (common-law partner)
[] 4 Son/ daughter
[] 5 Father/ mother
[] 6 Father-in-law/ mother-in-law
[] 7 Son-in-law/ daughter-in-law
[] 8 Brother/ sister
[] 9 Grandfather / grandmother
[] 10 Grandson/ granddaughter
[] 11 Other relative (specify: e.g. sister-in-law, uncle, niece, etc.) ____
[] 12 Non-relative person (if he/she is a common-law partner of a member of the household please fill in:
Common-law partner of person No ____

In order to separate the families from household fill in the number of parents to all persons, being children of the member of this household - fill in: Child of person No ()
Child of person No ____ and No ____
No of private household ____
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Question 7. What is your relation to the head of private household? [p. 31-32]

(A person being a head of household should chose answer 1).

1. Relationship to the head should be indicated for every person included in the household. The rules (definition of the relationship) given in 13
Please Notice: Tenants or under tenants should be treated as separate household.
2. Persons who are divorced or formally separated form two separate households.

3. In case of answer 12 indicated for a person who is a common-law partner of another (but different than the head) member of the household, for both persons numbers of persons being partners should be written in.

4. For persons being children of other members of the household the number of persons being parents should be given. The rule applies to all the persons being children regardless their age, marital status of the fact if they are biological children or adopted ones.

5. For foster children answer 12 should be chosen with except the situation they are related to the head.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_SFRELATE — Relationship within subfamily

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_SFRELATE — Relationship within subfamily

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_SFRELATE — Relationship within subfamily

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Togo 1970 — source variable TG1970A_HHORSUBFRELATE — Relationship to household head or subfamily head
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3. Relationship to the head ____
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For column 3, relationship tie, you must indicate:

"CM" for the head of the household
"Fe" 1, 2, n ... for the 1st, 2nd and nth wife, specifying the order number of the husband. Or indicate the first wife of the head of the household (the head of the household is already indicated as 01 in the list of household members). The first wife of the "CM" will be recorded as: "Fe". 1-01
"Fi" (for daughter), "Fs" (for son) followed by the order numbers of the mother and father. "Fi" 02-01 refers to the daughter of the "CM" (listed as 01) and the "CM"'s first wife (listed as 02).
Uncles, aunts, cousins, servants, visitors, etc... will follow the order number of their parent, boss or host.

Example: "v-02" is the visitor of the first wife of the "CM" (listed as 02).

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_SFRELATE — Relationship within subfamily

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_SFRELATE — Relationship within subfamily

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_SFRELATE — Relationship within subfamily

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.