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17 Religion
[] 10 Orthodox
_ _ Other religion (faith), specify ____

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 17 Religion

64. Religion represents the belief system or their religious/spiritual choice, regardless of whether or not this is expressed by affiliation with a community organized on religious or spiritual grounds.

The enumerator will record religion by a strict observance of the declaration of each enumerated person, assuring all conditions so that the person should be free to declare their choice of religion.

For children below 14 years of age, their religion will that of their parents; if the parents are of different religions, record the one declared by the parents for their children.

For children in an orphanage, when their parents' religion is unknown this item will be recorded according to the statement of the Administration Council of the Orphanage.

Code 10 - Orthodox - will be marked for persons who declare that they are orthodox;

The space provided for other religion will be filled in for persons declaring a religion other than orthodox; also on this space, recorded "undeclared" for persons who don't want to declare their religion; "without religion" for persons who declare themselves as having no religion, faith or belief; or " "atheist" for persons declaring themselves as being so.

Depending on the recorded religion, confession or faith written on the dotted line, the enumerator will enter the code for that religion, according to the following list:

Religion - Code
Romano Catholic - 11
Greek Catholic (Romanian church united with Rome) - 12
Reformed church - 13
Unitarian church - 14
Evangelic of Augustan Confession - 15
Evangelic Lutheran Synod- Presbyterian - 16
Christian of old rite- 17
Baptist - 18
Pentecostal church - 19
Seventh day Adventists - 20
Christian by Gospel - 21
Armenian Church - 22
Moslem - 23
Jewish (Mosaic)- 24
Orthodox Church of old style- 28
Other religions- 25
Atheists - 26
Without religion - 27
Undeclared - 99

65. When the enumerator writes the code corresponding to each religion, it is important to consider the different names given to various religions or faiths used in ordinary conversation in different parts of the country; assign appropriate codes to the corresponding stated religions as follows:
Code 12 - for persons who declared themselves as "unite" (Eastern rite of Roman Catholic Church);
Code 13 for persons who declared themselves as being "Calvinist"(Reformed Calvinist);
Codes 14 or 15 - for persons who declared themselves as being of the religion "evangelicals" or "evangelicals - Lutheran," or "Lutherans," identify whether the religion mentioned by each person is affiliated with "evangelicals of Augustan Confession" or affiliated with "evangelicals synod - Presbyterian";
Code 17 - reserved for the "Christian of old rite" denomination; this code will also be assigned to persons who declared themselves as of the lipovean religion (Russians living in Romania who have their own old rite);
Code 22 - reserved for the "Armenian" religion; this code will also be assigned for persons who declared themselves as being of the "Armenian-Gregorian", or "Armenian-Catholic" religion;
Code 23 - for persons who declared their religion as "Sunnite-Muslim," "Shiite - Muslim", "Mohammedan" or "Islamism";
Code 24 - for persons who declared themselves to be of the "Israelite" or "Judaism" religion;
Code 28 - for persons who declared themselves as "stylists".