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Occupational (economic) characteristics

For persons 12 years of age and older

16. Occupation: ____

Only for those who are employed, unemployed or looking for work for the first time. If an employed person has more than one occupation, write the one which produces the most income. For the unemployed, write the most recent occupation. For one looking for work for the first time, write the profession or position if there is one, or else write "none." Examples of occupation: lawyer, carpenter, bricklayer, paymaster, tractor driver, etc.

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Item XVI: Occupation

193 - Specifically annotate the profession, office, or class of work that they carry out on the census day, but only for the persons classified in the preceding item (item 15) under one of the three groups: "employed," "unemployed," and "seeking work for the first time."

[pg. 26]

194 - Avoid vague designations, such as: laborer, operator, office worker, vendor, etc.; employ, rather, designation that give the most complete idea possible of the person's occupation, for example: agronomical engineer, movie operator, fruit vendor, travel agent, shoemaker's apprentice, etc.

195 - There are some occupations of laborers, artisans, and professionals for whom their simple denominations precisely define their occupations, such as: carpenters, masons, plumber, medic, lawyer, etc.

196 - On the other hand, certain occupations in the commercial field require specification, such as sales agent, etc. Similarly, in the case of the office workers, clarify if they are typist, cashier, treasurer, bookkeeper, archivist, etc.

197 - In the case of professionals, such as medics, lawyer, engineers, etc., this is the type of occupation that, in general, should be registered. Cases do exist, however, in which such persons do not carry out the given professions, dedicating themselves to other activities. For example, a lawyer who works exclusively in the management of a Bank; a medic who dedicates him or her self exclusively to teaching in a university. In these cases, the last activity mentioned will be annotated, such as: bank manager, or university professor, and the like, depending on the case.

198 - For the government employees, annotate, in like manner, their specific occupations in accordance with the examples given in the preceding cases, avoiding the designation of "public employee." If the person is a member of the "armed forces" (not including police), no matter what their class or position, they should be annotated as "military personnel."

199 - With respect to the domestic servants, it should be specified whether or not this is a case of, for example, cook, clothes-washer, babysitter, cleaner, etc. In the same way, in the case of those who work in agricultural fields, the term "farmer" should be reserved for those who direct a farm of which they are the owners, or "foreman" or "administrator" when they are not owners of the farm which they direct. "Agriculturist" would be a person who directs the workings of a farm plot [chacra].

For those who work in specific activities (milkers, herdsman, animal trainers/breakers, tractor drivers, peons, etc.) annotate their specific occupation.

200 - In the case of "unemployed" persons, annotate the last employment they carried out.

201 - For the persons who are "seeking work for the first time," register the profession, office, or type of work which they are capable or have permission to do [clasificadas], and in a case where they are not capable nor have permission for any, simply register: "none." Having made the annotation of the occupation, according to the case, the census investigation is over for this group of persons. Therefore, draw a diagonal line over the area corresponding to the information pertaining to the following Items (Items 17 and 18).