Questionnaire Text

Benin 1979 Egypt 1986 Liberia 2008 Sierra Leone 2004
Benin 1992 Egypt 1996 Mali 1987 Sierra Leone 2015
Benin 2002 Egypt 2006 Mali 1998 South Africa 2001
Benin 2013 Guinea 1983 Mali 2009 South Africa 2007
Burkina Faso 1985 Guinea 1996 Nepal 2001 Togo 1960
Burkina Faso 1996 Guinea 2014 Nepal 2011 Togo 1970
Burkina Faso 2006 Iraq 1997 Rwanda 1991 Togo 2010
Cameroon 1976 Kenya 1989 Rwanda 2002 Uganda 2002
Cameroon 1987 Kenya 1999 Rwanda 2012 Uganda 2014
Cameroon 2005 Kenya 2009 Senegal 1988
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Lesotho 1996 Senegal 2002
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Lesotho 2006 Senegal 2013
Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_MARST — Marital status
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Demographic characteristics (for all person)

(9) Marital status

[] 0. C [single]
[] 1. M, M1 [married with one wife]
[] 2. M2 [married with two wives]
[] 3. M3 [married with 3 wives]
[] 4. M4 [married with 4 wives]
[] 5. M5 [married with 5 or more wives]
[] 6. V [widowed]
[] 7. D [divorced]
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Demographic Characteristics (for each household member)

Column (9): Marital Status
Ask the interviewee if he/she is single, married, widowed, or divorced.

- If single, write down the letter C [first letter of the word single in French]
- If it is a married woman, write down M;
- If it is a married man with one wife (monogamous), write down M1;
- If it is a married man with 2 wives, write down M2;
- If it is a married man with more than 5 wives, always write down M5;
- If the person was married and later lost his/her partner due to death (widow, widower) and has not yet remarried at the time of the census, write down the letter V [first letter of the words widower, widow in French];
- If the person was married and the marriage ended through divorce or separation of the couple (divorce), write down the letter D;
- For each person living with another of the opposite sex and who declares to be living in concubinage or a free union (unmarried), write down M before the name of the person was not widowed or divorced.

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_MARST — Marital status
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Persons of 10 years or more of age

[Questions in columns 17 - 21 were asked of persons age 10 or older.]

(17) Marital status

[] 0 Single (C)
[] 1 Monogamous marriage (M1)
[] 2 Polygamous marriage with 2 wives (M2)
[] 3 Polygamous marriage with 3 or more wives (M3)
[] 4 Divorced (D)
[] 5 Widowed (V)
[] 6 Separated (S)
[] 7 Free union (UL) [unmarried couple]
[] 9 Undeclared (ND)
[] 8 Not applicable (SO) [persons younger than 10]
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II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Columns (17) to (21): These columns are only for persons older than 10 i.e. born before February 1982.

Column (17): Marital Status
Is considered married, each individual whose union was celebrated in a civil, religious, or customary rite. The census agent shall circle the codes according to the interviewee's answer.

[] 0 Single i.e. a man or a woman who was never been married.
[] 1 M1: monogamous marriage
[] 2 M2: polygamous marriage with 2 wives
[] 3 M3: polygamous marriage with 3 wives
[] 4 M4+: polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives
[] 5 D: divorced for each person whose marriage ended through divorce and has not remarried.
[] 6 V: widowed for each person who was married and has lost his or her partner through death and was not remarried at the time of the census.
[] 7 S: separated for each person previously married but declares to be separated at the time of the census.
[] 8 UL (free union) [unmarried couple] for each person living with a partner without an official celebration of a legal marriage, religious or customary.

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Persons of 10 years or more of age
[Question 23 was asked of persons 10+ years old]

(23) Marital status

[] 0 Single
[] 1 Monogamous marriage
[] 2 Polygamous marriage with 2 wives
[] 3 Polygamous marriage with 3 wives
[] 4 Polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Separated
[] 8 Free union [unmarried couple]
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v) Sociocultural characteristics

Column (23): Marital status
Column (23) only concerns residents of 10 and more years of age. For residents of less than 10, this column does not apply and the census agent shall leave it empty. (To this effect, verify with column 6 i.e. age).
The marital status is a person's situation in relation to marriage defined as the union between a man and a woman according to the laws and customs.
Ask the following question: "What is [the respondent]'s marital status?" and circle the code corresponding to the interviewee's declaration according to the following options.

[] 0. C: Single i.e. a man or a woman who was never been married;
[] 1. M1: monogamous marriage;
[] 2. M2: polygamous marriage with 2 wives;
[] 3. M3: polygamous marriage with 3 wives;
[] 4. M4+: polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives;
[] 5.D: divorced for each person whose marriage ended through divorce and has not remarried;
[] 6. V: widowed for each person who was married and has lost his or her partner through death and was not remarried at the time of the census;
[] 7. S: separated for each person previously married but declares to be separated at the time of the census;
[] 8. UL (free union) [unmarried couple] for each person living with a partner without an official celebration of a legal marriage, religious or customary.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons aged 10 years or older
[Question 25 was asked of residents aged 10 years or older]

25. Marital status

[] 0 Single
[] 1 Monogamous marriage
[] 2 Polygamous marriage with 2 wives
[] 3 Polygamous marriage with 3 wives
[] 4 Polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Separated
[] 8 Free union (unmarried couple)
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25. Marital status

The question on marital status shall only be asked to men and women household residents age 10 or more.

For person younger than 10 years, leave columns 26, 27, 28, and 29 blank then skip to the person on the following line, if there is no other person, skip to question 30.

Marital status is defined as the existence or not of conjugal relations between two persons of the opposite sex. In light of existing laws and customs, one can distinguish:

Single: is considered single any person who has never been married;

Married: is married any person united by law, custom, or religion to another person of the opposite sex;

Monogamous marriage:

A man in a civil, religious, or customary union with one woman;
A woman in a civil, religious, or customary union with one man

Polygamous marriage with 2, 3, 4, or more women:

A man in a civil, religious, or customary union with 2, 3, 4, or more women;
A woman in a civil, religious, or customary union with a man who has 2, 3, 4, or more wives.

Divorced: is divorced any person who has severed all ties [legal or customary] that linked them to their partner and who has not remarried; however, a man in polygamous marriage who divorces one of his spouses remains married.

Widower/widow: is a widower/widow any person whose partner has died and who has not remarried; however, a man in polygamous marriage whose wife dies remains married.

Separated: is separated a person who has been abandoned or is separated from their partner, legally or not, but whose divorce has not yet been pronounced; however, a man in polygamous marriage who is separated from one of his spouses remains married.

Free union: is considered living in a free union, any person living with another person of the opposite sex without having had a civil, customary, or religious marriage celebrated.

The modality codes of the variable marital status are:

[] 0. Single
[] 1. Monogamous marriage [with 1 wife]
[] 2. Polygamous marriage with 2 wives
[] 3. Polygamous marriage with 3 wives
[] 4. Polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives
[] 5. Divorced
[] 6. Widow[er]
[] 7. Separated
[] 8. Free union
[Page 74]

Q: "Are you/is [the respondent] married?"

If yes, ask:
Monogamous marriage, polygamous marriage with 2 wives, polygamous marriage with 3 wives, polygamous marriage with 4 or more wives, or free union?

If no, ask:
Single, divorced, widow[er], or separated?
Circle the code corresponding to the declared answer.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_MARST — Marital status
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Residents 12 years of age and older
[Questions 16-20 were asked for residents age 12 and older.]

16. Marital status ____

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D) Marriage and children

Column sixteen - marital status:

This is the information concerning the marital status of residents of both sexes age 12 years or older.

Use the following abbreviations:

CEL: single (man or woman);
MA 1: man married to one woman;
MA 2: man married to two women;
MA 3: man married to three women;
MA 4: man married to four women;
MM: woman married to a monogamist;
MP: woman married to a polygamist;
VE: widowed (man or woman);
DS: divorced or separated (man or woman).

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Residents age 12 years or older:
[Question P23 was asked for persons 12 years of age or older who were household residents.]

