Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Filling out the Building questionnaire

Question 9 - What year was the building constructed?
[There is an image of box for question 9]
The year refers to the period corresponding to:

The actual construction of the building;
Construction of the main part of the building (when different parts of the building were made at different times)
Or remodeling of the building, in case of buildings that have undergone transformations.

A building that has undergone a complete transformation refers to a remodel (preserving the front or not). That is, remodeling after a total or partial demolition of the existing building, that results in upkeep of the building's exterior, the height and a number of floors.
To tell the year that the building was constructed, you should find out from the owner, the doorman, or one of the residents about the year of construction or an approximate age.
In case of doubt, decide which seems the most appropriate, depending on the structure of the building or comparison with other neighboring buildings of similar characteristics.