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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

11. Literacy:

If you just write numbers or your name; only read out do not write, or just read and write only memorized sentences, then indicate "Not able to read and write"

[] 1 Able to read and write
[] 3 Not able to read and write

Question 11 - Literacy

Able to read and write - you can read and write, even if it is difficult for you, if you are able to read a newspaper and write sentences.

Not able to read and write - if you are unable to read and write sentences, even simple sentences, and understand their content. If you can only write your name, numbers, read but not write or read and write memorized sentences, you are not considered as being able to read and write.

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Question 11 - Literacy

The following options are available:
1. Able to read and write
2. Not able to read and write - even if he only knows how to write his name.