Marital status
P23. Does [person] live with one or more women (a man)?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 0. Single
[] 1. Married and monogamous
[] 2. Married to two women
[] 3. Married to three women
[] 4. Married to four or more women
[] 5. Widowed (man or woman)
[] 6. Divorced or separated (man or woman)
[] 7. Civil union

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_MARST — Marital status
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P25. Marital status
For residents 12 years of age or older

Does [the person] live with one (or more) women (or a man)?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 0 Single
[] 1 Married and monogamous
[] 2 Married to two women
[] 3 Married to three women
[] 4 Married to four or more women
[] 5 Widowed (man or woman)
[] 6 Divorced or separated (man or woman)
[] 7 Civil union

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_MARST — Marital status
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Population 4 years old or older

25) Marital status

[] 10 Single
[] 20 Married (woman)
[] 21 Man married to 1 woman
[] 22 Man married to 2 women
[] 23 Man married to 3 women
[] 24 Man married to 4 women
[] 25 Man married to 5 women
[] 26 Man married to 6 women
[] 27 Man married to 7 women
[] 28 Man married to 8 women
[] 29 Man married to 9+ women
[] 30 Widowed
[] 40 Divorced

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b) Column 17 to 25:

To be filled out individually for the people ages 4 and over (mark a line in column 17 to 25 for children under 4.

Column 25: Marital status

-C for a single person (person who was never married)

-M for a married woman

-M1 for a man married with 1 wife

-M2 for a man married with 2 wives, and so on

-V for a widow (person whose partner is deceased and who isn't remarried)

-D for a divorced person (person divorced from his/her partner and who isn't remarried) or separated from his/her spouse

In all cases you should consider statements from the concerned party: a married person is someone who declares himself/herself as such

The number of wives to mark for each married man is the number of current wives.

[Example omitted]

The fourth page of the questionnaire: to be filled out for each household.

N.B. These questions should be asked once per household. In cases where several sheets are used for the same household, only fill out the back of the first sheet and mark a line on the back of the extra sheets that are already filed on the inside of the first sheet once the household has been surveyed.

Events occurring in the household over the last 12 months.

These questions are meant to create an inventory of the births and deaths that occurred in the household over the course of the 12 months that came before the first day of surveying, meaning from April 9 1975 to April 8 1976.

Mark this period once in its reserved space, under the following form: "period from 4/9/75 to 4/8/76".

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_MARST — Marital status
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Population of 11 years and older (born before April 1976)
[Questions 23-26 were asked of persons 11 years old or more.]

P24. Marital status ________

Put the appropriate symbol, according to the instructions at the bottom of the page.

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Columns P23 to P25: Population of 11 years and older (born before April 1976)
Note that these columns concern only persons who are 11 or more years old, in other words persons born before April 1976.
1) For persons who are less than 11 years old, put a dash in columns P23, P24 and P25.
2) For persons who are 11 or more years old. Fill in the following columns in compliance with the instructions below.

Column P24: Marital status
Write one of the following abbreviations as the case may be:

C. For any man or woman who has never married since birth
M1. For any man who has only one wife or any woman whose husband has only her as wife.
M2. For any man who has two wives or any woman whose husband has two wives.
M3. For any man who has three wives or any woman whose husband has three wives.
M4. For any man who has four or more wives or any woman whose husband has four or more wives.
V For any man whose wife is dead and he has not remarried or any woman whose husband is dead and she has not remarried (widower or widow)
D. For any divorced man or woman who has not remarried, or for any man or woman separated from his (her) spouse and who has not remarried.
NB. The number of wives to be taken into account is the number at the time of the census living with the husband or elsewhere (even out of Cameroon) provided that they are not divorced or separated.

1) A man had four wives, one of them died, he is divorced or separated from another, he therefore has only two wives left

You should write M2 for the man
M2 for the wives

2) A man had five wives, one died, he is divorced or separated from another, two live with him, one lives in the village, he therefore has three wives left.

You should write: M3 for the man
M3 for each of the wives

In this last case and, in general, where one or more wives do not live with the husband, indicate the total number of wives and specify in the 'remarks' space that some of the wives live elsewhere to show that you have not made a mistake in filing in the questionnaire.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_MARST — Marital Status
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8. Marital status _
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8. Marital status

N.B. The question on marital status is only asked to men over the age of 15 and women over the age of 12.

Marital status is defined by the existence or not of a marital relationship between two people of opposite sex. Considering laws and customs in effect, we distinguish:

Single: all people who have never been married are considered single.

Married: all people joined by law, tradition, or religion to another person of opposite sex are considered married.

Separated: all people who were left by or separated from their spouse, legally or not, but for whom the divorce hasn't been declared are considered separated; nevertheless, a polygamous man separated from one of his spouses remains married.

Divorced: all people who broke all ties (legally or traditional) which joined them to a spouse and who did not remarry are considered divorced, nevertheless, a polygamist who divorced one of his wives remains married.

Widow: All people whose spouse is deceased, and who did not remarry are considered widows, nevertheless, a polygamist with a spouse who died remains married.

Cohabitation: all people who cohabitate with a person of the opposite sex without a civil, traditional, or religious marriage

The codes of the terms of the marital status variable are:

0 = single
1 = man married to 1 spouse or woman married to 1 man having 1 spouse
2 = man married to 2 women or woman married to 1 man having 2 spouses
3 = man married to 3 women or woman married to 1 man having 3 spouses
4 = man married to 4 women or woman married to 1 man having 4 spouses
5 = man married to 5 or more women or woman married to 1 man having 5 or more spouses
6 = cohabitation
7 = separated
8 = divorced
9 = widow
Q. Are you, is _______ married?
-Mark in the proper space the marital status code provided.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_MARST — Marital status
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All individuals
[Question 17 through 28 were asked of all individuals]

25. Marital status

Ask the question in accordance with the instruction manual

[] 1 Single (s)
[] 2 Cohabitation (ch)
[] 3 Man married to 1 wife (m1)
[] 4 Man married to 2 wives (m2)
[] 5 Man married to 3 or more wives (m3)
[] 6 Married woman (w)
[] 7 Separated or divorced (sd)
[] 8 Widow/widower (w)
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4.3.2 The inside of the questionnaire: data on the household

To complete the inside of the questionnaire, you must have:

- Read and fully understand the contents of this manual.
- If any points are unclear to you, ask your team leader for an explanation.
- Know the definitions perfectly and the meaning of the abbreviations used.
- The presence of the person you are surveying to obtain reliable information. If the head of the household is absent, speak with his representative to get the necessary information.


- Ask each person to be surveyed to present an identification document (national identification card, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc.) in order to quickly obtain answers to questions regarding first and last names, date of birth, etc.

Carefully follow all instructions you have been given, especially regarding how to ask the questions.

Question 25: Marital status
Marital status indicates an individual's situation with respect to marriage.

He or she is considered "married" when they are in a union that was celebrated civilly or religiously or in accordance with the traditional rites.

After conducting the interview, as applicable, circle the code that corresponds to the situation of the surveyed individual.

The possible answers are:

[] l S = Single. A single person is an individual who has never been married.
[] CH = Cohabitation. An unmarried individual is considered to be "Cohabitating" if the union has lasted for at least one year.
[] M l = Man married to one spouse
[] M 2 = Man married to two spouses
[] M 3 + = Man married to three or more spouses
[] W = Married woman
[] S-D = Separated or Divorced. A person is separated when they are married but live separately from his/her spouse and have not gotten a divorce. A person is divorced when his/her marriage has been broken by divorce, and he/she has not remarried. If his/her former spouse died after the divorce, he/she is still considered divorced. A polygamist who divorces one of his wives is considered still married, not divorced.
[] W = Widow/Widower. A person is a widow/widower when his/her spouse has died, and he/she has not remarried. A polygamist who loses one of his wives is still considered married, not a widower.

How to conduct the interview about marital status.

