Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970 Ecuador 1990 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 2020
Argentina 1980 Ecuador 2001 Jordan 2004 Romania 1977
Argentina 1991 Ecuador 2010 Kenya 1999 Romania 1992
Argentina 2001 Egypt 1986 Kenya 2009 Romania 2002
Argentina 2010 Egypt 1996 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Romania 2011
Armenia 2001 Egypt 2006 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Rwanda 1991
Armenia 2011 El Salvador 1992 Laos 2015 Rwanda 2002
Austria 1981 El Salvador 2007 Lesotho 1996 Rwanda 2012
Austria 1991 Ethiopia 1984 Lesotho 2006 Saint Lucia 1980
Austria 2001 Ethiopia 1994 Liberia 2008 Saint Lucia 1991
Austria 2011 Ethiopia 2007 Malawi 1987 Senegal 1988
Belarus 1999 Fiji 1986 Malawi 1998 Senegal 2002
Belarus 2009 Fiji 1996 Malawi 2008 Senegal 2013
Benin 1979 Fiji 2007 Mali 1987 Sierra Leone 2004
Benin 1992 Fiji 2014 Mali 1998 Sierra Leone 2015
Benin 2002 Finland 2010 Mali 2009 Slovenia 2002
Benin 2013 France 1962 Mexico 1960 South Africa 1996
Bolivia 1976 France 1968 Mexico 1970 South Africa 2001
Bolivia 1992 France 1975 Mexico 1990 South Africa 2007
Bolivia 2001 France 1982 Mexico 1995 South Africa 2011
Bolivia 2012 France 1990 Mexico 2000 Spain 1991
Botswana 1991 France 1999 Mexico 2005 Spain 2001
Botswana 2001 France 2006 Mexico 2010 Spain 2011
Botswana 2011 France 2011 Mexico 2015 Suriname 2012
Brazil 1960 Germany 1971 Mexico 2020 Switzerland 1970
Brazil 1970 Germany 1987 Mongolia 1989 Switzerland 1980
Brazil 1980 Ghana 2000 Mongolia 2000 Switzerland 1990
Brazil 1991 Ghana 2010 Morocco 1982 Switzerland 2000
Brazil 2000 Greece 1971 Morocco 1994 Switzerland 2011
Brazil 2010 Greece 1981 Morocco 2004 Tanzania 1988
Burkina Faso 1996 Greece 1991 Morocco 2014 Togo 1960
Burkina Faso 2006 Greece 2001 Mozambique 1997 Togo 2010
Cambodia 1998 Greece 2011 Mozambique 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Cambodia 2004 Guatemala 1964 Nicaragua 1971 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Cambodia 2008 Guatemala 1981 Nicaragua 1995 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Cambodia 2013 Guatemala 1994 Pakistan 1998 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Cambodia 2019 Guatemala 2002 Palestine 1997 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Cameroon 1976 Guinea 1983 Palestine 2007 Turkey 1985
Cameroon 1987 Guinea 1996 Panama 1960 Turkey 2000
Canada 1981 Haiti 1971 Panama 1980 Uganda 1991
Canada 1991 Haiti 1982 Panama 1990 Ukraine 2001
Canada 2001 Haiti 2003 Panama 2000 United Kingdom 1961
Canada 2011 Honduras 1961 Panama 2010 United Kingdom 1971
Chile 1960 Honduras 1988 Papua New Guinea 1990 United Kingdom 1991
Chile 1970 Honduras 2001 Papua New Guinea 2000 United States 1960
Chile 1982 Hungary 1970 Paraguay 1972 United States 1970
Chile 1992 Hungary 1980 Paraguay 1982 United States 1980
Chile 2002 Hungary 1990 Paraguay 1992 United States 1990
Colombia 1973 Hungary 2001 Paraguay 2002 United States 2000
Colombia 1985 Hungary 2011 Peru 1993 United States 2005
Colombia 1993 Indonesia 1971 Peru 2007 United States 2010
Colombia 2005 Iran 2006 Peru 2017 United States 2015
Costa Rica 1963 Iraq 1997 Poland 1978 United States 2020
Costa Rica 1973 Ireland 1971 Poland 1988 Uruguay 1963
Costa Rica 1984 Ireland 1981 Poland 2002 Uruguay 1975
Costa Rica 2000 Ireland 1986 Poland 2011 Uruguay 1985
Costa Rica 2011 Ireland 1991 Portugal 1981 Uruguay 1996
Cuba 2002 Ireland 2011 Portugal 1991 Uruguay 2006
Cuba 2012 Ireland 2016 Portugal 2001 Uruguay 2011
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Israel 1972 Portugal 2011 Venezuela 1971
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Israel 1983 Puerto Rico 1970 Venezuela 1981
Dominican Republic 1981 Israel 1995 Puerto Rico 1980 Venezuela 1990
Dominican Republic 2002 Israel 2008 Puerto Rico 1990 Venezuela 2001
Dominican Republic 2010 Italy 2001 Puerto Rico 2000 Vietnam 2009
Ecuador 1962 Italy 2011 Puerto Rico 2005 Zambia 1990
Ecuador 1974 Jamaica 1982 Puerto Rico 2010 Zambia 2000
Ecuador 1982 Jamaica 1991 Puerto Rico 2015 Zambia 2010
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Dwelling -- Household Relationship

[The form contains a table to indicate the number of household in the dwelling and the number of males and females within each household. Below, we show an English translation of the column and row headings is provided.]

Households in the dwelling [column headings]

[] 11 One

[] 21
[] 22

[] 31
[] 32
[] 33

Four or five
[] ____

Renter [inquilinato]
[] 61
[] 69

Office use ____

Occupants [row headings]

____ Males
____ Females
____ Total

7. Rooms ____
Total number of rooms (excluding bathrooms and kitchens).

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13. Starting with item 7, the data that you collect will refer to the space occupied by each household in the dwelling.

In item7, we move on to registering the number of rooms occupied by each [household] in the dwelling.

Each room that has the capacity for an adult-sized bed is considered a room. In consequence, when you register the number of rooms you will count all of those that have the capacity for [adult-sized bed].


14. Although every room with capacity to [an adult-sized bed] is considered [room], you will exclude from this criteria the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry room, the garages, the storage areas, and the rooms used for industrial and commercial purposes, unless they are used for housing.


15. Of the following cases, which are considered rooms? (Answer yes/no.)

-- A laundry room with the capacity to hold an adult-sized bed. [no]
-- A kiosk installed in a passageway. [no]
-- A garage with the capacity to hold an adult-sized be. [no]

16. Any room with capacity to hold an adult-sized bed is considered [room].
The [bathroom] and the [kitchen] are not counted as rooms.


17. Mark which space from the following list would be considered a room:

[x] a) The servant's room
[ ] b) Bathroom
[ ] c) Storage
[x] d) Rented garage where a couple lives permanently
[x] e) The family room
[ ] f) The kitchen

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_BEDROOM — Number of rooms excluding the bathroom or kitchen
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B. Dwelling

5. Number of rooms excluding the bathroom or kitchen:

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 or more

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B. Dwelling

It is any housing fixed or mobile that has been built or adapted for housing persons. A house, apartment, trailer, tenant room, shack, hospital, and a room are all considered dwellings.

5. Number of bedrooms excluding bathrooms and kitchen:
You will fill out the cell corresponding to the number of bedrooms that the dwelling has, understanding by bedroom: all environments that have the capacity for an adult bed. You will exclude: kitchen, bathrooms, halls, gal pones [slave quarters or a barn-like structure on a farm], bedrooms meant for commercial/industrial use, except when in any of them persons are lodged in a permanent form.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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I. Characteristics of the dwelling for the only household or for the first household
[Questions 1-9]

[Questions 2-16 were addressed only in case of an occupied dwelling, with occupants present, per Question 1.]

II. Habitational Characteristics of the Dwelling- for each household
[Questions 10-16]

10. How many rooms are for the exclusive use of the household, excluding the bathroom or kitchen?

[] None
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 or more

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2. Household habitation characteristics -- for all households

In this part of the document we will know the characteristics of the part of a dwelling that a household occupies. Because of this, always, in all households we fill out this part of the Document.

Question 10 refers to the number of rooms for the exclusive use of the household.

"Room" is any environment, separated by partitions or walls from the floor to the roof, which have the capacity to put an adult bed in it.
[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form]

And let use remember Bathrooms and kitchens do not count as rooms.

In cases of dwellings with more than one household, the rooms of common use are not counted.

If there is more than one household sharing a single room we fill out "None".

In cases of dwellings that are a single room, where also they cook, occupied by a single household we will fill out the circle corresponding to one room.

Garages, halls, and utility rooms are not considered rooms unless they are used as a place where a person sleeps.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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[Questions 5-24 were asked in the case of households that occupied some structure, per question 4.]

21. In total, how many rooms does this dwelling have (apart from bathrooms and kitchens)? _ _

[Specify] total number of rooms.

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Questions 20 and 21:
A room or bedroom is considered to be a space or area that is closed in by walls (that go from the floor to the ceiling) or dividers (walls that go from the floor to the height of two meters, and that have sufficient surface to place at least an adult-size bed.

If the dwelling has only one room in which they also cook, you will complete 01 (one) room or bedroom in both questions.

In question 20, you should only count the rooms or spaces used by the household for sleeping.

[p. 35]

On the other hand, question 21 asks for the total number of rooms that are in the household, including the ones counted in the previous questions.

In the total number of rooms or spaces, you should count:

--the dining room, even if it is part of the kitchen (kitchen-dining room),
--the mezzanines built into some dwellings, even though they do not have some/any of the walls indicated in the definition.

You will exclude:

--kitchens used only for cooking,
--laundry areas, garages, sheds, corridors and entryways, unless they are used as a place for a person to sleep,
--Quinchos [a shelter that has a straw or thatched roof, supported only by columns, that does not have walls and is used as an area for eating] that are not enclosed.

You will register the answer according to what the person answering the census tells you.
Now we will continue with the instructions to complete the answers for

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions 3 to 19 were asked of inhabited households with persons present]

16. In total, how many rooms does this household have? (without counting bathroom(s) and kitchen(s))

Number of total rooms: _ _

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Question 16. In total, how many rooms does this household have? (without counting bathroom(s) and kitchen(s))
You should count the total number of bedrooms or rooms:
- the dining room, even if it is integrated with the kitchen (kitchen-dining),
- the mezzanines built in some dwellings, despite not having some of the walls that are indicated in the definition.

Excluded are:
-Rooms that are used exclusively for cooking,
-Laundry areas, garages, shed, halls and entryways, unless they are used as a place for a person to sleep,
-Patios without a roof.

Total rooms or spaces that the household has: the total of rooms available to the household, including those that are in conditions to be used for sleeping. Count: the dining room, the living room, (even if they are integrated with the kitchen: kitchen-dining) and the mezzanines (bult in some houses, despite not having some of the walls indicated in the definition). Exclude: bathrooms, kitchens (used exclusively for cooking), laundry areas, garages, corredors, halls, entryways, and covered patios (only and if they are not used for any person to sleep there) and unenclosed patios.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_ROOMS — Room count, exclusive use
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Q14. How many rooms does your household have exclusive use of? _ _
How many rooms does your household share with other households? _ _
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B.14 How many rooms does your household use?

The room is the part of the house, flat, dormitory, which is divided from other parts with the walls and partitions and is determined for living, having a rest, for having classes (in dormitories, children homes and so on).

The attics, balconies and other verandas that are equipped and are fit for living during the whole year are considered to be rooms.

The kitchens, halls, bath rooms, cellars and other additional buildings of he flat and dormitory, are not considered to be rooms.
For example; if two households are living together in the dwelling unit that has 3 rooms fit for living and each of them is using one room and the third room is shared, then part B.14 of the questionnaire is filled in the following way:
Separate - 1
With other households together - 1
Besides the recurrent number of the dwelling unit in the questionnaire made for these households must be the same (see page 21).

[p. 36]

If the household uses the part of the room, then it is written
Separate - 0
With other households together - 1
If the given dwelling unit is used by only one household, then the number of the rooms will be shown in the "Separate" line and in the "With other households together" line 0 will be written.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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B5. Number of rooms occupied by household ___
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Questions for the households

Sections B, C and D are to be filled out by occupied households.

Question B.5

How many rooms do your household use?

The room is the part of the house, flat, dormitory, which is divided from other parts with the walls and partitions and is determined for living, having a rest, for having classes (in dormitories, children homes and so on).
The attics, balconies, and other verandas that are equipped and are fit for living during the whole year are considered to be rooms. The kitchens, halls, bathrooms, cellars and other additional buildings of the flat and dormitory, are not considered to be rooms.
For example, if two households are living together in the dwelling unit that has 3 rooms fit for living and each of them is using one room and the third room is shared then the Question B.5 is filled in 2.
Besides the recurrent number of the dwelling unit in the questionnaire made for these households must be the same.
If the household uses the part of the room, then "1" is written.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_ROOMDW1 — Number of rooms in dwelling
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(3) Number of rooms (without kitchen, kitchen-cum-living room, and adjoining rooms)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

(3) Living areas are: Living rooms, bedrooms, children's and guest rooms (for relatives, friends), as long as they have a minimum of 4 m2.
Livings areas are not: Kitchens, kitchen-cum-living-room, and adjoining rooms (anteroom, entrance hall, bathroom, storeroom, dining room, closet room, veranda, etc.).
Rooms (to let) (for commercial or rather private rooms for rent) are likewise not included as living areas because they are not meant for personal use.

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For Question 3, Number of living quarters:

The size of the dwelling is not only illustrated through the answer concerning the usable area of the dwelling, but also through the number of living quarters. Please observe that in most cases--under the noncompliance of the explanations--also the adjoining rooms are counted as living quarters. See to a correction, if necessary.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_ROOMDW1 — Number of rooms in dwelling
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3. Equipment and size of the housing unit:
Please mark all that is applicable with an x.

[] Anteroom, hallway
[] Kitchen, kitchen-cum-living room
[] Kitchenette

[] Connection to piper gas system
[] Piped water within the dwelling
[] Flush toilet within the dwelling

[] Bathroom
[] Shower stand

[] Storeroom
[] Cellar, cellar section

[] Balcony, loggia: smaller than 4 m2
[] Balcony, loggia: 4 m2 or more
[] Terrace

f.. Number of rooms with a floor area of at least 4 m2 excluding the rooms marked a to e (rooms used for business and guest rooms: see remarks)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

[] Use of a house garden
[] Garage space for private cars
[] Parking space for private cars (no public roads)

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3, Equipment and size of the housing unit:
In points a) through e) of this question all present rooms and other equipment characteristics of the housing unit should be marked: a kitchenette or a shower stall are parts of another room, kitchen or bath room are individual rooms.
Flush toilets within the housing unit should also be marked if the toilet is found in the bathroom.
In point f) the number of living rooms should be entered. Considered as such are: living room, bedroom, child's room, guest room (for relatives, acquaintances) provided their floor space amounts to at least sq.m.
Not considered living rooms are: kitchens, combined kitchen/living rooms and other adjoining rooms (lobby, hallway, bathroom, storage room, pantry, closet, terrace, etc.).
Commercially used rooms and guest rooms that are never used for living purposes by the owner should not be included; however, rooms that are only used seasonally as guest rooms and for the rest of the year are used by the household should be included.

[p. 56]

Use of a house garden should only be indicated if the possibility to use a garden belonging directly to the house exists.
Garage space for private cars should be marked if a private car of the household is parked in an individual or community garage of the building or the residential complex.
Parking space for private cars should be marked if a parking space (outdoors) is reserved for this housing unit or if, in the case of single or two family homes, the property has a parking space. "Parking spaces" on public roads should not be included.

Enumerator guideline:
The subdivision in blocks serves the clarity: first adjoining rooms, then sanitary facilities and "external" quality characteristics. It is started with the adjoining rooms, so that these -because they were already entered - are not counted with the living rooms. Please pay attention to this and prompt a correction if necessary.

Purpose of the question:
The number and type of rooms is, next to the usable floor space, the most important information on housing unit size; this question together with the question on type of heating serves as the basic classification of housing units in Austria (categories of the Rent Act).
Despite all modernization efforts, some older housing units still do not conform to present quality requirements. A modernization with the goal of improving the providing of the population with good and affordable housing units, therefore, remains an important task of the federation, states and municipalities.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_ROOMDW1 — Number of rooms in dwelling
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1. Location and facilities of the housing unit (please mark all appropriate items):

1.4 Number of other inhabitable rooms (living rooms, bedrooms, small one-window rooms (Do not include rooms constantly used for commercial purposes and rooms rented out to tourists)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

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1. Location and facilities of the housing unit:
Explanation: If the rooms of a given housing unit are arranged one above the other on two or more floors, the floor on which the main entry door to the housing unit is located should be indicated.

A habitable attic is defined as all stories with (partially) inclined ceilings throughout (even those with semi-high exterior walls) regardless of whether the interior work was done when the building was initially built or subsequently.

In this question important rooms and other facilities of the housing unit should be indicated.

A kitchenette is part of another room.

[p. 56]

You should mark WC inside the housing unit even if it is located in the bathroom.

Inhabitable rooms are defined as living rooms, bedrooms, nurseries and "guest rooms" (for relatives, acquaintances). Not included in inhabitable rooms are: storage rooms, pantries, walk- in closets, verandas, etc.

Rooms used for commercial purposes and rooms rented out to tourists that are never used by the household for living purposes should not to be included here. Rooms that are rented to boarders only seasonally and used by the household the rest of the year should be included in this count.

Because the answer to the third section of this question affirms the housing unit category -- a very important statement about the housing unit -- the question is double verified by a "no" box row.

If central heating is present in a housing unit, but an individual stove (e.g. tiled stove) is used as the primary heating type (see question 3), "Central heating" should be marked in question 1.3. (In question 3 then, the actual primarily used type of heating will be specified.)
How many persons live in high rises or upper floors?

If an elevator is present in the building in a municipal area, housing quality increases with ascending height. If, on the other hand, no elevator is present, the housing quality strongly decreases with increasing number of stories - especially the higher the occupant's age. (With older buildings the presence of an elevator is saved from the 1991 census, or it comes from question 5 of the building data form, if an elevator was installed in the last 10 years.)

The question about the amenities, serves the basic classification of the housing units in Austria (Categories of the Tenancy Law).

Despite all modernization efforts, some older housing units still do not conform to present quality requirements. A renovation with the goal of providing as many sections of the population with good and affordable housing units, therefore, remains an important task of the federation, states and municipalities.

The number of rooms is, next to the usable floor space, the most important information on housing unit size. The presence of a room per person (e.g. separate nursery) is often considered desirable.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_NROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_ROOMS — Rooms
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Questions 5 - 7 to be completed for the household

6. Number of occupied rooms

___ 99 (part of room)

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Questions 5P - 7P. are to be completed for households.

Before completing questions 5P - 7P, in a special box of the line "No. of the first member of the household within the dwelling" the serial number is to be entered, under which the person recorded first in the household is specified in column 1 of section 1 of the list of residents in the dwelling. In accordance with the example given on page 10, the following numbers of "the first members of households within the dwelling" are to be inserted: for Tikhonov's household -- No. 1, for Rulev's household -- No. 3, for Bulgakhov's household -- No. 4.

Question 6P. Number of rooms occupied

The number of habitable rooms occupied by a household is to be recorded here.

The record is to be entered in numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc) in a special box.

If a household does not occupy the whole room, but only its part, the item "part of room" is to be marked.

If a household occupies two or more rooms, but some of those gives in rent, the total number of rooms (including those rented) is to be recorded.

Habitable room is a room intended for residence: part of a flat (hostel) separated from other rooms by partitions.

Attics, mezzanines, heated terraces and verandahs equipped for habitation the year round are to be included in the number of habitable rooms.

The number of habitable rooms excludes: kitchens, halls, corridors, bath (or shower) rooms, storerooms, and other subsidiary rooms.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_ROOMS — Number of rooms occupied by the household
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Section III. Housing conditions of the household No. _

(Filled for households, residing in one-apartment dwelling houses, apartments at multistoried dwellings)

2. How many rooms does your household occupy?

[] 1 _ _
[] 2 Part of the room
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27. Section III "Housing conditions of the household" is to be completed for households occupying one-apartment residential houses and apartments as follows:

27.2. In question 2 "How many rooms does your household occupy?":
The number of occupied habitable rooms should be recorded in numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) in a special box.

The habitable room is defined as a separate premise for habitation in an apartment (one-apartment residential house). Habitable rooms do not include kitchens, wardrobes, etc.

If a household does not occupy the entire room, but only part of it, the answer "part of room" is to be completed.

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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"Household - - Dwelling Unit" Questionnaire

B: Dwelling Unit

Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Specify the characteristics of the head of household's building by checking the appropriate box in columns (a) to (f). Indicate in the last column (g) the total number of rooms in which the household resides.

Total number of rooms

_ _ Indicate the total number of rooms housing the household
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B. How to fill out the form "Household- Dwelling unit"

Dwelling Characteristics

Column (g): Number of rooms
Are considered rooms, the bedroom, the living room, or the dining room regardless of size, as well the kitchen and store if their surface is higher than 5 squared meters allowing one person to use them to sleep. Hallways, balconies, bathrooms, and other areas of a surface smaller than 5 squared meters are not considered rooms.
[p. 20]
If one room is used by two or more households, only attribute it to one household.
Report in both boxes the number of rooms each household has.

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_ROOMS — Number of rooms (occupied)
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Household dwelling unit characteristics

Total number of occupied rooms _ _

Report the total number of rooms occupied by the household in the dwelling unit. (Write down the number in the grid)
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Characteristics of the household's dwelling unit

Column (4): Total number of occupied rooms
Rooms used for housing purposes must be counted: bedrooms, dining room, living room, servants' room.
Hallways, verandas, bathrooms, toilet room (W.C.), and other areas of a surface of less than 5 squared meters are not considered rooms.
If a room is common to several households, assign it only to one of the households. Report the total number of rooms occupied by the household in the grid reserved to that effect.

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Dwelling unit characteristics

(44) Total number of occupied rooms _ _

Report the total number of rooms occupied by the household in the dwelling unit. Write down the number in the grid.
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Column (44): Total number of occupied rooms
Rooms used for housing purposes must be counted: bedrooms, dining room, living room, servants' room.
Hallways, verandas, bathrooms, toilet room (W.C.), and other areas of a surface of less than 5 square meters are not considered rooms.
If a room is common to several households, assign it only to one of the households. Report the total number of rooms occupied by the household in the grid reserved to that effect.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_ROOMS — Number of rooms occupied
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Dwelling Unit Characteristics
[Questions 43-56 were asked of all households]

47. Total number of occupied rooms - Report the total number of rooms occupied by the household in the dwelling unit in the grid

_ _
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Section 4: Habitation Characteristics

This section gives information on the characteristics of the household's lodging.

In the case where a more than one questionnaire is used for the household, the answers to the questions on the habitation's characteristics shall only be noted on form number 1 used for the household.

47. Number of occupied rooms

A room is a space in the habitation unit or in other units used for habitation, surrounded by walls going from the floor to the ceiling [or, eventually, the roof] or to at least a height of 2 meters above the ground, and large enough to contain one adult bed.

NB: Are included in the definition, bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, studies, habitable lofts [attics], household personnel rooms, kitchens, rooms used to exercise a profession or for trading, and other spaces used for habitation or destined for habitation, with the condition that they satisfy the conditions on habitable surface and walls. Hallways, verandas, vestibules, etc., bathrooms, and WC must not be counted as rooms, even if they satisfy these conditions.

Q: "How many rooms does your housing have?"
Write down the number corresponding to the obtained response.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_ROOMS — Rooms
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9. Number of rooms in the household
[Question 9 was asked of persons in private dwellings, per Question 1.]

9.1 How many rooms do you have in your household? (Not counting bathrooms and kitchen)

____ Number

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Question 9. Number of rooms or bedrooms in the household

Any environment that has the capacity for an adult bed is considered a room.

How many rooms or bedrooms do you have in your household?

Write down the number of rooms or bedrooms in the household, without counting the kitchen or bathroom. Also do not include corridors, halls or storage rooms.

Of these, how many are used only for sleeping? (bedrooms)

On the corresponding line, write down the number of rooms that are used exclusively as bedrooms.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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10. How many rooms are there in your household?
[Question 10 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]

(Not including bathroom or kitchen)

____ (Number)

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Number of rooms or bedrooms

Room or bedroom is any environment that has the capacity to hold a bed or cot for an adult, even if it is used for other purposes.

Question 10. How many rooms or bedrooms does your household occupy?

Don't include in the Number of Rooms the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry room, vestibules, hallways, or storage areas.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions 6 to 26 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private dwelling and were present at the time of enumeration, per Questions 4 and 5.]

18. How many rooms does your household occupy, not including bathrooms and kitchen?

[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three
[] 4 Four
[] 5 Five
[] 6 Six
[] 7 Seven
[] 8 Eight or more

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Chapter C. Characteristics of dwellings with inhabitants who are present

Question 18. How many rooms are occupied by this household, not counting bathrooms and kitchen?

The oval corresponding to the number of rooms that are used as bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, offices, etc. is marked. Bathrooms and kitchens are not counted.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_ROOMS — Number of rooms (excluding bathrooms and kitchens)
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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

14. How many rooms does your household occupy, not counting bathrooms or kitchens? _ _

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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

Rooms in the dwelling
13. Availability of a room for cooking.
Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.
14. Number of rooms in the dwelling
In the census, a room is any interior space large enough to accommodate an adult-sized cot or bed. The question about the number of rooms in the dwelling has two boxes for noting down the answer. In these boxes, note down the number of rooms used as bedrooms or for other purposes, not counting any kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, foyers, hallways, or storage rooms.
15. Number of rooms used only for sleeping
In the boxes, note down the number of rooms used only as bedrooms. If the dwelling has no such rooms, put 0.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_NOROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section E

(Circle response)

9. Number of rooms

How many rooms are there in this housing unit (excluding kitchen, toilet, bathroom, garage and store)? ____
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Column E9: Number of Rooms in the Housing Unit

How many rooms are here in this housing unit (excluding kitchen, toilet, bathroom, garage and store)?


Enter, in the space provided in the questionnaire, the number of rooms used as sleeping accommodation, or as living rooms, in the housing unit where you are enumerating.

The following are excluded: kitchen(s), toilet(s), bathroom(s), garage(s) and store(s).

However, if one of these is also used for living or sleeping accommodation it should be included - for example, a room which is used both as kitchen and living room would be counted. You will find examples of these in some rented SHHA houses in the urban areas and in rondavels in the rural areas.

If more than one household shares one living room, count it only once for one of the households. You cannot count it more than once as this would give an overestimate of the availability of accommodation in the country.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 139, the lolwapa in which the household stays consists of three huts, so 03 is entered in the spaces provided.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_ROOMS1 — Number of rooms
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E10. How many rooms are there in this housing unit? _ _

(Include garages, kitchen, etc. if only used for sleeping)
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139. Columns E8 - E14: Housing unit

These questions relate to the housing unit occupied by the household you are enumerating. A housing unit is defined as "the unit of accommodation for a household". You will usually be able to answer some of these questions yourself simply from observation. However, if in doubt, ask, then circle the most appropriate answer code. Note that in each of these columns you are to circle only one code.

The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 59.

143. Column E11: Number of Rooms in the Housing Unit

Q: How many rooms are there in this housing unit (excluding kitchen, toilet, bathroom, garage and store)?

Enter, in the space provided in the questionnaire, the number of rooms used as sleeping accommodation, or as living rooms, in the housing unit where you are enumerating.

The following are excluded: kitchen(s), toilet(s), bathroom(s), garage(s) and store(s). However, if one of these (kitchen or garage) is used for living or sleeping accommodation it should be counted as a living room - for example, a room which is used both as kitchen and living room would be counted. You will find examples of these in some rented SHHA houses in the urban areas and rondavels in the rural areas.

If more than one household shares one living room, count it only once for one of the households. You cannot count it more than once, as this would give an overestimate of the availability of accommodation in the country.

Example: The housing unit for the household was a traditional lolwapa, rented from someone, and as such the way the plot was acquired is not known to the household. E11 is coded 03 showing that there are 3 rooms used as living rooms by the household. The walls of this household is made of conventional bricks/blocks,the floor is made of cement/stones while the roof is made of corrugated iron. This is shown by the codes in E12, E13 and E14.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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E. Household Information

Housing unit

Number of rooms
10. How many living rooms are there in this housing unit? [Includes garages, kitchen, etc. if only used for sleeping]

_ _
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187. Columns E8-E13: Housing unit
These questions relate to the housing unit occupied by the household you are enumerating. A housing unit is the unit of accommodation for a household. You will usually be able to answer some of these questions yourself simply from observation. However, if in doubt, ask, and then circle the most appropriate answer code. Note that in each of these columns you are to circle only one code. The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 82.

190. Column E10: Number of rooms in the housing unit
Q. How many living rooms are there in this housing unit, excluding kitchen, toilet, bathroom, garage, and storage?

Enter in the space provided in the questionnaire, the number of rooms used for sleeping purposes, or as living rooms, in the housing unit where you are enumerating.

The following are excluded: kitchen(s), toilet(s), bathroom(s), garage(s) and store(s). However, if one of these is used for living or sleeping it should be counted as a living room - for example, a room which is used both as kitchen and living room would be counted. You will find examples of these in some rented SHHA houses in the urban areas and rondavels in the rural areas.

If more than one household shares one living room, count it only once for one of the households. You cannot count it more than once, as this would give an overestimate of the availability of accommodation in the country.

[Table omitted]

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_NROOMS — Total number of rooms
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M. Total number of rooms


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Question M - Total number of rooms

The number recorded will be the total number of compartments separated by walls, not including corridors, porches or verandas, and including rooms located in areas outside the building, provided that such rooms are an integral part of the dwelling. However, rooms used for non-household purposes, such as workshops, doctors' offices, dentists' offices, laboratories, studios, garages, sheds, storehouses, warehouses, etc. will not be considered, even if directly connected to the dwelling.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_NROOMS — Number of rooms
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15. Rooms
____ Total
____ Serving as bedrooms

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Question 15 - Rooms

Total number of rooms:

Record the total number of compartments separated by walls, not including corridors, porches or verandas, and including rooms located in areas outside the building, provided that such rooms are an integral part of the household. Rooms used for non-household purposes, such as workshops, doctors' offices, dentists' offices, laboratories, garages, sheds, storehouses, warehouses, etc. will not be considered, even if directly connected to the domicile.

