Questionnaire Text

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General characteristics

For individuals of all ages

9. Language:

Mark the box corresponding to the language habitually spoken in the household. For those who habitually speak GuaranĂ­ ([] 1) or a foreign language ([] 4), note as well whether the person is able to speak Spanish.

[] 1 Only GuaranĂ­
[] 2 Only Spanish
[] 3 Spanish and GuaranĂ­
[] 4 Foreign language ____

Speaks Spanish?

[For persons in households where Spanish is not the habitual language]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Item IX: Language

155 - Annotate the name of the language that the person habitually speaks in the household in their daily interaction with their relatives [parientes o relacionados].

156 - In the particular case where a person speaks only the language Guarani or a foreign language (English, French, German, Italian, etc.) in the household; annotate if, besides this, the person has an understanding of the Spanish language. Mark: yes or no, according to the case.