For all individuals under 12 years of age, systematically circle code 1 = S (single).
For all individuals 12 years of age or older, ask, "Do you live with a woman (or a man?)."
If "Yes," ask: Have you celebrated your union civilly or religiously or in accordance with traditional rites?"
If "Yes"
1) If it is a man, ask: "How many women are you married to?" and circle one of the following codes, as applicable:
3 = M l (Man married to 1 woman)
4 = M 2 (Man married to 2 women)
5 = M 3+ (Man married to 3 or more women)
2) If it is a woman, circle code 6 = W (married woman).
If "No," circle the code 2 = CH.
If "No," ask: "Have you ever been married"?
If "no," circle the code 1 = S (single)
If "Yes," ask: "Are you separated or divorced from your spouse?"
If "yes," circle the code 7 = S-D (separated or divorced)
If "No," ask, "Are you a Widow/Widower?"
If "yes," circle the code 8 = W (widow/widower).

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_MARST — Marital status
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Residents of age 12 years and over
[Question 34 and 35 are asked of resident persons age 12+.]

34. Marital status

[] 1 Single (c)
[] 2 Cohabiting/common-law marriage (ul)
[] 3 Married to a woman without a co-wife, with 1 co-wife, 2 co-wives, etc. (follow the instructions in the manual) (m1, m2, m3, m4)
[] 7 Separated or divorced (sd)
[] 8 Widowed (v)
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Question 34: Marital status
Marital status indicates a person's status in relation to marriage. Any individual whose union has been formalized in a civil or religious ceremony or according to customary rites is considered "married." After conducting the interview, select the appropriate code that corresponds to the situation of the person interviewed. For example:

1 = C: single. A single person: is a person who has never been married and who is not living with a person of the opposite sex.
2 = UL: cohabitation. Any individual who is unmarried (civilly, religiously, or according to customary rites) and living with a partner is considered to be cohabitating.
3 = M1: man married to one wife (monogamous union)
4 = M2: man married to two wives or to one wife and one co-wife (polygamous union)
5 = M3: man married to three wives or to one wife and two co-wives (polygamous union)
6 = M4+: man married to four wives or more, or to one wife and three or more co-wives (polygamous union)
7 = SD: Divorced/Separated. Any person whose marriage has been broken by divorce and who has not remarried is divorced. Even if his/her former spouse died subsequent to the divorce, he/she is still divorced.

Note: People who are separated are considered divorced.
A polygamist who divorces from one of his wives is not considered divorced, but remains married.

8 = Ve: Widow(er). A widow(er) is a person whose marriage has ended due to the death of his/her spouse and who has not remarried. A polygamist who loses one of his spouses is not a widower, but is still married.

How to conduct the interview on marital status?
For each resident 12 years of age or older, ask: "Do you live with a woman (or a man)?"

2.1 - If "yes," ask: Has your union been formalized in a civil or religious ceremony or according to customary rites?
a) If "yes," the person is married
If the individual is a man, ask: "How many women are you married to?"
If the individual is a woman, ask: "How many co-wives do you have?"
And circle one of the following codes as appropriate:
3 = M1: Man married to a married spouse or wife without co-wife
4 = M2: Man married to one wife, or married woman with one co-wife
5 = M3 Man married to three wives, or married woman with two co-wives
6 = M4: Man married to four or more wives, or married woman with three or more co-wives.
b) If "No," the person is not married, but is cohabitating; circle code 2 = UL: Cohabitation.
2.2 - If "No" (to the question, "Do you live with a woman (or a man)?" ask: "Have you ever been married?"
- If "no," circle code 1 = C: single
- If "yes," ask: "Are you divorced from your spouse?"
- If "yes," circle code 7 - SD: divorced/separated
- If "No," ask: "Are you a Widow(er)?"
- If "yes," circle code 8 = Ve: widow(er)
- If "no," there must be an inconsistency in the answers; go through the interview again

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_WIVES — Number of wives
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Part B: Individual data

13. Marital status
[Question 13 was asked of males 18 years and over and females 16 and over.]

[] 1 Underage
[] 2 Never married
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Engaged
[] 5 Divorce
[] 6 Widowed
14. Number or current wives ____
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The number of the current wives: Column number (14)
The number of wives for the married male is recorded at the time of census and the female who is contractually married but, she is not living as wife and husband is included in this number.
Put (-) in any of the following status:

For male (18 years and over) and not married
All female even those who are under age of marriage

For male less than (18 years) and not married write "under age."

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_WIVES — Number of wives
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14. Number or current wives ____
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The number of current wives column No.(14)
Record for the married male the number of his current wives at the time of enumeration and the female that is contractually married is counted within this number. Put (-) in any of the following cases:
for male (18 years and over) and never married
for all female even those who are less than marriage age
for male less than (18 years) and never married write underage

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_WIVES — Number of wives
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[Questions 15-20 for all persons]

16. Number of current wives ____

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Table 1: Household characteristics

8. Number of wives currently married to
This question is filled only for married men of all religions.

There is one square to write a number from (1) to (4) only, since it is logical that he doesn't have more than (4) wives for Muslims and not more than (1) for non-Muslims.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_MARST — Marital status
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Section E. Demographic characteristics of the whole population (individual characteristics)
[No label "E" on the questionnaire]

9. Marital status

[] 0 Single (never married)
[] 1 Woman married, or man married, 1 wife
[] 2 Married, 2 wives
[] 3 Married, 3 wives
[] 4 Married, 4 wives
[] 5 Married, 5 wives or more
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Divorced

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Column (8): Marital Status
117. Write the status as it is at the time of his/her visit. Write:
C for single men and women (i.e., never married)
M followed by the number of wives for a married man. For example, M1 = married, 1 wife; M2 = married, 2 wives, etc.
M for a married woman
V for widows and widowers
D for divorced men and women

118. The enumerator must ask the question carefully so that those being interviewed do not confuse single (never married) with divorced (marriage ties dissolved) or widow (loss of spouse through death.)

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Resident population aged 12 years and above
[Question P19 was asked of persons aged 12 years and above.]

P19 Marital status

[] 0 Single (never married)
[] 1 Married, with 1 wife
[] 2 Married, with 2 wives
[] 3 Married, with 3 wives
[] 4 Married, with 4 wives
[] 5 Married, with 5 wives
[] 6 Common law union/free union
[] 7 Divorced
[] 8 Separated
[] 9 Widowed

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Column P19: Marital Status
The marital status of an individual is his/her status with respect to marriage. By marriage is understood any union established between a man and a woman before the state, the Church, an Imam, or concluded according to customary or traditional rules.

Thus any person declaring that he/she is married must be considered as such.

[p. 54]

For this variable, the National Census Bureau (BNR) distinguishes 6 basic modalities: single, married, co-habiting, divorced, separated and widowed.

1) A single person is anyone who has never entered into a marriage contract or a conjugal union. He/she has no spouse at the date of the census. Record this as "J Ma ____ 0."
2) A married person is any person who has been married at least once in his/her life and who, at the date of the census, has a spouse or, in the case of men, one or several spouses. Record this as "Mar_ _ _ /_ _ _/." In the box across from "Mar" indicate the number of spouses he presently has if it's a man, and if it's a woman indicate her rank in the number of spouses (i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd spouse of her husband).
3) Cohabitation is a consensual union in which neither party claims that they are bound by marriage. They declare themselves to be in such an arrangement.
4) A divorced person is anyone who was previously married and whose marriage was dissolved by reasons other than the death of the spouse, and who is presently without a spouse.
5) Separation is when 2 people who are bound by marriage no longer live together because of disagreement caused by a variety of reasons. It is not yet a question of divorce, properly speaking, but of a stage in married life which most often ends in divorce. Anyone in this situation is considered as separated.
6) A widow or widower, is any person who was previously married and whose marriage was dissolved following the death of the spouse, and who is currently alone without a spouse.

Please note: a polygamous man who has lost one of his wives, either through divorce or death, is still married. What changes is the number of spouses, which has decreased by one.

Ask the following question of all residents of the household aged 12 or more:

"Have you ever been married?"
a) If the answer is no, you are dealing with the case of a single person, a person who has never been married -- "J Ma--0." Circle the code "0."
b) If the answer is yes, ask for confirmation of the marriage or marriages.

