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6. Previous legal residence (for those who had a legal residence in another place)
_ _ In the country
[] 1 Municipality/town
[] 2 Commune

_ _ In another country

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Previous legal residence (item 6)

53. This item will be recorded only in the case of the persons who previously had the legal residence in other locality. For the persons who changed the legal residence several times, the last previous residence will be recorded. For persons who during the whole life time never changed the legal residence, this item will be barred by an oblique line.

The way of recording:

-- on the doted space -- the county's name will be written, (according to the actual administrative -- territorial division) the name of the county of the place where the person had the previous legal residence. The enumerator will codify the county later, after the registration (paragraph 126);
-- the mark x will be written on one of the boxes designated for codes 1 or 2, according to the corresponding categories of the localities (municipalities/towns or communes) where the previous legal residence of the person is located, at the date when the legal residence was changed;
-- the dotted space the name of the country- will be filled up for the persons who had the legal residence in another country before. Later, on the corresponding spaces, the country's code will be codified by the enumerator (paragraph 125).

Will be not considered as having changed the legal residence: the persons who had the previous legal residence in another address of the same place, the same village of the commune or in another place subordinated to the same municipality (town).Will be taken into consideration only the change of the legal residence from a municipality/town/commune to another municipality/town/commune.