Questionnaire Text

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6. Where was [respondent] born?

Mark (X) the appropriate box and print the name of municipio, State, or foreign country.

[] 1 Puerto Rico --> print name of municipio ____
[] 2 United States --> print name of U.S. State ____
[] 3 Elsewhere --> print name of foreign country ____

If the answer to question 6 appears in one of the first two "Yes" categories listed below, mark (X) the appropriate "Yes" category. Otherwise, ask

7. Is [respondent] a citizen of the United States? That is does [respondent] have at least one American parent or is [respondent] a citizen by naturalization?

[] 1 Yes, born in Puerto Rico -- Skip to 9
[] 2 Yes, born in the United States, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] 3 Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
[] 4 Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
[] 5 No, not a citizen of the United States