[p. 60]

Rooms which serve as bedrooms: Record the number of bedrooms and other areas which permanently serve as sleeping quarters, even if they are used as such due to lack of adequate accommodations for this purpose. Bedrooms which are not used as sleeping quarters (offices, sewing rooms, etc.) should not be considered. Bedrooms located in areas outside the building will be included, provided that persons (including employees) who are part of the household sleep there.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_NROOMS — Total number of rooms
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(The following questions are only for permanent private households)

12. Total number of rooms


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Question 12 - Total Number of Rooms

Record with two digits the total number of rooms existing in the household. All compartments of the household (including bathrooms and kitchens) separated by walls will be considered as rooms, including those on the outside part of the building (as long as they are an integral part of the household), with the exception of corridors, porches, open verandas, garages, warehouses and other compartments used for non-residential purposes.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_NROOMS — Total number of rooms
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11. Total number of rooms (when number less than 10 put 0 in first field)
_ _

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Question 11 - Total number of rooms
All compartments of the dwelling, including bathrooms and kitchens, separated by walls, and those found on the outside part of the building should be considered rooms, as long as they are an integral part of the household.
Do not consider in the total number of rooms any corridors, porches, open verandas and other compartments used for non-residential purposes, such as garages, warehouses, etc.
When the number of rooms is fewer than 10, complete with a zero to the left.
[p. 49]
Note - Do not include in the total number of rooms any kitchens or bathrooms common to several households, as is often the case in houses occupied by the room.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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2.03 How many rooms in this dwelling?
_ _

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Question 2.03 - How many rooms are there in this dwelling?

Record the total number of rooms that make up the dwelling.

Consider the following as rooms all compartments in the dwelling covered by a roof and closed in by walls, including bathroom and kitchen. Include all rooms located on the outside part of the building which are integral parts of the household/dwelling.

[p. 81]

Do not consider the following as rooms:

  • Corridors, porches, open verandas; and
  • Garages, storehouses and other compartments used for non-residential purposes.

In houses occupied by the room [rooms in a tenement] and similar arrangements, kitchens and bathrooms that are of common use should not be included in the total number of rooms.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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2. For occupied permanent private housing units - Household characteristics.

2.03 How many rooms are there in this housing unit?
(Including bathroom and kitchen.)
(Do not consider rooms: corridors, open porches, garages, and other compartments for non-residential purposes.)
_ _

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2.03 - How many rooms does your household have? (Including bathroom and kitchen)
In this regard, you must report the total number of rooms that are in the household. For this registration to be done correctly, read the information below.

[Figure of a house] A room is: each space in the household that has a roof and is bounded by walls, including the bathroom and the kitchen.

[page 166]

[Figure of a crossed out space] Do not consider as a room:
  • Corridors, open balconies and porches, and
  • Garages and other rooms used for non-residential means.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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III. Housing Characteristics

H13. Number of rooms occupied by household _ _

Only count the living room and bedrooms, including those of dependents.

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H4. Number of rooms occupied by household
Only count the living room and bedrooms, including those of dependents.
_ _

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_ROOMS — Rooms
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Form B Household Questionnaire Part 4: Housing Conditions and Facilities** (Enter Code in the box below)

**Part 4 need not be filled-in for Institutional and Homeless Households and for Boat and Transient Population.

6 No. of rooms occupied by household (exclude kitchen, bathroom, toilet and storeroom)

1 One Room
2 Two Rooms
3 Three Rooms
4 Four Rooms
5 Five Rooms
6 Six Rooms
7 Seven Rooms
8 Eight Rooms and above

[ ]

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Column 6: No. of rooms occupied by Household

124. Record in the square provided in this column, the number of rooms occupied by the household as indicated in the column itself. If a household is in occupation of more than eight rooms you have to record only 8.

124.1 A room should have four walls with a roof and a doorway. It should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in. In giving the number of rooms occupied by household you should exclude kitchen, store room, bathroom and toilet, which are not normally usable for living or sleeping. A room which is shared by more than one household will not be counted by any of them.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 4
Part 4: Housing conditions and facilities

[6] Number of rooms occupied by household (exclude kitchen, bathroom, toilet and storeroom)

Enter code.

[] 1 One room
[] 2 Two rooms
[] 3 Three rooms
[] 4 Four rooms
[] 5 Five rooms
[] 6 Six rooms
[] 7 Seven rooms
[] 8 Eight rooms and above
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100. Column 6: No. of rooms occupied by household
Record in the square provided in this column, the number of rooms occupied by the household as indicated in the column, itself. If a household is in occupation of more than eight rooms you have to record only 8.
A room should have four walls with a roof and a doorway. It should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in. In giving the number of rooms occupied by household you should exclude kitchen, store room, bathroom and toilet, which are not normally usable for living or sleeping. A room which is shared by more than one household will not be counted by any of them.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Form B: household questionnaire - part 4: housing conditions and facilities
Part 4 need not be filled in for institutional and homeless households, and for boat and transient population.

7. Number of rooms occupied by household (exclude kitchen, bathroom, toilet and storeroom)

[] 1 One room
[] 2 Two rooms
[] 3 Three rooms
[] 4 Four rooms
[] 5 Five rooms
[] 6 Six rooms
[] 7 Seven rooms
[] 8 Eight rooms and more

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Filling in of Form B Household Questionnaire Part 4 : Housing Conditions and Facilities

121. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts 2 and 3). This part should be completed with
the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

122. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

123. Please note that in this part for Columns 1 to 7, 18 and 19, you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

Column 7: No. of rooms occupied by Household

130. Record in the square provided in this column the number of rooms occupied by the household using the code given in the column itself. If a household is in occupation of more than eight rooms you have to record only 8.

130.1 A room should have four walls with a roof and a doorway. It should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in. In giving the number of rooms occupied by the household you should exclude the kitchen, store room, bathroom and toilet, which are not normally usable for living or sleeping. A room which is shared by more than one household will not be counted by any of them.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Part 5: Housing conditions and facilities

7. Number of rooms occupied by household (exclude kitchen, bathroom, toilet and storeroom)

Enter code.

[] 1 One room
[] 2 Two rooms
[] 3 Three rooms
[] 4 Four rooms
[] 5 Five rooms
[] 6 Six rooms
[] 7 Seven rooms
[] 8 Eight rooms and above
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96. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part -5: housing conditions and facilities

96.1. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts- 2 to 4). This part should be completed with the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

96.2. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

96.3. Please note that in this part of the questionnaire, for columns 1 to 8 and 23 to 25 you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

103. Column 7: no. of rooms occupied by household

Record in the square provided in this column, the number of rooms occupied by the household using code given in the column itself. If a household is in occupation of more than eight rooms you have to record only 8.

101.1 A room should have four walls with a roof and a doorway. It should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in. In giving the number of rooms occupied by household you should exclude kitchen, store room, bathroom and toilet, which are not normally usable for living or sleeping. A room which is shared by more than one household will not be counted by any of them.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_ROOM — Number of rooms occupied by household (exclude kitchen, bathroom, toilet and storeroom)
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Form B household questionnaire part 4

Housing conditions, amenities and assets possessed by household

8. No. of rooms occupied by household (exclude kitchen, bathroom, toilet and storeroom)

[] 1. One room
[] 2. Two rooms
[] 3. Three rooms
[] 4. Four rooms
[] 5. Five rooms
[] 6. Six rooms
[] 7. Seven rooms
[] 8. Eight rooms and more

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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32) What is the total number of rooms in the housing unit?

(Mark the total number of rooms) _ _
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Questions on housing

Columns 28 to 36:

To answer these questions on housing, in each column circle the number of the characteristic corresponding to the structure and the housing unit which you are visiting. Only circle one number per column.

[Example omitted]

If the structure is a religious structure, you additionally mark the number of accommodations of the concession in column 28.

If it is a religious space, the physical characteristics to reveal are those in the main accommodation (materials of the walls, the roof, floor, and lighting). Yet, the number of rooms to mark in column 32 is the total number of rooms used by the household, all accommodations included. As such, in the case of a religious space composed only of round accommodations/huts, the number of rooms (column 32) is most frequently equal to the number of accommodations (column 28).

Total number of rooms

- You count: bedrooms, dining room, servant bedrooms, kitchen, and rooms used for professional operations, offices.

- Hallways, verandas, vestibules, bathrooms, and outhouses should not be counted as rooms.

- If a room is communal to 2 or more households, only assign it to one household between them.

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_H10NUM — Number of rooms
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Questions on housing

Circle the appropriate number where applicable: in the case of a compound occupied by only one household, take the characteristics (except for the number of rooms) of the main house.

H10. Number of rooms _ _

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Filling in page 4.
Begin by filling in the space reserved for questions concerning housing and then fill in the space for deaths.
This page is completed only as concerns the first questionnaire used in the household.

1) Space for questions concerning housing. In this column, encircle only one number.
Example : The household is living in a modern villa, column H 1, encircle No. 3.
1 - Isolated house
2 - House with many self-contained flats
3 - Modern villa
4 - Apartment story building
5 - Compound or saré
6 ? Other

If the housing unit is a compound or saré, the numbers to be encircled are those corresponding to the characteristics of the main house as concerns the materials used for the walls, roof, floor, type of lighting system, water supply, source of energy for the kitchen, type of toilet. However, the number of rooms to be written in column H10 is the total number of room used by the household in all the housed that make up the compound or saré.
The rooms to be taken into account are the bedrooms, sitting rooms, the dining rooms, rooms for house servants and kitchen; do not count corridors, verandahs, lobbies, bathrooms, toilets, rooms for professional practice such as lawyer's chambers, doctor's consultation room, tailoring workshop, street stalls, etc.
If a room is used by two or more households (examples: kitchens, dining rooms, etc.), record it in the name of one household and do not count it for any other household.
If in a housing unit you note many characteristics for the materials, record the main one:
Example: a mud wall plastered with cement (half concrete), record 6 ? mud

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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15. How many rooms are there in this dwelling? (include kitchen, bedrooms, finished rooms in attic or basement, etc. Do not count bathrooms, halls, vestibules and rooms used solely for business purposes.)
Number of rooms _ _

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H3(a). How many rooms are there in this dwelling?
Include kitchen, bedrooms, finished rooms in attic or basement, etc. Do not count bathrooms, halls, vestibules and rooms used solely for business purposes.
Number of rooms ____

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Part (a): Number of rooms in dwelling

Do not enter half-rooms (for example, instead of 1 1/2, enter either 1 or 2, depending on which best describes the dwelling.)
Include as separate rooms, partially divided rooms which you consider to be separate because of fixed or movable partitions or because of their use (for example, L-shaped living- and dining-rooms).

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_ROOMP — Number of rooms
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H3(a). How many rooms are there in this dwelling?
Include kitchen, bedrooms, finished rooms in the attic or basement, etc.
Do not count bathrooms, halls, vestibules and rooms used solely for business purposes.
Number of rooms ____

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Question H3 -- Number of rooms and bedrooms
Part (a) -- Number of rooms in dwelling

Do not count any half-rooms (for example, instead of 1 1/2, enter either 1 or 2, depending on which best describes the dwelling).
If a room is partially divided by a fixed or movable partition, or has two parts used for different purposes such as an L-shaped living and dining room, count it as two separate rooms.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Household questionnaire

Step E
Questions E1-E10 are about this dwelling.
The questions refer to May 10, 2011 unless otherwise specified.

A dwelling is a separate set of living quarters with a private entrance from the outside or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. This entrance should not be through someone else's living quarters.

E4 (a) How many rooms are there in this dwelling?

Include kitchen, bedrooms, finished rooms in attic or basement, etc.

Do not count bathrooms, halls, vestibules, attached sheds, porches and rooms used solely for business purposes.

Number of rooms: _ _
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Step E: Housing
Questions E1 to E10 provide information to develop housing communities and projects.

Information on the number of rooms and bedrooms in homes and on housing costs is used to assess the economic situation of families. Governments use this information to measure levels of crowding within households and to develop housing programs.

Information on the age of dwellings and the need for repairs is used by municipalities to develop neighborhood improvement programs.

Question E4 -- Number of rooms and bedrooms
Part (a) -- Number of rooms in a dwelling

Do not count any half-rooms (e.g., instead of '1.5' enter '1' or '2', depending on which best describes the dwelling).

If a room is partially divided by a fixed or movable partition, or has two parts used for different purposes, such as an L-shaped living and dining room, count it as two separate rooms.

Part (b) -- Number of bedrooms
For a one-room dwelling or bachelor apartment, report '0'.

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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9. Rooms

____ Write the number of rooms in the dwelling, but without including the kitchen, bathroom, porches, garage, nor rooms used exclusively for commercial or industrial purposes.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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4. How many rooms does this home have (excluding bathrooms and the kitchen)?

a. Total of rooms

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
6 ____
7 ____
8 ____
9 ____
10 or more ____

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14. How many rooms does this household have?

Fill in the oval that corresponds to the quantity of rooms that the household has, understanding room to mean any room that has space for an adult bed.

You should not include: kitchen, bathroom, hallways, or balconies; except when these are used by people for permanent lodging.

The number of rooms should be recorded according to the specifics on the form.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 14 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_RM — Total number of rooms
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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present (applies to questions 3 through 16)

10. Without including bathrooms, how many total rooms are in this dwelling? (Do not forget to include the kitchen.)

Total number of rooms

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

Indicate the uses of each room [For rooms numbered up to 10, fill-in ovals appear below each of the possible uses.]

Use of the rooms:
Bedroom ____
Living-dining ____
Living ____
Dining ____
Kitchen ____
Paid work ____
Other use ____

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10. Without taking into account the bathroom(s), how many total rooms does this dwelling have? (Don't forget the kitchen).

First, fill in the circle that corresponds to the total quantity of rooms that the dwelling has, including the kitchen.

You should not include: bathroom, pantry [bodega], hallway or balconies [galerías], except when people permanently lodge in them.

Then, indicate for each room, its use, whether it be as a bedroom, living-dining room (together), living room and dining room (separate), kitchen, for compensated work (cobbler, office, accounting, etc.), or another use (game room, library, etc.). Each room can have one or more uses.

Don't forget that the number of rooms reported according to their use must coincide with the Total Number of Rooms filled in at the beginning of this question.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 10 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_ROOMS — Total rooms (including kitchen, not including baths)
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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present [applies to questions 3 to 16]

10. Not counting the bathrooms, how many rooms does this dwelling have, including the kitchen?

Total number of rooms:

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

Indicate the uses of each room: [For rooms numbered up to 10, fill-in ovals appear below each of the possible uses.]

Use of the rooms:
Paid work
Other use

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[Questions 3 through 16: Only for private dwellings which are occupied with people present.]

Question 10. Total number of rooms

Don't forget that one room can have two or more uses. That is, you can fill in one or more ovals per line. For example, Room 1: living room, dining room, kitchen. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 10 on the census form.]

The total number of rooms should always coincide with the quantity of rooms used for different purposes. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 10 on the census form.]

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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2. Rooms

How many total rooms does this household have?
(Do not include the kitchen or bathroom) __ __

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Question No. 2. Rooms.

[Below the text is a form.]

Write down clearly the number of rooms (without including kitchen, bath or corridors) that only the household being enumerated uses.

If in the dwelling rooms exists (living rooms, dining rooms, etc.) that are shared by more than one household, include them in the number of rooms that the principal household uses (this can be that of the owner, the one responsible for the dwelling, etc.) If there is no principal household, award it to the first census household interviewed.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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15. How many total rooms are there in the dwelling, including the living room, dining room, bedrooms, and servants' rooms (do not include kitchen, bathroom, or garage) _ _
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Question No. 15 Number of rooms

[Below the text is a form.]

[p. 34]

Write the number of rooms or sleeping quarters that a dwelling has in total.

Count the living room, dining room and the bedrooms. Do not count the kitchen, bathroom or garage.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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13. How many rooms does the dwelling have access to?
_ _ Number of rooms (include the living room and dining room. Exclude the kitchen, bathroom, and garage)

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13. How many rooms does this household have access to?

Ask for the number of sleeping quarters or rooms used by the members of the household.

[Below the text is a form.]

Include rooms that the household uses as living room, dining room, bedrooms, study and those used to work or guard household equipment of materials.

Do not include the bath or kitchen or garage. If the last is used for a different function than guarding cars, you should count it as a room.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the household
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11. Including the living room and dining room, how many rooms in total does your household occupy? (expanded) _ _
Do not count kitchen, bathrooms, nor those destined exclusively for garage or business.

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_ROOMS — Number of rooms and bedrooms
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15. Rooms and bedrooms
(write in both spaces)

____ Number of rooms
____ Of these, how many are used as bedrooms?

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Box No. 15.- Rooms and Bedrooms


A "room" will be considered as any one of the compartments or rooms used for purposes of lodging, including: living room, dining room, kitchen, bed rooms, studies, recreation rooms, servants' quarters, but excluding: porches, hallways, bathrooms, inner patios, except when these last ones are used as recreation room, library or other purpose of lodging in which case they should be considered as "rooms".

You should ask and write down the number of rooms according to the criteria explained above.

Those compartments that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service purposes, such as store, local store (pulpería), bar, workshop, barber shop etc. should not be considered rooms of a Dwelling.


Bedroom is understood to be any room of a Dwelling that is used for sleeping.

Keep in mind that in the explanation about "rooms" it said that those compartments used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service purposes should not be considered. On the other hand, if in a Dwelling there is a place that is used as a workshop of a shoe store {a very frequent case) and at the same time someone sleeps in it, such a place should be considered as "room", and also so "bedroom".

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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7. Rooms and bedrooms
Total number of rooms ____
Of these, how many are bedrooms? ____

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4.9.- Rooms and Bedrooms.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

4.9.1.- Total Number of Rooms: Ask, - How many rooms does the dwelling have?

Remember that "Room" is any compartment or area that the dwelling has for purposes of lodging: Living room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, studies, patios, recreation rooms, servants' rooms.

To be excluded are: Hallway, porches, bathrooms, inner patios, depots or garages.

Those rooms that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service purposes should not be considered rooms of a Dwelling. For example: Office of a lawyer, dentist, doctor, store, local store, bar, workshop, barber shop, etc.

4.9.2.- Of these how many are Bedrooms?: A bedroom is any room used principally for sleeping.

In the case of dwellings of only one room, zero (0) bedrooms will be marked. It is also the case of places that are, for example: A shoe store's workshop, wine cellar, local store, or any other that also serves as residence to one or more persons. Those dwellings that consist of one room and that is used exclusively for sleeping should be written down 1 room and 1 bedroom.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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6. Number and use of rooms

_ _ Total rooms

_ _ Exclusively for sleeping
_ _ Living-dining
_ _ Exclusively kitchen
_ _ Kitchen-dining
_ _ Other uses

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Question 6: Number and Use of Rooms

(See Illustration on Page 22)

Every dwelling has one or many rooms whose inhabitants use for different purposes: sleeping, cooking food, eating, relaxing, or receiving visitors, watching television, listening to the radio, etc. Of course not all dwellings have areas so different it includes that in some cases some area single room that is used for all, what in popular speech people called and at times now call a round room (cuarto redondo).

[p. 30]

This question has been designed precisely to know the number of rooms, bedrooms or sleeping quarters that the Costa Rican dwellings have and which of them are occupied for sleeping, preparing food, relaxing, etc. All rooms or bedrooms of the dwelling that are used for exclusively professional, commercial, industrial or service purposes should be excluded, such as lawyer's office, offices, local stores or grocery stores, barber shops or beauty shops, "cantinas [bars]" or bars, workshops, etc. Also halls, porches, bathrooms, inner patios, depots or garages, etc.

{How to register the number and use of the rooms of the dwelling}

In the open boxes placed at the right side of question number 6 (Number and Use of Rooms), you should register the information turning to the use of two digits or numbers. This operation has to be done first to indicate the number of rooms. For example: in a dwelling that has 10 rooms (four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, television room, breakfast room, and a room for the servant, you should write down the total in the following manner:

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

Once you have registered the number of rooms of the dwelling it is necessary that you indicate how many are used for sleeping (remember that the room for the servant is where she sleeps), how many like living/dining room, how many for only cooking, how many for cooking and eating at the same time, and how many are meant to be for "other uses" without you having to write down what is specifically done in them.

Nevertheless, those dwellings exist that have a single room that its inhabitants use at the same time for sleeping, cooking, eating, and receiving visitors. You should consider them dwellings without bedroom, that is to say with "zero" (0) bedrooms, except in the case that this single room is used exclusively for sleeping. Then you should mark the digits 01 in the cells meant for indicating the number of rooms, such {0}{1} in those reserved for the concept "only for sleeping" it will have been indicated in the following form: {0}{1} that means something like "01 bedroom". The places used for commercial, professional, industrial or service purposes and that also serve as a residence for one or more persons are not considered as "only for sleeping" they are only registered as dwelling and as if it did not have a number of rooms, that is to say by what are referred to as rooms that are used as living room and dining room (living/dining room) and kitchen and dining room (kitchen-dining room) as a result obviously serve to fulfill two of the purposes that they indicate. Nor does any doubt exist when one talks about a room that is only for cooking ("only-kitchen); although in this case it can happen that any person or persons sleep in the kitchen (on the floor or on benches), but is considered as "only kitchen".

Caution. In the countryside it is possible to find that the kitchen is a "separate" construction from the rest of the dwelling. In this case it is taken as an integral part of the dwelling.

Finally, it remains for us to make some comment about rooms meant for different uses to those pointed out previously ("other uses"). Generally it concerns spaces or rooms that residents use as places or recreation and service. For example: Living room, dining room, study, recreation room, bedroom where also they cook.

Remember that no open box should be left without annotation, because of this, when there are no rooms of any of the specified classes, write down {0}{0} according to what it corresponds to.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_RM — Rooms
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9. Not counting bathrooms, hallways nor garage, how many rooms total does this dwelling have?
_ _ Number

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Question 9: Total number of rooms

This question has been written to determine the total number of rooms or bedrooms that the dwelling has.

[Below the text is a picture of a floor.]

Room: Area separated from others by fixed walls, or permanent separations or differentiated by levels.

Total number of rooms: Include rooms such as: living room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, TV room, study, library.

Exclude corridors, bathrooms, laundry/storage room (cuarto de pilas), inner patio, terraces and garages; also rooms that are used exclusively for professional, commercial, industrial or service purposes: lawyer's office, doctor's office, store, bazaar, local store, beauty salon, etc.


In the country or in rural areas, it is possible that the kitchen is a construction separate from the rest of the dwelling. In this case, take it as part of it and write it down as one more room.

The total amount cannot be less that the number written down in the previous question (bedrooms).

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_ROOMS — Rooms
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10. Including the bedrooms, how many rooms does this dwelling have in total? (excluding bathrooms or laundry rooms)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more
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Question 10: Total rooms

10. Including the bedrooms, how many rooms does this dwelling have in total? (excluding bathrooms or laundry rooms)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

For the purposes of the census a room is an area separated by fixed walls, or partitions such as closets, curtains, stairs, or levels. This includes rooms such as: living room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, television room, study, and library.

This excludes hallways, bathrooms, laundry rooms, sun patios, terraces, balconies, storage rooms, and garages as well as those rooms that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial, or service purposes: attorney's office, medical clinic, store, bazar, small store, produce stop, workshop, beauty salon, etc.

In the field or rural areas, it is possible that the kitchen is a construction separate from the rest of the dwelling. In this case, take it as part of the dwelling and note it as an additional room.

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_ROOMS — Rooms
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Section III. Information about the Private Dwelling

6. Number of rooms per dwelling

a. What is the total number of rooms in the dwelling?

(Do not count bathrooms, corridors, balconies, open rooms, such as: portals, terrazas, galleries, etc.)

_ _

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Question 6. What is the quantity of rooms that the dwelling has?:

This question [question 6] is related to the quantity of rooms in the dwelling and of these, how many are habitually used for sleeping and how many are used exclusively as bedrooms.

In this question the form of annotation changes, since they are not marked with an X for the answer, but you note a quantity (with numbers), which is given to us by the interviewee. You should take into account that you should note two digits, so therefore you will fill in a zero on the left when the number is not higher than nine.

Considering that generally the rooms are the spaces in the dwelling called bedroom, dormitory or room, living room, dining room, entryway, closed porch, garages, etc., whenever these same rooms are separated from each other with fixed walls that are two meters high or higher, and that in addition they have a surface area of at least four square meters and the kitchen if its size permits the placement of a table with chairs for eating in it.

Do not include the following as a room, even if it has more than four square meters of surface space: bathrooms, closet, interior hallways, open galleries, sanitary services, open portals, patios, balconies, terraces, etc.

Question 6.

a. What is the quantity of rooms that the dwelling has?
(Do not include bathrooms, corridors, open rooms, such as open portals, terraces, galleries, etc.

[ _ _ ]

In part A) of the question, you should write the total of rooms with which the dwelling counts, taking into account the concept of room given above.

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section III. Private housing data
[Applies to questions 1-16]

7. [Number of rooms]

_ _ A) How many rooms does the home have? (Do not count bathrooms, hallways, balconies, open rooms such as: entryways, terraces, galleries, etc.)
_ _ B) How many bedrooms does the home have?
_ _ C) How many rooms are commonly used for sleeping?
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Section III. Private housing data.

Question 7. How many rooms does the home have?
This question is related to the number of rooms the home has, how many are typically used to sleep, and how many are used exclusively as bedrooms.
The format on this question is different as the response is not marked with an X, but rather the number of rooms (with numerals) is marked as reported by the interviewee. Note that the number must contain two digits, so if the number is not greater than nine, place a zero (0) before the number.
Bear in mind that generally the rooms are spaces of the home, referred to as bedroom, living room, dining room, entrance hall, library, garage, etc., so long as they are separated by fixed walls at least 2 meters in height, with an area of at least 4 square meter and the kitchen is of sufficient size to allow for a table and chairs to eat in the room.
The following are not considered rooms, even if they have a surface area of more than 4 square meter: bathrooms, closets, interior hallways, open galleries, sanitation systems, open portals, patios, balconies, terraces, etc.
In subsection A) of the question, the total number of rooms in the home should be noted, taking the above into consideration.
Subsection B) lists the number of rooms that were built with the sole function of serving as a bedroom or sleeping quarters. All bedrooms will be included, whether or not they are used for sleeping.
In C), include all of the rooms that are used for this purpose, whether they are bedrooms or not.
Keep in mind that these are all the rooms used for sleeping, that is, the housing spaces that you determined to be rooms in subsection A) of this question and that are used for the aforementioned purpose.
As such, a living room that meets the conditions to be a "room" and is habitually used by one or more people to sleep will be considered a room for sleeping.
If you are told that a home has two bedrooms, but in addition the living room and dining room are commonly used for sleeping, you will note the number of rooms used for sleeping as: (04).
Example of how to answer this question:
The apartment that you visit has the following spaces:

- Two bedrooms, each one measuring 6 square meter
- A 6 square meter living room.
- A 5 square meter dining room.
- A 4 square meter kitchen with a table.
- A 5 square meter bathroom.
- A 1 square meter closet.
- A 5 square meter open terrace.

You are told that in addition to the two bedrooms, the living room is used to sleep.
Remember that subsection A) is the total number of rooms, therefore subsection C) must be lesser than or equal to A), and B) must always be lesser.
As you can see, the bathroom, closet and terrace do not count as rooms.
[Figure omitted]

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Housing: characteristics of the home
(Questions to ask the head of household only)

40. Total number of rooms occupied by the household

Ask the question, "What is the total number of rooms occupied by your household?" Indicate the total number of rooms in the table below.

__ __Number of rooms
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4.3.3 The fourth page - Questions about fertility and housing.

These questions should be asked only of the head of the household or his representative.

Question 40: Total number of rooms occupied by the household
Ask the question: "What is the total number of rooms occupied by your household?"

Write the total number of rooms occupied by the surveyed household in the corresponding table.

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_ROOMSAV — Total number of available rooms in household
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Housing features and amenities

40. Total number of rooms in household

_ _ 40A. Total number of available rooms
_ _ 40B. Total number of occupied rooms
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6.3.1- Features and amenities of the dwelling of an ordinary household

The questions about housing pertain to the characteristics and amenities of the household's dwelling, or of its primary dwelling, in the event that the household occupies several buildings for residential use. However, in regard to the number of rooms available or occupied by the household, all residential rooms located in the building or buildings occupied by the household for residential use are to be taken into account.


For each question, circle the code that matches the correct answer. For questions involving numbers, legibly write the numbers declared by the head of household in the appropriate grids.

Note: Details must be provided when the "Other, specify" option is selected. In cases where the answer to a question is visible (Questions 39, 41, 42), do not ask the question.

Question 40a: Total number of available rooms in household
The available rooms in a household are the number of rooms available to the household, with the exception of kitchens and bathrooms. In the event that a household occupies several buildings for its dwelling, it is the sum of all the rooms in these buildings that are used for the household dwelling that must be indicated.
Ask the question: "What is the total number of available rooms in your household?" Enter the number in the coding grid.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_ROOMS — Total rooms in the household
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22. Rooms occupied by the household

a) How many rooms does this household occupy (not counting bath or rooms used in common with another household)?
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 or more
b) Of these rooms, how many are used for sleeping?
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 or more
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Question 22: Rooms occupied by the household
a) How many rooms does this household occupy?
(Not counting the kitchen, bathroom, or rooms shared with other households)

The circle corresponding to the number of rooms occupied by the enumerated household is filled in.

The kitchen, bathroom, and rooms shared with other households are not counted.

Note: When the dwelling is occupied by only one household, the answer to this question will coincide with the answer to question 18.

A census household is constituted of one or more persons, related or not, who live in the same census dwelling and who share a common food budget.
b) Of these rooms, how many are used for sleeping?

The circle corresponding to the number of rooms used for sleeping is filled in. This includes the rooms that are used for another purpose during the day but that are used for sleeping at night.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Rooms of the dwelling

7. How many rooms does this dwelling have altogether, excluding bathrooms, kitchen, corridors and garage?

Rooms _ _
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Question 7: How many rooms does the household have, not counting bathrooms, kitchen, hallways or garage?

Record in the box the number of corresponding rooms that the household has not counting bathrooms, kitchen, hallways or garage.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in dwelling
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7. How many rooms does the dwelling have, not counting bathrooms, kitchen, hallways or garage?

