Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 4-18 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 11-18 were asked of persons living in a conventional dwelling as the place of their usual residence, according to questions 2, 3]

15. If you are a tenant, please indicate the form lease:

[Question 15 was asked of persons living in a conventional dwelling as the place of their usual residence, but not owning it, according to questions 2, 3.]

Rented dwelling with a:

[] 1 Contract for 3 or 5 years
[] 2 Contract without term
[] 3 Social rent contract

[] 4 Sub-rented dwelling - go to 17
[] 5 Other situation (granted, etc) - go to 18

Question 15 - If you are a tenant, please indicate the form of lease:

This question is only for occupants who are not owners or co-owners of the respective dwellings.

3- or 5-year fixed-term contract - a contract in which at the end of the term (3 or 5 years), the amount of the rent may be renegotiated by the parties. If the parties fail to come to an agreement, the contract lapses and the tenant is required to leave the dwelling.

Renewable contract of indefinite duration - a contract which is automatically renewed and only terminates if the tenant wishes to leave the dwelling.

Council or subsidized rent contract - a contract in which the tenant is a public body and in which the amount of the rent was reduced in view of the need for social aid by the household.

If the dwelling is let to an individual who, in turn, lets it to a third person through payment of a rent, the dwelling is said to be sublet.

Cases involving the voluntary conveyance of the dwelling, (for example: a father owns a dwelling and transfers it free of charge to his son), as well as cases in which the occupancy of the dwelling is usually associated with a contract in which consideration is either directly or indirectly assigned to it, subject to the performance of a task (for example: doormen, watchmen, etc.), should be included under other situations.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Note: Questions 15, 16, 17 and 18 that follow, are destined only to the tenants of conventional dwellings, so if you answer the question 14 the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.

Question 15 - If you are a tenant, please indicate the form of lease

This question is only for dwellings where none of the occupants is proprietary or co-proprietary of the respective dwelling.
We must distinguish the form of contract:
Rented dwelling with a:

Contract for 3 or 5 years
Contract without term
Social rent contract
Sub-rented dwelling
Other situation (granted, etc)

If the dwelling is sub-rented the question 16 shall not be answered, continuing to answer in the question 17.
If the dwelling is under any other situation the questions 16 and 17 can not be answered, you shall continue to answer in the question 18.