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Section H: Housing Units Characteristics

16. What is the main mode of sewage disposal used by the household?

[] 1 Sump
[] 2 In the courtyard
[] 3 Rivulet/trench/channels
[] 4 In the street
[] 5 Main sewer
[] 6 Cesspool
[] 7 Bush
[] 8 Other
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Section H: Housing units characteristics
5.3.5. How to complete Section H: Habitat [H01 to H35]
Questions on habitat are also asked to the household head or his representative.

H16: Main mode of sewage disposal
What is the main mode of sewage disposal used by the household?

The enumerator encircles the most method used by the structure out of the following categories:

1 - Sump: Means the sewage liquid waste from the structure is drained by pipes into a main trunk sewer line. This type of sewage disposal is common in main urban centres like Kigali etc.
2 - Courtyard: An area/court opens to the sky and mostly or entirely surrounded by buildings/enclosed on all four sides.
3 - Rivulet/Trench/Channels: small stream or a type of excavation.
4 - In the street: liquid waste is drained to the street
5 - Main sewer: is a separate underground carriage system specifically for transporting sewage from houses and commercial buildings to treatment or disposal.
6 - Cesspool: A covered hole or pit for receiving drainage or sewage from housing structure.
7 - Bush
8 - Other