P2. Relationship to head of household________
Write "CM" for the household head [chef de ménage]
For the heads of family units, record the relationship to the household head.
For the other members, record the relationship to the head of family unit.
P2. Relationship to head of household
The relationship of members of the family to the head of family unit (CN), and will be written in with the sequential number of the head of family unit.
The relationship of the head of family unit will be defined in relation with the household head (CM).
The first wife will be recorded as "Wife of 1", the second wife also as "Wife of 1". Wives of a head of family unit who has the sequential number 5 will be recorded as "Wife of 5".
The relationship for children refers to the sequential number of their parents.
Example: A daughter whose father is the household head, and the mother has sequential number 04 will be recorded as "daughter of 1x4". However, if a boy lives with his mother, whose sequential number is 07, and the father does not live in the household, one will record: "Son on -x7", the hyphen indicating that the father is not resident in the household, and does not appear in the household form.
Similarly, if a man with sequential number 8 has a daughter who lives in the household but whose mother is not a resident, one should write: :"Daughter of 8x-".