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Occupational (economic) characteristics

For persons 12 years of age and older

17. Industry (branch of economic activity): ____

Only for those employed or unemployed. Specify the type of establishment where the person performs the declared occupation, or if unemployed, the type of establishment where last employed. Examples: textile factory, shoe store, public school, law office, estate, ranch, etc.

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Item XVII: Industry (branch of economic activity)

202 - Industry means the type of business, establishment, office, organization, company, institution, etc., in which the person carries out the declared occupation.

203 - Annotate the information only for those persons for whom, in the previous Item (Item 16), an occupation was registered, and who pertain to one or the other of the groups: "employed," or "unemployed."

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204 - As in the case of the occupation, try to be as concrete as possible in registering the type of establishment in which the person works or worked (in the case of "unemployed"), avoiding vague denominations. Therefore, avoid denominations such as workshop, office, store, company, factory, warehouse, etc. and instead specify in the following manner: shoe factory, radio repair shop, bookkeeper, leather storage shed, air transport company, refrigeration, construction company, textile factory, refinery, etc.

205 - Avoid annotating denominations that are based exclusively on the name of the establishment, such as "The Violeta" factory, "Fenix House," etc, and which do not give any idea about the type of industry or business carried out.

206 - In the case of mixed businesses, such as a hair cutting place in which one also has a small store or sells lottery tickets or tobacco, register the business which provides the most benefit or which the proprietor considers most important.

207 - If the person is a government employee, of an autonomous, semi-autonomous or municipal entity, annotate the proper name of the department in which they work, such as: Housing Ministry, Copacar, Apal, Municipal Bacteriological Institute, etc."

208 - If the person carries out the same occupation in more than one business or industry, the type of industry from which they receive their greatest income should be annotated. For example, in the case of a bookkeeper who keeps the books for a glass factory, a woman's clothing store, and a transport company, and receives their greatest income from the glass factory, this should be annotated as their "industry." It should be understood that this is not a case of a person who has an accountant firm and who attends a variety of clients, in the way that is done in many professions (medics, dentists, etc.).

209 - If the person carries out their occupation in a company that functions in two or more different industrial activities, the industrial activity with which the person is directly associated should be annotated, as long as this is one of the principal activities of the company, and not an accessory activity. Examples:

a) In the case of a single company that has factory for coaches, and one for furniture, the employee principle industry will be annotated as "coach factory" or "furniture factory," in accordance with the industry in which he works;

b) If a textile factory has its own electric plant that provides it with its necessary driving power, a person who works in the factory should be annotated as working principally in the industry of "textile factory," and not in "electric plant," since the latter activity is an accessory to the factory.

210 - With respect to domestic servants, their principle industry should be annotated as, "family house," or "group quarters."