Number of total rooms _ _
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Question 7. How many rooms does the household have, not counting bathrooms, kitchen, hallways or garage?
Ask and record in the correct boxes the given number of total rooms in the household.
Here you include the living room; the dining room, if it is separate from the living room, the bedrooms, the room for music or television, the study room or office, the domestic worker's room; and other rooms that are used to store belongings or things; guestrooms, etcetera.
If a person lives in a room that does not have any divisions, in other words, the space does not have a wall made out of concrete, wood, drywall or any other material, but the room is used for sleeping and domestic use, such as a kitchen, then you can consider the household as having only one room. Therefore, in the Number of Total Rooms, you should record 1.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Only for private, occupied dwellings
[Refers to items III through X]

IX. Number of rooms

____ (Exclude the kitchen, hallways and bathroom)

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IX. Number of Rooms. Write the total number of rooms that make up the dwelling, except those that are used exclusively as a kitchen or for commercial or industrial purposes, such as: stores, workshops, offices, etc. Furthermore, exclude porches, hallways, and toilet facilities.

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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9. How many rooms in total does this dwelling have?
____ (Not including kitchen or bathroom)

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[Question No. 10]

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 10, "number of rooms", in this section of the enumeration form.]

Ask the total number of rooms that there are in the dwelling, indicating to the informant not to count the kitchen, the bathrooms, hallways, verandas. Ask also how many bedrooms there are and record this on the corresponding line.

[Note that this question combines questions 9 and 10 from the enumeration form.]

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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9. How many rooms in total does the dwelling have?
____ (Not including kitchen or bathroom)

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Question 9. How many total rooms does the dwelling have?

Record the number of rooms in the dwelling without counting kitchens or bathrooms.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_ROOMS — Rooms in the dwelling
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9. How many rooms does the dwelling have?
(Not including kitchen or bathroom) ____

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Question 9. How many rooms are there in the dwelling? Do not include kitchen or bathroom.

A room is the space or bedroom separated by fixed walls of any material and that is used as a bedroom, living room, dining room, study, recreation, etc.

Ask the question in the textual form and immediately indicate that this excludes the kitchen, bathroom(s), corridors, hallways, and the rooms that are totally destined for uses other than habitation. For example: garages, offices, storage areas, workshops, stores, etc. Write the total numbers of rooms in the dwelling that you are enumerating in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space.

In the case that you find one room in which the inhabitants sleep, cook, and eat, register the dwelling as one room only.

9. How many rooms are there in the dwelling? (Do not include kitchen or bathroom)

_____ Number

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the household
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1. Without counting the kitchen or bathroom, how many rooms are occupied by this household?
Number _ _

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Question 1.- Not counting the kitchen or the bathroom, how many rooms or bedrooms does this household occupy?

[There is a picture of question 1 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Ask this question word for word and emphasize that they should not include the kitchen, corridors, hallways, bathroom(s) and those rooms meant only for purposes other than living.

If you should encounter a room or bedroom made up of a single area where they sleep, cook, and eat, record only one room.

If only one household lives in the dwelling, the information from this question should be the same as that of question 9 in chapter II. Dwelling data; and, if there is more than one household, the information from each household should be less than that recorded in question 9 of the chapter mentioned, and the sum of the number of rooms or bedrooms occupied by the households should be equal to the total recorded in question 9 chapter II. Dwelling data.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling (excluding kitchen, bathrooms, and rooms for business)
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Section 1: Information about the dwelling
[Questions 1-16 were asked for private dwellings.]

14. Without counting the kitchen, the bathrooms, and rooms used for a business, how many rooms are there in the dwelling, including the living room and dining room?

Number of rooms _ _

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[Section 1]

Step 5: If the dwelling is found occupied with people present, carry out the interview with the head of household or spouse about the information from section 1, information about the dwelling.

[A copy of section 1of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]

  • All of the questions of this section accept one answer only.
  • For registering question 12, you will take into account only the lightbulbs that are installed and you will not consider the lightbulbs used as Christmas ornaments.
  • In this section, there are leaps in questions 10 and 15.
  • Question 15 allows you to identify is there is more than one household in the dwelling.

[Page 18]

If there is more than one census household in the dwelling, you should use a questionnaire per household, starting with the second census household (second questionnaire) you should follow these instructions:
a) On the cover, repeat number 1, geographic location of the dwelling from the previous census questionnaire through question number 1.9.
b) In number 1.10 note the number of the census household that you are enumerating.
c) In number 1.11 complete the answer according to the number of census questionnaires used for each census household.
d) On the cover, leave blank number 1.12., number III - type of dwelling, number IV - principal access to the dwelling, number V - condition of occupancy, and section 1 - information about the dwelling.
e) Continue with the registry of the census questionnaire starting with section 2 (information about the household).

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Part A: Housing conditions

Living quarter

Number of rooms ____

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The number of rooms:
The number of rooms that a living quarter consists of is recorded and the hall is considered a room (the kitchen, the bathroom, the toilet, corridors are not rooms) if there is more than one household in the one housing unit, the hall is added to the rooms of one of the resident households in the housing unit.

Notice: if one of the questions on the housing conditions has no answer among the fixed answers a circle is put round number "other".

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Number of rooms ____
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The number of rooms
Record the number of rooms that the living quarter consists of, the saloon (hall) is considered a room but, the kitchen, bathroom, toilet; corridors are not counted as rooms. If the households are multiple within the one housing unit, the hall is added to the rooms of one of the resident households in the housing unit.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Table 2: Housing characteristics
[Questions in table 2 are asked of all persons, except for the question on educational status]

Number of rooms including living room _ _

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Table 2: Housing characteristics
Mark the correct response number in the square or squares allotted for answering each question. The answer also must be recorded in words beside the square for the questions on dwelling type and ownership type.

There are two squares to record the number of rooms (including the reception room); the answer must be placed inside the squares allotted as follows:

[An example has been omitted]

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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II. Household information

2. Characteristics of the dwelling

[Questions 4-15 were asked of occupied private households, per question 3 and Section 1.]

11a. How many rooms does the household have, not counting bath, hallway, kitchen or garage?

____ Number

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4.2 Household information
Household: All places defined by walls and roofs where one or more people live regularly, that is where they sleep, cook and protect themselves from the elements. Also people can enter and leave the mentioned without passing through another house, having direct access from the street, passage, path or passing through common areas such as patios, hallways, corridors or stairs.

11a. Total number of rooms
How many rooms does the household have, excluding the bathroom, corridor, kitchen or garage?

A room is a space in the household that is enclosed by walls made with any type of material.

The following should be counted as rooms: the living room, dining room, bedrooms, study and other rooms used by the occupants of the household. Despite this statement, rooms that should not be included in the count, besides the bathroom, corridor, kitchen and garage, are those rooms occupied exclusively for commercial, industrial, artisan and professional purposes (storage, workshop, office, etc.).

In the case of the garage, this will be considered a room if it is only used as a dwelling space by the occupants of the house or by people who pay rent for the same thing.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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1. How many rooms does this household have, not including the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or garage? Number /_/_/
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Question 1: How many rooms are available to this household, not including the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or garage?
Count the following as rooms: living room, dining room, bedrooms, studies. Do not count kitchens, bathrooms, garage, or rooms used only for commercial or industrial purposes (warehouse, workshop, office, etc.).

[Next page]

Consider the garage as a room if it is used solely for habitation by persons in the household or persons who pay rent for it.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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50. What is the number of rooms in the housing unit?
Enter the number of room in the space provided _ _
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Column 50: How many rooms does the house have?

A room is a space inscribed by wall from floor level up to the height of the ceiling or the roof or surrounded by a wall having a height of 2 meters and which has an area of four square meters having enough space to accommodate a bed for an adult. Number of rooms includes living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, service quarters and rooms for other purposes. But bath rooms, hallways and porches are not considered as rooms.

Hence the number of rooms will be entered in the space provided in column 50 card columns 38 and 39. If a household has more than one housing unit then the numbers of rooms of all housing units have to be summed and the total will be recorded in the space provided.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_ROOMSR — Rooms in the dwelling (rural households)
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Section V: Detailed information on housing unit
[This version of Section V was asked for rural households.]

44. How many rooms are there in the housing unit?

_ _
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Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
5. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
6. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
7. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
8. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Column 44: How many rooms are in the housing unit?

A room in a housing unit is said to be a room if it is surrounded by wails, if it has a height of at least 2 meters measures from its floor to its roof, and if it has an area of at least 4 square meters that can accommodate an adult's bed. In this question the total number of rooms that the household is used for various purposes is required and thus, the enumerator should note that the definition given above is valid for housing units having more than one room.

Therefore, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and others, are considered as rooms. However bath rooms, toilets, corridors, and verandas should not be considered as rooms even if they satisfy the definition of a room. In addition, a manger is also not considered as a room.

For housing units used for both residence and enterprise, the rooms, serving both purposes are considered excluding the one used for enterprise purpose only.

A space to write the number of rooms is provided in the questionnaire and the enumerator should enter the number in the card column provided. The answer for this question shall never be "0 "since the housing unit the household is residing is considered as a housing unit if it has at least one room in it. If the number of rooms are 8 and above write 8 in the given space.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_ROOMSU — Rooms in the dwelling (urban households)
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Section V: Detailed information on housing unit
[This version of Section V was asked for urban households.]

49. How many rooms are there in the housing unit?

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Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
5. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
6. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
7. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
8. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Chapter Four
Instructions for Filling the Population and Housing Census Questionnaires in Urban Areas

Two types of census questionnaires are prepared for urban areas: short and long questionnaires. The long questionnaire will be filled in for the selected sample households, for all hotels/hostels and for other collective quarters' inmates. It should be noticed again that the short questionnaire is to be filled in for the rest households (for unselected households). The instruction given below is to fill in the long questionnaire and this instruction is again used to the short questionnaire because questions included in the short questionnaire are parts and parcels of the long questionnaire. The questionnaire is filled in for residents of housing units coded as code 1, 2, 3 or 4 is entered in column 11. Note that, only short questionnaire will be administered for homeless peoples.

Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction

In this section information on urban housing units are collected.
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. If there is a radio and television in the housing unit we record it but if it is out of order the household does not have the intention to maintain it again we consider as there is no radio or television in the housing unit.
5. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
6. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
7. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
8. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
9. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Column 49: How many rooms are in the housing unit?

A room in a housing unit is said to be a room if it is surrounded by wails, if it has a height of at least 2 meters measures from its floor to its roof, and if it has an area of at least 4 square meters that can accommodate an adult's bed. In this question the total number of rooms that the household is used for various purposes is required and thus, the enumerator should note that the definition given above is valid for housing units having more than one room.

Therefore, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and others, are considered as rooms. However bath rooms, toilets, corridors, and verandas should not be considered as rooms even if they satisfy the definition of a room. In addition, a manger is also not considered as a room.
Pg 110
For housing units used for both residence and enterprise, the rooms, serving both purposes are considered excluding the one used for enterprise purpose only.

A space to write the number of rooms is provided in the questionnaire and the enumerator should write the number of rooms as 01, 02, 03, etc. The answer for this question shall never be "00 "since the housing unit the household is residing is considered as a housing unit if it has at least one room in it. If the numbers of rooms are 20 and more write 20 in the space provided.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the household
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Section 5: Information on housing unit

3. How many rooms are in the housing unit?

_ _
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Question 3:- How many rooms are in the housing unit?

A room in a housing unit is said to be a room if it is surrounded by wails, if it has a height of at least 2 meters measures from its floor to its roof, and if it has an area of at least 4 square meters that can accommodate an adult's bed. In this question the total number of rooms that the household is used for various purposes is required and thus, the enumerator should note that the definition given above is valid for housing units having more than one room.

Therefore, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and others, are considered as rooms. However bath rooms, toilets, corridors, and verandas should not be considered as rooms even if they satisfy the definition of a room. In addition, a manger is also not considered as a room.

For housing units used for both residence and enterprise, the rooms, serving both purposes are considered excluding the one used for enterprise purpose only.

A space to write the number of rooms is provided in the questionnaire and the enumerator should at the same time mark the corresponding number. The answer for this question shall never be "0" since the housing unit the household is residing is considered as a housing unit if it has at least one room in it.

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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3. Number of rooms
How many rooms are there for this household?
_ _

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Question 3 - Number of rooms

205. A room is a space in the living quarters which is enclosed by walls and which is large enough to contain a bed for an adult.

206. We are concerned with rooms used for living -- that is bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, servant's quarters and kitchens. Do not include toilets, bathrooms, passageways or verandahs.

207. If the household shares one or more rooms with another, write the number of rooms for its exclusive use and then the number shared -- for example, '3 rooms + 1 shared kitchen'.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H3. Number of rooms
How many rooms (bedrooms, living or sitting rooms) are there for the use of this household?
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184. Question H3 - Number of rooms

A room is a space in the living quarters which is enclosed by walls and which is large enough to contain a bed for an adult.

We are concerned with rooms used for living - that is bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, servants' quarters and kitchens. Do not include toilets, bathrooms, passageways or verandahs.

If the household shares one or more rooms with another, write the number of rooms for its exclusive use and then the number shared - for example, '3 rooms + 1 shared kitchen'.

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions H1-14 were asked of all households.]

H3. Number of rooms.
How many rooms do the living quarters of this household have?


Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Household and housing
[Put appropriate number in right hand box]

[H3] Number of rooms

How many rooms does the living quarters of this household have? _

Finland 2010 — source variable FI2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Dwellings and housing conditions
The statistics on dwellings and housing conditions are produced annually and describe the existing stock, number of dwellings, and housing conditions of household-dwelling units on the last day of the year.

Room and number of rooms
A room is a space with one or more windows that has a floor area of at least 7 square metres and an average height of at least 2 metres. A hall, porch, bed recess, etc. are not counted as rooms. Kitchen is not normally counted in the number of rooms.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in a dwelling
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3. Number of rooms in the dwelling not including the kitchen or rooms used for professional purposes.

Count as livable spaces in the dwelling rooms such as: bedroom, dining room, salon, parlor, studio, living room, etc., whatever their surface area, as well as the maid's room and lived-in attic garrets.

Do not count as livable spaces rooms such as: entryway, hall, bathroom, closet, alcove, laundry room, office, etc.

Special cases of independent rooms (for example: maid's room separated from the main dwelling)

Count these rooms amongst your dwelling accommodations if you use them yourself (either for housing a member of your household, a child, a servant, etc., or if it is used as a storage room.)
Do not count them if they are rented or sublet or leased to other people.
In this last situation, they are considered as forming a distinct dwelling, and their occupants should establish separate dwelling forms.
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4.3.1. Question 1 and 3. Between questions 1 and 3, there should never be more than a single response: a room must be counted either in question 1 (if it is considered a kitchen), or in question 3 (if it is considered a dwelling room [pièce d'habitation]), but never both at the same time.
Case of dwellings comprised of a single room: In the country, one frequently finds dwellings (dwelling category 1) comprising a single room which serves as the common area, and which has kitchen fittings (faucet, stove etc.). In town, one frequently finds premises comprised of a single room (dwelling categories 2 or 3).
In all these cases answer "1" on question 3 and "no" (no kitchen) on question 1.
Question 1 - In the case of a furnished room which has a simple hot- plate and in which there is no faucet, check off box 6 (and not 5).
Question 3 - In accordance with the above guidelines, all dwellings have at least one dwelling room [pièce d'habitation]). Thus, question 3 will never have a response of "0".
In some dwellings, there is no separation (or there is a portable divider) between the dining room and the living room: in such cases, count 2 rooms if there is a divider [amorce de cloison] and only one room if there is none.

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_ROOMSDW — Number of rooms in a dwelling
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2. ___ Indicate, if there is space, the number of dwelling rooms having an exclusively professional use
(for example: businessman's office, medical or law office, tailor's apartment workshop, etc.)

3. Number of dwelling accommodation: not including the kitchen or rooms exclusively for professional use
Count as dwelling places rooms such as the bedroom, dining room, salon, common room, studio, living room, etc. whatever their surface area, as well the maid's room and attic garrets.
Do not count as dwelling places rooms such as entranceways, hall, bathroom, closet, alcove, W.C., laundry, office, etc.
Special case of independent rooms (for example: maid's room separated from the main dwelling)
Count these rooms amongst your dwelling places if you use them yourself (either for housing a member of your household: child, servant, etc.; or as a storage room, etc.)
Do not count them if they are rented, sublet, or leased to other people. In this last case, they constitute, in the meaning of the census, a distinct dwelling and their occupants will fill out a new dwelling form.

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3.1 Questions 1 and 3: Characteristics and existence of the kitchen, number of rooms.
The same room should never be counted at the same time in response to question 1 and in the answer to question 3. It should be counted in question 1 if it is considered a kitchen (answer Yes to question 1), and to question 3 if it is considered as a room in a dwelling.
In some dwellings, there is no separation (or there is a removable partition) between the two "rooms", (for example the dining room and the living room). In such a case, you will count it as two rooms if there is a partition and one single room if there is no partition.
The case of the dwelling consisting of one single room
It in the country that you may often encounter some regular dwellings (dwelling category 1) made up of one single room serving as a shared room, with some kitchen facilities (sink, stove, etc.). In the city, it is frequent to find some places (furnished bedrooms, for example) made up of a single room (dwelling category 1, 2 or 3).
In all these cases, you will answer 1 for question 3 (number of rooms in the dwelling) and you will check box NO (no kitchen) for question 1 ("Do you have a kitchen?").
In the case of the furnished bedroom where someone has installed a simple portable stove and where there is no sink, you will complete the answer question 6 by checking the numbered box 6 (No) and not box numbered 5.
According to the rules above, for all dwellings consisting of at least one room for living you should never have a blank response to question 3.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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4.3.1 Questions 1 to 3.
Taking a census of the rooms
- The same room should never be counted at the same time in response to question 1, in the answer to question 2 and in the answer to question 3. It should be counted only:
- in question 1 if it is considered a kitchen (answer YES to question 1);
- in question 2 if it is considered as a room exclusively for professional use ;
- in question 3 if it is considered as a room in a dwelling.
Separated rooms
In some dwellings, there is no separation (or there is a removable partition) between the two "rooms", for example the dining room and the living room. In such a case, you will count:
- two rooms if there is a partition
- one room if there is no partition
Dwelling not consisting of one single room
It in the country, you may often encounter some regular dwellings (dwelling category 1) made up of one single room serving as a shared room, with some kitchen facilities (sink, stove, etc.). In the city, it is frequent to find some places (furnished bedrooms, for example) made up of a single room (dwelling category 2 or 3).
In all these cases, you will answer 1 for question 3 (number of rooms in the dwelling) and you will check box No (no kitchen) for question 1 ("Do you have a kitchen?").
In the case of the furnished bedroom where someone has installed a simple portable stove and where there is no sink, you will complete the answer to question 1 by checking the numbered box 6 (No) and not box numbered 5.
According to the rules above, for all dwellings consisting of at least one room for living:
You should never have a blank response to question 3.

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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2. ___ Write down, if there is space, the number of rooms in the dwelling exclusively for professional use. (for example: businessman's office, doctor's or lawyer's office, apartment workshop, etc.)

3. ___ Number of living spaces resided in not including the kitchen or rooms exclusively for professional use.

Count as living spaces rooms such as: bedroom, dining room, living room, etc. whatever their surface area, as well as maids' rooms and attic garrets.

Do not count as living spaces rooms such as: kitchen, hall, bathroom, alcove, laundry room, etc.

Special case of independent rooms (for example: maid's rooms separated from the dwelling):

Count these rooms among your living spaces if you use them yourself (either for housing a member of your household: a child, a servant, etc.; or as a storage space, etc.).

Do not count them if they are rented, sublet or leased to other people. In this case, they constitute, in the definition of the census, a distinct dwelling and their occupants will fill out a distinct dwelling form.

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_ROOMSDW — Number of rooms in the dwelling

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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3. Number of residential rooms _ _
Count rooms such as dining room, living room, bedrooms, whatever their surface space.
Do not count the kitchen except if the surface space is more than 12 meters squared.
Do not count such rooms as the hallway, shower, W.C., laundry room, etc.
Do not count rooms used only for professional reasons (examples: medical office, artisan's studio, etc.)

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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4. How many habitable rooms does this dwelling have?
Include habitable rooms such as the dining room, living room, bedrooms, etc., regardless of their size. Include the kitchen only if it is larger than 12 square meters. Do not include rooms such as the bathroom, laundry room, etc. Do not include rooms used exclusively for professional use (workshop, doctor's office, etc.).

_ _

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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Characteristics and comforts of the dwelling

4) How many livable rooms are in this dwelling?

Count livable rooms like dining rooms, living rooms, family rooms, bedrooms, etc., regardless of their size.

Only count the kitchen if it is bigger than 12m2

Do not count rooms like bathrooms, laundry or utility rooms, WCs, etc., or rooms with exclusively professional uses (workshops, doctor?s offices, etc.)

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in dwelling
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E. The following will be completed by the enumerator:
____ Number of rooms
____ Number of households
____ Number of persons

Section D: Information about rooms in the dwelling

Rooms are those which are used for living. They have the following characteristics:
a) They are enclosed from floor to ceiling by walls.
b) They get direct day light through windows.

Rooms are also those which have been converted from shops if they meet the above criteria. Rooms are living rooms, dining rooms, bed rooms, study rooms, children rooms.
Vacant rooms (because they are damaged or are not rented out) must be listed as well, and indicated as vacant.
Those rooms should be listed and marked as such which are used for non-residential purposes (e.g., tailor shop, atelier, doctor's office, commercial renting).
Each household lists only the rooms used by it and those vacant if they belong to the household and enters for each room the name of the household in the appropriate field.

A dwelling has three rooms. It is being lived in by the householder and a subtenant. The householder uses two rooms. He determines the measurements and enters the information into the questionnaire and marks them as occupied. The subtenant occupies one room. He enters the measurements and marks the room as occupied.

Every room is to be entered separately.

Please ensure that no room is overlooked, even if it is vacant currently.

Please ensure that no room is entered twice.

Enter all measurement with one decimal point.
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E. The following will be completed by the enumerator:
________ Number of rooms
________ Number of households
________ Number of persons

To section D: Information about rooms in the dwelling

Rooms are those which are used for living. They have the following characteristics:
a) They are enclosed from floor to ceiling by walls.
b) They get direct day light through windows.

Rooms are also those which have been converted from shops if they meet the above criteria. Rooms are living rooms, dining rooms, bed rooms, study rooms, children rooms.
Vacant rooms (because they are damaged or are not rented out) must be listed as well and be indicated as vacant.
Those rooms should be listed and marked as such which are used for non-residential purposes (e.g. tailor shop, atelier, doctor's office, commercial renting).
Each household lists only the rooms used by it and those vacant if they belong to the household and enters for each room the name of the household in the appropriate field.

A dwelling has three rooms. It is being lived in by the householder and a subtenant. The householder uses two rooms. He determines the measurements and enters the information into the questionnaire and marks them as occupied. The subtenant occupies one room. He enters the measurements and marks the room as occupied.

Every room is to be entered separately.
Please ensure that no room is overlooked, even if it is vacant currently.
Please ensure that no room is entered twice.
Enter all measurements with one decimal point.

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_ROOMS — Number of rooms with at least 6 square meters
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Question 6: How many rooms of the dwelling have at least 6 square meters?
For the total space of the dwelling, tenants can, as a rule, consult their contract. Rooms under a slanted roof or ceiling are considered to be half of their floor space. Balconies count as a quarter of their floor space. Basements and attics (attic storage space) should be disregarded unless converted into dwelling rooms.

Data on dwelling

Subtenants are not required to answer any further questions in the dwelling questionnaire
[Questions 2-10 were optional for subtenant occupants]

6. How many rooms of the dwelling do at least have 6 square meters? (excluding kitchen, bathroom, WC, corridor/hall)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 or more

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_ROOMS — Rooms
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H07 Rooms

H07a How many rooms does this household occupy? (Count living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, but not bathrooms and kitchens.)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9+

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H07. Rooms:

A room is defined as a space in the housing unit or other living quarters enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering, or at least to a height of 2 metres, of a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult, that is, at least 4 square metres.

H07a How many rooms does this household occupy?

Information on rooms provide an indication of overcrowding and adequacy of dwelling stock. It also reflects the socio-economic condition of the household. Here count living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms but not bathrooms and kitchens.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the household
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H: Housing conditions (household population only)
[For vacant housing unit fill only H01, H02, and H04]

H07: Rooms

H07a. How many rooms does this household occupy? _ _

(Count living, dining, bedrooms but not bathrooms, toilet and kitchen)
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H07. Rooms

A room is defined as a space in the housing unit or other living quarters enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering, or at least to a height of 2 meters, of a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult, that is, at least 4 square meters. Note that there are cases of two or more persons sharing a single room that have separate catering arrangements. Such persons are therefore single person household. The number of rooms occupied by such households should be one (1) for each person.

H07a. How many rooms does this household occupy?

Information on rooms occupied by households provides an indication of overcrowding and adequacy of dwelling stock. It also reflects the socio-economic condition of the household. You should count living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms but not bathrooms and kitchens, and record the number in 2 digits.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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If it is a regular dwelling, ask all the following questions. If not, go to question 10.

2. The regular dwelling is:

[] 1 Main residence
[] 2 Second residence
[] 3 Vacation residence

[] 1 For rent
[] 2 For sale
[] 3 Due to migration or immigration
[] 4 Vacation residence
___ Other reason (state)

_ _ Number of regular rooms, except kitchen
_ _ Of these, how many are used exclusively for professional purposes

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Questions 2-9 should not be completed for irregular dwellings.

44. Question 2, Regular dwelling is [Type of occupancy]

[Omitted, question 2 is repeated]

[p. 21]

Occupied Regular Dwellings

45. For case 1 of regular occupied dwellings select only if the dwelling is the main residence for the household.

A main residence is defined as the housing unit where the household resides for the majority of the year. As a rule, the main residence is located close to the workplaces of the household members, and it is considered by them to be the center of their professional and social activities.

The main residence is occupied:

a) If, on Saturday night to Sunday morning (March 13 to 14, 1971), one or more persons slept there or
b) Or the residence is generally occupied but the inhabitants did not sleep there from Saturday night to Sunday morning (March 13 to 14), because they were temporarily absent (e.g., on vacation, away on business, attending a party, working at night, ill, etc.).
In cases where the household uses two or more residences for more or less the same period of time, the main residence is considered to be the dwelling where they reside during the winter, with the rest to be considered vacation or secondary residences.

In cases where these residences are used at the same time by a multi-member or well-off household and the residences are located close to each other, they should be treated as a single main residence (e.g., two flats in the same apartment building or two separate dwellings on a single plot used by a single household).

46. In case 2, select this response for occupied secondary residences.
Secondary A dwelling that is used at the same time as the main residence, and which is not a vacation home, is considered a secondary residence.

The main types of secondary residences are:
a) A dwelling close to the workplace, which is either used throughout the year or during certain periods or seasons, by a member or members of the household (along with the main residence) for professional reasons (e.g., a businessowner's residence close to the business or farm, a rancher's residence far from the main residence, the summer residence of a nomadic stock farmer, etc.).
b) A residence used by the household or by a member of a household at certain periods, instead of their main residence (e.g., a residence in Athens for a household whose main residence is in the country).

47. In case 3, select this response for occupied vacation residences.
Vacation residence is a regular dwelling usually located far from the main residence of the household (e.g., on a mountain, near the sea, in a mountain or seaside villages, near a spa, etc.) and is used for relaxation or variety (during summertime or at intervals during all seasons).

[p. 22]

Secondary and vacation residences should be considered occupied if, on the night of March 13-14,1971, one or more persons were spent the night there.

Vacant Regular Dwellings

48. For the vacant dwellings, select a single answer from the five options given for the second part of question 2.
Vacant dwelling is defined as a dwelling intended for housing that is either usually vacant (e.g., due to immigration or the former inhabitants settling elsewhere) or is vacant during the census enumeration for other reasons (e.g., a recently-constructed building, a vacant house for sale or for rent, a vacation dwelling, etc.).

49. For rent or for sale refers to a dwelling that is, for either of these reasons, vacant on the day of the census enumeration.

Dwellings that are inhabited on census day but that will soon be vacant and that are advertised as being for rent or for sale should be classified as occupied, not as intended for rent or sale. Always consider vacant buildings as being for rent or for sale if they have signs advertising this fact.

If there are no such signs, then record an answer from a respondent about whether the vacant building is for rent or for sale.

50-51. [Omitted].

52. For the last option, record the any other reason why the building is vacant (e.g., recently-constructed, unoccupied farm, vacant secondary dwelling).
Pay special attention to dwellings that immigrants' acquired after departure..

These dwellings are usually used during vacations or are intended for use as housing after the immigrant returns from abroad. These cases should be included in the "other reason" category, with the notation, "immigrant's vacant dwelling."

53. For the question on the "number of regular rooms", the number of regular rooms in the dwelling, except for the kitchen, should be recorded in the spaces provided.

For this question, there must always be an answer, since it is not possible to be a regular dwelling without having at least one (1) regular room. Regular rooms are considered to be bedrooms, dining rooms, drawing-rooms, habitable basements, attics, servants' rooms, and other separate spaces used or intended for housing. Kitchens, storerooms, corridors and halls are considered to be rooms if they satisfy the conditions defining a regular room (i.e., an area of at least 4 square meters, of suitable shape and with a source of outside light).

[p. 23]

Laundries, baths and toilets are not considered to be rooms, even if they occupy a large amount of space and have a source of outside light.

Regular rooms inside the dwelling that are used for professional reasons (e.g., a workshop, storerooms for agricultural goods, etc.) are included in the number of rooms.

If the dwelling has only one regular room that simultaneously serves all needs of the household (i.e., used for sleeping, preparing meals, dining, etc.), then count this room and note, in question 3, that there is no kitchen.

54. For the last element of the question, record the number of regular rooms used exclusively for professional purposes. These rooms must only be used for professional purposes, and must not simultaneously or during certain periods be used for regular domestic purposes (e.g., for sleeping, dining, or as a drawing room, etc.).

Regular rooms are considered to be used exclusively for professional purposes if they house a workshop in operation to produce, repair, or assemble goods, or a shop supplying services (e.g., a hairdressing salon, etc.), or the office of a professional (such as a lawyer, engineer, doctor, etc.), or serve as a storage room for goods or for materials needed by a professional.

Special spaces in farms (such as cellars) that are constructed for use as storerooms (for agricultural, commercial, etc. purposes) should not be counted as regular rooms and should not be considered rooms used for professional purposes..

If there is not a regular room used for professional purposes, record an (-) in this space.

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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2. Characteristics of regular dwelling

[] 1 Main residence
[] 2 Second or vacation residence

[] 3 For rent, for sale, etc.
[] 4 Second or vacation residence

_ _ Number of regular rooms (except kitchen)

_ _ Of these, how many are used exclusively for professional purposes (offices, hairdressing salons, etc.)

