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Age of building

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_ _ _ _ 19. Year of construction of the building
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Year of construction of the building (item 19)

41. It is considered as the year of construction, the year when the building was put into commission, respectively the year when the building's works were completed, (when all the inside equipment was fixed, and finishing works terminated).

For the buildings partially put into commission, the year of construction will be considered the year when the first dwelling was finished, or whether it was a single dwelling building, when the first room was ready for habitation.

For the buildings where the extension attachment have been undertaken, or new floors were added, after the construction was finished, the year of construction may be the year when the building was originally constructed. If these additional spaces are larger than the initial building capacity (expressed by the size of the new created surface), the year of construction will be considered the year of the latest additional construction (or additional extra floor was constructed).

For the buildings, where reconstruction have been undertaken, by transforming more than 50 % of the initial construction, the year of construction will be considered the year when this house was rebuild.

When the year of construction is unknown, this will be assessed taking into consideration the following particularities:

-- similarity with the other buildings from the same census sector, or even other census sectors, (where the year of construction is known);
-- the existence of construction materials or of a certain particular construction style, characteristic to a certain years or period, etc.