"Are you still married?"
If the answer is yes, ask:
a) For men: "How many wives do you currently have?"
b) For women: "Are you the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd . . . spouse of your current husband?

Write the number indicated in the box located across from "Mar," if the number is less than or equal to 5. If it is more than 5, write 5.

[p. 55]

If the answer is no, the person is no longer married and does not have a spouse. Ask him/her if he/she is widowed, divorced or separated and circle the number of the appropriate code.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_MARST — Marital status
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III. Individual characteristics

Residents of 12 years or more
[Questions P26 and P27 were asked of resident persons 12 years or more.]

P27. Marital status

What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

Enter the appropriate code.

[] 0 Single
[] 1 Man in monogamous marriage or woman married to a monogamous man
[] 2 Man married to 2 women or woman married to man having 2 wives
[] 3 Man married to 3 women or woman married to man having 3 wives
[] 4 Man married to 4 women or woman married to man having 4 wives
[] 5 Man married to 5 women or woman married to man having 5 wives
[] 6 Widow / widower
[] 7 Divorced or separated
[] 8 Living together or concubinage

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_WIVES — Number of wives
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To be filled by people age 12 and older
[Applies to questions 38-45]

For married males only

41. Number of wives legally under his protection ____

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41. Number of wives legally under his protection (for married males only):
Means the wife that still practice the marriage life with her husband and the marriage bond between them doesn't end legally for any reason till the census day.
This field is filled for the married males only and the numerator has to notice the sex field number (36) and the marital status number (38) before recording the special data concerning the number of wives legally under his protection. If the husband married one wife only we records number (1) in the space indicated for that field but if he is married to more than one wife for example three wives records number (3) and so on.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_MARST — Marital status
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P13. Marital Status:

What is [the respondent's] marital status?
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Monogamous
[] 3 Polygamous
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated

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Column P13 - Marital status

97. Is this person single, married, windowed, divorced or separated?'

98. Persons who have never been married and children under 12 years of age should be code 1 (single).

99. People living together as man and wife and who so regard themselves should be coded 2 or 3 depending on status of marriage; that is, whether or not they have been through any civil, religious or customary ceremonies. The census is not trying to find out who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given to you. The married persons category is divided into two (code 2 for monogamous marriage and code 3 for polygamous marriage). Probe and ascertain whether the respondent is in a monogamous or polygamous union before coding.

100. If a person is widowed at the time of Census, he or she should be coded as 'widowed' (code 4). If a person has been widowed but has since remarried, he or she should be coded as 'married'. (2 or 3 as the case may be)

101. If people think of themselves as divorced or separated, code them as such. It does not matter whether they have been to court or gone through other formalities. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

102. Accept what people say about their marital status. Do not embarrass yourself or the person by inquiring into the nature of marriage or divorce.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_MARSTAT — Marital status
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P-15. Marital status:

What is [the respondent's] marital status?
[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Monogamous
[] 3. Polygamous
[] 4. Widowed
[] 5. Divorced
[] 6. Separated
[] 7. Not stated/don't know

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Column P15: Marital status
75. Is this person monogamously or polygamously married, widowed, divorced or separated, or never married?

(a) Persons who have never been married including young children should be coded "1" (never married).

(b) People who regard themselves as husband and wife should be coded "2" or "3" regardless of whether or not they have been through any civil, religious or customary ceremonies. The census is not trying to find out who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given to you

(c) If a person is widowed at the time of the Census, he/she should be coded as "4", i.e. widowed. If a person has been widowed but -has since remarried, he/she should be coded as married ("2" or "3" as the case may be).

(d) If people think of themselves as divorced or separated, code them as such. It does not matter whether they have been to court or gone through other formalities. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

(e) Accept what people say about their marital status. Do not embarrass yourself or the respondent by inquiring into the nature of marriage or divorce.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_MARST — Marital status
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A: Information regarding all persons
[Questions P-00 to P-23 were asked of all persons in conventional households or refugee camps].

Marital status
P-17. What is [person's] marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married monogamous
[] 3 Married polygamous
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated
[] 9 Unknown

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- Section A: Information regarding all persons. This information is contained in columns P00 to P23. Questions in this section will apply to all persons.

26. Column P17: Marital status

(Is this person monogamously or polygamously married, widowed, divorced or separated, or never married?)

26.1 Persons who have never married including young children should be coded "1" (never married).

26.2 People who regard themselves as husband and wife should be coded "2" or "3" regardless of whether or not they have been through any civil, religious or customary ceremonies. The census is not trying to find out who is legally married and who is not. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

26.3 If a person is widowed at the time of the Census, he/she should be coded as "4", i.e. widowed. If a person has been widowed but has since remarried, he/she should be coded as married ("2" or "3" as the case may be).

26.4 If people think of themselves as divorced or separated, code them as such. It does not matter whether they have been to court or gone through other formalities. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

26.5 Accept what people say about their marital status. Do not embarrass yourself or the respondent by inquiring into the nature of marriage or divorce.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Section B. For all persons

8. What is (the respondent's) marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Monogamously married
[] 3 Polygamously married
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
[] 9 Don't know
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2. Part B of questionnaire
(Questionnaire concerning the individual members of the household) the questions are marked by numbers to be read from left to right.

The first two columns must be completed before entries are made anywhere else in the questionnaire.

115. Column 8: Marital status
Please code according to list giving the present status; thus a person divorced and remarried is married.
A man who is married to one woman and a woman who has no cowives is monogamously married, irrespective of past status (Code 2). A man who is married to more than one woman or a woman who has cowives (whose husband is married to more than one woman) is polygamously married (Code 3).

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_MARST — Marital status
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Section B. List of household members

6. What is (the respondent's) marital status?

[Skip to question 9 if respondent selects 1 or 9.]

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Monogamously married
[] 3 Polygamously married
[] 4 Living together
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed
[] 9 Don't know
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Part B of the questionnaire
For all persons

76. Column 6. Marital status

Please code according to list giving the present status; thus a person divorced and remarried is married.
A man who is married to one woman and a woman who has no co wives is monogamously married, irrespective of past status (Code 2).
A man who is married to more than one woman or a woman who has co wives (whose husband has more than one woman) is polygamously married (Code 3).

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_MARST — Marital status
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P06. Marital Status
What is [the respondent's] marital status?

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_MARST — Marital status
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For individuals 12 years of age and older.

23. Marital status


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This category is related to household members (men and women) aged 12 years or more. Put a dash or a hyphen for those aged less than 12 years.

23. Marital Status

A person's marital status is his/her state with respect to marriage and in relation to the laws and customs of the country. It divides the population into: single, married, widowed or divorced. Ask household members aged 12 or more the following question about their marital status: "have you ever been married?"

Then write the following in column 23 according to the answer you receive:

- CEL for single (a person who has never married);
- MA for married (a person who has been married at least once, and who is currently in at least one of the marriages). But you should indicate the following for MA:

a. For men: the current number of wives.
Example: MA2 for a married man currently married to 2 wives
MA3 for a married man currently married to 3 wives
b. For women: the number of marriages already contracted, including the current one.
Example: MA1 for a woman who is in her first marriage
MA2 for a woman who is in her second marriage, etc.

- VEU for widow(er) (a person whose only and last existing marriage was dissolved by death.
- DIV for divorced (a person whose only and last existing marriage was dissolved by divorce)

[Page 36]

Marital status always refers to the individual's present status, or to his/her last status.

Special cases:
a. A man married to two wives whose first wife died and who is divorced from his second wife should be recorded as DIV.
b. A man who was previously married to 2 wives but who lost one of them due to death should be recorded as married to one wife (MA1).
c. A man married to 3 wives but who has divorced one wife and whose other wife has died is recorded as married to one wife. [He is recorded as] MAR because there is still an existing marriage.
d. A married man with just one wife, whose wife recently died, is recorded as widowed: VEU.

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_MARST — Marital status
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

For persons aged 12 years and above
[Questions 27-28]

27. Marital status

[] 0 Not applicable
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Monogamous (man), first marriage (woman)
[] 3 Polygamous 2 women (man), second marriage (woman)
[] 4 Polygamous 3 women (man), third marriage (woman)
[] 5 Polygamous 4 women (man), fourth marriage (woman)
[] 6 Widowed
[] 7 Divorced or separated

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

1.2.3. Population aged 12 years and more

27. Column P27: Marital status

The marital status of a person is his or her current status with respect to marriage, given the laws and customs of his or her country. Its determination leads to the distribution of the population between: single (never married), married, widowed, divorced.

The question to be asked to the household members, aged 12 year or more, on their marital status is: "Have you ever been married?"

In Column P27, write down the number corresponding to the answer.

[] 1 Single (never married person)
[] 2 Married man, one wife, or married woman, first marriage
[] 3 Married man, two wives (currently), or married woman, second marriage

[Page 32]

[] 4 Married man, three wives (currently), or married woman, third marriage
[] 5 Married man, four wives (currently), or married woman, fourth marriage
[] 6 Widowed person (person for whom the unique marriage or the last marriage was dissolved by the death of the spouse)
[] 7 Divorced or separated (person for whom the one marriage or the last marriage was dissolved by divorce)

N.B. Marital status always refers to the current status of the person [at time of census], equivalent to his or her last situation.

Particular cases:
a. A man who was married to two wives, who lost the first by death and the second by divorce will be noted (7), that is "divorced".

b. A man who was married to two wives, who lost one of the two by death, must be written as "married to one wife", which corresponds to code (2).

c. A man who was married to three wives, who lost one first by divorce and another one by death, will be noted as married to one wife, and therefore will have code (2), since one marriage still exists.

d. A man who was married to only one wife, who died shortly before, will be noted as "widowed", which corresponds to code (6).

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_MARST — Marital status
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Population age twelve or older
[Questions P29-P30 were asked for persons age 12+.]

P29) Martial status

Determine the marital status of the surveyed individual and record the code corresponding to the response

[] 0 Person not applicable
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married monogamous
[] 3 Married polygamous
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced/separated
[] 6 De facto union/Civil partnership
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Questions P29 to P33 are for people aged 12 years or older. Questions P31 to P33 are only for women aged 12 to 49 years. Marital status (Column P29)
The agent asks the following question: "What is (name)?s marital status?." Before asking, the agent already has an idea of marital status from the asked in questions in P2 (order) and P4 (relationship). Marital status is marriage vis-à-vis the laws and customs of the country. The agent records the code corresponding to the reported marital status.

0 = Person not applicable
1 = Single
2 = Married, monogamous
3 = Married, polygamous
4 = Widow / widower
5 = Divorced / Separated (e)
6 = partnership / Cohabitation

Because marital status is marriage under the laws of his/her country, you may find specific situations for foreigners. The agent must enter the code closest to the reported status.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_MARST — Marital status
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11. What is ____ marital status?
(Codes must be encircled according to the marital status of the person)
Only for persons aged 10 years and above

[] 1 Never married (skip to column 15)
[] 2 Once married/single spouse
[] 3 Married/multiple spouse
[] 4 Re-married
[] 5 Widow/widower
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Separated

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Column 11: What is ____ marital status?
(Only for persons aged 10 years and above)
[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Once married / single spouse
[] 3. Married / multiple spouse
[] 4. Re-married
[] 5. Widow/widower
[] 6. Divorced
[] 7. Separated

A marital relation between any woman or man at any time of his/her life cycle by marriage law or by social or ritual norms of the country or by understanding is called marriage. If the married couple are living together with marital relation (same place or in different place with understanding) in the time of enumeration, then it is said to be marriage. The answer category 1 mentioned above is the never married in the lifetime. But codes 2 through 7 are the status of once married and also are the different marital statuses of the marriage.
Marital status refers the marital status category 1 through 7 mentioned above of persons aged 10 years and above at the time of enumeration.

Marital status is categorized from category 1 through 7 on the basis of marital status in the current society and legal provision for the purpose of enumeration. These marital statuses are defined as follows.

Never Married: A person who is not married in any way (legally, religiously or socially), or who has not lived as husband or wife even once at the time of the census is known as a person who has never married. If man and woman have this marital status at the time of enumeration, then encircle code 1.

Married: If a person who has not lived as husband and wife even once in their life time by consensus or by their social, religious, customs norms is known as a person who has never married. If any person (male or female) has this marital status then encircle code "1" to denote never married.

Living with One Spouse: Those persons that are living with only a single spouse at the time of census enumeration are recorded in this category. Even though wife and husband are living separately with consensus and have only a single spouse, they are categorized as "living with one spouse". Even if a person is used to have more than single spouses in the past, but she/he is currently living with only single spouse due to divorce or separation or death of other spouses, then the person is included in this category of marital status. However, a person married again after a divorce or separation or death of a previous spouse/s is not included in this category though s/he is currently living with a single spouse at the time of enumeration. Such person is to be included in the remarriage category. For example, a widowed person marries with a never married person and is living with single spouse at the time of enumeration; they will not be kept in the same category. The married widowed person is categorized as "remarriage" and the other in "living with one spouse" categories.

Note: For those persons having one spouse in the time of enumeration, it should be asked and confirmed that this was the first marriage or if it was the remarriage after the death of spouse, divorce etc... If it was the first marriage, then encircle code "2"; and if it is the remarriage, then encircle code "4".

Living with more than one spouse (multiple marriages): Any person living with more than one spouse at the time of census enumeration is categorized in this group of marital status. Those spouses may live in different places with consensus and all spouses are not bound to live in the same place and to eat in the same kitchen. In this way, this category includes all polyandry (a woman has currently more than one husband) and polygamy (a husband has currently several wives) cases at the time of census enumeration, then encircle code "3" to denote the multiple marriage of the enumerated male and female.

A. Even if a person used to have more than a single spouse in the past, but she/he is currently living with only single spouse due to divorce or separation or death of another spouse, then code 2 should be encircled to denote living with one spouse. But if after the divorce or separation or death of spouse she/he married again with another spouse, then encircle code 4 to denote the remarriage; code "3" should not be encircled. If any person living with the spouse of earlier marriage and also married again with another spouse then this is the status of the multiple marriage; to denote it encircle code "3".

B. If any male has more than one wife at the time of census then the marital status of male should be multiple marriages. But the marital status of his wife should be once married if they have no other husband at the time of enumeration. The marital status of each male and female should be asked clearly and encircled appropriate status of the marriage.

Remarried: This refers to currently married person who is married more than once and is currently living with only a single spouse. If a divorced or separated or widowed person marries again with another person of any marital status, then the person is included in this "remarried" category. If a person has the marital status of remarriage at the time of enumeration, then encircle code "4".

Widow/widower: If the wife is dead at the time of the census, the person is known as a widower. If the wife loses her husband on account of his death she is known as a widow. In the case of such persons, if they have not remarried at the time of census they are known as widower or widow. To specify the marital status of such male or female encircle code "5". But if they are remarried they are considered to be married again.

Divorced: The married person who has broken the marital status legally or by any means is known as divorced. If the husband and wife continue to live separately for ever they are considered to be divorced. If the wife has chosen another husband but if the husband has not yet remarried at the time of the census, the husband is considered divorced. To specify the marital status of such male or female, encircle code "6". But once the husband and wife have divorced and live separately and after sometime both remarry other people, they are considered to be married.

Separated: A person who has not broken the marital union legally or by any means but living separately from his/her husband or wife without any relationship to each other is considered separated. To specify the marital status of such male or female at the time of census, encircle code "7" to denote the separated.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Personal Information

[7] What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

For persons 10 years and above
[] 1 Never married [Go to 9]
[] 2 Once married
[] 3 Multiple spouse
[] 4 Re-married
[] 5 Widow/widower
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Separated
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Individual information
After collecting the introductory and household information of data sheet 1, there are questions for individual information collection on the right side of the page. To write individual information, a row has been allocated for each member of the family. Sequence and rules for information collection have been put accordingly. In line with this, ask the question and fill the information. The response of each individual question should be written in the respective column.

Column 7: what is the marital status of [the respondent]?
[Ask the person aged 10 years and above only]

[] 1 Unmarried [Go to question 9]
[] 2 Single marriage
[] 3 Multiple marriage
[] 4 Remarriage
[] 5 Widow/widower
[] 6 Divorcee
[] 7 Separated

At the time of enumeration of the question related to marital status of this column, ask the persons only 10 years and above. Circle the appropriate reference number of above 7 status to indicate a person's marital status.

Marriage refers to the male and female couple living together as husband and wife in a time period in their life through mutual understanding or social and religious custom or legal process. At the time of enumeration, if any person (male or female) has been living together as husband and wife (in same place or separate), such male and female are considered as married.

Marital status refers to the marriage status of a person aged 10 years and above among the reference numbers from 1-7 above, at the time of enumeration. In the present society, marital status has been stated in the reference from 1-7 above for the purpose of legal regulation and enumeration. Unmarried status of the reference 1 refers to the status that the person has not married yet in his or her life. Rest of the references from 2-7 are the status that a person has married once in his or her life and might have undergone with other status as well. These statuses has been described as follows:

1. Unmarried - If any male or female in their life has not lived together in a couple as husband and wife at any time till date or has never married in their life, this should be understood as unmarried. If any male or female is found with this status or unmarried, circle the reference number 1.

2. Single marriage - If any male or female has married only once in their life and the male is living with only one wife or the female is living with only one husband, this is single marriage status. If this status is found at the time of remuneration, circle the reference number 2.

[p. 50]

But if the male or female married earlier has left a previous husband or wife or any one of them died and married again with another male or female and now living with that single husband or wife, this is termed as remarriage. For the male or female with remarriage status, circle the reference number 4, but don not circle the reference number 2.

Note: Ask the person with single husband or wife that and be clear whether it is their first marriage or married again after the death of previous husband or wife or divorce with previous husband or wife and then only circle the reference 2 if it is first marriage and circle 4 if it is remarriage.

3. Multiple marriage: During the enumeration time, if a male has been living with more than one wife or a female has been living more than one husband at a place or separately place with mutual consent, this should be considered as multiple marriage. Both husband and wife might have such marital status. In other words, if any male or female has more than one wife or husband at the time of enumeration, this is the status of multiple marriages. Circle the reference number 3 to indicate the multiple marriage of enumerated male or female.

a. Even though a person under enumeration had a multiple marriage status at any time before the enumeration, but now he or she has a single wife or husband, consider this as single marriage and circle the reference 2. But if any male or female has married again after the death or divorce of their previous wife or husband, consider this as remarriage and circle the reference 4, do not circle the reference 3.

[Image are omitted]

b. If the male or female, who was already married and living with their previous wife or husband, again marry to another person, this is considered multiple marriage. In such status, circle the reference 3 to indicate the multiple marriage.

c. During the enumeration, the status of a male having more than one wife would be of multiple marriage status. But the status of each wife of such person, if they do not have another husband and it is their first marriage, would be single marriage status.

d. If the previous husband is dead or divorced or left for any reason and married to the present husband, this would be the remarriage status.

Ask the marital status of each male or female in detail and only being clear, circle the appropriate reference number.

4. Remarriage - If any male or female had married once already and left the previous wife or husband for any reason (e.g. death, divorce), and has married again and living with single husband or wife, then it is remarriage status. If there is remarriage status of any male or female, circle the reference 4 to indicate it.

[p. 51]

5. Widow/widower - If a woman who has married once before in her life and her husband was deceased already before the enumeration period, and she has not married again until date, then she is widow. Similarly, if a man has not married again until date after the death of his wife, then he is widower. Whether any male or female married once or remarried again before the enumeration time, but after the death of her or his last wife or husband if the person is not remarried again, the he/she still in the position of widower or widow. If any male or female is in widow or widower status at the time of enumeration, circle the reference 5.

But if any widower or widow has married again before the enumeration period and they are living together as husband and wife, then such status is remarried status. Hence, in the remarried status, circle the reference 4.

6. Divorced - At the time of enumeration, it is found that if a husband and wife got separated or living apart legally or according to social custom due to some differences or unable to continue their life together with ill feeling, this status should be considered divorced. Whatever was their status before the enumeration, but at the enumeration time if they are living separately by getting divorced legally or as per the social custom, their marital status should be considered as divorced. If such male or female is found in divorced status at the time of enumeration, circle the reference 6.

7. Separated - If any married couple (husband and wife) has decided to live separately due to some conflict or differences because they could not live together further, then their marital status should be considered as separated.

Until a husband and wife do not get divorced legally or socially and they are living separately due to some ill feeling, their marital status should be considered as separated for the purpose of the enumeration. If any male or female is in separated status at the time of enumeration, circle the reference 7.

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_MARST — Marital status
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P25. Marital status
For individuals aged 12 years and older.

What is the marital status of [the respondent]?
Circle the number matching the letters corresponding to the answer given, following the abbreviations provided at the bottom of the page.
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married, legally
[] 3 Married, customary
[] 4 Free union
[] 5 Polygamous, two wives
[] 6 Polygamous, three wives or more
[] 7 Widowed
[] 8 Divorced / Separated

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_MARST — Marital status
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D. Population aged 12 years or more
[Questions P26-P30.]

P26. Marital status

What is the marital status of _____?

Circle the code corresponding to one of the abbreviations provided at the bottom of the page, according to the declaration of the interviewee.

1. CEL = Single
2. UL = Free union
3. MM = Married, monogamy
4. HP = Married man, polygamy
5. MP1 = Married woman, first wife in a polygamous marriage
6. MP2 = Married woman, second wife in a polygamous marriage
7. MP3 = Married woman, wife in a polygamous marriage of rank 3 or more
8. D/S = Divorced or Separated
9. VE = Widowed

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D. Questionnaire designed for persons 12 years old or more

Questionnaire for all (P26)

These questions will be asked to persons who are of age 12 years and above, of either male or female sex.
[Questions P26-P30.]

P26: Marital status

One would like to know whether the enumerated person is married or single, that is his/her marital status. This concerns (only) persons aged 12 years or more.

For the persons who have not yet reached that age, one will not write anything in P26.

In this latter column, one will circle the number corresponding to the private situation of each person.

CEL: Single, or persons of either male or female sex who have never been married; unwed mothers who have children in the household but have never contracted a marriage are also considered as single.

UL: Young women or young men who live together on common law agreement. In this case husband and wife live together illegally.

MM: Man or woman living together in a monogamous union, and who are legally married.

HP: Man with several wives.


MP1: First wife of a polygamous husband.

MP2: Second wife of a polygamous husband.

MP3+: Third, fourth, and so forth wife of a polygamous husband.

D/S: A person who is definitely divorced from her spouse, by law, or a person who is temporarily separated while waiting for a legal decision.

VE: Man or women who has lost his/her spouse, and has not yet remarried.

For any married man, it is useful to know the number of wives living with him, not taking into account the legal situation of the unions.

Divorce- final: This concerns a man or a woman who has divorced from his/her spouse by complying to a legal authority.
Divorce- temporary: This concerns a man or a woman who is temporarily divorced (is separated) while waiting for a legal decision on the final situation of their divorce.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_NSPOUSE — Number of spouses
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 29-32 were asked of residents aged 12 years or older.]

30. How many spouses does the respondent have?

The question was asked of married men only.

Current number of spouses _
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P29 to P32: For residents aged 12 years or older

P30: Number of spouses
[This question is addressed to persons [male only] who have responded to P29 as married or separated person]

Ask: How many spouses [the person] has?
Write the current number of spouses in the provided box.
Example: If he has two spouses, record them in the box as follows: [picture omitted]

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons aged 6 years and above, or born before 1982
[Questions 15 through 21 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

P15. Marital status


[] MONO: married, monogamous
[] POL 1: polygamous, first wife
[] POL 2: polygamous, second wife / polygamous 2 wives
[] POL 3+: polygamous, third wife / polygamous 3+ wives
[] CEL: single
[] VEUF: widowed
[] DI: divorced
[] AUT: other cases (free union, for instance)

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P15) Marital status
The question applies to persons aged 6 years and above, therefore born before 1982. The marital status to be recorded is that of the person at the time of the interview.
0) MONOGAMOUS: for men and women married in a monogamous union (only one wife for the men, and no co-wives for the women);
1) POLYGAMOUS 1: for women who are the first wife in a polygamous union (several wives for the husband);
2) POLYGAMOUS 2: for men who have two wives, and for women who are the second wife;
3) POLYGAMOUS 3: for men who have three or more wives, and for women who are the third wife or wife of higher rank;
4) SINGLE: for single men or women, that is those who were never married;
5) WIDOW(ED): for widowed men or women;
6) DIVORCED: for divorced men or women;
7) OTHER: for other cases, such as persons living in free union or couples who live separated while still united by the marriage bond.

The marriage is an act contracted at the city hall, or according to local Senegalese customs. A single person is one who has never contracted a marriage. A married person is a person who has a spouse at time of interview. If a man has two wives at time of the interview, he is a polygamous husband with two wives. If a woman has co-wives, and if her rank in the unions is 2, she is a polygamous second wife: then circle 2. POLYGAMOUS 2.
A man who had two wives, one of whom has died, is married and monogamous. Circle then: 0. MONOGAMOUS.
A man who had two wives, one of which divorced, is also is married and monogamous. Circle then: 0. MONOGAMOUS.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_MARST — Marital status
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[For individual 12 years of age or older]

B20. Marital status

Circle the appropriate code:

[] 0 Married, monogamous
[] 1 Polygamous first wife
[] 2 Polygamous, second wife / polygamous 2 wives
[] 3 Polygamous, third wife / Polygamous 3+ wives
[] 4 Single
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Other cases

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B20 - Marital status

Only the persons aged 12 years and above are concerned by this question.
Write an oblique hyphen for the persons aged less than 12 years.

Circle "0 MO" for men and women who are married in monogamy unions (only one wife for men, no co-wife for women).

Circle "1 P1" for men who have two wives, and for women who are the first wife.

Circle "2 P2" for men who have three wives, and for women who are the second wife.

Circle "3 P3" for men who have four wives or more, and for women who are the third wife or wife of higher rank.

Circle "4 CEL" for men or women who are single (never married)

Circle "5 VE" for widowed men or women.

Circle "6 DI" for divorced men and women.

Note: Some persons who are widowed or divorced could have the tendency to claim that they are single. For this reason, you shall never assume that a person claiming to be single has never been married in his or her lifetime.

Circle "7 AU" for the other cases: the persons who live in informal union or in free union, as well as the couples who live separated while still being united by the marriage bond.

Note: A marriage is a status [the French text says a fact] contracted either at city hall, or according to religion, or according to traditional Senegalese customs.

A man who had two wives, one of which died or divorced, is then married, in monogamous union. Circle then "0 MO".

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_MARST — Marital status
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B. Individual characteristics

Population aged 10 years or older
[Question B41 and B42 were asked of persons aged 10 years or older.]

B41. Marital Status

Determine the marital status of the Respondent and enter the code corresponding to the answer (see instructions at the bottom of the page).
[] 00- Monogamous
[] 01- Polygamous / 1st spouse
[] 02- Polygamous / 2nd spouse / 2 spouses
[] 03- Polygamous / 2rd spouse / 3 spouses
[] 04- Polygamous / 4th spouse / 4 spouses
[] 05- Polygamous / 5th spouse / 5 spouses
[] 06- Unmarried
[] 07- Widow / widower
[] 08- Divorced
[] 09- Cohabitation
[] 10- Separated
[If B41 is code 06 through 10, go to B43]
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B41: marital status
Only persons aged 10 years and older are concerned by this question.

- Record code ''0'' for married men and women in monogamous union (only one wife for men and no co-spouses for women).
- Record code ''1'' for women in polygamous union and who rank first (1st wife);
- Record code ''2'' for men who have 2 wives and for women who are the 2nd wife;
- Record code ''3'' for men who have 3 wives and for women who are the 3rd wife;
- Record code ''4'' for men who have 4 wives and for women who are the 4th wife;
- Record code ''5'' for men who have 5 or more wives and for women who are the fifth or more wives;
- Record code ''6'' for single men or women (who have never been married);
- Record code ''7'' for widows;
- Record code ''8'' for divorced men or women.
[p. 49]
NB: Some divorced or widowed individuals will tend to claim to be single. For this reason, you need to make sure that the person who claims to be single has never been married in his or her life.

- Record code ''9'' for men or women who live in cohabitation or common law.
- Record 10 for couples who live apart while being in the bonds of marriage.
NB: On the PDA, you will choose the answer on a drop-down list.
NB: Marriage is a deed contracted at the town hall or following traditional Senegalese religion and customs.
A man who had two wives and one of them has died is monogamously married. So record 00.
If the response is equal to 06, 07, 08, 09, or 10, go to B43.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions P22-P25: Persons age 10 years or older]

P22. Marital status
What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Engaged
[] 3 Married monogamous
[] 4 Married polygamous
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

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P22 -- Marital status (Persons age 10 or older)
124. This is a very sensitive issue and you must avoid going into arguments with respondents. Accept the answer as given. Ask, "Are you currently married?" The options for an answer are provided in the code list.

125. For persons younger than 10 years, draw a straight line in columns P22 to P38 against their name to indicate that the questions do not apply to them.

[Questions P22 - P25: Persons age 10 or older]

P22 Marital status
What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Engaged
[] 3 Married, monogamous
[] 4 Married, polygamous
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_MARST — Marital status
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

10 years and above [Questions P25-P33]

P27. Marital status

What is the marital status of [the respondent]?

[] 01 Never married
[] 02 Engaged
[] 03 Married monogamous
[] 04 Married polygamous
[] 05 Co-habitation (less than 5 years)
[] 06 Co-habitation (equal to more than 5 years)
[] 07 Separated
[] 08 Divorced
[] 09 Widowed
[] 10 Don't know
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

P27 -- Marital status (for persons 10 years and over)
148. This is a very sensitive issue and you must avoid going into arguments with respondents. Ask what is (name's) current marital status? The options for an answer are provided in the code list. If never married write '01', if engaged write '02', if married monogamous write '03', if married polygamous write '04' etc.

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_MARST — Marital status
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Section A: Information for persons in the household -- ask of everyone
[Section A of this form, each question has 10 answer rows for writing individual answers for up to 10 individuals in the household. Only the first is shown here, which is exactly the same as the other nine.]

P-05. Marital status

_ What is (the person's) present marital status? Write only one code per person in the box. If both civil/religious and traditional marriage, indicate civil/religious.
1 = Married civil/religious
2 = Married traditional/customary
3 = Polygamous marriage
4 = Living together like married partners
5 = Never married
6 = Widower/widow
7 = Separated
8 = Divorced
If categories 5-8 go to (P-06).

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Question P-05 -- Marital status

"What is (the person's) PRESENT marital status?"

Only one code should be given. We are interested in the marital status on the census night.

If, for example, a widow remarried before the census night she is classified as married not widowed, but if she married after the census night she is classified as widowed. If however she was widowed, remarried and is now separated from her second husband, she is separated.

The number of times a person has been married is not captured.

Read out all the categories from the questionnaire.

The given classifications on marital status are sufficient, but sometimes you will have to probe. When a person is married you must ask how he or she is married (codes 1-3).

If a person married under both traditional/customary and civil law, civil takes precedence.

A man with more than one wife should indicate "polygamous" rather than civil or customary marriage. The wives indicate category 1 or 2, as they cannot have two husbands. More guidelines about how to treat polygamous households appear in Appendix 5.

[P. 38]

Couples who are not married to each other but live together as if they are married, belong to category 4. This category is for people who live in every respect as a married couple except that they have not undergone a marriage ceremony. Only male/female couples should indicate this category -- the census does not collect data on gay couples.

For children write 5 -- "Never married". If a person says "single" they must choose from categories 4-8.

Now we get our first "skip". People who are not married or living together as married, i.e. all those who fall under categories 5-8, do not need to answer the next question, which is P-05a, so they skip Question P-05a and go to P-06.

Rules for marital status in relation to polygamy:

A. Women cannot have multiple husbands, and women can never have marital status 3 (polygamous).

B. In a polygamous marriage, the man declares his marital status as 3 (polygamous): each of his wives declares her marital status as either 1 (civil/religious marriage) or 2 (traditional/customary marriage). Note that wives in polygamous marriages cannot have marital status 4 (living together).

C. In a non-polygamous marriage, each partner can have marital status of 1 (civil/religious marriage) or 2 (traditional/customary marriage) or 4 (living together).

D. If a man has multiple wives, his marital status must be 3 (polygamous).

E. Each of a polygamous man's wives should make her spouse number person point to the man, and the man's spouse person number should point to the first of his wives.

F. It is possible to have a polygamous man with no spouses or with a single spouse in the household.

In the situation where there is a compound ("kraal") consisting of several huts, each of which has its own separate cooking and eating areas, the people in each of these huts would be enumerated as separate households.

For example, a man lives in his compound with his 3 wives and his son 's family (total of 4 huts). There would be 4 households here to enumerate, and 4 questionnaires filled out. The hut where the husband stayed on census night would have a head (him, marital status 3) and a spouse (the wife from that hut, marital status 1 or 2), and spouse person numbers pointing to each other; each of the other 2 wives' huts would just have a head (the wife, marital status 1 or 2) with spouse person number = 99 (spouse not present in the household), and other occupants (children, etc). The son 's family would also be its own household.

None of these questionnaires should be linked (via barcode on the last page), since they are all separate households. Questionnaires linking /continuation only occurs when a single household has more than 10 people (or 20, or 30, etc.).

When a man lives with his wives in the same household and they share the same cooking/eating facilities, then they would all be enumerated as one household, with one questionnaire. The man would have marital status 3; his spouse person number would point to the first wife. Each wife would have marital status 1 or 2, and her spouse person number would point to the man.

This caters for polygamy while still adhering to the definition of a household, which is not based on financial support.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_MARST — Marital status
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P-08 Marital status
What is (the person)'s present marital status?
Write only one code per person.
If both civil/religious and traditional indicate civil/religious.
[] 1 Married civil/religious
[] 2 Married traditional/customary
[] 3 Polygamous marriage
[] 4 Living together as married partners
[] 5 Never married
[] 6 Widower/widow
[] 7 Separated
[] 8 Divorced
If 5 to 8, Go to P-10

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(P-08) Marital status: What is (the person's) present marital status?
Read out the options to the respondent.

Mark only the present marital status. We do not need a person's marital history.

Any couple living together as married persons without a civil/religious or traditional/ customary marriage should be coded as 'living together (like married partners)' (code 4).

Mark code 5 (never married) for unmarried children in the household, and not code 4 (living together).

For a man with more than one wife, indicate "polygamous" rather than civil or customary marriage. For the wives, indicate category 1 or 2 (married civil/religious or traditional/customary).

If a person is not in a marital union or living together as married partners (i.e., codes 5 to 8), Go to P-10

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status
[] Unmarried
[] Married followed by the number of wives or rank of spouse
[] Widower
[] Divorced
[] Free union
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Column 6: Marital status
Use code number 3.

For married men, the letter M (married) is followed by a figure indicating the number of spouses - enter the figure according to the indications of code number 3, 1, 2, and so on. Enter the number 6 for M6 and above.

For women (or men) if the letter M is recorded by itself, translate to M1.

Togo 1970 — source variable TG1970A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Marital status ____
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Column 4 refers to marital status. Indicate "Ma" for married, followed by the number of wives (for a man) and the number of marriages (for a woman). The following examples refer to a man married to 5 wives and a woman who is in her second marriage:

- For a man, this would be" "Ma5" and would read "married to 5 wives"
- For a woman, this would be: "Ma2" and would read, "married for the second time" or "second marriage"
[p. 19]
For people who are single, indicate "Celib" (meaning never been married); or "Ve" (meaning widowed - someone who is single after having lost his spouse).

Togo 1970 — source variable TG1970A_NSPOUSE — Number of spouses
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4. Marital status ____
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Column 4 refers to marital status. Indicate "Ma" for married, followed by the number of wives (for a man) and the number of marriages (for a woman). The following examples refer to a man married to 5 wives and a woman who is in her second marriage:

- For a man, this would be" "Ma5" and would read "married to 5 wives"
- For a woman, this would be: "Ma2" and would read, "married for the second time" or "second marriage"
[p. 19]
For people who are single, indicate "Celib" (meaning never been married); or "Ve" (meaning widowed - someone who is single after having lost his spouse).

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_MARST — Marital status
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Persons resident of 12 years or more of age
[Question P24 was asked of resident persons aged 12 or more.]

(P24) Marital status

Record the abbreviation on the dotted lines and the code in the box

[] 0 Never married
[] 1 Married monogamously
[] 2 Men and women in polygamous union 2 spouses
[] 3 Men and women in polygamous union 3 spouses
[] 4 Men and women in polygamous union 4 spouses or more
[] 5 Widower
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Separated
[] 8 Free union
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C- Marital status

Column P24: Marital status

The column P24 only concerns resident persons aged 12 or more. For residents under 12 (those born after November 1998), put dashes on the dotted lines.

Marital status is the situation of a person in relation to marriage, which is defined as the union between a man and a woman following law and custom.

Pose the following question: "Is [the respondent] married?"

- If the response is yes, ask the person if their union has been celebrated according to civil, religious, or customary law. If they answer yes, try to find out the number of spouses (if it is a male person) or the number of co-spouses (if it is a female person). Record according to the response the appropriate abbreviation on the dotted lines and the corresponding code in the box.

The possible responses are the following:

1 M1 = "Married monogamous": for any person in union with one spouse.
2 M2 = "M/F in polygamous union 2 spouses": for any man in union with two spouses or for any woman having a co-spouse.
3 M3 = "M/F in polygamous union 3 spouses": for any man in union with three spouses or for any woman having two co-spouses.
4 M4 = "M/F in polygamous union 4 spouses or more": for any man in union with more than three spouse or for any woman having more than two co-spouses.

Example: Amévi declares being married to a man, and that their union is of the customary type. She tells you that she also is a co-spouse. You will record M2 on the dotted lines and 2 in the corresponding box.

If the union is neither customary, religious nor civil, this person is in a free union. Record:
UL on the dotted lines and code 8 in the box.

- If the response is no to the first question ("Is [the respondent] married?") ask the person if they were ever married.

- If they respond no (never married), record:
JM = Never married for any person who has never contracted marriage on the dotted lines and code 0 in the box.

- If they respond yes, that is, they have already been married at least once, you should try to find out if they are widowed, divorced, or separated. Record according to the response, the appropriate abbreviation on the dotted lines and the corresponding code in the box.
[p. 42]

The possible responses are:

5 V = Widowed for any married person who has lost their spouse through death and who has not yet remarried at the time of the census count.
6 D = Divorced for any person whose marriage has ended by divorce and who has not yet remarried at the time of the census count.
7 S = Separated for any initially married person declaring themselves separated at the time of the census count. Separation is a period of conciliation of partners or transitional period awaiting the pronouncement of divorce.
NB 34: For a polygamous man with 3 wives, who has subsequently lost one of them or has divorced one of them, you will record M2 on the dotted lines and code 2 in the box.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons aged ten years and above

P22 Marital status What is name's marital status? (Write appropriate code) ___

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165. Questions P21 and P22 are meant for all persons aged 10 years or above. Look back at the age you have entered for each person. For those aged 0 to 9 years write "N/A" for Question P21, leave the rest of the column blank and continue to the next person.

Question P22: Marital Status
Ask, "What is (name's) marital status?"
168. For persons who have never been married, including children, write code 1 for "Never Married".
169. People living together as man and wife should be shown as married whether or not they have been through any civil or religious ceremonies. Accept the answer as it is given to you.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_MARST — Marital status
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For persons aged 10 years and above

P26 What is [the respondent's] current marital status? (Refer to code list P26)

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Currently married/cohabiting (Monogamous)
[] 3 Currently married/cohabiting (Polygamous)
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Not applicable
[] 8 Don't know