_ _ Number of rooms available for the household (including the kitchen)

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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3a Number of regular rooms
_ _ (except kitchen)
_ _ Of these, how many are used exclusively for professional purposes? (offices, hairdressing salons, etc.)

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms, except kitchen
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Amenities of conventional dwelling or other living quarters
[Questions 5 through 12 were asked of all households]

6. Number of rooms, except kitchen.

_ _
How many of them are exclusively used for professional purposes (offices, hairdressing salons etc.)?
_ _
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Question 6 "Number of regular rooms except the kitchen"
[Omitted, question 6 as in the form]
In question 6, the number of regular rooms is to be recorded with the exception of the kitchen. In this case, there has to be an answer because there is no regular dwelling without at least one (1) regular room.
If the dwelling has only one regular room used for all household needs, i.e. sleeping, eating etc., this will be recorded as well as the answer 4 is in question 7.
If kitchens are regular rooms they are not to be considered in the total number of the other regular rooms of the dwelling in question 6.
The number of rooms used exclusively for professional purposes is to be also recorded. These rooms, should not be used at the same time or periodically for [p. 14] the household needs (e.g. sleeping, eating, occupied daily from the household etc.) but only for professional purposes.
The dwelling's regular rooms are considered to be used exclusively for professional purposes when they are used as a workshop for the production, repair or assembling of various products or used for storing various products or materials intended for exercising a profession or used as a shop for selling, providing services (office of medical practitioner, hairdresser's etc.) or they are used as professional offices (lawyers, engineers etc.).
If none of the regular rooms is used for professional purposes the answer in this question is 00.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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V. Rooms and occupants

17. Number of rooms

_ _ Number of rooms
_ _ Number of rooms used as bedrooms
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V. Rooms and occupants

In this last section of the form, information of great importance for the Dwelling Census is requested, such as the number of rooms and permanent occupants of the dwelling.

a) Number of rooms (line 17):

You will note the number of rooms that correspond to the dwelling that you are enumerating, taking into account the definition of room that is given below.

This number, combined with the number of occupants, will permit us to know the occupational density, which means the average number of persons per room.

c) Definition of room:

You will consider as a room a space (room, bedroom, space) located in a dwelling that has a roof and it is enclosed by walls, which can extend to the roof or be interrupted at a level that guarantees effective separation from the neighboring rooms and that is used for the purpose of housing. Therefore, you will consider as rooms in the dwelling the bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, family rooms, lofts, studios and recreations rooms, kitchens and servants' rooms. Since in some case you can doubt as to whether to include some very small spaces, as occurs frequently with kitchens, you can adopt the following criteria to consider them as rooms: the dimensions allow to accommodate an adult bed and the minimum height is superior to that of a person (approximately two meters).

The bathrooms are not considered in any case as rooms for the purpose of the census.

The rooms that are used exclusively for commercial purposes, industrial purposes, or services, such as shops, stores, workshops, clinics, legal offices, etc. are not counted as rooms. However, if any of these places serve at the same time to offer lodging, as occurs in some cases in which the same room in which there is a shop there is also a bedroom, living room, etc., then you should count it as a room. The same criteria will be applied to the garages that are used for the purpose of lodging and the open spaces, such as passages, vestibules, porches, etc.

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_ROOMS2 — Number of rooms in the household (excluding kitchen, bathroom, and rooms for business)
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III. Living situation of household number

4. Number of rooms

a. What is the total number of rooms in this household? (Do not include the kitchen, bathroom, nor those used exclusively for commercial or professional purposes)
____ Total rooms
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Question 8: number of rooms

1. How to investigate this question

The following definition will help the enumerator in correctly investigating this question:

For the purposes of the census, a room is defined as the space, situated in a dwelling, which is enclosed by walls that extend from the floor to the roof, or at least to a height of 2 meters from the floor. This space has sufficient space for an adult bed; or at least 2 square meters. Therefore, bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, and cells for human habitation are all included as rooms. Corridors, open galleries, hallways, kitchens, and bathrooms are not considered to be rooms.

Rooms used exclusively for commercial purposes, such as workshops, services, etc. should not be included in the count.

Taking into account this definition, the total number of rooms available in the dwelling is investigated.

2. How to record the data

The number of rooms in the dwelling is written down in the space provided.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 8 of the census form]

III. Living situation of household number

The questions included in this part of the form should be investigated for each of the households that are residing in the dwelling at the time of the Census.

The following specific instructions will allow the enumerator to carry out the work more efficiently.

Question 4: number of rooms

1. How to formulate the question

To investigate this question, the definition of "room" (see page 40) and "bedroom" should be taken into account. A "bedroom" is a room usually used for sleeping. Therefore, before asking the pertinent questions, the following should be taken into account: When one census household lives in a dwelling, the number of rooms should be the same as declared in section II, question 8; with this in mind, the enumerator will ask:

A. What is the total number of rooms available to this household?, and;
B. How many of these rooms are used as bedrooms?

2. How to record the data

If only one household lives in the dwelling, the same number of rooms as declared in section II, question 8 is recorded. If two or more households live in the dwelling, the number of rooms and bedrooms available to the household in question is recorded, independently for each household.

Might be cases where two or more households live in one-room dwellings. In these cases, it will be recorded in the form that each household has one room and one bedroom available. This situation will be documented in the space meant for observations in the census form.

[p. 46]

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 4 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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III. Inhabited condition of the household

5. Total number of rooms

a. How many total rooms are in this household?

(Do not count bathrooms, hallways, garage, kitchen, or rooms used for commercial or professional purposes)

Total rooms _ _

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Chapter IV. Habitation situation of the household

[Questions 7 to 13 are asked of all dwellings]

7. How many rooms are there in the dwelling not counting the bathroom or kitchen? _ _

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Section 4: Household housing status

The information you record in this section is for each household in a dwelling.

7. Total number of rooms
Ask, "how many rooms are there in the household, not including the bathroom or the kitchen?"

[A graphic of question 7, from section 4 of the census form, is included here.]

For the purpose of the census, a room is defined as a space located within a dwelling, enclosed by walls that go from the floor to either the roof or a height of two meters, and which has enough floor space to fit an adult-size bed.

The following are considered rooms: bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, rooms intended for lodging persons, rooms for domestic employees, and private study.

[p. 46]

Do not include bathrooms, hallways or corridors, garages, kitchens, or rooms used exclusively for commercial, industrial or professional purposes.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in use
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13. Indicate the total number of rooms used by the household (NTP)
87. The census enumerator (AR) must visit all the buildings which are part of the dwelling unit of the household, and count all the rooms that are available to the household members. He or she will write the total number (with 2 digits) in the appropriate box.

88. In order to count the number of rooms, here is the definition of a room that the census enumerator (AR) shall keep in mind:

89. Are counted as rooms: the bedroom, the living room or the dining room, whatever their footage, as well as the kitchens and the storage room if their size is large enough to be enable a person to sleep in it. The corridors, the verandas, the bathrooms and the restrooms or other premises shall not be counted as rooms.

90. If a room is occupied by two or more households (for instance the kitchen or the living room), it shall be attributed to only one household. Furthermore, it shall be noted that a hut (traditional or modern) is counted as one room if it is not divided into several well defined quarters.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Housing characteristics

H09 Number of rooms inhabited by the household _ _

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H09 Number of rooms inhabited by the household
The number of rooms inhabited by the household are all the inhabitable spaces bounded by walls or partitions and the totality of which makes up a lodging, specifically, in this instance, the lodging inhabited by the [household]. A bedroom, a living or family room and a kitchen, if it is large enough to possibly place an adult-sized bed, are generally included here.

The bathrooms, the showers, the toilets and the verandas are not counted in the number of [inhabitable] rooms. A household may occupy 1, 2, 3 or several neighboring buildings to house itself or [lodge] within the same compound. In this case, the number of rooms inhabited by the household is the sum of the number of inhabited rooms in each one of these buildings.

[p. 59]

Given that the variable "number of rooms occupied by the household" is [a] quantitative variable, express the answer using 2 numbers, which you should write in the numbering grid. For example:
/_0/_5/ for 5 rooms
/_0/_1/ for 1 room
/_1/_2/ for 12 rooms

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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14. Household composition
_ _ Number of rooms
_ _ Number of people

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20. Rooms: We call a room any space in a residential unit surrounded by four walls, except the bathroom (if it contains a sanitary installation). All the detached rooms (maid's room, garage, storehouse, etc.) must be counted as rooms if they are being lived in. The rooms serving only a professional or business purpose should be taken into consideration in the counting of the rooms of the dwelling. In the case where a single household living in several buildings or constructions in the same courtyard, their rooms will be considered as one single residential unit or dwelling.

21. People to count: You should count all people (including those who are temporarily absent) whose normal residence is found in the enumeration district which is entrusted to you. This corresponds to those whom we call the legal population which is made up of all people legally living in the country no matter what place they are found in at the time of the census.

By "temporarily absent", you must include people absent for less than 6 months with the intention of returning, such as people traveling, students in a boarding school, sick people hospitalized, people in prison, etc.

Question 14: Number of rooms, number of people
53. As defined in paragraph 20 of the manual, count the number of rooms as well as the number of people living in the household and write down respectively the numbers in the place indicated in the questionnaire.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_NROOMS — Number of rooms in housing unit
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11. How many rooms are there in this housing unit? _ _

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Only for private dwellings
[Questions 9-16 were asked of private dwellings]

13. Number of rooms
How many rooms does the dwelling have? (Include the kitchen. Do not include the bathroom)

Number of rooms ____
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Cell number 13: Number of rooms
The number of rooms in the dwelling should be recorded in this cell.

A room is each chamber or space used for accommodation; this includes living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and servants rooms.

There are some houses, particularly modern houses, where there is no separation between the living room and the dining room. There is a construction in the form of an "L" where, for example, one part is used as the living room and the other part as the dining room. In this case, they are considered to be two rooms if, in fact, there is no visible separation and the dining room is independent from the living room.

If there is a table in the living room used for eating, it is counted as only one room because it functions as both living room and dining room.

[p. 16]

Porches, bathrooms, hallways, or corridors are not included.

Rooms in the dwelling exclusively for commercial, industrial, or service purposes (e.g. stores, clinics, workshops, barbershops, etcetera) are not counted as rooms.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Chapter II Dwelling Information

6. Rooms in the dwelling

a) How many total rooms does this dwelling have?
____ (not counting the bathroom)
b) How many [rooms] are used as bedrooms?
c) Is there a separate room for the kitchen?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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6. Rooms in the dwelling
A room is a space in the dwelling, closed in by fixed walls, which rises from the floor to the roof, or to a height of at least two (2) meters from the floor.

a) How many rooms in total does the dwelling have?
Hallways, vestibules, and bathrooms are not counted as rooms. Then, write down the number of rooms told by the informant.

[There is a graphic illustrating the rooms in a dwelling]

b) How many rooms are used as bedrooms?
A bedroom is a room that is principally used for sleeping.

[There is a graphic illustrating the bedrooms in a dwelling]

c) Is there a room used only for cooking?
A kitchen is the room meant for food preparation.

[There is a graphic illustrating a kitchen in a dwelling]

Reminder: It is possible that, in the country, the kitchen is located separately from the rest of the dwelling. For the purposes of the census, this is considered to be an integral part of the dwelling.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_ROOMS — Rooms in the dwelling
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Section B. Information about the Dwelling

Only for individual dwellings that are occupied with persons present
[Questions 5- 12 were asked of individual, occupied dwellings.]

Rooms in the dwelling:

10. Without counting bathrooms and corridors, how many total rooms are there in the dwelling?

Number of rooms: _ _
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Only for private dwellings with persons present
[Questions 5-12 were asked of private dwellings with persons present]

Rooms in the dwelling

Question 10: Without counting the bathrooms nor corridors, how many rooms are there in total in the dwelling?
Read the question exactly as it is written. When the informant gives you the number of rooms, before you write them down, be sure that he or she has counted all of the rooms that exist in the dwelling, which means, the bedrooms, kitchen, living rooms, dining room, study rooms, storage room, etc., independently of whether those rooms are used by one or more households. Inclusive, those rooms that are physically separated from the principal structure of the dwelling should be counted.

Room or habitation: This is the space or area situated in a dwelling, closed by non-mobile walls that go from the floor to the ceiling or at least to a height of two meters from the floor and that are used or are apt for human habitation.

You should be careful to register the data, considering that:

- In the independent dwelling, you should register the total of rooms of the structure identified as such.

- In the apartment, you should register the total of rooms of each apartment and not the total of apartments in the building.
[p. 36]
- In the room in a rooming house or tenement, you should register the total number of rooms occupied by the household or households and not the total number of rooms that the building has in all.

- In the transitory shelter, you should register the total number of rooms that the household or the households occupy and not the total number of rooms that the building has as in all.

- In the case presented about the administrator of the hotel, you should only register the rooms that he and his family occupy and not the total number of rooms in the building.

Below we present the illustration of a dwelling in which you can see five rooms.

[Illustration is omitted]

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_ROOMS — Number of rooms (of 13 sqm or more)
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B. Number of Rooms
[Question 1-12]

1. ____Rooms, 12 square-meter and larger

2. ____Semi-rooms, smaller than 12 square-meters, but at least 4 square-meter

3. ____Kitchens, 4 square-meter and larger

4. ____Kitchenettes, smaller than 4 square-meters

5. ____Larders

6. ____Bathrooms

7. ____Wash-basin alcoves, shower-rooms

8. ____Vestibules

9. ____Other rooms, cellars, garrets, summer kitchens and rooms for farming purpose excluded

10. ____Total

11. ____Summer kitchens

12. ____Of the rooms number of those having a floor of beaten earth

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Filling in the tables "b) Number of rooms"


Premises used for sleeping or daily stay, having natural lighting and at least 4 sq. meters total surface (living room, bedchamber, children's room, dining room) are regarded as a room.

Alcove (roomette):
The hatchway adjoining a room without door (alcove) must not be enumerated as a separate room.

Vestibules having a natural light and at least 4 sq. meters total surface shall be regarded as a room. All the other vestibules (meaning no natural lighting or having less than 4 sq. meters will be marked in line 9 as "other premises"'.

1. Room
In the first row only the rooms having more than 12 sq. meters should enumerated.

2. Half-room
Half-room has a total surface between 4 -- 12 sq. meters .

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_ROOMS — Number of rooms of at least 13 sq meters
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[Questions 5-11]

10. Total ____
[Total number of rooms]

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6. Room

Rooms should be entered in descending order of the floor-space (e.g. 20, 16, 8 m2).

If the dwelling has more than six rooms the further rooms and their floor-space will be written into the box "Comments of the enumerator" (e.g. 6/14, 7/10), than the sum of the 6+ rooms (in our case 24 m2) will be entered into the heading "6th and more".

The roomette, dining corner must not be entered as a separate premises though their floor-space will be added to the adjoining room.

The premises of at least 4 m2 floor-space, having natural lighting and ventilation will be regarded as separate room.

Only the half of the total floor-space of the rooms in the attic should be taken into account. Furthermore these rooms will be regarded as rooms provided the half of their total surface exceeds 4m2.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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10. [Number of rooms]

Please enter the number of the following places.

____ Rooms over 12 square meters
____ Rooms over 6 square meters, but maximum 12 square meters
____ Rooms 4-6 square meters
____ Kitchen (4 square meters and larger)
____ Kitchenette, cupboard for cooking (under 4 square meters)
____ Summer kitchen
____ Bathroom, shower-room, wash-basin alcove

Question 10.

A room must have at least an area of 4m2, be supplied with door and window and be used as a room (e.g. living-room, bedroom, child-room). Halls and dinning-rooms supplied with window, as well as consulting rooms, reception rooms and offices should also be considered as rooms. When finding out the floor-space of a room or of a kitchen, the areas of built-in wardrobes and places attaching to the main one without doors (e. g. alcove, dining place) must be added to the area of the given room. If the dwelling consists of one room only, then that room has to be appropriately categorized by size.
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10. Number of premises

Only premises provided with direct natural light and ventilation (with doors, windows), with a floor space of at least 4 m2, serving for sleeping or staying during the day (bedroom, children's room, dining-room etc.) should be marked as rooms. The hall and the eating-place having also a window, as well as the premises of room-like character used as consultation rooms, waiting rooms, offices etc. also figure among the rooms.

While counting the total surface of dwelling the floor-space covered by the built-in furniture and the premises adjoining without a door (alcove, dining area) has to be taken into account too.
The premises built and used as a bathroom is regarded as a bathroom even if there is no running water in the dwelling.

In case of one-premises dwelling the total surface should be marked as the surface of the room.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_ROOM — Number of rooms, and availability of kitchen
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7. Number of Rooms
_ _ Over 12 square meters
_ Between 4 and 12 square meters
_ Kitchen (4 square meters or bigger)
_ Kitchenette or cupboard
_ Bathroom with bath or shower
_ Bathroom without bath or shower

7. A room is considered as a place bigger than 4 square meters with door and window, and used for daily residence or sleeping. Consulting rooms, offices, workshops, etc., as well as a hall and a dining-room with a window are also considered as rooms. Places joining rooms through a hatch without door (e.g. alcove, dining-box) must not be considered as a separate room, it should be counted in together with a room or kitchen instead.

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Question 7: Number of rooms

The total number of the premises -- in cases of rooms, kitchens, kitchenettes taking into account their total floor-space too -- of the dwelling (holiday house, other housing unit) should be marked in the printed boxes. While defining the total floor-space of the premises also the floor-space occupied by the built-in furniture and the adjoining parts of the dwelling -- like alcove, cubicle, and dining area -- should be taken into account. The common spaces serving different functions (e.g. cooking area and living room in common space) should be divided by the designations and should be enumerated as separate premises. In cases mansard premises, only the floor-space of the parts less than 1, 90 cm high should not be counted into the total.

Rooms are premises provided with direct natural light and ventilation (with doors, windows), with a floor space of at least 4 square meters, serving for sleeping or staying during the day (bedroom, children's room, dining-room etc.). The hall and the eating-place having also a window, as well as the premises of room-like character used as consultation rooms, waiting rooms, offices etc. also figure among the rooms.

Kitchens are spaces established and used for cooking (maybe, also for eating), of a floor space of at least 4 square meters, in general provided with direct, natural light and ventilation (with window, door). When assigning the rooms and premises for cooking by floor space, the floor space of the adjoining alcove or eating place was included into that of the respective room or kitchen.

Kitchenettes are premises of a floor space under 4 square meters, built and used for cooking. (To this group belong also tea-kitchenettes and cooking cupboards.).

If the dwelling itself does not have a kitchen or kitchenette but there is a summer kitchen which is used by the inhabitants of the main building as a kitchen it should be regarded as a kitchen. If the separate building where the kitchen was has several premises only the one used as a kitchen must be taken into account.

In cases of occupied other housing units the premises should be recorded according to their utilization, nevertheless the other housing unit consists only of a single premises the floor-space should be counted as it was a room.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_ROOMS — Size of housing unit according to the number of rooms
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7. Is there any...
A room is considered as a bedroom, a dining room, a living room.
Multi-purpose rooms must be divided by usage (e.g. American kitchen divides to kitchen and room).
Please mark a "no" answer!

7.1 Room (over 12 square meters)

[] Yes _ _ (number)
[] No
7.2 Room (12 square meters or smaller)

[] Yes _ _ (number)
[] No
7.3 Kitchen (4 square meters or larger)

[] Yes
[] No
7.4 Kitchen (under 4 square meters)

[] Yes
[] No
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I. Dwelling data

7. Is there a room, a kitchen etc. in the dwelling?
Rooms and kitchens must be enumerated with their size also taken into account. Premises of common airspace with more functions (e.g. living room and cooking room together) must be divided by function. Attics (mansards) must be enumerated only if the headroom is 1.9 m2 or higher. Gallery is not considered an individual room.

In questions 7.1.- 7.7 do not forget to mark "no" in case the given premise is not available in the dwelling.

7.1., 7.2. Rooms are premises provided with direct natural light used as living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms etc. They must be taken into account by their size.

7.3., 7.4. Kitchens are premises established and used for cooking (or eating). Kitchenettes and kitchen cabinets are included. In case the dwelling does not have a kitchen but has a summer kitchen that is used for cooking by the household living in the main building then it must be counted according to the size.

Premises of common airspace with more functions had been enumerated based on the purpose of use, and classified in the appropriate category of premises.

7.5. Bathroom (shower-stall, wash-basin alcove) is a premise used for washing in the dwelling. Bathrooms generally are equipped with water supply system, sewage disposal system and bathing (washing) facilities.

7.6. The total number of flush toilets must be marked irrespective of whether they are in a separate room or e.g. in the bathroom. Flush toilets belonging to the dwelling and used exclusively by the occupants must not be counted if they are not in the dwelling.

7.7. Other room e.g. lobby, corridor, pantry. In case you answered other to question 2 and the housing unit contains more premises, then each premise must be counted according to its function. However if it consists of one function, only then the premise must be counted as a room of the given size.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Household and living unit information

3. How many rooms are there?

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10

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6.8. Question 3: Number of rooms
6.8.1. Concept and definition
A room is defined as a part of a residence that has boundaries and a size that is adequate for two adults to sleep in.

A room can be: guest room, eating room, bedroom, study room, servant's room, or kitchen. Also can be another indoor room used for sleeping, for example: warehouse, garage, etc.
Do not include rooms such as: toilet, bathroom, terrace or animal cage.

6.8.2. Procedure
Procedure of asking question:
"How many rooms do you occupy?"
Fill in the answer in Question 3.
If the house is occupied by two households or more, then record the number of rooms occupied by the household [that is being interviewed].

A house consists of 6 rooms. The house is occupied by household A, the owner of that house, whereas household B stays/lives in one of the bedrooms. The number of rooms occupied by household A is 5, and the number of rooms occupied by household B is 1, for a total of 6 rooms.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the household
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Questions 45-55 should be filled out for households residing in Conventional residential unit (number 1 in Question 44)

45. Number of rooms available to household _ _

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30. General explanation about questions 41 through 56
Fill question 41 only for normal settled households and leave it blank for other households. But fill questions 42 to 55 also for collective households in addition to normal settled ones.
Note: For those normal settled and collective households for which you filled more than one sheet of questionnaire, fill these questions along with question 56 only on the first sheet and leave them blank on other sheets.

35. General explanation about Questions 45 through 55
Fill these questions only for those households who live in a conventional residential unit (box 1 question 44) and leave it blank for households living in other types of units.

36. Number of rooms available to the household, Question 45
A room is a closed roofed space with at least an area of 4 square meters and a height of 2 meters. The living room, kitchen, storage, etc. are considered as rooms if they meet the required dimensions of 4 square meters area and 2 meters height. Spaces like the garage, bathrooms, toilets, stables, etc. are not considered as rooms.
Based on the given definition, ask the number of rooms available to the household in the conventional residential unit and write it as a two-digit number.

- In cases where there is more than one household living in one housing unit, only write the number of rooms that the respondent household possesses. If there is a common room used by different households, do not consider it as a room for any of the households.
- In cases that the household does not possess a room separately, write "--".

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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[The following instructions apply to questions 16 to 26]
Fill for each household living alone in the residential unit, if occupied by more than one household, only one of the households should respond.

18. Total number of rooms in the residential unit ____

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18. The total number of the rooms in the residential unit:
The total number of the rooms in the residential unit is recorded in number and it depends on specifying the room to the definition of a room. If the residential unit has five rooms, number (5) is put in the space indicated for that. The total number of the rooms includes bedrooms, dinning rooms, sitting rooms, study, kitchen and the rooms used for professional purposes or hand work and others. The corridors (hallways), bathrooms and water closets are not considered rooms.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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[The following questions should be answered in respect of each private household and of the house, flat or rooms occupied by that household. These questions need not be answered in respect of private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

23. Rooms ____

State the number of rooms occupied by the household (including kitchen but excluding kitchenette, scullery, bathroom, toilet, consulting room, office or shop.

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Answers should be furnished to Questions 19 to 28, inclusive, in respect of all private household (except those in mobile dwellings) and in respect of the houses, flats, or rooms occupied by such households.

Question 23 - Rooms.
In the case of a house, shared between two households, only the rooms occupied by each household should be entered on its Farm A. If the kitchen is shared, it should be counted only on the form for the main tenants.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions 23-30 should be answered in respect of each private household. These questions need not be answered in respect of institutions or private household living in caravans or other mobile dwellings]

Q.25 Rooms ___

State the number of rooms occupied by the household (including kitchen but excluding kitchenette, scullery, bathroom, toilet, consulting room, office or shop).

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Details of the dwelling
Answers should be furnished to Questions 23 to 30, inclusive, in respect of all private households (except those in mobile dwellings) and in respect of the houses, flats or rooms occupied by such households.

Q.25: Rooms
In the case of a house shared between two households, only the rooms occupied by each household should be entered on the Form A relating to that household. If the kitchen is shared, it should be counted only on the form for the main tenant.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Part B - Household questions
The following questions (23-24) should be answered with respect to each private household. These questions need not be answered with respect to institutions.

Q.23 Rooms ___

State the number of rooms occupied by the household (including kitchen but excluding kitchenette, scullery, bathroom, toilet, consulting room, office, or shop).
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Household questions
Answers should be furnished to Questions 23 and 24 in respect of all private households. These questions need not be answered in respect of non-private households.

Q. 23: Rooms
In the case of a house shared between two households, only the rooms occupied by each household should be entered on the Form A relating to that household. If the kitchen is shared, it should be counted only on the form for the main tenant.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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PART B - Household questions

[Questions 25-33 should be answered with respect to each private household. These questions need not be answered with respect to institutions or private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

Q.27 Rooms ___

State the number of rooms occupied by the household (include kitchen but exclude kitchenette, scullery, bathroom, toilet, consulting room, office or shop).
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Appendix 1

Details of the dwelling

Q.27: Rooms
In the case of a house shared between two or more households, only the rooms occupied by each household should be entered on the Form A relating to that household. If the kitchen is shared, it should be counted only on the form for the main tenant.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms available
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H5. How many rooms do you have for use only by your household?
  • Do not count bathrooms, toilets, kitchenettes, utility rooms, consulting rooms, offices, shops, halls or landings, or rooms that can only be used for storage such as cupboards.
  • Do count all other rooms such as kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, conservatories you can sit in, and studies.
  • If two rooms have been converted into one, count them as one room.
Number of rooms _ _
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Question H5. The results to this question will allow a comparison of how many rooms households have available to them in their dwelling. This will facilitate comparisons with past censuses, across the country and across various demographic and social groups.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Questions about your accommodation

H5. How many rooms do you have for use only by your household?

Do not count bathrooms, toilets, kitchenettes, utility rooms, consulting rooms, offices, shops, halls or landings, or rooms that can only be used for storage such as cupboards. Do count all other rooms such as kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, conservatories you can sit in, and studies. If two rooms have been converted into one, count them as one room.

Number of rooms _ _
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question H5: How many rooms do you have for use only by your household?]

The results to this question will allow a comparison of how many rooms households have available to them in their dwelling. This will facilitate comparisons with past censuses, across the country and across various demographic and social groups.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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1. In how many rooms does your family live? ____
Do not include: kitchen, lavatory, bathroom and a room serving only for business purposes. Note also half a room.

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Question 24: Number of rooms in the apartment

Ask how many rooms there are in the whole apartment, and write it down in the questionnaire.

24a. When asking for the number of rooms in the apartment, the intention is not to count only those used by the household, but all the rooms in the apartment; including rooms used for businesses only, or for both businesses and residence.

24b. If there are two or more households in one apartment -- you have to write down the number of rooms in the whole apartment in the questionnaire of each household.

24c. Half a room is counted as a room.

24d. The dining room is counted as a room.

24e. If the family considers the entrance room or the dining room as a room or as a half-room, include them in the count.

24f. A kitchen, a bath tab room, or a shower and a bathroom are not considered as rooms.

24g. When there are more than 9 rooms in the apartment, write down 9.
1. If you are told that there are 3.5 rooms in the apartment, write down 4 rooms.

[p. 48]

2. A family has a 5- room apartment and it rents two rooms to sub-lessees, who eat separately from the family. The apartment owners live in 3 rooms. You have to write down in the questionnaire of the apartment owner and also in the questionnaires of the sub-lessees -- 5 rooms.
3. There are 4 rooms in the apartment. One of the rooms is used as a sewing workshop only, and no one lives in it. Include it in the rooms count and write -- 4 rooms.

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions 1-11]

1. In how many rooms does your family live? ____

[Specify] number of rooms.
Report half-rooms also (e.g. 2.5 rooms).
Do not include: kitchen, bathrooms or rooms which are used only for business purposes.

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2. Question 1 -- explanations: Number of rooms the family lives in

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 1.]
A. Include in the answer all rooms and half-rooms used by the family for living: a room used for living as well as for business will be considered as a living room.
For example: The room of a seamstress, used also for living after work hours, will be considered as one of the living rooms.
If a family considers a hall/dining room as a room/half room -- include it in the total number of rooms.

B. Do not include in the total number of rooms: kitchen, bathroom and room used for business purposes only.

C. In an apartment in which two or more households are living:
Include only the rooms used by the household for which the questionnaire is filled
If two households living in the same apartment share some of the rooms -- add half a room to each household for each shared room.
For example:

Two students living in a 3-room apartment. Each student lives in a room of her own and the guest room is used by both of them (the students prepare their meals separately and therefore are considered two different households). In this case, write each student lives in a 1.5-room apartment (the room in which living and half the shared room).

[p. 45]

Three households live in three separate rooms in a 4-room apartment. The dining room is shared by all three households. In this case, write 1.5 rooms for each household -- the room in which living and half the shared room (notice, do not write 1/3 room for each household).

If the family finds it difficult to determine what a room is and what half a room is, decide according to the following: an area of 2x3 sq. meters will be considered a room. A smaller area will be considered half a room.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in dwelling
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6. How many rooms are occupied by your family?
Please mark X in the book next to the number of rooms in your apartment.
Do not include: kitchen, bathrooms and rooms used for business only.

[] 1. 1 room
[] 2. 1.5 rooms
[] 3. 2 rooms
[] 4. 2.5 rooms
[] 5. 3 rooms
[] 6. 3.5 rooms
[] 7. 4 rooms
[] 8. 4.5 rooms
[] 9. 5 rooms
[] 10. 5.5 rooms
[] 11. 6 rooms or more

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2. Question 6

6. How many rooms are occupied by your family?

Please mark an X in the box next to the number of rooms in your apartment. Do not include: kitchen, bathroom and a room used for business only.

