Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | January | 6,793 |
02 | February | 6,899 |
03 | March | 8,028 |
04 | April | 7,553 |
05 | May | 8,150 |
06 | June | 7,782 |
07 | July | 7,673 |
08 | August | 8,237 |
09 | September | 6,339 |
10 | October | 6,115 |
11 | November | 5,510 |
12 | December | 5,950 |
98 | Unknown | 5,729 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 324,643 |
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This variable identifies the month of birth of the last child born alive to the woman.
- Paraguay 1992: Females 14+ who ever had any live births
- Paraguay: 1992
Questionnaire Text
[Questions 19 through 21 were asked to females 14 years and above who ever had any live birth]
21. On what date did you have your last son (or daughter) born alive?
____ Month
____ Year
Only for women 14 years old and older.
The questions 18 and on refer to fertility. They will be asked only of women who are fourteen years old and older.
Question 18: Have you had a son (or daughter) born alive?
If she responds yes, continue asking questions 19 and on.
If she answers no, end the interview and continue with the next person.
Question 21: On what date did you have your last son (or daughter) that was born alive?
Note the complete date. Day, month, and year of the last live birth, even when the child later died.
With question 21, the interview is completed. Move to the next person if there are still members of the household. If there are more persons, continue with the following household. If this is the last person of the last household or if it the only household, move on to enumerate the next dwelling.