Questionnaire Text

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Individual questionnaire

Answer the questions 29 to 35 if you are employed, if you are unemployed and have already worked (use as reference the last occupation held. If you are not in one of the previous situations, go to question 36.

32. Indicate your professional status in the occupation indicated

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Family worker
[] 5 Active member of a producers' co-operative
[] 7 Other situation
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7.2.4. Individual

Questions 29-35 must be answer with reference to the same job

Question 32- Indicate your professional status in the occupation indicated?
[There is an image of question 32]
This question attempts to know the condition of the person who works in their occupation or rather relate the work to the dependence on the person who performs it.
If the person has more than one role, during the week in reference, indicate what took up the most time.
Employer- this is the owner, partner, or main stockholder of the business in which he/she mainly works, and typically has one or more paid employees under his/her supervision.
Self-employed- is a person who works for his/her own accord, or in association with another person and does not have paid employees.
Employee- is a person who works for an employer, business, State, etc. receiving a wage.
A person that does military service, voluntarily or by contract are considered employees.
Family worker- is considered work done for a family member and is not paid, all people who work at least 15 hours during the reference week and that directly contributed to the operation of a family business, farm, or professional office that produced profit and belongs to a relative.
Active member of a producers' co-operative- if the person is a member of a producers' co-operative of goods or services in which his/her main occupation is that must choose this option. This also includes workers for self-managed businesses. Paid employees of a cooperative that were not members must choose the option "employee".
Other situation- This includes all situations not previously mentioned.
For situations in which the difference between employee and self-employed is not clear, you must determine which one is the best fit, according to the work conditions (when and where the job is performed, how much pays, etc.).
In case that the person defines these conditions for themselves, the person is considered self-employed, in cases where the employer defines the conditions, the person is considered an employee.
Therefore, people that receive the so-called "green receipts" even if they are self-employed, must be classified with the option "employee" since they verify the following conditions: set work place
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within an organization, set hierarchy, and defined schedule. In case these conditions are not verifiable, then the answer should be "self-employed".
If a person was unemployed and was looking for work during the week in reference, you must indicate the situation in which the person last worked.