[] 1 one room
[] 2 1 1/2 rooms
[] 3 2 rooms
[] 4 2 1/2 rooms
[] 5 3 rooms
[] 6 3 1/2 rooms
[] 7 4 rooms
[] 8 4 1/2 rooms
[] 9 5 rooms
[] 10 5 1/2 rooms
[] 11 6 rooms and over

[p. 32]

The answers will enable us to learn about the housing density of the families in Israel.

A. Mark an X next to the appropriate answer.

B. Include all rooms and half rooms used for the residence of the family.
If the family counts the hallway or the dining room as a room or as a half room -- include it in the count.

C. If the family has difficulty determining what a room is and what a half room is, use this rule: An area of 6 sq. meters is a room (like 2x3 sq. meters), a smaller area will be considered as a half room.

D. Do not include in the total number of rooms: kitchen, bathroom and a room used for business only.

E. A room used for dwelling and for a business will be counted as a dwelling room.
Example: A room used by a seamstress for her work and for dwelling after working hours, will be considered as a room for dwelling.

2.1 An apartment with two or more households

A. In this type of apartments you have to count only the rooms used for the household for which the questionnaire is filled in.

B. If the households who live in the same apartment share a room -- add half a room to each household.

Example: Two students who are two separate households live in a three-room apartment. Each student has her room but they share the guests' room. For each student the count is 1 1/2 rooms (the room that she lives in and half of the shared guests' room).

C. Even when a shared room is used by three or more people [households] it is counted as half a room [for each household] and not a third, quarter etc.

[p. 33]

Example: Three people, each one constitutes a separate household, live in a 4-room apartment. Each one lives in his room but the guests room is used by all three.

You have to mark the 1 1/2 room answer in each questionnaire.

D. If several people live in one room only, and each one of them is a separate household, mark the answer 1 room since half a room is not an option in the questionnaire.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Questions on housing conditions
[Questions 82-90 asked only once per household]

82. How many rooms do you live in (including half rooms)? ____

Including living room, not including kitchen, bathrooms and rooms used for business only
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Part J: Housing Conditions

2. Instructions for answering questions

a. Number of rooms in apartment
The ratio between the number of persons living in the apartment and the number of rooms in the apartment ('housing density') is the basic and most important measure of the housing conditions.
The data on the housing density is essential for determining the standard of living. This data can help government authorities determine regions where it is worthwhile to invest in projects such as 'Neighborhood Rehabilitation', etc.
Question 10.10 - In how many rooms do you live (including half rooms)?
Includes living room. Does not include kitchen, bathroom and a room used solely for business.

- Include in the answer all rooms and half rooms which are used for living by the household. If the family considers an entry hall or a dining area as a room or half room for living, include them in the total number of rooms.
- If the household has trouble determining what is a room and what is half a room, use the following guideline: An area of 6 or more square meters shall be considered as a room (for example, 2*3 square meters). A smaller area shall be considered as half a room.
- Include the living room in the room total.
- Do not include in the room total: kitchen, bathroom, or a room used solely for business.
- A room used for both business and living shall be considered as a room where the household lives.
- If the household lives in a housing unit with over 10 rooms, write 10.
- Later on in this chapter, in paragraph 3.a, you will find a detailed explanation of how to act if two or more households live in the apartment.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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2.1 Indicate the total number of rooms (excluding bathrooms, kitchens, service areas and accessories)
A room is a space that receives direct external light, the size of which makes it possible to include a bed and still have sufficient space to move around in.

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Question 2.1
Specify the total number of rooms in the dwelling, including those with an independent entrance that are functionally part of the main building.
Do not count bathrooms, kitchens, kitchenettes, service areas and accessories. When counting, remember that a large room, divided into various functions, or separated into two or more areas by arches or dividing furniture, must not be counted as one room but as various rooms.
Rooms with a kitchen area used for various purposes must also be counted.
The term room refers to an area that receives direct light from the outside, with space for one bed and for a person to move in. For example, bedrooms and living rooms that meet these characteristics are rooms. Kitchens, kitchenettes service areas and bathrooms are not to be counted as rooms, even if they meet these characteristics.
The term rooms with external entrance refer to those rooms that have a separate entrance from the others, but are still part of the main house even if physically separated from it. However, these rooms are a complementary part of the house and are used by the same persons that live therein.
The term accessories refers to cellars, attics, garages, etc., in other words, premises that are actually used on a permanent basis to service the house (even if they do not belong to the same building).
The term service area refers to the area for entering rooms, toilets, bathrooms, as well as storerooms and such. Therefore, entrances, internal stairways, corridors, bathrooms, locker rooms, storerooms etc, are considered service areas.
The term kitchen refers to a room (or part thereof) equipped with a system for cooking food and a place in which to wash dishes, that is used for this purpose regardless of the fact that it is also used to eat in, sleep in, or other activities. There are three types of kitchens, depending on the size and the use made of the room where the cooking is done:
a) kitchen with the characteristics of a room: this is a "traditional" kitchen the size of a regular room (see definition), used and equipped mainly for cooking and eating;
b) kitchenette: this is a small kitchen, smaller than the minimum the surface of the floors not counting the walls and excluding the service areas. If the dwelling spreads on various levels, or also includes an external entrance, count the surface of all parts.
c) kitchen corner in a room that serves various purposes: in large rooms this arrange is usually used as an eating area or small dining room, there is an area in which to install kitchen equipment. The main characteristic of a room arranged in this manner is not that of a kitchen, but that of a room used for various purposes.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section I: Information about household and dwelling

2. Ownership and structure of the dwelling

2.3 How many rooms are in the dwelling?

Not counting bathrooms, kitchens, accessory areas and associated structures, such as basements, attics, garages, etc. A room is a space that receives air and light directly from outdoors and that is large enough to hold a bed and leave sufficient space to move around.

Number of rooms _ _
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Section I - Information about household and dwelling

2 - Property/ownership and structure of the dwelling

Question 2.3
Indicate the total number of rooms in the dwelling excluding bathrooms, kitchens, kitchenettes, extra spaces and secondary structures (e.g. cellars, attics, garages, etc.). While calculating this sum, keep in mind that:

- Rooms with independent access but functionally attached to the dwelling and being used by the family should be considered part of the same dwelling;
- Large rooms divided into different parts with different functions or separated into two or more rooms by arches or mobile dividers should be counted as multiple rooms;
- Multi-purpose rooms with kitchen corners should be included in the count.

Use the following definitions to answer the question appropriately:

Room: a space that receives air and light directly from the outside and that is large enough to hold a bed while leaving enough space for one person to move around. Bedrooms and living rooms, for instance, qualify as rooms as long as they meet the above characteristics. Kitchens, kitchenettes, extra spaces and bathrooms, on the other hand, do not count as rooms even if they satisfy these criteria. Rooms without windows do not count unless they serve a domestic function, like a bedroom.

Rooms with independent access: rooms (that are physically separate) with direct outside access that does not depend on any other rooms in the main body of the dwelling. Rooms like these are used by the same people who live there and serve as a functional complement to the dwelling.

Associated structures: cellars, attics, garages, etc., i.e. rooms that are designed and used regularly to service the dwelling (but not necessarily located in the same building).

Accessory space: spaces that serve as access areas for rooms, bathrooms and sanitary facilities, storage closets and similar. These include entryways, internal stairways, hallways, bathrooms, dressing rooms, storage closets, etc.

Kitchen: a room (or part of a room) equipped with cooking equipment and appliances and a permanent dish-washing system, and used for these purposes whether or not eating, sleeping or other activities take place in the same space. Three categories serve to classify different types of kitchens based on size and purpose:
a) full kitchen: a "traditional" room-sized (see definition of "room") kitchen equipped and used primarily for cooking and eating;
b) kitchenette: a kitchen that is smaller than a room, almost always just big enough to contain the necessary appliances;
c) kitchen corner: part of a larger room set aside for eating meals and also as a kitchen nook, a portion of which includes kitchen appliances. The room is used in different ways, and the kitchen itself is not its primary purpose.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section 8: Housing
[The head of the household only]

40. Number of rooms:

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7 and over
[] Not stated

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Section 8 - Housing

5.68 General
The information in this section relates to the building or part of the building used for living purposes. The information is to be recorded on the questionnaire for the Head of the Household only, and the required information must be given with respect to the entire household; no information on this topic is to be entered on the questionnaires for other members of the household.
Because the information is being sought from each household, this means that in some cases there will be different sets of replies with respect to the same building. The relevant instructions for non-private dwellings are given in Part 6.

5.70 Question 40 - Number of Rooms

[Image omitted here]

What is required here is the total number of rooms occupied by that particular household. The term "room" is taken to include those


used for general living purposes such as bedrooms, dining rooms, drawing rooms, servants' rooms. Exclude garages, bathroom toilets, kitchens, verandas, passages, closets, foyers, and the like.
Where some rooms are used in common by more than one household, count such rooms only among those occupied by the household to which it is more accessible. Each room must be counted once only.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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2.7. How many rooms does your household occupy? _ _
If not stated, record "99".

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5.28 Question 2.7 Number of Rooms
What is required here is the total number of rooms occupied by that particular household. The term "room" is taken to include those used for general living purposes such as bedrooms, dining rooms, drawing rooms, helpers' rooms. Exclude garages, bathroom, toilets, kitchens, verandahs, passages, closets, foyers, and the like.

Where some rooms are used by more than one household count such rooms


only among those occupied by the household to which it is more accessible. Each room must be counted once only.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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3.3 How many rooms does this household occupy?
_ _
[] Not stated

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5.21 Question 3.3: Number of rooms
What is required here is the total number of rooms occupied by that particular household. The term "room" is taken to include those used for general living purposes such as bedrooms, dining rooms, drawing rooms, family rooms, studios, helpers' rooms. Include also rooms used for professional and business services. Exclude garages, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, verandahs, passages, closets, foyers, and the like. Where partitions of a durable nature are utilized the partitioned area is to be regarded as a room. Use of curtains to separate sections of a room is not considered however. Include in the count, all rooms as defined even if they are not all used on a regular basis.

Each room must be counted only once. If some rooms are used by more than one household, count and assign such rooms to the household that is enumerated first.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_ROOM — Total number of rooms in the housing unit
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Total No. of rooms in the housing unit
[Questions 127 and 128 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private or collective household, per Question 116.]
127. Total _ _
128. Bed rooms _
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It is the housing unit or a part of it. It is surrounded by walls and has a ceiling. It is used for purposes of sleep, sitting, eating, or studying. The kitchen, the bathroom, the toilet, the attic, the passageway, the patio, and the internal and external balconies do not count as rooms. Similarly, Rooms that are used for work purposes are not considered rooms for residence. For example the room used for the doctor's office, or for sewing for other, or the hall, except if they are actually used for sleeping, eating, sitting, studying, or for fun. It is meant by the rooms for sleeping the rooms that are actually used for sleeping or designated for sleeping.

Question 127 the total number of rooms in the housing unit:
The enumerator asks the residents in the housing unit about the total number of the rooms in the housing unit (revisit the definition of the room). He writes the number in the corresponding field. The number of the rooms cannot be under 1. For the hair tents, tents, and caves, they are classified as consisting of one room only. The answer to this question is written in two cells.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_ROOMS — Number of habitable rooms
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H-11. How many habitable rooms does (do) this (these) dwelling unit(s) contain?
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Column H11: Habitable rooms

102. Record the number of habitable rooms available in all the dwelling units that belong to a household in H1 1.

(a) Habitable rooms are rooms in the dwelling units that are used mainly for living and exclude stores, granaries, offices, toilets and garages.
(b) A kitchen, under normal circumstances, should not be counted as a habitable room. However, if the household uses the kitchen for eating and/or sleeping purposes, or even for purposes of entertaining guests, then it should be counted with the habitable rooms. The same applies to a store.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_ROOMS — Number of habitable rooms in the dwelling
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H-19. How many habitable rooms do these units contain? _ _
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- Section J: Housing conditions and amenities. This section covers columns H18 to H27 on housing conditions and amenities. These questions are to be posed to the Head of the Household or any other responsible person.

39.2 Column H19: Habitable rooms

- Record the number of habitable rooms available in all the dwelling units that belong to a household in column H19.
- Habitable rooms are rooms in the dwelling units that are used mainly for living and exclude stores, granaries, offices, toilets and garages.
- A kitchen, under normal circumstances, should not be counted as a habitable room. However, if the household uses the kitchen for eating and/or sleeping purposes, or even for purposes of entertaining guests, then it should be counted with the habitable rooms. The same applies to a store.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_ROOMS — Number of occupied living rooms
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5p. The number of occupied living rooms _ _
[] 99 part of room

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Question 5p. The number of occupied living rooms

Completing this question, the enumerator is to enter in a specially dedicated box the number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.) of living rooms occupied by the household.

In this connection, it should be noted that the living room is a premise intended for residence: part of a residential flat (hostel) separated from other premises (rooms) by partitions.

Attics, mezzanines, heated terraces and verandahs equipped for habitation the year round are to be included in the number of living rooms.

The number of living rooms does not cover: kitchens, halls, corridors, bath (or shower) rooms, storerooms, balconies, loggias, and other subsidiary premises.

If a household does not occupy the whole room, but only its part, code 99 "part of room" is to be marked.

If a household occupies two or more rooms, but some of those gives in rent, the total number of living rooms (including those rented) is to be recorded.

If a household rents living space, also the actual number of rooms or "part of room" (code 99) occupied is to be marked.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_ROOMS — Number of rooms occupied by household
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Questions 6 -- 10 to be completed for residential premise

[Questions 6-10 were asked for residential premises.]

10. Number of rooms

How many rooms in premise unit, excluding kitchen and bathroom?

_ _ room[s]

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Question 10. Number of rooms, exclusive of kitchen and bathroom, is to be entered by the enumerator in special boxes.
It should be noted that the habitable room is considered a room intended for residence: part of a flat (hostel) separated from other rooms by partitions.
Attics, mezzanines, heated terraces and verandahs equipped for permanent habitation the year round are to be included in the number of habitable rooms.
The number of habitable rooms excludes: kitchens, halls, corridors, bath (or shower) rooms, pantries, balconies, loggias, and other subsidiary rooms.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in household
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I. Dwelling characteristics

Q55. How many rooms are there in this dwelling?

Include: bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room
Exclude: toilet, bathroom, laundry

Number of rooms _ _ _
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4.10. Section I: Household's characteristics
Section I is for individual households. The household group is not included in this section.

Question Q55: How many rooms does this house include?
The purpose of the question is to collect information about the number of rooms in the house where the household lives, which includes: a bedroom, sitting room, hall, kitchen, working room, office, and dining room. Excluding toilet, bathroom, washing room, and balcony.
To record the answer, you must write down the total number of rooms in 3 digits correctly, clearly, and in an easy-to-understand manner. For example, a house has a total of 5 rooms. You must fill up the number 005 in the space for the answer.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section F. Housing characteristics and household possessions

34. Number of rooms.

[Table modified.]

[] Rontabole _ _
[] Heisi _ _
[] Polata _ _
[] Malaene _ _
[] Optaka _ _
[] Apartment Houses _ _
[] Oher, specify ____
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6. Part F of the questionnaire (housing)

144. Column 34: Number of rooms
Do not include bathroom and toilet. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_RONTAB2 — Number of rooms in rontabole
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

52. Number and types of housing units

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure

53. Number of rooms

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure
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Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

123. Column 52: Number of housing units.

Please record the number of housing units in the household. If the household has two rontaboles and one polata, then the number of housing units is 2 for rontabole and 1 for polata. Check annex 4 for definitions of different types of houses.

124. Column 53: Number of rooms.

Please record the number of rooms for each housing unit in the household. Do not include bathroom and toilet, include garages if they are used for living purposes, and exclude the garage if it keeps the car. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding the stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_HEISI2 — Number of rooms in heisi
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

52. Number and types of housing units

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure

53. Number of rooms

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure
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Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

123. Column 52: Number of housing units.

Please record the number of housing units in the household. If the household has two rontaboles and one polata, then the number of housing units is 2 for rontabole and 1 for polata. Check annex 4 for definitions of different types of houses.

124. Column 53: Number of rooms.

Please record the number of rooms for each housing unit in the household. Do not include bathroom and toilet, include garages if they are used for living purposes, and exclude the garage if it keeps the car. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding the stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_POLATA2 — Number of rooms in polata
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

52. Number and types of housing units

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure

53. Number of rooms

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

123. Column 52: Number of housing units.

Please record the number of housing units in the household. If the household has two rontaboles and one polata, then the number of housing units is 2 for rontabole and 1 for polata. Check annex 4 for definitions of different types of houses.

124. Column 53: Number of rooms.

Please record the number of rooms for each housing unit in the household. Do not include bathroom and toilet, include garages if they are used for living purposes, and exclude the garage if it keeps the car. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding the stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_MALAENE2 — Number of rooms in malaene
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

52. Number and types of housing units

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure

53. Number of rooms

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

123. Column 52: Number of housing units.

Please record the number of housing units in the household. If the household has two rontaboles and one polata, then the number of housing units is 2 for rontabole and 1 for polata. Check annex 4 for definitions of different types of houses.

124. Column 53: Number of rooms.

Please record the number of rooms for each housing unit in the household. Do not include bathroom and toilet, include garages if they are used for living purposes, and exclude the garage if it keeps the car. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding the stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_OPTAKA2 — Number of rooms in optaka
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

52. Number and types of housing units

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure

53. Number of rooms

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

123. Column 52: Number of housing units.

Please record the number of housing units in the household. If the household has two rontaboles and one polata, then the number of housing units is 2 for rontabole and 1 for polata. Check annex 4 for definitions of different types of houses.

124. Column 53: Number of rooms.

Please record the number of rooms for each housing unit in the household. Do not include bathroom and toilet, include garages if they are used for living purposes, and exclude the garage if it keeps the car. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding the stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_APARTM2 — Number of rooms in apartment
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

52. Number and types of housing units

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure

53. Number of rooms

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

123. Column 52: Number of housing units.

Please record the number of housing units in the household. If the household has two rontaboles and one polata, then the number of housing units is 2 for rontabole and 1 for polata. Check annex 4 for definitions of different types of houses.

124. Column 53: Number of rooms.

Please record the number of rooms for each housing unit in the household. Do not include bathroom and toilet, include garages if they are used for living purposes, and exclude the garage if it keeps the car. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding the stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_BUNGAW2 — Number of rooms in bungalow
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

52. Number and types of housing units

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure

53. Number of rooms

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

123. Column 52: Number of housing units.

Please record the number of housing units in the household. If the household has two rontaboles and one polata, then the number of housing units is 2 for rontabole and 1 for polata. Check annex 4 for definitions of different types of houses.

124. Column 53: Number of rooms.

Please record the number of rooms for each housing unit in the household. Do not include bathroom and toilet, include garages if they are used for living purposes, and exclude the garage if it keeps the car. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding the stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_TEMPSTR2 — Number of rooms in temporary structure
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

52. Number and types of housing units

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure

53. Number of rooms

_ _ Rontabole
_ _ Heisi
_ _ Polata
_ _ Malaene
_ _ Optaka
_ _ Apartment houses
_ _ Bungalow
_ _ Temporary structure
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

123. Column 52: Number of housing units.

Please record the number of housing units in the household. If the household has two rontaboles and one polata, then the number of housing units is 2 for rontabole and 1 for polata. Check annex 4 for definitions of different types of houses.

124. Column 53: Number of rooms.

Please record the number of rooms for each housing unit in the household. Do not include bathroom and toilet, include garages if they are used for living purposes, and exclude the garage if it keeps the car. If the household has more than one house, enter number of rooms for each building excluding the stables and rooms used for agricultural purposes.

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H03. How many rooms does the household occupy?
_ _

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_ROOMS1 — Number of rooms, first dwelling
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Number of rooms (exclude bathroom, toilet, storeroom and garage) _ _
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Number of rooms: Ask the respondent how many rooms there are in the dwelling unit and record the total number in column 84. The number of rooms should include sitting rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and a kitchen as long as it is part of the main structure. You should, however, not count bathrooms, toilets, store-rooms, and garages as rooms of the dwelling unit, if inside the structure.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_ROOMS1 — Rooms in 1st dwelling
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D3. Number of rooms (exclude bathrooms, toilets, storerooms, and garage) _ _
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4.6 Room: It is defined as a partition or part of a DU enclosed by four walls or an all-round wall, a floor and a roof. Note that a DU that has no partitions is considered as having one room.

Part D: Dwelling Unit Characteristics and Access to Facilities

D3. Number of rooms: Ask the respondent how many rooms there are in the dwelling unit and record the total number of rooms in column D3. The number of rooms should include sitting rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, and a kitchen even if it is a separate room detached from the main structure. You should, however, not count bathrooms, toilets, storerooms and garages as rooms of the dwelling unit, even if they are inside the structure.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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D06. How many rooms do the dwelling units have, excluding bathrooms, toilets, storerooms and garage? _ _
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D04. Number of rooms
Enter the number of rooms in the boxes provided and shade the relevant digits.

For the total number of rooms, include bedrooms, dining rooms, study rooms, habitable attics, servant's rooms, kitchens, rooms used for business purposes, etc., as long as they meet the criteria of walls and floor space. Do not count passageways, verandas, lobbies, bathrooms, toilets, garages and storerooms as rooms even if they meet the above criteria.

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_ROOMS — Number of rooms occupied
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2. Number of rooms occupied
_ _

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2. Number of Occupied Rooms

This is the total number of rooms occupied by the household. A room is defined as a living space surrounded by wall extending from the floor to the ceiling or roof, large enough to contain an adult-size bed, and intended to be lived in. The following are thus counted as rooms: bedrooms, dining and living rooms, maids rooms, room used for business purposes and any other space used for living and corresponding to the definition of a room.

However, verandas/balconies, hallways, entryways, kitchens, toilets,

[Page 44]
granaries and other outbuildings are excluded. However, if the kitchens and the entryways are regularly used as living space they should be counted.

Following the above information count the total number of rooms occupied by the household (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) and write it in the facing box.

Example 1: The household's dwelling occupies a total of 8 rooms (plus 2 granaries and a kitchen that are not included in calculating the total number of rooms). Fill out question 2 as follows:
Question 2 - Number of rooms occupied: 8

Example 2: The watchmen of an institutional household (a high school) lives in a 4-room house (not including the toilet and a small store) located on the grounds of the establishment. Question 2 is filled out as follows:
Question 2 - Number of rooms occupied: 4

NB: In nomad areas consider each tent as a dwelling, and give information about the number of rooms occupied.

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_ROOMS — Number of rooms occupied
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Section "D": Housing

3. Number of rooms occupied

_ _

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1.4. Housing

This second part is devoted to housing, and aims at listing all housing units for the households at time of the census, at gathering information on building characteristics, and to obtain indicators on the conditions in which the population is housed.

11. Column H25: Number of rooms occupied

This means the total number of rooms occupied by the household.

A room is defined as a housing space, enclosed with walls, from floor to ceiling, large enough to contain one "adult bed", and with the purpose of being used as a dwelling unit. Are counted as separate rooms:

- Sleeping rooms
- Eating rooms and living rooms
- Rooms for servants
- Rooms used for traders,
- Any other area used as a dwelling, and corresponding to the definition of a room.

On the opposite, the verandahs, the corridors, the halls, the vestibules, the kitchen, the toilets (WC), the granaries and other storage rooms, etc. will be excluded.

However, when kitchens and halls are usually used for housing, they should be counted. Given these guidelines, count the total number of rooms occupied by the household, and write it in the box prepared for it in Column H25.

Example 1: The dwelling unit for the household has 8 rooms inhabited, plus two granaries and a kitchen (which will not be counted in the computation of the total number of rooms).

N.B.: In nomadic areas, consider each tent as a room, and provide the total number of occupied rooms.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_ROOMS — Number of occupied rooms
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Circle the code that applies or record the appropriate code in the space provided. If there is a plot occupied by a single household, use the characteristics of the main building (without including the number of rooms)

H11) Number of occupied rooms: _____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Number of rooms occupied (Column H11)
This is the total number of rooms occupied by the household. Enter the number in the spaces provided after count with the CM. To avoid errors, refer to the following definition.

The room is defined as space of the dwelling. It is surrounded by walls from floor to ceiling or roof, large enough to hold an "adult" bed and intended to be occupied.

[Omitted example]

Instructions: Verandahs and corridors, hallways, kitchens, toilets, barns and other outbuildings etc. are not counted.

If there are rooms that regularly used as a dwellings, then the agent must count them.

[Omitted example]

In nomadic areas, consider each tent as a room and give an indication of the number of occupied rooms.

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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49. Number of rooms that can be used. Do not count the kitchen, bathrooms, or halls.

Column 47-57. These columns are for the dwelling or house that the family occupies. Therefore, the answers will only be written in the row for the head of household.

Column 47: If the family that lives in the dwelling is the homeowner, make an X. If not, leave the column blank.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_ROOMS — Additional rooms excluding hallways and corredors
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How many more rooms are in the dwelling (don't count hallways or corridors)
Number ____

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Bathroom, Kitchen and other Rooms

[Depiction of enumeration form; section on bathroom, kitchen and other rooms.] In all cases, the three questions should be asked and the three answers written down. In the first two, mark the answer with an X. In the last question clearly write the number of other rooms that the dwelling has.

In the cases where there is a common bathroom for the occupants of various dwelling, the bathroom should not be written into any of the questionnaires.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_ROOMS — Total rooms
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In all how many rooms are there in the dwelling not counting the hallways or bathrooms?
_____(Write the number)

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Characteristics of the dwelling

The series of questions found on page two of the questionnaire will permit you to find out the principal characteristics of the dwellings: the materials that they are made out of, the number of rooms that the dwelling consists of and the use the rooms are given, the available services, ownership of the dwelling and the cooking fuel that they use.

4. Number of rooms

A room in a space inside the dwelling that is separated by permanent walls of any material. Remember that you should always ask two questions:

With the first question, you will know how many rooms are used as bedrooms.

With the second question, you will know how many rooms the dwelling has in total, such as living room, dining room, bedrooms, kitchen, etc. You should not count hallways nor bathrooms as rooms.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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1.7 Number of rooms
How many total rooms does this dwelling have, without counting hallways or bathrooms?
Count the kitchen.

Total number of rooms ____

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1.7 Number of rooms

The objective of the question is to know the total number of rooms that make up a dwelling, which are written down in the corresponding boxes.

Room is understood to be a space in a dwelling delineated normally by fixed walls of any material meant for the lodging of people and for other uses or activities of family life.

Any room that does not have four walls because they are circular (as occurs in indigenous dwellings and in some rural populations) or that [p. 68] are delineated with three walls (for example kitchens with a bar or other separation), should be considered a room.

Number of rooms refers to the total number of rooms in a dwelling used for lodging people, such as: bedrooms, living-dining room, kitchen, large room, study, service room, and in general rooms used for family life. Do not count bathrooms, hallways, garages and spaces that only have roofs (terraces, sheds and palm shelters).

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Be careful to count all rooms that a dwelling has, especially in cases where there are many dispersed rooms in a lot of land.

Wine cellars, granaries, and commercial places are counted in the total number of rooms only when any of the occupants of the dwelling sleeps regularly in this place.

Rooms that are uninhabited because they are in ruins or demolished are not counted; those being repaired are always counted when they are in condition of being inhabited.

The total number of rooms of a dwelling will always be greater or equal to the total number of bedrooms. Is this is not the case, clarify the situation with the informant and correct the figure.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_RM — Total number of rooms
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5. Number of Rooms

How many rooms are used for sleeping without counting hallways?

_____ Write the number

Without counting the hallways or bathrooms how many total rooms are in this dwelling? Count the kitchen

_____Write the number

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5. Number of Rooms

Room is the space in the dwelling delimited, normally, by fixed walls and roofs of any material.

In the first question, only the rooms utilized for sleeping are considered.

In the second, include all the rooms in the dwelling: bedrooms, living room, dining room, living room-dining room, kitchen, living room ["estancia"], study, and service room.

Storerooms, granaries, commercial areas, stores, garages, or others, which are regularly used for sleeping, should be counted as bedrooms and be included in the total number of rooms. However, if no one sleeps there, do not count them in any of the questions.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a drawing of a storage shed]

Double check that the total number of rooms in the dwelling is more than or equal to the total number of bedrooms. If this is not so, clear up the situation with the informant and correct the corresponding figure.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_ROOM — Number of rooms
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1.2 Number of rooms
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Section I: Characteristics of the dwelling

If the class of private dwelling is an independent house, apartment in a building or tenement house and dwelling or room on a roof, ask questions of section 1.

If it is a premises not built for inhabitation, mobile dwelling or shelter, do not ask the questions of section I: Characteristics of the dwelling.

1.2 Number of rooms

The first question refers to the number of rooms (delineated by walls and roof) that are regularly used to sleep, although they have another use.

With the second question, it is to know the total number of rooms that a dwelling has: kitchen, living rooms, dining room, large room, bedroom, or study.

Verify that an informant does not include hallways or bathrooms in any of the two questions.

When in a dwelling, wine cellars, granaries, commercial premises, stores, depots and others similar spaces exist, they are thought of as rooms only if they are used regularly for sleeping. That is, count them as bedrooms and also in the total number of rooms. But if nobody sleeps there, do not count them.

Be careful to point out that all rooms of a dwelling are counted since in some places, the dwellings have separate or independent rooms in the same plot of land.

[To the right of the text is a form for 1.2 Number of rooms.]

[p. 56]

There are dwellings that have a single room that is used for sleeping, cooking, eating, etc; you should consider that the dwelling has a room for sleeping in the first question one room total, for the second question.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]

6. Rooms
How many rooms total does this dwelling have, including the kitchen? (do not include hallways or bathrooms)

Write in digits _ _

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6.3 Section I. Housing characteristics

In this section, instructions will be presented for the questions that investigate the characteristics of the private inhabited dwellings.

If the class of the private inhabited dwellings is a premise not intended for inhabitation, a mobile dwelling, a shelter, or a collective dwelling, don't apply this section. Start the interview with the section II, List of People.

5. Bedrooms and 6. Rooms
Question 5 only considers the rooms that are habitually used to sleep, even though they have other uses.

[p. 78]

There are dwellings with various rooms and these are recognized commonly for the principal function that is carried out in them, like kitchen, living room, dining room, room, and bedroom among others. Record the total number of rooms that the dwelling has in Question 6.

There are dwellings with a single room that is used for distinct functions, like sleeping, cooking, and eating, among others. In these cases, record number 1 for both questions.

If there is some garage, storage, grain barn, or business that has a different function than sleeping, only count it if it is used for sleeping.

