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Hot water supply installation

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12. Hot water supply installation
[] 1 Inside the housing unit: from a public network
[] 2 Inside the housing unit: from own supply system
[] 3 Hot water available outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 4 No hot water available

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Hot water supply installation (item 12)

33. It is considered that the availability of hot water exists in the housing units either when the hot water is piped to the bathroom, kitchen, or other toilets group, from the public community network, or when the housing units have available own hot water supply installation.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will be recorded on the box for the code 1 for the dwellings receiving hot piped water, within the house, from the public network scheme;
-- the mark x will be recorded on the box for the code 2 -- when within the dwelling it is available a hot water own supply installation, (steam -- generating station, boilers, electrical -- boiler, etc.) and is not

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receiving any hot water from the public network scheme. There are included into this category the housing units having both to the kitchen and bathroom the geothermal water.
-- will be recorded the mark x on the box of code 3 when the hot water is available within the building but outside of the dwelling;
-- the mark x will be recorded on the box of code 4 -for dwellings without any hot water installations.

Particular situations:

-- when the housing units have the heating based only geothermal water supplies (without any hot water system installations for the kitchen and bathroom) -- these dwellings are not considered as having hot water supply;
-- when the heating of the dwelling has only solar source -- the house unit is considered without hot water supply;
-- the dwellings where the boilers are used only for hot water used by bath tub or shower are not considered as having hot water supply.