Questionnaire Text

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I -- Identification of the household

1. Province/Kigali city _ _
2. Township/town _ _
3. Sector _ _
4. Census cell _ _
5. Census track _ _ _
6. Type of place of residence _ (1 = urban, 2 = rural)
7. Dwelling unit number _ _ _
8. Household number _ _ _
9. Type of household _ _ _
10. Number and rank of questionnaires filled for this household _ / _
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3.1 Household

The census is conducted household by household. The household is therefore the basic unit for the whole operation. It is organized around a given person, who is the head of the household, and constitutes the milieu in which the persons who are its components (members) live.

There are two types of households:

The private household
The institutional household
3.1.1. Private household

A private household is a set of persons, related by blood or not, who acknowledge the authority of a same person called the "head of household", and who share in majority their resources or expenses. They live most of the time under the same roof or in the same compound (enclos/urugo)

A person who lives alone constitutes a household, of which he/she is the head. Therefore, a household is not necessarily identical to a nuclear family, nor to a family in a common sense, even though this is the most frequent case.

Servants who are sharing the resources and the housing unit with the head of household are counted as members of his/her household.

Who is the head of household?
In general, the head of household is the person who manages the resources of the household, who is the older person, and who rules. A woman may be the head of the household.

For this census, it will be the person who is designated as such, and whose authority on the others is unquestionable.


3.1.2. Institutional household

An institutional household is a group of persons who live together in special conditions, and who are most often not related by blood.

Are classified among the institutional households:

  • Military personnel, who are lodged in military barracks, a quarter, or a military camp;
  • Groups of persons who live together and have the same occupation, such as the teachers, as well as other persons present in these households on the day of the census. This is also the case of boarding schools and students quarters (university, religious seminary);
  • Service personnel living in tourist buildings (hotels, inns, and so forth), as well as their guests;
  • Physicians, nurses, and health auxiliary personnel who live in a public or private hospital, as well as the inpatients who are present on the census reference night;
  • Religious communities and their members;
  • Penitentiary establishments (prisons);
  • All other persons living in such conditions mentioned above.

In fact, there is no head for an institutional household. However, the census enumerator is obliged to write down, at first, the person with the highest grade, or, when there are several or when they all are from the same grade, the oldest person.

Type of household (see identification, item 09)

The census enumerator does not write anything here.
The number of questionnaires used for the household
(see identification, item 10)

The number of questionnaires used in each household will be equal to the number of the last questionnaire used for the census of the household. Each questionnaire holds space for ten persons.

When the household accounts for more than ten persons, one uses an additional questionnaire (or more if needed). In this case, each questionnaire will have its own number, according to the number of questionnaires (already) filled in this household.

On item 10 of the identification part, two boxes are designed: _ / _

In the first box, one writes the number of the current questionnaire. In the second box, one writes the total number of questionnaires filled.

1. In a household with nine members (9), only one questionnaire is filled.
On page one of the questionnaire, on item 10 of the identification section, one writes:
The last questionnaire number = 1
The total number of questionnaires used = 1 /_1_/_1_/

2. In a household with fifteen persons (15), one fills 2 questionnaires:
On the first questionnaire:
The last questionnaire number = 1
The total number of questionnaires used = 2 /_1_/_2_/


On the second questionnaire, on item 10 of the identification section, one will write:
The last questionnaire number = 2
The total number of questionnaires used = 2 /_2_/_2_/

3. In case of a household with thirty members (30), one writes three questionnaires:
On the first questionnaire, on item 10 of the identification section, one will write:
The last questionnaire number = 1
The total number of questionnaires used = 3 /_1_/_3_/

On the second questionnaire, on item 10 of the identification section, one will write:
The last questionnaire number = 2
The total number of questionnaires used = 3 /_2_/_3_/

On the third questionnaire, on item 10 of the identification section, one will write:
The last questionnaire number = 3
The total number of questionnaires used = 3 /_3_/_3_/

When the census enumerator is finished with the census of a household, he/she must order the questionnaires the following way:

insert the second questionnaire inside the first;
insert the third questionnaire inside the second;
insert the fourth questionnaire inside the third, and so forth, so that the first questionnaire appears as the cover for all the others.