Confirm that the total number of rooms is always greater than or equal to the number of rooms used for sleeping. If it's not so, clarify the situation with the informer and correct the responses.

Areas used for storage do not count.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms including kitchen
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5. Rooms
How many total rooms are there in this dwelling, including the kitchen? (Do not count hallways or bathrooms)

Record the number _ _
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5. Rooms
This question identifies the total number of rooms of the dwelling. Read the question, listen to the answer and record the number. If the respondent has doubts or you perceive that the answer does not correspond what you see, say him/her that he/she should count all rooms (bedrooms, living room, kitchen) that are separated by fixed and complete walls. Further, read the phrase "do not consider hallways or bathrooms" when you consider that the informant may include them.

[Figures are omitted]

Consider that some informants have a different idea about rooms. E.g., some people determine the number of rooms according to the functions performed (cooking and eating), even if they are not divided by fixed and complete walls. Therefore, it is desirable that you spend a little more time to ensure the correct understanding if this question and to support the respondent as needed. Keep in mind the following information:

[] As part of the built-up area, some dwellings may have a vestibule, entrance hall, hallway, corridor, porch, bathroom; these areas are not considered rooms.
[] If the furniture and dining room are in the same space (no walls separate them), it should be counted as a single room.
[] Curtains and half walls, bars, or furniture are not considered complete walls delimiting the rooms.
[] The kitchen is included only if it is limited by four walls.
[] In homes with separate rooms or scattered on the land, make sure the respondent includes all them.
[] Parking lots that are delimited by four walls are closed are only counted as rooms if a person usually sleeps there; therefore they also count as bedrooms.

Remember to check that the total number of rooms of the dwelling is always greater than or equal to the number of bedrooms.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_ROOMS — Number of rooms including kitchen
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I. Characteristics of the housing unit

6. Rooms: How many rooms does this housing unit have in total including the kitchen?

Do not count corridors and bathrooms.

_ _ Write the number
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15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

6. Rooms
With this question, we know the total amount of rooms that make up the housing unit.

Read the question, listen to the answer, and register the number. If the respondent expresses doubts or you perceive that the answer does not correspond to what you observe, comment to them that they should count all the rooms (bedrooms, living room, kitchen) that are separated by fixed and completed walls.

Also, read the phrase "Do not count hallways or bathrooms" when you think the respondent might be counting them.

Consider that there are respondents who have a different idea of what a room is. For example, some may determine the number of rooms according to the functions performed there (cooking and eating), even if they are not divided by fixed and completed walls; therefore, it is advisable that you spend a little more time to ensure a correct grasp of this question and that you support whoever informs you when necessary.

In the image, there are five rooms that are divided by fixed and completed walls. Do not count the corridor and bathroom.

[p. 226]

[Figure omitted: image with text]

In the following example, there are three rooms: two bedrooms, and the kitchen and dining room sharing the same space.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Take into consideration the following:

- As part of the constructed area, some housing units may have a vestibule, foyer, hallway, corridor, portal, or bathroom; these are not considered rooms.
- If the living room and dining room furniture are in the same space (there are no walls separating them), they should be counted as one room.
- Curtains, half walls, rods, or furniture are not considered complete walls that delimit rooms.
- The kitchen is only counted as a room if it is limited by four walls.
[p. 227]
- In housing units that have separate or scattered rooms on the land, make sure that the respondent includes all of them.
- The warehouses and garages that are enclosed by four walls can only be
counted as rooms if someone normally sleeps there; therefore, they would also count as bedrooms.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Remember to check that the total amount of rooms in the housing unit is always greater than or equal to the number of rooms used for sleeping.

Look at the following examples and analyze how many rooms are presented in each image.

[p. 228]

[Figure omitted: images with text]

The rooms question is presented to the census manager as follows:

Click on the image below to watch the video about the kitchen, bedrooms, and rooms.

[p. 229]

Mongolia 1989 — source variable MN1989A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Number of rooms _____
Useful living area (m2) _____
Total living area (m2) _____
Number of households _____
Number of residents _____

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215. The Housing Census Questionnaire for the household under the number one shall include answers for questions on the total number of rooms; the size of living (or useful) area; the number of rooms; the number of permanent residents; living conditions and total area of the flat. The Housing Census Questionnaires for the households under the numbers 2, 3 or 4 shall include only the number of rooms of the size of the living (or useful) area they are living in as well as the number of its own household members.

216. And living conditions or ownership of the flat (ger) living in one flat (ger) shall be filled in the same.

217. The Number of Rooms. The number of rooms shall be written only in figures (1, 2, 3 and 4 etc.) and the sub-paragraph "b" and the paragraph 215 of this guideline shall be complied.

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions 2-10 were asked of households living in houses not gers.]

3. Number of rooms _ _

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3. Number of rooms The number of rooms will be filled in the box. /01,02,03,04/ Living room, bedroom and working room will be enumerated in the census but the kitchen and bathroom will not be enumerated.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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30. Number of rooms occupied by the household

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30. Number of rooms inhabited by household
[This is question 29 for rural dwellings]

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Q28. Number of rooms inhabited by household____
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Housing record

Housing equipment
[Questions 25a-g.]

Q28. Number of rooms inhabited by household____

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Housing characteristics (living conditions of the household)

L5. Number of rooms occupied by the household _______

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L5: Number of rooms occupied by the household: Rooms counted as living rooms are: bedroom, living room, servant room. Do not count kitchen, bathroom, hallway, and balcony.
At least one room is occupied by the household, so it should not be coded "00".

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_ROOMS — Number of rooms occupied by the household
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Household living conditions

L07. Number of rooms occupied by the household _ _

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_DIVIS — Rooms in the household
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2. The house you live in is:
[] Rented
[] Owned
[] Borrowed
[] Other
[] Vacant

[Questions 5 through 10 were asked of private households in occupied dwellings.]

6a. How many rooms is the house divided into? (Excluding kitchen and bathrooms)

No. of Rooms: ____
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E6a. How many divisions has the house? (not accounting with kitchen and bathroom)
Read the question and wait for the reply. Write down the total number of divisions that the house has, excluding the kitchen and bathrooms. Write down the number, even if some are not sleeping quarters, such as dining room, living room, etc.. The so-called common rooms (dining and seen) have a rather two divisions.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_DIVS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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Section E: Characteristics and Condition of the Dwelling
Enumerator: Fill out the Enumeration Form using the question about the dwelling. If there is more than one household within the dwelling, fill out questions 1-11 only, for the first household.

[Question 7 through 11, section F and G were asked those in private occupied dwellings]

8a. How many rooms is the dwelling divided into? (excluding kitchen and bathrooms)_ _

8b. From those, how many are used for persons to sleep? _ _

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E8a. How many rooms is the dwelling divided into? (excluding kitchen and bathrooms)

Read the Question and wait for the response. This Question refers to the spaces in a dwelling which are surrounded by walls from the bottom to the top/ceiling or some height close to the ceiling.

Write the total number of rooms in the dwelling, excluding the kitchen and bathrooms. Write the number of rooms even if they are not actually bedrooms, like for example, dining room, living room, etc.

The so-called common rooms (dining and living rooms) count as one, not 2.

If a dwelling has one room/space only, write |0|1|.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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3. Number of rooms and bedrooms

____ Total number of rooms
____ Of these, how many are bedrooms?

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Question #3

Number of rooms and bedrooms

a. How to carry out the investigation
The following definitions should be taken into account in investigating this topic:

Room: A room is the space situated in a dwelling that is separated by walls that rise at least 2 meters from the floor and that have enough room for an adult-sized bed, or are at least 4 square meters in size. The following are considered to be rooms: bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, servant's quarters, and other rooms that can be used as lodging for persons or that are designed for that purpose. The following are not considered to be rooms: hallways, open galleries, foyers, etc. as well as bathrooms and rooms used exclusively for commercial or industrial purposes.

Bedroom: A bedroom is a room (see definition above) that is used principally for sleeping.

b. How to record the data
The total number of rooms and the total number of bedrooms is recorded. For dwellings with only one room, "zero" (0) is marked for bedrooms.

c. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 3 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_ROOMS — Rooms in dwelling
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Characteristics of the dwelling

Number of rooms
6. How many rooms does this dwelling have altogether? (Do not include bathrooms, kitchen, corridors, or garages)
Total: _ _

Of this total number of rooms, how many are always used for sleeping, even though they may have other uses during the day?
Total: _ _

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Question 6: Number of rooms
Room: This is a space within the dwelling that is delimited by fixed divisions of any material. You should count as rooms: the living room, the dining room, the bedrooms, the combined living room/dining room, but you should not include in the count: the bathroom, hallway, kitchen, garages, storage room, workshop, etc.

Note the total number of rooms that the dwelling has, and of this total, note the number that are used for sleeping as long as the room does not have another use during the day.

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Number of rooms
[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three
[] 4 Four
[] 5 Five
[] 6 Six and above

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Number of room
By room, it means a residential place which has a roof and walls from the floor to roof. It comprises of bedroom, dining room, study room, children room, drawing/guest room and TV lounge, etc. However, kitchen bath room, toilet, corridor, balcony, garage are not considered as rooms. If some store or closed corridor is being used as a bedroom, then it will be treated as a room. Fill oval relevant to the answer after enquiring about total number of rooms.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in household
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16. Number of rooms for the household _ _

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_ROOMS — Number of rooms per household
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9. Number of rooms in the housing unit _ _

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Get data for questions 2 - 14 only for an occupied dwelling

7. Number of Rooms: ____

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Question 7 Number of rooms:

Write down in the corresponding space the number of rooms that the dwelling to be enumerated has.
Each room or part of the dwelling whose goal is lodging is considered a room including:
living room, dining room, bedrooms, studies, sewing rooms, recreational rooms and rooms for domestic servants even when they are separated from the principal structure of the building.


The rooms should be separated by walls or panels or by any other type of division that practically divides the distinct rooms.
The kitchen, the bathroom, the halls, terraces, "porches" or doorways will not be counted as rooms. Nor will be counted as rooms those that form part of the dwelling but are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service means (shop, study, storehouse for grain or other products, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals etc.).

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Ask questions 3 through 14 only for those dwellings, with inhabitants present, that are classified in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of question number 1, Type of Dwelling.

3. Rooms in this dwelling

How many rooms does the dwelling have? ____
Of these, how many are bedrooms? ____

Is there an area used exclusively for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 3 Rooms in this dwelling

How many rooms does it have? Write down with numbers and in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the enumerated dwelling has. Do not count as a room the kitchen, bathroom, halls, terraces, "porches", doorways and garages. Also do not consider those buildings that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service (store, workshop, depositories of grain and other product, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals, etc.) purposes.
Of these rooms, how many are bedrooms? Write down in the corresponding space, the number of bedrooms that the enumerated dwelling has.
Bedroom is understood to be the room principally meant and used for sleeping.
In the case of dwellings with only one room, "0" bedrooms will be marked.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 3 of the census form.]

Does it have an area exclusively for cooking? Mark the corresponding box if the dwelling has or does not have a space exclusively for cooking.
If the kitchen is found improvised in the living room, balcony, corridor or garage, mark box " no" [] 2.
For the case of hanging shacks, this question does not apply completely. The enumerator will write down "0" for the numbers of rooms and bedrooms and will mark box 2 (NO) on this question for the area exclusively for a kitchen.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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4. How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include kitchen, toilet and bath)

_ _

4a. Of these, how many are used only for sleeping? _ _

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Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Question Number 4: How many rooms does this dwelling have? (Do not include kitchen, toilet and bath)
Write down in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the enumerated dwelling has. Do not count as a room the kitchen, bathroom, halls, terraces, doorways, attics and garages. Also do not consider those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service (store, workshop, depositories of grain and other products, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals, etc.) purposes. Do not include annexes that are rented.

Question Number 4a Of these [rooms] how many are for sleeping?
Write down in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space the amount of bedrooms or sleeping quarters that the enumerated dwelling has. Write down "00" if the dwelling is composed of a single room. Do not count attics as bedrooms.
Bedroom is understood to be the room meant for used exclusively for sleeping.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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5. How many rooms does the dwelling have?
(Do not include the kitchen, toilet and bathroom)

Number of rooms _ _

5a. Of these, how many are only for sleeping?

_ _

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Questions 3 to 15 are only asked at dwellings with occupants present (Circle 1).

Question 5 How many rooms does the dwelling have?

(Do not include the kitchen, toilet or bath)

It is any separated chambers used for means of lodging. The rooms can be separated by fixed walls of any material, which constitutes an effective division between the different chambers.
When this question is asked, clarify to the enumerated person what should be included as rooms or not, what should be considered for a better understanding is detailed below:

[p. 42]

[Below the text are two lists.]


Living room
Dining room
Recreation room
Domestic servant's room
Rooms always ceded or rented and when they are within an enumerated dwelling (more than one home in a dwelling)

Do not include
Attics (that are not used as sleeping rooms)
Annexes that are rented and have an independent entrance
Those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service (shop, workshop, depositories of grain and other products, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals, etc.) reasons.

Finally, write down with two numbers in the corresponding space the total number of rooms that the enumerated dwelling has, putting a zero in front if the amount is less than ten.

Question Number 5a Of these [rooms] how many are for sleeping?

The objective that this question pursues is to quantify the total number of rooms which are in the home and that are used only for sleeping even if they have not been built for this purpose. The information obtained will permit us to know the level of housing of the home.
Write down in Arabic numbers in the corresponding space the amount of rooms exclusive for sleeping that the enumerated dwelling has, even if they have not been built for this purpose. Consider attics, only, if they are used only for sleeping. Write down " 00" if the dwelling does not have any room exclusive for sleeping.
The number of rooms in this question should be less than the total number of rooms mentioned in question 5.

[p. 43]

Example: The person declares to have, in their dwelling, a living room -- dining room and 4 rooms for sleeping. The response will be written down as:

[Below the text is a form.]

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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8. How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include kitchen, laundry and bathrooms)
Number of rooms _ _
8A. Of these, how many are only bedrooms? _ _

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Question No. 8: How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include the kitchen, toilet, or bath.)
Room: It is each of the chambers or spaces used for housing purposes. The rooms must be separated by fixed walls of any material that establishes a practical separation between each of the different chambers.
When you ask this question, clarify to the person that is being enumerated what must be included or not as rooms, next there is a detailed list of what you should consider for a better understanding:
[Below the text there is a table that indicates what should and what should not be included when counting rooms.]
Living room.
Dining room.
Study rooms.
Recreation rooms.
Room for the domestic service.
Rooms that are ceded and rented as long as those are within the enumerated dwelling (more than one household in the dwelling.)
Attics used as sleeping room.
Elevated storage rooms [jorones] that are used as sleeping rooms.

Do not include
Attics (that are not used as sleeping rooms.)
Annexes that are rented and have an independent entrance.
Those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service reasons (shop, workshop, depositories of grain and other products, elevated storage rooms [jorones], stalls for animals, etc.).

Finally, register at the two-digit level, in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the dwelling you are enumerating has, putting before a 0, if the quantity is lower than 10.
[There is a simple image of question 8 from the enumeration form.]

[p. 67]
Question No. 8A: Of these [rooms], how many are only for sleeping?
The objective of this question is to quantify the total number of rooms that the dwelling has and that are used only to sleep, even if they have not been built for this purpose. The information obtained will permit us to know the level of overcrowding of the household.
Overcrowding: Congestion in the same place of a number of people that is considered excessive.
These rooms are generally known as bedrooms.
Register in Arabic numbers, in the corresponding space, the number of rooms exclusive for sleeping that the dwelling being enumerated has, even if they have not been built for this purpose. Consider attics only if those are used exclusively for sleeping. Register "00" if the dwelling does not have any room exclusive for sleeping.
The number of rooms indicated in this question must be lower than the total of rooms mentioned in question 8.
Note: In indigenous areas it is possible to find dwellings without walls and having only one room where all the daily life activities are performed. You must register "01" in question 8 and "00" in question 8a of section II, information on the dwelling, because by definition, those do not have exclusive rooms for sleeping.
[There is a picture showing huts without walls. Below the picture, there is a sample image of questions 8 and 8A from the enumeration form.]
[p. 68]
Example: The respondent declares that, in his/her apartment, there is a living room - dining room and 2 rooms used for sleeping and a room that is used as storage. The answer will be registered in the following way:
[There is a drawing representing the different rooms listed in the example. Below, there is a sample image of questions 8 and 8A from the enumeration form.]

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Urban Census form

Household Facilities

24. Number of rooms in this house

Exclude kitchens, bathrooms, storerooms

Rooms _ _

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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For the household ask the following questions
[Questions 24-28 were asked of all households.]

28. How many rooms are there in this house?

Enter figure for the number of rooms. Excludes kitchen, bathroom or storeroom.

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Housing question
Questions on housing are needed for planning and to develop housing policies for PNG.

Question 28: Number of rooms

28. How many rooms are there in this house? ____

Enter a figure for number of rooms. Exclude kitchen, bathroom and store rooms.

Who to ask: All heads of households

Get this information for: All households.

How to ask: "How many rooms does your house have?"

How to record: Count only main rooms (e.g. living room, family room, dining room, lounge) and rooms used for sleeping.

-Do not count separate kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, hallways, verandahs or storerooms.
-Bedrooms which are used as store rooms are counted as rooms.
-A room does not have to have permanent walls. If matting or cloth is hung to divide up an area so that people cannot see into it, then the parts should be taken as separate rooms.

[Pages 121-123: Examples and exercises are omitted.]
[Pages 124- 157: Chapter 10-11 and Appendix 1-7 containing administrative information and examples are omitted.]

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_ROOMS — Total rooms
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[Questions 3 to 10 were asked of private households]

III. Household information

5. Rooms in the household

How many rooms does this household have? ____

Of these, how many are used for sleeping? ____

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III. Information about the household

The information for this part of the form refers to the "census household", which means, the set of persons who live in the dwelling.

5. Rooms in the household:

* How many rooms does this household occupy? Note with number, the total of rooms used as habitation by the members of the "household".
- Considered as a room is the space enclosed by walls and roof, and in which at least the bed of an adult can fit. This includes the living room, the dining room, and the bedrooms.
- Not considered as room is the Hall, the kitchen, the bathroom, corridor, shed, garage, etc., nor those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial, or service purposes, such as stores, shops, doctor's offices, other offices, etc. Exception: if the kitchen is also used as a dining room, consider it as a room.

* Of these, how many are used for sleeping? Note here the number of rooms that are used specifically as bedrooms and those that, not being bedrooms, are normally arranged and used for sleeping.

* Does the household have rooms designated for cooking and bathing? We want to know if the "household" has a special room available for cooking and another for bathing.
If the household has a kitchen or bathroom and it is used exclusively by the "household", mark the corresponding line, in box 2. If the household does not have them, mark box 3.

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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a) How many rooms does this dwelling have? ____
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Question 4. Rooms in the dwelling

Read each question and write down:

- On the line corresponding to questions a) and b), the number of floors declared by the informant.
- In questions c) and d) make an X in the corresponding box, depending on the case.

[A depiction of questions 4a, b, c, and d, to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Keep in mind the following definition:

"Room:" a space enclosed by walls that are elevated from the floor to the roof and which have an area large enough to fit at least a bed for an adult. An attic that fits this definition and is at least 2 meters high is considered a room.

[P. 26]

The bathroom, the kitchen, and the rooms that are utilized exclusively for commercial, industrial, or service purposes, such as storehouses, stores, consulting offices [i.e. for a doctor, other professional], offices, hallways, etc. are not included in the number of rooms. If the kitchen is also used as a dining room, it is included as a room.

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_ROOMS — Total rooms
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Section III. Household information

[Question 14 through 24 were asked of occupied households with present members]

15. How many rooms does this household have? (Don't include the kitchen or bathroom)

_ _ Number of rooms

16. How many rooms are used for sleeping?

_ _ Rooms used for sleeping

17. Is there a room for cooking?

[] 1 Yes, has
[] 6 No, doesn't have

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[Question 15 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 15: How many rooms are there in this household?

15. How many households are there in this household?
(Do not count the kitchen nor bathroom)
Number of rooms [3]

This refers to the number of rooms that a household has, without taking into account the rooms of the bathroom, nor the kitchen. Room is a space that is closed off by four walls and a roof.

[Question 16 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 16: How many rooms are used for sleeping?

16. How many rooms are used for sleeping?
Number of rooms for sleeping [2]

In this case, you should take into account all of the rooms that are habitually used for sleeping. This also includes the living room, dining room, the garage or any other room that is habitually used for sleeping.

[Question 17 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 17: Is there a room for cooking?

We want to know if the household has a room that is exclusively designated for preparing foods.

17. How many rooms for cooking?

[] 1 Yes, they have one
[] 2 No, they do not have one

[page] 21

If the room used for cooking is shared with another household, you should mark the option "Yes, they have one".

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Chapter C. Household information

15. How many rooms are for the exclusive use of this household?

(Do not include kitchen, bath, or rooms used exclusively for business.)

____ Number of rooms
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C. Information about the household

Question 15: How many rooms are for the exclusive use of this household?

Room: this a space that is generally closed by four walls and a roof. For example: bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen-dining room, study, etc.)

If the dwelling has one single room, where they also cook, it will be considered as one room. If the kitchen is designated only for cooking it should not be counted as a room.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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8. Not counting the bathroom, kitchen, or hallways, how many total rooms are there in the dwelling?
Write the answer in the box: ____

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Question No. 8: Without counting the bathroom, kitchen or passageway, how many rooms are there in the dwelling in total?
Read the question. Wait for an answer. Record the response using digits in the corresponding box.
[There is a picture of question 8 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Take into account the following definition:
Room: Is a space located in a dwelling, enclosed by walls that go from the floor to the ceiling and that provide, at least, enough surface area to fit an adult-sized bed.
Therefore, bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, living-dining rooms, studies, servants' quarters, rooms used for professional or commercial purposes, etc. are rooms, as long as they conform to the aforementioned criteria.
The attic, if it conforms to this definition and is at least two meters tall, is considered a room.
If the dwelling has only one room that is used as a kitchen, dining room and bedroom at the same time, write the number 1 in the box.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_ROOMS — How many rooms does the dwelling have
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8. How many rooms does the dwelling have in total, excluding the bathroom, kitchen, and garage?
Number of rooms _ _

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Fill out the second section, "Dwelling Characteristics and Services," for the main dwelling only.

Question 8: How many rooms does the dwelling have in total, excluding the bathroom, kitchen and garage?
If there is more than one household in the dwelling, the information about the total number of rooms in the dwelling should come from the respondent from the principal household.

  • If the rooms are separated by curtains, fabric, plastic, cardboard, etc. they should not be counted separately. For example, if Jose has a single room whose sides are separated by curtains, you would write the number "1."

[p. 34]
Room. This is the space located in a dwelling, bounded by walls which generally go from the floor to the ceiling, and which has a surface area large enough to fit an adult-size bed.
The following are considered rooms: bedrooms, dining rooms, dining room/living room/kitchen combinations, studies, maids' rooms or utility rooms [cuarto de servicio], rooms used for professional purposes, and rooms used or intended for commercial purposes such as lodging.
The following are not considered rooms: hallways, entryways or sitting areas [sala de estar], laundries, kitchen/eating areas [cocina/comedor], and garages which are used as garages.
[The concept of room is shown using a floor plan as an example, which indicates the areas that are considered rooms or not.]

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_ROOMS — Rooms in the dwelling
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Section II. Characteristics and services of the housing unit (continued)

12. How many rooms in total does the housing unit have excluding the bathroom, kitchen, corridors and garage?

Total rooms _ _
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5. Chapter 5: Specific instructions to fill out Section II: Characteristics and services of the housing unit
If there is more than one household in the housing unit, please fill in Section II, "Characteristics and services of the housing unit" for the main household only.

Question 12: How many rooms in total does the housing unit have excluding the bathroom, kitchen, corridors and garage?

If there is more than one household in the housing unit, the respondent of the main household will answer for the total number of rooms or chambers in the entire housing unit.


- If rooms are separated by curtains, fabrics, plastics, cardboard, or others, they should not be counted as such. Example: Mr. José has only one room having the areas separated by curtains. In this case, please write down number 1.

- If rooms are separated by floor-to-ceiling timbers or mats, they will be considered rooms.
Room: It is the space located in a housing unit, enclosed by walls that are generally elevated from the floor to the ceiling and has at least one surface area to accommodate the bed of one adult person. Therefore:

- Rooms are bedrooms, dining room, living-dining room-kitchen, study room, maid's room, sewing room, rooms used for professional or commercial purposes and used or intended to be used for the accommodation of people.

- The following are not considered rooms or chambers: hallways, lobbies or lounges, bathroom, laundry room, kitchen-dining room and garage used as such.
[p. 42]
Example: In this chart, there are five (5) rooms: one (1) dining room, one (1) library, two (2) bedrooms and one (1) cellar.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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2. Number of rooms

(a) Living rooms ____
(b) Kitchens with window, with floor space of 4 square meters or more ____
(c) Other rooms (e.g. not occupied rooms, seasonally used rooms, rooms for storing household facilities, etc.) Do not include pantry chambers of rural type and dilapidated rooms. ____
Total number of rooms (a + b + c) ____
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20 Number of rooms (Question II) [p. 35]
1. A room shall be understood as:a part of the dwelling which is additionally separated from other rooms with walls, having direct lighting, and characterized by the useful floor space no smaller than 4 meters squared.
Direct lighting shall be understood as a window or glazed doors located on the outer side of the building and therefore granting the view of the yard, street, garden, porch, etc.
If there is no direct lighting in the habitable space then, even if it has an internal window (skylight) connected with other rooms or the hall, such a space shall not be considered a room.
2. All the rooms in the dwelling must be registered, so both those occupied, partially used, and unoccupied ones. What is more, rooms used only for vocation-related purposes (consulting rooms, shoemaker's workshops, tailoring rooms) must be included in this category as well, if only they are located within the dwelling. However, if a given room, which is used strictly for the vocation-related purposes has a separate entrance from the hall, yard, or other freely accessible part of the room, then it shall not be considered a separate room, even it is a part of the dwelling. Such a space shall also not be included while calculating total floor space of the dwelling (see 19, point 4).
3. Habitable spaces shall be divided in the following manner:

a) Rooms,
b) Kitchens,
c) Other rooms.

Such spaces as multifunctional rooms (serving education, relaxation, food consumption, and rest-related purposes), bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, kids' rooms, as well as all the rooms used for vocational purposes (offices, workshops) and those utilized as accommodation for visitors and patients shall be indicated in point a.
In point b, kitchens with windows of the overall floor space of 4 m2 or more shall be indicated that is kitchens that may be qualified as typical rooms.
Kitchens without windows shall not fall into this category, even if their total floor space exceed 4 m2 , as well as kitchens with windows, the floor space of which is lower than 4 m2. The said spaces shall be indicated in point c.
One-room dwellings which also serve the role of kitchens should be classified in accordance with the opinion of the lodger. If the latter has some difficulties with classifying such a room, then it should be assumed that a habitable space equipped with a coal or gas-powered furnace (connected to the bottle or the network) shall be considered a kitchen and a space in which a small electric oven or moveable cooker is stored shall be classified as a room.
Point c other rooms has been implemented with other (furnished) habitable spaces that are not currently used for occupational purposes in mind. Such a specification concerns especially:

- rooms utilized to store various kitchen utensils, clothing, furniture, food products, etc.
- rooms that are used seasonally only, for example during summer,
- empty rooms that may be but are not taken advantage of,
- partially devastated and not renovated rooms which can be easily restored to their initial condition (for example: replacement of windows or installation of doors is required),
- rooms not equipped with a furnace and therefore not utilized during winter.

The latter are characteristic for rural areas but such cases may be encountered in towns and cities as well. If the lodgers not consider them to be proper rooms, then they should not be indicated while filling in the main form.
Rooms that are so devastated that they cannot be used anymore shall not be indicated (as well as their floor space shall not be calculated see: question 19, point 4).
Rooms that are taken advantage of to store food products shall not be mistaken with typical pantries which are built with storage of large quantities of food in mind and are larger, as well as have bigger windows. Typical pantries are not rooms and shall not be indicated in the form. Nevertheless, they shall be included while calculating the total useful floor space.
4. Such spaces as halls, bathrooms, toilets, verandas, porches, typical pantries, sheds and chambers are not rooms regardless of their floor space and type of lighting.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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Characteristics of the dwelling

2. Number of rooms (with window and not smaller than 4 meters squared) ____

Write in a total number of rooms e.g. bedrooms, studies, rented rooms, empty rooms etc.)
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Characteristics of the Dwelling

14. Number of rooms, kitchens and total number of chambers (questions 2-4) [p.17]
While gathering information for questions 2-4, a following definition of a room should be used.
A room is a space, which is separate from other spaces in the dwelling by stable walls, constructed on the whole length between floor and ceiling, with direct lighting, of measurements not lower than 4 cubic meters.

The direct lighting is considered as a window (or glass doors), which are located on an external wall, that is creating an entrance to yard, street, garden, vestibule etc.

If a room in a dwelling hasn't got a window with direct sun lighting, then even in the case of having a small window (skylight) which creates between the spaces and another room or vestibule and even if it has measurements of more than 4 cubic meters -- it cannot be considered as room.

Rooms are considered both as living spaces and kitchens, which fulfills these requirements. Vestibules, halls, bathrooms, toilets, pantries, enclosed porches and passages, storages, compartments and agricultural chambers -- regardless of their measurements and the way of lighting -- cannot be treated as rooms.

Number of rooms

Total number of rooms should include all living spaces fulfilling the room definition's requirements, which are located in a constructional building, even if some of them are not used for occupational purposes.

Number of rooms should include:

- Rooms which are used by inhabitants of a given dwelling for occupational purposes during the whole year period or temporarily.
- Rooms designed to be rent for holidaymakers, tourists and bathers, excluding rooms in a dwelling registered as a pension.
- Rooms, which are used only for professional purposes (for example as tailoring workshop, doctor's consulting room), if they haven't got any additional entrance from the street or generally accessible hall.
- Rooms, which are used for agricultural purposes currently, for example to store old equipment, furniture, vegetables.
- Empty, not furnished rooms, for example in a newly built dwelling (but these rooms must be already finished).

