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E- Characteristics of the home environment

E05. Nature and wall coasting of the main building

[] 1 Cement
[] 2 Cement with tiles
[] 3 Cement and marble
[] 4 Cement and wood
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Mud
[] 7 Mud and cement coating
[] 8 Straw / stems
[] 9 Other
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4.5 Part E: characteristics of the dwelling

E05: nature or covering of the wall of the main building
A wall or cladding is understood to mean the front that ensures the closing of the structure of the building. In our case it can be made up in different ways.
For each type of front encountered by the AR, they are asked to circle the code corresponding to the appropriate modality.
Observe and if possible ask questions.
If the main building wall is made of cement only, the AR will circle code ''1''. If in addition to cement, the wall has coatings with tiles (marble, wood, respectively), the AR circles code ''2'' (respectively ''3'' and ''4'').
For walls that are based on ''wood'' or ''adobe'', the AR will circle codes ''5'' or ''6'' respectively. If, in addition to the adobe, the wall is coated with cement, the RA will record code ''7''. They will circle code ''8'' for straw or stem walls.
If different cases from the eight (8) quoted above are encountered by the AR, they will circle code ''9'' which corresponds to the ''other'' option.