Questionnaire Text

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D1. Did a death occur in this household in the last 12 months?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

If no deaths, go to Section VII
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Section 6: Deaths in the household

224. Questions D1 to D9 are asking about deaths of usual members of the household, which took place in the 12 months prior to the Census Night, i.e. deaths that occurred after the night of 4/5 December 2014. Include children who died when they were very young but exclude stillbirths.

D1 - Occurrence of death in the last 12 months
225. Ask, 'did any usual household member die in the last 12 months'? If a death occurred in the household, record '1' in the box, and then ask D2 to D6.

226. If nobody died in the household, record '2', and move to section VII.

227. It is important that you know that questions relating to death are very sensitive. You should know how to handle the person who has lost somebody by sympathizing with him or her and at the same time informing him or her that the information you are collecting is necessary for the census.

228. Questions D7, D8 and D9 are about maternal mortality. Only one of these questions should be answered. If the response to D7 is '1' (Yes) skip D8 and D9; if it is '2' (No), ask D8, if D8 is '2' (No) ask D9.

Interviewer should probe if there was death of a baby in the household as well