Number of rooms shouldn't include

- Rooms used only for professional purposes, which have separate entrance from the street, yard or generally accessible hall.
- Rooms, which are significantly damaged, which cannot be used for occupational purposes and are not occupied.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_ROOMS — Number of rooms (pokoi) in the dwelling
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4. Number of rooms in this dwelling?
a) Total (do not include kitchen, hall, bathroom, toilet, veranda, pantry etc.): ____
b) Of which rooms are used exclusively for conducting economic activity (for example: office, study room, workshop, etc.) ____
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Question 4. Number of rooms in this dwelling? [p. 54]

1.In question 4a indicate all the rooms (according the definition of the room) in the dwelling, even if some of them are currently being used for purposes other than housing ones, e.g. for economic activity, storage or they are just empty.

Among the enumerated rooms, indicate a multi-functional room (a combination of the kitchen and living room), irrespective of the fact that the existence of such kitchen arrangement has been marked in that dwelling.

2. Rooms used exclusively for conducting economic activity -- question 4b -- are: seats of companies, offices, law firms, surgeries, studios, workshops, establishments etc. The entrance to these rooms is situated in the same ante-room as the entrances to the other rooms.
Please Notice: Rooms (and other spaces) used for conducting economic activity, which have a separate entrance from the street, yard or a common corridor, should not be treated as an integral part of the dwelling, even if they are connected with the living part. Do not count them in the number of the rooms in the dwelling and do not count their space in the useful floor space of dwelling.

Poland 2011 — source variable ROOMS — Number of rooms

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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[Questions 1-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter, except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type" -- that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, per questions A, B]

If your dwelling is a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, end this questionnaire. [skip questions 7-13]

[Questions 7-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter (except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type"), that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, and is not a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, per questions A, B.]

8. Rooms: Indicate the number of rooms in the dwelling _ _

The following should not be considered as rooms: kitchen (even when used for other purposes as well), corridors, halls, bathrooms, verandas, store, room, or any other room exclusively used for a professional activity.

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[Questions 7-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter (except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type"), that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, and is not a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, per questions A, B]

Question 8 - Number of rooms in the dwelling:

As for a room we understand the space in a dwelling, delimited by walls, having at least 4 square meters and with 2 meters of height on the majority of the space.

Even though they can satisfy to the definition above, the following are not counted as rooms:

- The kitchen;
- Corridors, balconies;
- Bathrooms, dispensary, halls.

The rooms that are exclusively used for an economic activity should not be counted as rooms in this question.

A room that is used in some way for an economic activity but is also used as a family room should be counted as a room.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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[Questions 7-18 were asked of private dwellings only]

[Questions 8-18 were asked of usual-residence dwellings only]

If your dwelling is a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, end this questionnaire.
[Questions 13-18 were asked of convention dwellings only]

14. Number of rooms in the dwelling _ _
Not including kitchen, corridors, halls, bathrooms, verandas, store rooms, or any other room exclusively used for a professional activity.

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Attention: The next questions should only be answered by conventional family dwellings occupied as usual residence. If they are not of a conventional type the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.
[Questions 13-18 apply only to conventional dwellings]

Question 14: Number of rooms in the dwelling:

By room we understand the space in a dwelling, delimited by walls, having at least 4 square meters and with 2 meters of height on the majority of the space.

Even though they satisfy the previous definition, the following are not counted as rooms:

-- The kitchen;
-- Corridors, balconies;
-- Bathrooms, dispensary, halls;
-- Spaces exclusively destined to economic activities.

The rooms that are exclusively used for an economic activity must not be counted as rooms in this question.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions 4-18 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 11-18 were asked of persons living in a conventional dwelling as the place of their usual residence, according to questions 2, 3]

12. Number of rooms in the dwelling: _ _

Not including kitchen, corridors, halls, bathrooms, verandahs, store room, etc.

Question 12 - Number of rooms in the dwelling:

Room means the space in a dwelling, limited by walls, which, for the most part, has an area of at least 4 m2 and a ceiling height of 2 m. Included in the definition of room are bedrooms, dining room and living room, habitable attic and basement rooms, etc.

You should Not consider the following as rooms: kitchen (even if used for other purposes), bathroom, pantry, storage room, balcony (even if enclosed by any type of structure), conservatory, hall and corridors. Rooms that are used exclusively for an economic activity should not be counted. For example: in a dwelling consisting of five rooms in which a doctor's surgery occupies two rooms, only three rooms should be counted.

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Question 12 - Number of rooms in the dwelling

By room we understand the space in a dwelling, delimited by walls, having at least 4 square meters and with 2 meters of height on the majority of the space.
Even knowing that they can correspond to the definition the following are not counted as rooms:

The kitchen;
Corridors, balconies;
Bathrooms, dispensary, halls;
Spaces exclusively destined to economical activities.

The rooms that are simultaneously used for an economic activity but not exclusively are counted as rooms in this question.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Dwelling questionnaire

10. Indicate the number of rooms of the dwelling

Do not include the kitchen, bathrooms, corridors, pantries, marquees, balconies with less than 4 m2 and rooms dedicated exclusively to an economic activity.

Number of rooms _ _

If your dwelling is improvised, a shack or a mobile housing unit (a motor caravan, for example), you have finished completing this questionnaire.

If this is not your case, proceed to Question 11.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Filling out the Single Dwelling questionnaire

Question 10 - Indicate the number of rooms of the dwelling
[There is an image of box for question 10]
[p. 95]
Keep in mind that a room is a space, within a dwelling, bounded by walls, with an area of at least 4sq. m and a height of 2m, for the most part. The following are considered within the definition of room, the bedrooms, the dining rooms and living rooms, rooms in a basement or inhabited cellars, etc.
Although the following might comply with the definition of a room they are not considered as such:

The kitchen;
Hallways, porches, balconies;
Bathrooms, pantries, or entranceways;
Spaces designated exclusively for commercial activities.

Rooms designated for the sole purpose of commercial activities should not be counted as such (for example: in a dwelling with 5 rooms, 2 are used for a doctor's office or office, you should only count 3 rooms).
Mixed rooms, or rather, rooms used for another activity, but also used for living purposes must be counted as rooms in the dwelling (for example: a living room that is used simultaneously as a workspace for a seamstress).
External rooms, attached to or separate from the dwelling and intended to be integral parts of the dwelling, must always be considered as long as they are used for living purposes by the household, for example like a room.
If the dwelling is non-conventional (barracks, mobile, improvised or other): Stop filling out the dwelling questionnaire here!

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H4. How many rooms do you have in your living quarters?
(Count bedrooms, kitchen, living room, etc. but not the bathroom.)
[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 rooms or more

[For a vacant unit, also fill D, E, A, H2 to H7, and H9 to H11]

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H6. How many rooms do you have in your living quarters?

Count living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms, but do not count bathrooms, balconies, foyers, or halts.
[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 or more rooms

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H3. How many rooms do you have in this house or apartment?

Count living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms, but do not count bathrooms, balconies, foyers, halls, or halls.
[] 1 1 room
[] 2 2 rooms
[] 3 3 rooms
[] 4 4 rooms
[] 5 5 rooms
[] 6 6 rooms
[] 7 7 rooms
[] 8 8 rooms
[] 9 9 or more rooms

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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37. How many rooms do you have in this house, apartment, or mobile home? Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.
[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 or more rooms

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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7. How many rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home?
Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.
[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 or more rooms

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7. Count only whole rooms in your house, apartment, or mobile home used for living purposes, such as living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, finished recreation rooms, family rooms, etc. DO NOT count bathrooms, kitchenettes, strip or pullman kitchens, utility rooms, foyers, halls, half-rooms, porches, balconies, unfinished attics, unfinished basements, or other unfinished space used for storage.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions 7 - 14 were asked of all households.]

7. a) How many separate rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home?

Rooms must be separated by built-in archways or walls that extend out at least 6 inches and go from floor to ceiling.

Include bedrooms, kitchens, etc.
Exclude bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or unfinished basements.

Number of rooms ____
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

7b. Include all rooms intended to be used as bedrooms in this house, apartment, or mobile home, even if they are currently being used for other purposes.

Print "0" for an efficiency or studio apartment that does not have a separate bedroom. Your response to this question (7b) should be smaller than the number of rooms reported in question 7a.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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A Answer questions 4 - 6 if this is a house or a mobile home; otherwise, skip to question 7a.

a. How many separate rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home?

Rooms must be separated by built-in archways or walls that extend out at least 6 inches and go from to ceiling.
- Include bedrooms, kitchens, etc
- Exclude bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or unfinished basements,
Number of rooms _ _

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

A. Answer questions 4-5 if this is a house or a mobile home; otherwise, skip to question 6a.

6b. How many of these rooms are bedrooms?

Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print "0".

Number of bedrooms _ _
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Housing questions 4-17

H6.a. Rooms must be separated by built-in archways or walls that extend out at least 6 inches and go from floor to ceiling. Include bedrooms, kitchens, etc. Exclude bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or unfinished basements.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_ROOMS — Number of living rooms
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16. Rooms
Number _ _
Floor space (sq. m. without decimals) ____

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39. Living rooms (item 16)

This item will be recorded for the permanent living rooms, for seasonal/secondary as well as for the spaces situated in the marginal housing units.

If the dwelling has more than 9 rooms, on the last row (code 70) from the table, in the free box from column "number of rooms", it will be written the number of rooms exceeding 9 rooms and in the neighboring box -- their surface (for example, for a dwelling with 12 rooms, on this row will be written the number 3 for "number of rooms" and the number 28 for "surface in sq.m., without decimals", being the total surface of those rooms).

The living room is defined as a living space in a dwelling having a surface of at least 4 square meters (of a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult), having at least 180 meters high over the majority of the surface, receiving the day light either directly through the windows and/or the outside doors, or indirectly from verandahs, through the windows and/or the doors from the other rooms using the glass partition.

The purpose of the living rooms is established in relation with the intended designation by construction of these buildings, taking, anyway, into consideration the main use given to the respective room, by the members of the household, at the census moment.

The living rooms are considered: bedrooms (dormitories), dining rooms, (living rooms), guest rooms (visitors), studies (libraries), the servant's rooms - for housekeeping staff, as well as the lobbies, so long as they are fulfilling the criteria concerning the floor space, height and light necessary for a room for living.

Also considered are living rooms, the spaces of the dwellings designated by construction to be housing units for habitation, but which, at the census moment were used for professional purposes by the households, as well as the habitable rooms offered to the national tourism units, on the contract bases signed by the holder of the dwelling.

[p. 28]

The space with double use (as a kitchen and living room) in a dwelling formed by multiple spaces is considered either a habitable room, or kitchen according to the intended designation, not as it is actually used.

The space designated for living, provided with a niche used for cooking is considered a habitable room. The space used both as a bedroom, as well as to prepare the meal, in a single room dwelling, is considered a habitable room.

It must emphasize that those rooms from some dwellings occupied by owner or tenant, which are used by state institutions or co-operative ones (police station, co-operative bureau etc.) are not considered rooms and will not be recorded in LP form.

Will be not considered as living rooms the accessories and facilities of the dwelling, as defined at paragraph 40 (kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, verandahs, vestibules, the passageways, glass porches, parlors, tindas, non-habitable lobbies, the corridors, passages, offices, food storage larders, lumber box-rooms, lodges, boxes, etc.) even if these are inhabited.

The living floor space is filled by the enumerator, after checking, based on the records existing on the Lm form -- "Data regarding the dwelling"- that was made according to the existing papers (rent contracts, sketches, plans etc.) or through direct measurements, by following the provisions from paragraph 5 in the present handbook. In the process of establishing the living floor space through direct measurements, as well as at the checking of the surfaces extracted from Lm forms or from other documents, the following will be taken into consideration:

a) the living floor space is calculated based on the interior dimensions of the room, measured at ground level,
b) the living floor space is calculated in square meters, using one decimal, but in the form it will be recorded by applying rounding rules, without decimals (if the first decimal is smaller than 5, it will be neglected and if is 5 or more, it will be round with one unit in plus).

In order to ease the calculus, for establishing and verifying rooms' surfaces that are square or rectangular, it will be used a helping table from the training material, in which the living floor space calculated with one decimal is written in the census form, by rounding rules.

On the "total" row, the number will be written and total surface of living rooms from the dwelling. For marginal housing units (the codes 3, 4 or 5 at item 7, Chapter II), the data regarding the number and surface of rooms used for sleep will be written only on this row ("total").

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_ROOMS — Rooms in dwelling, excluding kitchen
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Chap. II Data on housing unit
To be completed by the first household in the dwelling only

11 Rooms occupied

(Bedroom, dining, room, sitting room, study (library), service room, living room)

_ _ Number
_ _ _ Floor area
(Sq. meters without decimals)

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Q. 11 Rooms occupied

This item will be recorded for permanent living rooms, for seasonal/secondary rooms as well as for spaces situated in marginal housing units.

A living room is defined as a living space in a dwelling having at least 4 square meters of floor space (a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult), at least 2 meters high over most of the floor space, receiving daylight either directly through windows and/or outside doors, or indirectly from verandahs, through windows and/or doors from other rooms through a glass partition.

The purpose of a living room is based on the design not the original construction of the building as well as the main use given the respective room by members of the household at the census reference point.

Rooms considered to be living rooms include: bedrooms (dormitories), dining rooms, living rooms/parlors, guest rooms, studies. libraries, servants' rooms for housekeeping staff, as well as lobbies, so long as they meet the criteria concerning floor space, height and light, necessary to be considered a room for living, and are used for habitation, not only as a passageway space.

Also considered living rooms are the spaces of dwellings designated by construction to be housing units for habitation but which, at the census reference point, were used for professional purposes by the households, as well as habitable rooms offered to institutions, firms, commercial companies, tourism units, on a lease basis with a contract signed by the holder of the dwelling.

A multi-use space, such as a kitchen and living room, in a dwelling formed of multiple spaces is considered either a habitable room or a kitchen according to the intended designation, not as it is actually used.

A space designated for living, provided with a niche used for cooking is considered a habitable room.

A space used both as a bedroom as well as to prepare meals, in a single-room dwelling is considered a habitable room.

It must be emphasized that those rooms occupied by owners or tenants which are used by state institutions or co-operative units (police station, co-operative bureau etc.) are not considered habitable rooms and will not be recorded on the PL form.

At this point, the number of living rooms as well as the total living area floor space of the dwelling's rooms will be recorded.

Living area floor space is calculated based on the interior dimensions of rooms measured at ground level. Living area floor space is registered on the form using square meters as a measuring unit, without decimals, by applying rounding rules (if the first decimal is smaller than 5, it will be ignored and if 5 or more, it will be round up to the next whole one unit).

If rooms are square or rectangular, calculation and verifying living area floor space will be facilitated by using the helping table from the training material (SC form), in which the living area floor space for various size rooms is calculated and rounded based on their dimensions.

Not considered as living rooms are the accessories and facilities of the dwelling (kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, verandahs, vestibules, passageways, glass porches, parlors, "tindas", non-habitable lobbies, corridors, offices, food storage larders, lumber box-rooms, lodges, boxes, etc.) even if these are inhabited.

To identify spaces not considered as habitable rooms, taken the following into consideration:

A verandah is a space without windows, built at the ground floor of the building, along the wall from the entrance of the dwelling;

A vestibule (entry, glass porch) is a passage or hall between the outer door and the other spaces inside of the building, or from the staircase, corridor, yard or street and other rooms of the house). Usually it is a space with only indirect light and has a reduced size, with room only for a clothes rack.

A Tinda is a typical Romanian rural entrance, the first hall of a peasant's house, used as a passage between two living areas, sometimes serving either as a kitchen or a dining room; if the dwelling does not have a kitchen, the tinda will be recorded as kitchen; occasionally, a tinda is used as a bedroom.

An uninhabitable hall is a space designed to connect the vestibule at the entrance with the other rooms of the dwelling and does not meet the required dimensions of living area floor space, height and light of a regular living room.

A corridor is a long, narrow space designed as a passage connecting several living rooms or accessory facilities but could also be a space connecting with the outdoors.

An office is a space inside the dwelling, between the kitchen or the bathroom and the habitable rooms, which serves as an intermediary passage between the rooms.

The larder for food storage is an indoor or outdoor space designed to preserve food needed by the household members.

A lumber box-room is a small closed space inside the dwelling, without direct light or air, used for storage of various household things.

A Logia is a space built-up in the framework of the building, either covered or open-foofed, on an external side of the house which is sometime covered by an arch or a series of arches supported by the columns.

A covered terrace is an open platform located at the level of an apartment or situated on the house's roof.

A box is a small space, usually located in the building's basement, where housekeeping tools, food, fuel etc. are commonly kept.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_ROOMS — Number of occupied rooms in dwelling
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6. Occupied rooms
_ _ 6.1 Number
_ _ _ 6.2 Floor space (in sq. meters without decimal)

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Living rooms (item 6)

27. This item will be recorded for the permanent living rooms, for seasonal/secondary as well as for the spaces situated in the marginal housing units.

In the form, at this item, the number

[p. 23]

of living rooms, as well as their surface (area) -- which is considered as the living dwelling's space will be recorded.

The living room is defined as a living space in a dwelling, having as surface at least 4 square meters (of a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult), at least 2 meters high, receiving the day light either directly through the windows and/or the outside doors, or indirectly from verandahs, through the windows and/or the doors from the other rooms using the glass partition.

The purpose of the living rooms is established in relation with the intended designation by construction of these buildings, taking, any way, into consideration the main use given to the respective room, by the members of the household, at the census moment.

The living rooms are considered:

-- the bedrooms (dormitories), the dining rooms, (living rooms), the guest rooms (visitors), studies (libraries), the attics, the habitable cellars, (the servant's rooms - for housekeeping staff), as well as the lobbies, so long as they are fulfilling the criteria concerning the floor space, height and light, necessary for a living room, and are used as habitation, not only as a passageway space.
-- the spaces of the dwellings designated by construction to be housing units for habitation, but which, at the census moment were used for professional purposes by the households, as well as the habitable rooms offered to the institutions, firms, commercial companies, tourism units, on the contract bases signed by the holder of the dwelling.
Will be not considered as living rooms:
-- the kitchens when the surface size is more than 4 sq. meters;
-- the corridors, verandahs, spaces for accessories (laundry, drying rooms) and the lobbies;
-- the bathrooms and toilet rooms, even though their area size is larger than 4 sq. m.;
-- the accessories and facilities of the dwelling (kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, verandahs, vestibules, the passageways, glass porches, parlors, tindas, non-habitable lobbies -- not fulfilling the requirements regarding the size area, the height and light of a regular habitable dwelling, the corridors, passages, offices, food storage larders, lumber box-rooms, lodges, boxes, etc.) even if these are inhabited.

In order to identify the spaces not considered as habitable rooms, the following things have to be taken into consideration:

-- Verandah is the windows closed space, build at the ground floor of the building in its area, along the wall from the entrance of the dwelling;
-- Vestibule (entry, glass porches) is a passage or hall between the outer door and the other spaces inside of the building (from stairs case, corridor, yard or the street and other rooms of the house). Usually is a space with indirect light and has a reduced size, where only rack-clothes can stay;
-- Tinda is typical Romanian rural entrance --first hall of a peasant's house- used as passage between two living rooms, sometime serving as a kitchen and dining room (if the dwelling does not have a kitchen, the tinda will be recorded as kitchen), and - very seldom- as a bedroom;
-- Uninhabitable hall is a space designated to connect the vestibule from the entrance with the other rooms of the dwelling, not fulfilling the requirements for size of the surface, height and light for a regular living room;
-- The corridor (passage), is a long and narrow space designed as a passage between several rooms (for living, accessories) and could be used as a space for the outdoor connection;
-- The office is a space inside the dwelling, between the kitchen or the bathroom and the habitable rooms, serving as a intermediary passage between the rooms;
-- The larder for food storage is a space inside or outdoor space, designated to preserve food needed by the household's members;
-- Lumber Box-Room small closed space, inside the dwelling, without direct light or air, used for storage of the various housing things;
-- Logia is a space built on external side of the house, open or covered (sometime by an arch or a series of arches supported by the columns);

[p.24 ]

-- Covered terrace, is a platform for passing, opened to the outside, located at the level of an apartment or situated on the house's roof;
-- The box is a small space, located usually on the building's basement, where usually are kept housekeeping tools, food, fuel, etc.
Particular situations:
-- the space with double use (as a kitchen and living room) in a dwelling formed by multiple spaces is considered either habitable room, or kitchen according to the intended designation, not as it is actually used;
-- the space used both as a bedroom, as well as to prepare the meal, in a single room dwelling, is considered as habitable room (example the III-rd comfort category apartments);
-- space designated for living, provided with a niche used for cooking is considered a habitable room.

The surface of the floor space of a living room is established on the basis of the indoor size of the spaces, measured at the floor level.

The surface of living rooms, of the enumerated dwellings will be established on the document basis, available to the population (buying contract, renting contract, public distribution of the dwelling, etc.), or by the measurements done by the persons living in the house, with or without the help of the enumerators.

This surface will be recorded for the living rooms of the permanent dwellings (the main) and seasonal (secondary), as well as for the spaces used as bedroom situated on the marginal housing units.

The way of recording:

-- The number of the living rooms will be recorded in Arabic figures (for example 01, 05,11) in the cassette designated to this aim;
-- In the form, the surface of the area will be registered in sq. meters without decimal fractions, rounded off to the nearest whole number if necessary.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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9. Residential rooms

9.1 Number of Rooms_ _

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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For private households
[Questions H1 - H11]

H2. Number of rooms _ _

How many rooms does the dwelling unit have?

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H06. _ _ Number of rooms used as living quarters
N.B. Rooms to be excluded from the counting are: hall/passage, bathroom, shower room, toilets, storage room, and any other room used for trade or business.

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Question H06: Number of rooms composing the dwelling unit

The question is clear enough. One will limit oneself to rooms really inhabited, or inhabitable, while ignoring those used for other purposes (kitchen, storage room, toilets, entry, and so forth).

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section H: Housing Units Characteristics

7. How many rooms do the housing units have, including bathroom, toilet, kitchen, store rooms?

Number of rooms _ _
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Section H: Housing units characteristics
5.3.5. How to complete Section H: Habitat [H01 to H35]
Questions on habitat are also asked to the household head or his representative.

H07: Number of rooms
How many rooms do the housing units have, including bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, storerooms?
Record the number of rooms available in household in appropriate boxes.

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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42. Number of rooms
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7+
[] Not stated

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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1.15 How many rooms does your household occupy?
Do not count bathrooms, porches, kitchens, etc.

Rooms _ _

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_ROOMS — Number of Rooms
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H1. Number of rooms the household lives in______
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H) Number of inhabited rooms
You must record the number of rooms of dwelling usage occupied by the households: bedrooms, living rooms and eating rooms.

The kitchens, bathrooms and toilets shall not be counted.

In the case of rooms occupied by several households together, you must attribute them to one of them.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_E02 — Number of living rooms
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E02. Number of living rooms_____
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E02. Number of living rooms

You must record the number of living rooms which are effectively occupied by the household, in particular: the bedrooms, the living rooms, the dining rooms, and the other rooms which are inhabited. This is not necessarily the total number of rooms in the house which are called "room", but rather the number of rooms used for sleeping in a regular way.

For instance, the kitchens, the storage rooms, the bathrooms, and the toilets are not taken into account.

In the case of rooms occupied by several households in common, you must attribute them to one of the households. For instance, for a living room shared by two households.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_ROOMS — Number of rooms for habitation
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E- Characteristics of the home environment

E02. Number of rooms for residential purposes _ _

Enter the number of rooms for residential purposes
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4.5 Part E: characteristics of the dwelling

E02: number of rooms for residential use
You must enter the number of rooms for residential use: those that are actually occupied by the household including bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, and unoccupied rooms. The rooms rented and inhabited by one or more household members are also taken into account.
For example, kitchens, bathrooms, and toilets are not taken into account; unless they are used for sleep (as in the case of a servant who spends the night in the kitchen of the house where she works).
In the case of room occupied in common by several households, they must be assigned to one of them. For example, a living room for two households.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H02. How many rooms does the household occupy? _ _
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Section 2 - Housing facilities

H02 - Number of rooms occupied
165. This does not include the kitchen, for example. It includes sleeping rooms and the sitting room parlour).

Section 2: Housing facilities

H02 How many rooms does the household occupy?


Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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[Questions H01, H06, and H07 were asked of all people. The rest of the questions in section III were recorded only for respondent's whose indicated type of residence was occupied housing units in question I15]

H04. How many rooms does the household occupy? _ _

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Section 3: Housing facilities

186. Columns H01 to H19 relate to specific questions concerning the household. They are questions that relate to the household as a whole and not to individual members.

H04 -- Number of rooms occupied
188. This includes sleeping rooms and the sitting rooms (parlour). It does not include kitchens, stores, etc.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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12. Number of rooms in the dwelling: _ _
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12 Number of rooms in the dwelling:

A room is a space intended for living and separated from other residential area with walls. It has direct daylight and at least 6 m2 of floor space.

An architecturally separate room that the household used throughout the year as part of the dwelling is also taken into account in the number of rooms.

Rooms smaller than 6 square meters are not taken into account in the total number of rooms, even though their floor space is counted in the total floor space of the dwelling.

If there are no rooms with at least 6 m2 of floor space, the enumerator must enter 0 into appropriate fields.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section B:

Please answer questions related to this household

This dwelling is the place (house, flat etc.) In which this household spent census night

1.5. _ How many rooms including kitchens are there for this household? (excluding toilets and bathrooms) For homeless write "0".

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H-24. Rooms
_ _ How many rooms, including kitchens, are there for this household? Count all rooms in all dwellings. Exclude bathrooms, sheds, garages, stables, etc. unless persons are living in them. For example, if 4 rooms [0] [4].

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Question H-24 -- Rooms

This question has two parts, H-24 and H-24a. Only those who answer '1 room' to H-24 will answer 24a.

"How many rooms, including kitchens, are there for this household?"

Count all rooms (in all dwellings, if applicable). Exclude bathrooms, sheds, garages, stables, etc. unless there are people living in these rooms, but include all rooms occupied by household members.

Write the answer in the box, e.g. if 4 rooms, write "04". If three families share a four-roomed house, meaning they occupy one room each and share the kitchen, write "02". (Notice that the question does not ask how many rooms there are in the dwelling unit, but how many rooms the household uses.)

Note that the skip is only stated in the instruction for the next question.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H-02 Rooms
How many rooms, including kitchens, are there for this household?
Count all rooms in all dwellings.
Exclude bathrooms, sheds, garages, stables, etc. unless persons are living in them.
_ _

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(H-02) Rooms: How many rooms, including kitchens, are there for this household?
Count all rooms in all dwellings occupied by this household. Exclude bathrooms, sheds, garages, stables, etc., unless persons are living in them.


Write the correct number of rooms in the box, for example, if there are 4 rooms, write 04. If three families share a four-roomed house meaning that they occupy one room each and share the kitchen, write 02. Notice that the question does not ask how many rooms there are in the dwelling unit but how many rooms there are for the household to use.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_ROOMS — Total number of rooms
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H-03 Rooms
How many rooms are there in the main dwelling of this household?
Write the appropriate codes in the boxes

Dining rooms _ _
Living rooms _ _
Dining/Living room _ _
Bedrooms _ _
Study rooms _ _
One room with multiple uses _ _
Other rooms _ _
Total rooms _ _
Exclude bathrooms and kitchen.
Include garages if some members of the household are living in them.
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10. Section H: Housing (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information collected here is important to all users such as Eskom, Telkom, etc. as it can be used to monitor progress regarding service delivery issues (or lack thereof).

This section must be completed for every household.
H-02: Other dwelling refers to another structure that the household occupies other than the main house/dwelling.

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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5. Number of rooms
1. How many total rooms are there in the building? (Include the kitchen if it is larger than 4 square meters. Do not include bathrooms, washrooms, toilets, vestibules, corridors, or open galleries.)
_ _

2. How many of these rooms are used exclusively for professional, commercial, or other non-domestic uses? (For example: for offices, workshops, medical offices, agencies, etc.)
_ _

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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6. How many rooms are in the housing unit?
In addition to the bedrooms, include rooms that measure 4 or more square meters, including the kitchen.
Do not include bathrooms, vestibules, corridors, or open terraces.
_ _ Rooms

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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7. How many rooms does the dwelling have?
Include the kitchen, bedrooms, and all the rooms that are at least 4 square meters. Do not include bathrooms, lobbies, hallways, open terraces?
_ _ rooms
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3.5 Number of rooms

A room is defined as a space of the dwelling enclosed by walls that go from the ground to the roof or ceiling of the dwelling, of at least 2 meters and a size sufficient to fit an adult bed (at least 4 square meters).

So, the bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, attics, kitchens, closed terraces, and other separated spaces will be considered rooms according to the previous definition.

The bathrooms, changing rooms, hallways, and open terraces are not considered rooms even though they meet the criteria established by the definition.

Knowing the number of rooms is necessary for completing the information provided by the useful surface area of the dwelling as well as for contrasting it when the knowledge of this last variable is not precise.

[p. 59]

Categories of this variable:

1 room
2 rooms
3 rooms
4 rooms
5 rooms
6 rooms
7 rooms
8 rooms
9 rooms
10 rooms or more

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_ROOMS — Rooms
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Household module

Part 3: Facilities available to the household
[Applies to questions 10 - 18]

10. How many rooms does the living quarter of this household comprise?

(Do not include bath/toilet, shed, hallway and balcony)

Number of rooms _ _

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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4. Number of rooms in dwelling (including those rented out):
a) Rooms (living-, working-, bed-rooms, without kitchen, bath, hall, veranda): ____

b) Hall-cum-living-room: ____

c) Other rooms belonging to dwelling (attic rooms, rooms in basement or neighboring houses): ____

d) Rooms rented additionally: ____

e) Number of rooms in a) to d) rented out:

(1) To lodgers: ____
(2) To other persons, businesses: ____

[Notes to question 4]
a) Half sized rooms are to be counted as such.
b) Hall-cum-living-rooms are finished dining or work spaces in halls which receive sunlight through a window.

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Question 4:
Rooms in dwellings are all rooms which can be occupied, regardless of whether they are used as living, bed or office rooms. Thus included are also rooms used partially or fully for commercial purposes such as offices for tailors, physicians etc as long as they are contained within the dwelling. Not counted as rooms are kitchens, baths, toilets, hallways, verandas, balconies, basement storage rooms, storage rooms, workshops.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_ROOMS — Number of rooms

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_ROOMS — Number of rooms

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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14. Number of rooms (not counting kitchen, half rooms, additional rooms, and separate rooms)
_ _

1. Dwelling data

Street: ________
No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Postcode: _ _ _ _
Locality: ________
Dwelling phone number: _ _ _/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

How many people live in the dwelling? _ _
How many rooms in the dwelling? _ _
Number of inhabitable rooms (excluding half rooms, kitchens, corridors, bathrooms, etc.)
On what floor is the dwelling? _ _ _

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the household
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Questions about the dwelling
Important: Refer to the dwelling at the address printed (or corrected by you) on page 1 of the personal questionnaire.

