Questionnaire Text

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Questions 11.2-11.4 are for the respondents, who had work during the period of October 7-13, 2010

11.2 What is your status at the place of your main occupation?

[] Employee (by agreement, on a contract, on an oral arrangement)
[] Employer (on one's own enterprise or organization, in one's own business)
[] With permanent use of employees' labor
[] Without permanent use of employees' labor
[] Other
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Section 11. Employment and unemployment
Questions of this section are filled in only by the individuals aged 15 to 72 years inclusive.

Questions 11.2 - 11.4 are asked only to those who had a job from 7th to 13th October 2010, i.e. those who marked "yes" as an answer to question 11.1.

Question 11.2. What was your title at the main place of work?
Question 11.2 is filled only by those with "yes" in question 11.1 field.
Mark "employed (under an agreement, contract or according to the oral agreement)" shall be put if respondent worked by a written agreement, a labor agreement, contract or according to the oral agreement, concluded with the administration of an enterprise (organization, institution) of any form of ownership or with a private employer (with making a record in a work-book or without it) for a reward in the form of remuneration of labor (in the monetary or natural form). This mark is also put for:

- Elected, appointed or approved managers, directors and other individuals who get salary as a manager of organization, enterprise, institution;
- Apprentices and trainees, who get wages;
- Members of a family who worked for a family-run company for salary and had the same rights, were paid the same way as others, who did the same work;
- Insurance agents;
- Servicemen;
- Ministers of various religions.

The mark "self-employed (own business or organization)" shall be put for those who:

- Worked at his/her own enterprise, organization or business and attracted employees or worked without them;
- Was a member of a production cooperative (artel);
- Worked without payment in a small peasant farm, in a production cooperative (individual and family) owned by a relative.

Those, who put a mark "self-employed (own business or organization)" also need to put a mark relevant to one of three following prompts:
"With hiring employees" will be marked by an employer who ran his/her own enterprise (organization, business) or was engaged in independent professional or commercial activities and hired one or more employees. The respondent could hire employees by a written contract or oral agreement, full-time or seasonally, for a certain or indefinite period of time, for a certain or indefinite volume of work and services.
"Without hiring employees" - will be marked by an individual (private) entrepreneur who was engaged in independent professional or commercial activities and did not hire employees or hired them on case basis.
"Another" will be marked by members of a production cooperative (artel), who worked without payment in a small peasant farm or individual (family) enterprise owned by a relative.
For example, if a respondent worked as a taxi-driver for a taxi park, he shall put a mark "employed (under an agreement, contract or according to the oral agreement)", and if he was occupied with a private cabbing, then he shall mark the prompt "self-employed (own business or organization)" and put a mark "Without hiring employees".
If a respondent has changed his main job within a week of census, this question will refer to work he was doing by the end of the week.