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17. Religion
[] 10 Orthodox
_ _ Other religion (belief)

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Religion (item 17)

64. Religion represents the belief or the religious - spiritual option, regardless of whether this is expressed by affiliation to a religious community.

The enumerator will record religion by strict observance of the each enumerated person declaration, assuring all the conditions that the person should be free to declare the religion's option.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will be recorded on the code box 10 (orthodox) -- for persons who are declaring that they are orthodox;
-- the space provided for other religion (confession) -- will be filled up for persons declaring religion other than orthodox; also, on this space will be recorded "undeclared" for the persons who don't want to declare

[p. 44]

their religion, "without religion" for the persons who are declaring as having no religion, confession or belief, or " "atheist" for the persons declaring being so.

Depending on the recorded religion (confession) at the end of the doted line, the enumerator will codify the religion code, according to the " Code List of the religion", provided in the chapter III, paragraph 124.

For little children (who haven't learnt to speak) and for those below 14 years old, the citizenship, the ethnicity, the mother tongue and the religion will be declared for them by the parents; and for the persons deaf --and -- dumb, or mentally ill, the statement of those who are living together with these persons will be recorded.

For orphanage's children, when their citizenship, the ethnicity, the mother tongue and religion are unknown, these characteristics will be recorded according to the statement of The Administration Council of the Orphanage.