One of the following prompts shall be marked.
[Omitted image examples.]
Person who is the first one to be recorded within the household shall be marked in accordance with a prompt "the first one recorded". Other household members - a mark in accordance with one of the following given prompts.
A "wife, husband" prompt mark individuals who are married or live in a civil union. The same mark shall be given to the one who calls himself/herself "the civil wife (husband)", "future wife/husband", "groom (bride)", "boyfriend (girlfriend)", "beloved person" in relation to the individual who was the first to be recorded (provided that these people live in the same household).
A "daughter, son" prompt is marked by own and step children, including adopted children, stepson (stepdaughter). Children under wardship, who are non-relatives and not related to the individual, who was the first to be recorded, are considered to be "non-relatives".
A "mother, father" prompt will be marked by the parents, both related and not-related (stepmother, stepfather).
A "sister, brother" prompt will be marked by sisters and brothers, both related and step.
A "mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law" prompt will be marked by parents of a husband or a wife who was the first to be recorded. With that it does not matter whether marriage was registered or not.
A "sister-in-law (daughter-in-law), son-in-law (brother-in-law)" prompt will be marked by a woman or a man if the first one to be recorded was relative of her (his) husband (wife) regardless whether marriage was registered or not.
A "grandmother, grandfather" prompt will be marked by related and step grandmothers and grandfathers.
A "grandson, granddaughter" prompt will be marked by related and step grandsons and granddaughters, including children of step-daughter (step-son) of the individual who was the one to be recorded.
A "another degree of kinship (of relationship)" prompt will be marked, if a respondent is related to the member of a household in some other way, in addition to the listed (for example, nephews, wife's brother, husband's brother, husband's sister, wife's sister, husband of one's wife's sister, cousins, second cousins, uncle, aunt and etc.).
If a census taker has doubts about which prompt to mark according to the answer of the respondent, he shall use additional tables on the second page of the Cover, where some of the cases of blood relations are listed.
A "non-relative" prompt shall be marked for those who are a part of this household, but does not have any relative (blood) relations with the first one recorded (for example, hired housekeeper who helps to keep the households - baby-sitter, governess and members of their families, who live within the household and contribute to it, children and seniors under wardship and patronized, who are not relatives to the first one recorded) - for example, a "non-relative" prompt will be marked by the baby-sitter and her daughter. With that, one shall indicate in a special field how he/she is related to the first one to be recorded within the household (for example, a baby-sitter, a daughter of a baby-sitter, a hired employee, tutored step-child).
Every member of a household (regardless of age and whether he is married or not) living within the same household with both parents or only one of them, shall be marked with a serial number of his/her mother (either related or step-mother) from column B of Table 1 of Form S. If there is no mother in the household, and there is only father (related or step-father), then the serial number of a father will be indicated. If there is neither mother nor father in the household, then neither mark is put.
Serial number of a mother (father) is put only in case they belong to the same household with the respondent. If children live with their parents in the same premise but refer to other premises, then the number of a mother (father) should not be marked.
In case household consists of one person then this person is indicated as "the first one to be recorded".
[Omitted example images.]
Individuals who permanently reside in dormitories, hotels and rest houses are regarded as independent households. For example, if three students live in the same room of a dormitory and consider that each of them lives independently (not combining the sources for food and utilities), then they shall be enumerated as three independent households, each of them consisting of 1 person.
If the think they live as one household (keep the house, combine their income either wholly or partially), they make up one household, consisting of non-relatives. If two of them live within one household (keep the house, combine their income either wholly or partially), and the third one lives separately (not combining their means for food and utilities), then they shall be enumerated as two households, consisting of two and one person respectively. Family, permanently residing in a hotel, is enumerated as a private household, consisting of relatives.
In collective households the question 1 is filled in the following way: