Questionnaire Text

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Population aged 6 years or more
[Questions 16-25.]

Active Population/currently employed or previously employed
[Questions P22-P25]

P23. Work status/status in occupation

What is (was) the status of ____ in his/her occupation?

Circle the code corresponding to one of the abbreviations provided at the bottom of the page, according to the declaration of the interviewee.

[] 1. IND = Self employed
[] 2. EMP = Employer
[] 3. SP = Full time employee/permanent salary
[] 4. ST = Part time employee/part time salary
[] 5. APP = Apprentice
[] 6. AID = Family worker
[] 7. AU = Others

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
C. Questions asked to all residents aged 6 years or more (questions from P16 to P25)

These questions aim at knowing the activities related to education and employment for persons aged 6 years or more [the French text says more than 6 years].

Children aged less than 6 years are not concerned with questions from P16 to P25.

Employment status (occupational status) (P21 to P25)

The following questions concern only the population aged 6 years and above. For persons below that age, one will write nothing on questions P24 to P30.

For persons who are employed, one will ask the type of work or the type of employment they are in, or that they were in from July 15, 2002 to August 15, 2002.

[Questions P22-P25 were asked of active persons who are currently or were previously employed]

P23: Employment status

If the enumerated person had a job, or has lost the job within the census week, one will write in P23 that she was self-employed and one will circle the number corresponding to the answer given.

IND: This is somebody who does not need a boss, and does not receive a salary for his/her work ; he/she could work on his/her own, or could need salaried assistants.

EMP: An employer is an entrepreneur in any branch of activity (industry) who employs and pays a salary to the persons who work for him/her for periods of more than six months.

SP: A salaried person, that is, a person who works, or used to work in a permanent job for a salary. His/her employer could be the State, or any other moral or physical person. This person may also do his/her own business aside.


ST: Occasional salaried person. This is a worker who is called only when needed, and who is laid off (retrenched/dismissed) when the job is done.

APP: The apprentice works for a boss with the aim of gaining a qualification, a craft, a specialization; he/she is not paid for his/her work. He may be given free lodging, free food, and may get some small gifts.

AF: A family aid is someone who helps a relative in his/her work, without getting for it a regular salary, in cash or in kind. He/she is usually given free lodging and free food, and receives occasionally small gifts.

AU: Other.

The census enumerator will avoid, during the interview, to ask the question as: "what occupation do you have?" He/she will ask simply: "Do you usually work on your own, or do you work for someone else?"

The answers, "Yes" or "No", allow one to know the status (EMP and IND).

Questions such as "Does your work require a salary? Or does your boss pay you a salary in any way?"

The answers, "Yes or "No", allow one to distinguish between SP and AP.

A person just spent eight months in Kigali, looking for a job; before that, he/she was working in the fields with his/her parent in Runda. Circle number "6" (AF) in P23.

Let us come back on examples for P21.

For a civil servant on leave of absence, circle number "3" in P23.
For a woman who works in agriculture, circle number "1" in P23.
For someone who does housework without any salary, see P21 = "4" (PFO), and do not write any thing in P23, because he/she does not have a job, and is not looking for one.