Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

7. What is your citizenship?

[] 1 Portuguese only
[] 3 Stateless

More than one citizenship

[] 5 Portuguese and other
[] 7 Other cases


[] 8 From country of birth
[] 9 Foreign, from another country, please write in ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 7: What is your citizenship?

The options of answer to this question are:

1 Portuguese only
3 Stateless

More than one citizenship

5 Portuguese and other
7 Other cases


8 From country of birth
9 Foreign, from another country, please write in ____

If the enumerated individual is currently applying for a different citizenship, he/she must indicate the citizenship valid at the moment and not the one he/she is applying for.