31. How many rooms are there in the dwelling in which you live?

Count the number of living rooms, bedrooms, etc.
_ _ - _ (e.g. 3.0 or 4.5)
Do not count kitchens, kitchenettes, bathrooms, cloakrooms, storerooms, corridors, verandas, etc., and any additional, separate rooms outside the dwelling (e.g. attic rooms).
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3.2 Basic statistics on buildings and dwellings

3.2.3 Basic output
The data from the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings will be evaluated on an annual basis. For some indicators, the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings will be combined with the population registers of the communes. It will be possible to evaluate data from the statistics on buildings and dwellings for different population groups. Evaluations will be possible at all geographic levels. Some housing supply evaluations and the analysis of the use of dwellings will only be possible once the introduction of the Federal Dwelling identifier in the population registers is completed.

T3 Information provided by basic statistics on buildings and dwellings

Housing stock/ housing supply          

- Number of dwellings 
- Number of rooms 
- Dwelling floor space
- Occupation density (occ/room)
- Number of persons in the dwelling
- Floor space per occupant

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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28. How many rooms in this house are used by the household? ____
Fill in the number of rooms used for living.

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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3. Number of habitable rooms _ _
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D - Information concerning the dwelling (Page 4 of the collective sheet).
The responses to the questions: 1) Construction and, 2) Equipment of dwelling, are pre-codified.

It should be checked if a response has been made to each of these questions and if one of them has not been completed enter x (11) following the code numbers specified on the document for this question.

Question 3: Number of habitable rooms.
If N.D. (unknown) enter xx.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms for habitation
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Dwelling unit

(H05) Number of rooms in the dwelling

Record the number declared in the corresponding boxes. Put 0, if none.

A. Dwelling use _ _
B. Other use E.g.: kitchen, shop, stable _
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[p. 49]

F- Characteristics of the habitat

Question H05: Number of rooms in the dwelling

Ask the total number of rooms which are used for the habitation (bedrooms, dining room, living room, rooms for domestics, and so on) and record this number in the corresponding boxes.

NB 42: If the number of rooms declared is less than 10, record this figure preceded by 0 in the corresponding boxes.

Then ask the number of rooms used for other purposes (kitchen, shop, stables, and so on) and record this number in the corresponding box.

NB 43:

- If the number of rooms intended for other uses is more than 9, always record 9 in the box. Put 0 in the box if there are no rooms of this type.
- Corridors, vestibule conservatories, bathrooms, and WCs should not be counted as rooms, either for use of habitation or for other uses.

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section VIII. Housing

[Questions 36-43 asked of the head of the household only.]

42. Number of rooms

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7 and over
[] Not stated
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H. Section VIII - Housing

This section, comprising eight questions - numbered 36 to 43 inclusive - must be marked on the questionnaire for the head of the household only.

75. Question 42 - Number of rooms

You are required to mark the number of rooms occupied by the household for living purposes. Included as rooms - living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, sewing rooms, libraries, servant rooms - attached or detached - from the main building. Do not count as rooms - bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, pantries, galleries and porches. If you find a room with a portion contained off or with a temporary partition, the whole area must be counted as one room. If however, there is a permanent partition dividing the floor area, you must count this as two rooms. Curtains or blinds do not separate rooms, Walls and permanent partitions do.

In all cases where the household occupies 7 or more rooms mark the space 7 and over.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Characteristics of Dwelling Unit

47. Number of rooms
How many rooms are there in your dwelling unit? (Do not count bathrooms, porches, kitchens, etc.)

[] 1 1
[] 2 2
[] 3 3
[] 4 4
[] 5 5
[] 6 6
[] 7 7
[] 8 8 and more
[] 9 Not stated
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Question 47 - Number of rooms

A room is defined as an area permanently separated, by means of walls, from other parts of the building; but excludes galleries, bathrooms, toilets, pantries, corridors, kitchens. You are required to tick the pre-coded number of rooms occupied or available for use by the household for living purposes. Include as rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, sewing rooms, libraries, servant rooms [attached or detached] from the main building.

If you find a room with a portion curtained off with a temporary partition, the whole area must be counted as one room. If, however, there is a permanent partition dividing the floor area, you must count this as two rooms. Curtains or blinds do not separate rooms, walls and permanent partitions do. Tick the appropriate pre-coded box on the questionnaire.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling unit
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

43. Number of rooms
How many rooms are there in your dwelling unit?

(Do not count bathrooms, porches, kitchens, etc.)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 and more
[] 9 Not stated
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Question 43 - Number of rooms

A room is defined as an area permanently separated, by means of walls, from other parts of the building; but excludes galleries, bathrooms, toilets, pantries, corridors, kitchens. You are required to tick the pre-coded number of rooms occupied or available for use by the household for living purposes. Include as rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, sewing rooms, libraries, servant rooms [attached or detached] from the main building.
If you find a room with a portion curtained off with a temporary partition, the whole area must be counted as one room. If, however, there is a permanent partition dividing the floor area, you must count this as two rooms. Curtains or blinds do not separate rooms, walls and permanent partitions do. Tick the appropriate pre-coded box on the questionnaire.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling (excluding bathrooms, porches, etc.)
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

55. Number of rooms

How many rooms are there in your dwelling unit? (Do not count bathrooms, porches, kitchens, etc.)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 and more
[] 9. Not stated
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Characteristics of dwelling unit occupied by household

Question 55 - Number of rooms

A room is defined as an area permanently separated, by means of walls, from other parts of the building; but excludes galleries, bathrooms, toilets, pantries, corridors, kitchens. You are required to tick the pre-coded number of rooms occupied or available for use by the household for living purposes. Include as rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, sewing rooms, libraries, and domestic employees' rooms (attached or detached) from the main building.

If you find a room with a portion curtained off with a temporary partition, the whole area must be counted as one room. If, however, there is a permanent partition dividing the floor area, you must count this as two rooms. Curtains or blinds do not separate rooms, walls and permanent partitions do.

Tick the appropriate pre-coded box on the questionnaire as identified by the head of the household.

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Part III: Household questions
[Questions 1-10 were asked of private dwellings, per Part II]

8. Number of rooms that the household uses.____

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Section 3: Questions pertaining to the household (1-10)
Fill out this section only for places exhibiting the characteristics of a household. Do not fill it out for military garrisons, military posts, hotels, hospitals, etc., and cross it out with an "X". In administering the census to people located in such places, it is to be done in such a way that 9 people are written up on every page of Section I, and by continuing on to the next page without leaving any gap in between, making use of as many questionnaires as needed.

A special enumerator will be assigned to places such as these for which the notation "Not to be visited" has been written on the "Census region building tables" (Reference C). The notation "Special census" is to be written onto the census notebooks filled out in places displayed below that are to be designated by the special enumerators as being subject to a special census. These places are the following:
  • Military, gendarme and police barracks, jails and associated establishments, as well as living quarters in military bases (including foreign bases) located in military zones into which entry is not permitted to civilian public servants.
  • All public and private (military and civilian) hospitals, sanatoria, maternity hospitals, health clinics, dispensaries, and similar establishments.
  • All public and private (military and civilian) boarding schools and student dormitories (those people present in non-boarding schools on census day, are to be written up by the enumerators assigned to the census regions to which [these schools] belong).
  • Prisons and penitentiaries (military and civil).
  • Places where people are on duty on census day.
  • Places not to be included in a census region:

  • Roadside bus stops or terminals, and vehicles traveling on the roadways,
  • Train and train stations,
  • Means of sea and air transportation and ports,

  • Places (factories and large workplaces where census day work was permitted) deemed by special census officers of the census committees as appropriate for having a census conducted.
  • Embassies, charges d'affaires, attaches, consulates.

Numbers in the "Census region building table" (Reference C) for the places cited in the above paragraphs must be notated with the words "Not to be visited" beside them. If the entry "Not to be visited" is not observed next to such places in the "Census region building table" (Reference C), a request to have the necessary correction made is to be submitted to the census or control officer committee.
However, people such as a school principal, chief physician, caretaker, [or] night watchman living permanently in a school, hospital and other similar institutions, are to be considered as independent households and are each to be written up on separate pages.
At the same time, for people in places that do not constitute households, this section is not to be filled out and is to be crossed out with an "X". The census for people in these sorts of places is to be written up in Section IV as an aggregate population, with 9 people to be written on every page, and then going on to subsequent pages as necessary without leaving any gaps between them.
For places that constitute households, fill out Section IV with one line per household member and write "Household head" on the first line.

Question 8: The number of rooms the household uses? (including the living room)

Write the number of rooms including the living room into the "___" space. A hallway, entryway, balcony, bathroom, kitchen or toilet is not to be considered as constituting a room. If more than one household lives in the house, apartment flat or dwelling place, it is necessary to report the number of rooms respectively used by each household. Furthermore, in the event that there is a room or rooms that the household owns but feels no need to use, write the number of rooms so that it includes these as well.

If there is a room or rooms in the section utilized by the household that is being used as a workplace, these must be subtracted from the number of rooms. If there is only a single room that is being used both as a residence and as a workplace, it is to be deemed a room and added to to the number of rooms.

Room: Places enclosed on four sides and on the top, with a minimal floor area of 4 square meters and a minimum height from floor to ceiling of 2.5 meters, or that is big enough to accommodate the bed of a grown-up person (age 15 or older), (like a bedroom, dining room, sitting room, living room). A hallway, entryway, balcony, bathroom, kitchen or toilet is not to be considered as constituting a room.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Section III: Questions related to households and dwellings
(For the places constituting a household, ask the questions between 1-12 in this section to the household head or to anyone who can answer instead.)
[Questions 1-12 were asked of housing units, per Section II.]

7. How many rooms are there in your house including the living room?

_ _

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Section III: Questions related to households and dwellings
Attention! Section III is to be filled out for places where a household [housing unit] is constituted.

Questions 1 to 12 in this section are to be asked of the household head or someone able to answer in his/her place.

Question 7. How many rooms are there in your dwelling, including the living room?

This question seeks to reveal the number of rooms in the dwelling that the household is living in, including the living room. The number of rooms in the dwelling being lived in is to be entered in numeric form into the pertinent box. For example, if the dwelling consists of three rooms and one living room, "4" is to be written; and for two rooms and one living room, "3" is to be written.

"Room": A place (including a living room) extending from floor to ceiling, enclosed by walls on four sides, with an area of at least 4 square meters, and with a ceiling height of no less than two meters.

No matter what their extent, the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, entry way, hallway, balcony and coal storage room are not to be considered rooms.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in dwelling unit
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No. of rooms in dwelling unit

[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three
[] 4 Four
[] 5 Five
[] 6 Six or more

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Dwelling Unit

193. The accommodation occupied by one household is the dwelling unit. And we are concerned in this section with the housing arrangements for this household - with the accommodation it occupies - with its living quarters.

Number of rooms in the dwelling unit

197. A room is enclosed by walls or partitions and is used for living. A kitchen is a room. Do not count corridors, balconies, verandahs, stores, or bathrooms.

198. Ask, "How many rooms does this household have for its exclusive use?" Tick the appropriate box.

199. A household may have some rooms for its exclusive use but share others - for example, a kitchen. Do not count shared rooms.

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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2. Number of occupied living rooms

Living Rooms ___
Part of room ___
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Question 2 Number of occupied living rooms

Living room is the premises designated for living and separated from other premises (rooms) with partitions. Mansards, attics, heated patios and terraces, equipped and suitable for permanent living in them throughout the year are included in the number of living rooms. Kitchens, hallways, corridors, bathrooms and shower rooms, pantries, and other ancillary facilities are not included in the number of living rooms in the apartment and hostel.
The number of living rooms occupied by the household is numerated (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 .. 10, etc.) in a specially outlined framework.

The mark part of the room is written down in case a household occupies only a part of the room.


If a household occupies two or more rooms but a part of them is rented, then the total number of living rooms occupied by the household is indicated (including those rented).

United Kingdom 1961 — source variable UK1961A_ROOMS — Rooms in private household
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Information to be given to the enumerator

____ Whether sharing stove and sink in shared dwelling
____ Number of rooms

____Number of persons
____ Males
____ Females

Schedule No. ____

United Kingdom 1971 — source variable UK1971A_ROOMS — Rooms
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Part A

Answer questions A1-A5 about your household's accommodation and then answer questions B1-B24 overleaf and if appropriate answer questions C1-C7.

A3. How many rooms are there in your household's accommodation? ____

Do not count small kitchens less than 6ft wide, bathrooms and toilets, sculleries not used for cooking, closets, pantries and storerooms, landings, halls, lobbies or recesses, offices or shops used solely for business purposes.

- A large room divided by a sliding or fixed partition should be counted as two rooms.
- A room divided by curtains or portable screens should be counted as one room.

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in household space
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H1. Rooms

Please count the number of rooms your household has for its own use.

Do not count: small kitchens, under 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches) wide, bathrooms, toilets
Do count: living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens at least 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches) wide, all other rooms in your accommodation

The total number of rooms is ____

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H8. How many rooms are in your house or apartment? (Count a kitchen as a room but do not count bathrooms)

_____ Number of rooms

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H4. How many rooms do you have in your living quarters?
Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.

[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 rooms or more

"Count only whole rooms used for living purposes, such as living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, finished recreation rooms, family rooms, etc. Do not count kitchenettes, strip or pullman kitchens; utility rooms; or unfinished attics, basements, or other space used for storage."

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H7. How many rooms do you have in your living quarters?
Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.

[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 or more rooms

[Count only whole rooms used for living purposes, such as living rooms. dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, finished recreation rooms, family rooms, etc. Do not count bathrooms, kitchenettes, strip or pullman kitchens, utility rooms, or unfinished attics, unfinished basements, or other space used for storage.]

H24. How many bedrooms do you have?

Count rooms used mainly for sleeping even if used also for other purposes.

[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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H3. How many rooms do you have in this house or apartment?
Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.

[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 or more rooms

[Count only whole rooms in your house, apartment, or mobile home used for living purposes, such as living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, finished recreation rooms, family rooms, etc. Do not count bathrooms, kitchenettes, strip or pullman kitchens, utility rooms, foyers, halls, half-rooms, porches, balconies, unfinished attics, unfinished basements, or other unfinished space used for storage.]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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37. How many rooms do you have in this house, apartment, or mobile home? Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.
[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 or more rooms

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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7. How many rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home?

Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.

[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 or more rooms

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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7. a) How many separate rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home? Rooms must be separated by built-in archways or walls that extend out at least 6 inches and go from floor to ceiling.
  • Include bedrooms, kitchens, etc.
  • Exclude bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or unfinished basements.

Number of rooms: ___

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

7. a) How many separate rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home?

Rooms must be separated by built-in archways or walls that extend out at least 6 inches and go from floor to ceiling. Include bedrooms, kitchens, etc. Exclude bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or unfinished basements.

_ _ Number of rooms

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

A. Answer questions 4-5 if this is a house or a mobile home; otherwise, skip to question 6a.

6b. How many of these rooms are bedrooms?

Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print "0".

Number of bedrooms _ _
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Housing questions 4-17

H6.a. Rooms must be separated by built-in archways or walls that extend out at least 6 inches and go from floor to ceiling. Include bedrooms, kitchens, etc. Exclude bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or unfinished basements.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_BEDRMS — Number of bedrooms
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6. Rooms and spaces
____ Rooms for sleeping (number)
____ Other rooms (number)

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Title VI: Rooms and spaces
130. Under this title the number of rooms of differentiated dwellings is to be written down, in figures, in two groups:

a) The rooms that are used for sleeping; and
b) The rooms meant for "other" uses.

Also the existence or not of open patios or gardens will be written down.

131. Room is understood to be a space situated in a dwelling that has a roof and is covered by walls that extend from the roof with minimal capacity to fit a bed for an adult. Furthermore, dormitories, salons, dining rooms, living rooms, habitual attics, rooms for study and recreation, kitchens, and servants quarters will be considered rooms.

132. Bathrooms will not be considered rooms, within this census definition.

133. Also, rooms that, although forming an integral part of the dwelling, are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service means such as storage rooms, stores, consulting rooms, writing rooms, etc., should not be considered rooms. But if any of these rooms functions at the same time as lodging, such as what happens in certain cases like inhabitation where a storage room, work room or store exists, it is also a bedroom and should be considered a room. By extension, this same treatment should be given to inhabited garages.

[p. 24]

Rooms for sleeping
134. Within the given definition for room, under this heading should be written the exact total number of bedrooms (where beds and dressers are permanently located) and of those rooms that are inhabited as bedrooms when the family takes its rest.

Other rooms
135. Within the definition given for room, write down under this headline, the number of rooms that are in the dwelling and that have not been designated as rooms for sleeping.

Important note
136. The number of rooms for sleeping, plus the number of "other" rooms, should be the total number of rooms in the dwelling, within the given definition of room.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_OTHRMS — Number of other rooms
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6. Rooms and spaces
____ Rooms for sleeping (number)
____ Other rooms (number)

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Title VI: Rooms and spaces
130. Under this title the number of rooms of differentiated dwellings is to be written down, in figures, in two groups:

a) The rooms that are used for sleeping; and
b) The rooms meant for "other" uses.

Also the existence or not of open patios or gardens will be written down.

131. Room is understood to be a space situated in a dwelling that has a roof and is covered by walls that extend from the roof with minimal capacity to fit a bed for an adult. Furthermore, dormitories, salons, dining rooms, living rooms, habitual attics, rooms for study and recreation, kitchens, and servants quarters will be considered rooms.

132. Bathrooms will not be considered rooms, within this census definition.

133. Also, rooms that, although forming an integral part of the dwelling, are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service means such as storage rooms, stores, consulting rooms, writing rooms, etc., should not be considered rooms. But if any of these rooms functions at the same time as lodging, such as what happens in certain cases like inhabitation where a storage room, work room or store exists, it is also a bedroom and should be considered a room. By extension, this same treatment should be given to inhabited garages.

[p. 24]

Rooms for sleeping
134. Within the given definition for room, under this heading should be written the exact total number of bedrooms (where beds and dressers are permanently located) and of those rooms that are inhabited as bedrooms when the family takes its rest.

Other rooms
135. Within the definition given for room, write down under this headline, the number of rooms that are in the dwelling and that have not been designated as rooms for sleeping.

Important note
136. The number of rooms for sleeping, plus the number of "other" rooms, should be the total number of rooms in the dwelling, within the given definition of room.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_BEDROOMS — Bedrooms
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7. Rooms of the home
Number of rooms used for sleeping


Number of rooms used for other residential purposes (do not include the bathroom, the kitchen, or those that are used for non-residential purposes, for example, commercial, industrial, professional, etc.)


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F. Information about the private home
Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that if in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section "E. Information about the private dwelling".

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

No. of rooms used for sleeping

Include here: bedrooms, bedrooms of guests and all rooms that are used normally for sleeping, even when during the day they have another purpose (living room, dining room, pantry, etc.). You should write down the number of these bedrooms on the dotted line.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_OTHROOMS — Other rooms
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7. Rooms of the home
Number of rooms used for sleeping


Number of rooms used for other residential purposes (do not include the bathroom, the kitchen, or those that are used for non-residential purposes, for example, commercial, industrial, professional, etc.)


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F. Information about the private home
Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that if in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section "E. Information about the private dwelling".

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

No. of rooms used for other residential purposes

167. Register on the dotted line the number of the rest of the rooms of the home that are not normally used for sleeping.

A dwelling on Colonial Street No. 3529 has 4 rooms, of which one is used exclusively as a doctor's office; two other are meant to be bedrooms and the remaining has the double function of: living room of the members of the home and as a waiting room (during hours that the doctor works). Register this case:

[Below the text are two charts, one of them with "No. of rooms used for sleeping" filled out at 2 and "No. of rooms used for other residential purposes" filled out at 1 (living room).]

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_BEDROOMS — Number of bedrooms
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F. Information about the private home

6. Rooms of the home

Number of rooms used for other residential purposes (do not include the bathrooms or those not used for residential purposes, for example: corridors, garages, halls, etc.) _ _

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F. Information about the private home

Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section E. Information of the private dwelling.

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

4. Rooms of the home
A room will be considered all spaces within a dwelling that are closed off by walls from a height not more than two meters and that has sufficient room to contain an adult's bed.

[p. 35]

Rooms of a home are considered: bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, rooms for service personnel and the rest of the separated spaces, used for lodging people.

Bathrooms, halls, corridors, garages, or rooms used habitually with non-residential purposes (for example: commercial, professional places, etc.) will not be considered rooms of a home.

Number of rooms used for sleeping
Include here: bedrooms, bedrooms of guests and all rooms that are used normally for sleeping, even when during the day they have another purpose (living room, dining room, pantry, etc.).

Write down the number of these bedrooms on the dotted line.

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_OTHROOMS — Number of other rooms
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F. Information about the private home

6. Rooms of the home

Number of rooms used for other residential purposes (do not include the bathrooms or those not used for residential purposes, for example: corridors, garages, halls, etc.) _ _

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F. Information about the private home

Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section E. Information of the private dwelling.

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

4. Rooms of the home
A room will be considered all spaces within a dwelling that are closed off by walls from a height not more than two meters and that has sufficient room to contain an adult's bed.

[p. 35]

Rooms of a home are considered: bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, rooms for service personnel and the rest of the separated spaces, used for lodging people.

Bathrooms, halls, corridors, garages, or rooms used habitually with non-residential purposes (for example: commercial, professional places, etc.) will not be considered rooms of a home.

Number of rooms used for other residential purposes
Register on the dotted line the number of the rest of the rooms of the home that are not normally used for sleeping.

[An example has been omitted]

[p. 36]

The room used for other residential purposes corresponds to the living room.

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_ROOMSRES — Number of rooms, residential
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C. Information about the occupied private dwelling with inhabitants present (only for the 1st home and single home)

[Questions 8-15.]

Without considering bathrooms or rooms used exclusively for cooking and storing, how many rooms does this home have in total for:

14. Residential purposes: ____
15. Non-residential purposes: ____

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Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_ROOMS — Rooms
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8. How many rooms are used in this dwelling, not considering bathroom or kitchen? _ _
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8. How many rooms are used in this household, not considering bathrooms or kitchens?

This question is destined to find out the number of rooms (sections or spaces delineated by bricks or rock walls in which the dwelling is divided) that the household utilizes. This information is necessary to determine the existence or not of crowding.

The bathrooms and kitchens must be excluded (if these are used with that end), just as all those rooms that don't have a residential end (for example: room in the front used exclusively as storage). In the case of dwellings shared by more than one household, only those of exclusive use of the household being interviewed should be considered.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_ROOMS — Total rooms
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Rooms Utilized

4. What is the total number of rooms utilized by this household, without considering bathrooms and kitchens?
Total rooms (HogHD00) _ _

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7.3.2 Rooms Utilized

The following questions have the objective of knowing the number of rooms of the dwelling that the members of the household use for residential purposes, which will permit us to calculate the level of crowding.

A room is considered to be any space within the dwelling that is closed by walls or bricks of a height not less than 2 meters and has sufficient surface area to fit an adult bed.

What is the total number of rooms utilized in this dwelling, without considering bathrooms and kitchens?

Rooms of the dwelling are considered the bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, sitting rooms, service personnel rooms, and the other separated spaces in the dwelling, used to house people.

Rooms of the dwelling are not considered the bathrooms, hallways, kitchens, and garages (if they are only used for these purposes), nor the rooms utilized habitually for non-residential purposes (for example, the room used exclusively as a dressing room, stockroom, or storage room).

In the cases of the dwellings shared by more than one household, only those used exclusively by the household that is being interviewed are counted.

How many rooms in this dwelling are used for sleeping?

You must include here the bedrooms, guestrooms, and all those rooms that are normally used for sleeping, even when they have a different purpose during the day (living room, dining room, pantry, etc.).

Consider exclusively the rooms that are used for sleeping by the household that is being interviewed.

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_ROOMS — Total rooms in the dwelling
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6. Number of rooms
____ Total rooms
____ How many are used for sleeping?

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6.16. Number of rooms (Q-6).

The "total number of rooms" and the "number of sleeping rooms" is recorded using the following definitions: A room is understood to be each of the separate rooms or spaces used for shelter in the dwelling, including living rooms, dining rooms, entryway or foyer (recibos), studies and recreation rooms. Rooms should be separated by walls and have sufficient space for an adult bed. When a room is divided by folding screens, screens, or partitions, these subdivisions are not counted as rooms.

Patios, bathrooms, garages, sheds, uninhabitable basements, granaries, etc. are not considered to be rooms. The kitchen is considered to be a room only if it is used for cooking and not as a simple storage area for cooking supplies.

[p. 70]

Spaces dedicated to commercial or industrial purposes (store, workshop, office, etc.) are not counted as rooms, even if they form part of the dwelling.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_ROOMS — Number of rooms
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3. Number of rooms
(Do not include bathrooms, laundry areas, hallways or separate kitchens)

____ Total number of rooms
____ How many are used for sleeping?
[Fill-in numbered ovals appear here.]

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Question 3

-- Number of rooms

This question is designed to find out the total number of rooms and the number of rooms used for sleeping.

Important: Bathrooms, washrooms, hallways, and kitchens are not counted in the total number of rooms, unless they are permanently used for sleeping.

[A graphic in the left margin illustrates an enumerator explaining what is not counted as a room]

Rooms in the dwelling used exclusively for professional, commercial, or industrial purposes are not counted in the total number of rooms. E.g. lawyer's office, office, hair salon, workshop, etc.

[p. 49]

In order to answer this question, the following concepts need to be explained:


A room is every compartment, room or area that forms part of the dwelling. Rooms are enclosed or separated by fixed walls and include living rooms, "recibos" [entryways], dining rooms, sleeping rooms, studies, recreation rooms, and service rooms.

-- When a room is divided by folding screens, screens, or partitions, it is considered to be one room and not separate rooms.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_ROOMS — Rooms
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7. How many rooms does the dwelling have in total, including living room, dining room, sleeping rooms and other rooms?
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 or more

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Question No. 7

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section II, question 7 on the census form.]

-- Fill in the corresponding cell according to the answer given.

Each bedroom or room in the dwelling that is separated by complete walls, with enough space to put a bed.

Does not include:

-- Halls, kitchen, wash room, balcony, bathroom.
-- Rooms divided by folding screens (biombos), partitions (tabique), paneling or curtains.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_ROOMS — Number of rooms in the dwelling
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10. How many rooms does this dwelling have in total? _ _
(Do not include bathrooms, corridors, balconies, kitchen nor laundry areas)

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1.8 Room

This refers to each of the rooms or areas in a dwelling that are separated by complete walls and are used for social purposes (living room and/or dining room), or for rest (room). Divisions made with folding screens or partitions are not considered to be separate rooms. Bathrooms, washrooms, hallways, kitchens, balconies, or spaces in the dwelling used as an office, storage shed, workshop, salon, etc., are not counted.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_ROOMS — Number of dwelling rooms
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[Questions 45-52 were asked of households that have and are representing the dwelling, as per questions 43 and 44.]

46. How many of the following rooms are there in this house/flat?

a) Dwelling rooms? _ _
b) Bedrooms, in which? _ _
[Bedrooms are a subset of dwelling rooms]

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Question 46: How many total rooms, and how many of these rooms are bedrooms are there in this house/flat?
A dwelling room should be surrounded by walls and covered by a roof, creating a space independent from other rooms (a space isolated by movable curtains is not regarded as a room).

Rooms include: bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, guestrooms, studies, warehouses, business rooms (if these rooms are in the same house and used for habitation). A room should satisfy 2 conditions: (1) its walls should have a height of at least 2.1 meters and (2) a size of at least 4 square meters. The enumerator asks the question, in combination with viewing, to record the total number of rooms, and of those how many are bedrooms, in the appropriate boxes.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_ROOMS — Number of living rooms in housing unit
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H-6 How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?

Living Rooms ____
Bedrooms ____
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H - 6: How many livingrooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?

15. A room is defined as a space in a housing unit enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering at least to a height of two metres, of a size large enough to fit a bed for an adult. A hut meeting these two qualifications will also be treated as a room. Normally, bedrooms and living rooms will be included in this definition. Passage ways, verandahs, lobbies, kitchens, bathrooms and toilet rooms are


not counted as rooms even if they meet the criteria. A garage and a store meeting these requirements should be treated as rooms only if these are actually being used for living purposes at the time of enumeration. Enter the number of rooms in the box provided for this.

16. Find out the number of livingrooms and bedrooms in the housing unit and enter them in the respective boxes provided.
Note: Study and drawing rooms, living or family rooms, play rooms, etc. are to be considered as 'rooms' if they meet the above criteria.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_ROOMS — Number of living rooms
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7. How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?
Living rooms: _ _
Bedrooms: _ _
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H7: How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?
A room is defined as a space in a housing unit enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering at least a height of two meters, of a size large enough to fit a bed for an adult. A hut meeting these two qualifications will also be treated as a room. Normally, bedrooms and living rooms will be included in this definition. Passage ways, verandahs, lobbies, kitchens, bathrooms and toilet rooms are not counted as rooms even if they meet the criteria. A garage and a store meeting these requirements should be treated as rooms only if these are actually being used for living purposes at the time of enumeration. Find out the number of living rooms and bedrooms in the housing unit and shade the appropriate figures provided. If you come across a bedsitter, treat it as a bedroom as opposed to a living room.
Study and drawing rooms, living or family rooms, play rooms, etc. are to be considered as living rooms or bed rooms depending on the use and if they meet the above criteria.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_ROOMS — Number of living rooms
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H8. How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?
_ _ Living
_ _ Bedrooms
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H - 8: How many living rooms and bedrooms does this housing unit have?

A room is defined as a space in a housing unit enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof, of a size large enough to fit a bed for an adult. A hut meeting these two qualifications will also be treated as a room. Normally, bedrooms and living rooms will be included in this definition. Passage ways, verandahs, lobbies, kitchens, bathrooms and toilet rooms are not counted as rooms even if they meet the criteria. A garage and a storeroom meeting these requirements should be treated as rooms only if these are actually being used for living purposes at the time of enumeration. Find out the number of living rooms and bedrooms in the housing unit and enter the number of living rooms and bedrooms the housing unit has in the boxes provided. If you come across a bedsitter, treat it as a bedroom as opposed to a living room.

Study and drawing rooms, living or family rooms, play rooms, etc. are to be considered as living rooms or bed rooms depending on the use and if they meet the above criteria.