Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

24. Professional situation

The profession you indicated as your main occupation was performed as:

[] 1 Employer (with one or more employees)
[] 2 Own-account worker
[] 3 Contributing family worker
[] 4 Employee
[] 5 Member of a production cooperative
[] 6 Other situation

Question 24 - Professional situation

  • Own-account worker: refers to the individual who works on his own and usually does not have paid workers, although he can receive help from family member whom he does not pay.
  • Contributing family worker: refers to the individual who works at least 15 hours per week in a family economic activity, without receiving payment.
  • Employee: refers to the individual who works for another person, firm, or organization in exchange for a wage. Workers in production cooperatives choose this option.
  • Member of a production cooperative: refers to the member of a production cooperative, where he works. This option includes, also, workers of self-managed firms.
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 16.
Only individuals 12 years of age or older answer the next questions.
[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

Question 24 - Professional situation

Important: Only the individuals who answered the previous question answer this question.

With this question, we intend to know the condition of those working, in other words, we intend to know the dependency relations in which the work is done.

If the enumerated was unemployed but looking for a new job, or doing the compulsory military service (but before that had a job) on the week of reference, he must indicate the situation he was in on the last profession he had.

The unemployed looking for their first job and individuals doing the compulsory military service but who did not had a job before do not answer this question, like they did not answer the previous one.

The profession you indicated as your main occupation was performed as:

Employer - is the owner, partner or major shareholder; has his main occupation in the company or agricultural exploitation.

Own-account worker - Is the individual who works on his own and does not have any paid employee, but might have unpaid family help.

Contributing family worker - Is an individual who worked on a family economic activity without payment for 15 hours or longer on the week of reference.
If a family individual worked less than 15 hours they do not answer this question.

Employee - Is the individual who works for somebody else and, for that, receives payment.

Member of production co-operative - If a person is a partner of a production cooperative and if he works in it as with his main occupation.