Mark (x) the "yes" box for each type of income this person received and give your best estimate of the total amount during the past 12 months (note: the past 12 months is the period from today's d dta one year ago up through today.)
Mark (x) the no box to show types of income not received.
If net income was a loss, mark the "loss" box to the right of the dollar amount.
For income received jointly, report the appropriate share for each person - or, if that's not possible, report the whole amount for only one person and mark the "no" box the other person.
Answer person questions 19 through 48 if this person is 15 years old or over.
Answer person questions 47 through 48 only if this person is 15 years old or over.
Mark the "yes" or "no" box for each type of income, and enter the amount received in the past 12 months for each "Yes" response.
If income from any source was received jointly by household members, report, if possible, the appropriate share for each person; otherwise, report the whole amount for only one person and mark the "no" box for the other person.
When reporting income received jointly, do not include the amount for a person not listed on pages 2, 3, or 4.
Do not include the following as income in any item:
Do not include Supplemental Security Income (SSI), food assistance (such as food stamps and benefits from the Nutritional Assistance Program (PAN), or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [SNAP]), rental assistance, education assistance, child care assistance, transportation assistance, or assistance with heating or cooling costs or any other energy assistance (such as Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP).