Questionnaire Text

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20. Were you employed during the reference week as (concerns the week from May 13th to 19th):
[] 1 Full-time paid-employee
[] 2 Part-time paid-employee
[] 3 Employer
[] 4 Own-account worker (without employees)
[] 5 Agent (in all kind of agencies)
[] 6 Members of agricultural production co-operative
[] 7 Contributing family worker
[] 8 Clergyman/woman
21. What is your occupation?
Please specify name of the performed occupation or position or describe main performed activities: ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 20. Were you employed during the reference week (13th to 19th May 2002) as... [p. 39]

Answer 1 or 2 concerns employees. They are:
Persons employed on the basis of a job contract (also if the payment is in kind)

Persons working on commission or employed on the basis of order agreement,

Persons doing the home employment,

Students who are being trained for the profession if they receive an income.
Full-time paid-employee (answer 1)-- a person who works full-time, but the number of hours worked a week depends on the regulations concerning a profession

Full-time paid-employees are also workers who work shorter than the typical number of hours due to special legal regulations (e.g. concerning work in a toxic surrounding) or persons serving in the army on a compulsory basis.
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If a work was done on the basis of order agreement, commission or was home employment a person working full time is a person who worked at least 36 hours in a reference week (13th to 19th May 2002).

A person helping in a family business or working in a family farm can also be classified as an employee.

Answer 3. employer means a person running his/her own business either in agriculture or not, registered or not who employs workers on the basis of permanent job contract.

If a married couple or relatives run the business together only one of the persons can be classified as an employer, the others should be classified as own-account workers. (not employing people) or contributing family workers.

Answer 5. agent (in all kinds of agencies) concerns persons who work on the basis of agency contract/agreement or who run an outpost on the basis of order agreement. The persons employed by an agent are classified as employees regardless the legal form of their job contract.

Answer 7. contributing family worker concerns persons who live in the same household and help in family business (also in agriculture) without being paid.

Question 21. What is your occupation? [p. 39-40]

1. Answering the question no general answer should be given and the occupation should not be mistaken with the profession learnt. An enumerator should ask the respondent about the position he/she is holding, main performed activities and should not be satisfied with the general answer such as: manager, physical worker, office worker, technician etc. following abbreviations can be used: spec. (specialist), in?. (engineer), ds. (dealing with).

2. A special attention should be given to the following cases:
As far as the managers are concerned, the field of activities of a unit managed by the respondent should be given, e.g. president of the company, deputy financial director, manager of the financial department, HR manager,

As far as other than managerial positions are concerned, the field of work should be specified for example by listing the main activities performed e.g. recruitment executive , financial executive, biology teacher, lift operator,

In case of the owner of small private works and managers of merchant or service works belonging to public sector the manager should be described as ?manager of the works if the only duty of the person is to manage and supervise the workers or an occupation really performed should be listed if the person most of the time performs the work other than supervision,

In case of professional soldiers, the answer ?soldier should be given but in case of people serving in the army on compulsory basis the answer compulsory military service should be noted down,

Policeman, customs officer, fireman, prison worker, should be indicated as ?state agent, a person working in UOP (Office for State Protection) as ?public servant. In case of workers of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, UOP, police the occupation should be indicated according to general rules,

For priest and other clerical persons the answer ?cleric should be listed, page 13

When enumerating farmers, a kind of agricultural activity should be checked and the fact if the work in an agricultural farm done by the respondent is connected to the profile of the agricultural farm. So the occupations regarding farmers should be for example fodder crops farmer, fruiter, cattle breeder, chicken breeder,

In case of farmers being crops farmer and breeding animals at the same time the answer ?mixed farming should be given.