Questionnaire Text

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Census of population (inhabitants)

14-23 Source of income

14-17 Main employment

17. Write in the name of the working post in the working establishment listed above. Specify performed activities and duties ____

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Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

34. Status (kind of activity) (question 16) [p.31]
Every working person should have his working specification indicated:
'1. Socialized agriculture worker' -- should be used for individuals employed for a set workload in national companies, collective companies, social organizations, political organizations and in companies governed by these companies.

'2. Non-socialized agriculture worker' -- should be indicated for individuals:

- Employed in private companies (for example by manufacturers or in individual agricultural holdings), house helps.
- Employed in foreign companies or companies for Polish immigrants.
- Working in religious organizations, and in companies governed by these organizations (for example in monastery agricultural holdings).
- Individuals serving as religious leaders should have the symbol.
'2. Clergy' indicated.

'3. Franchise owner' should be indicated for individuals:

- Working in a lump sum-based organization, operating, for example on a retail market, services or gastronomy.
- Receiving payments from franchise fund, for example kiosk sellers, milk suppliers, slaughter animals' surveyors.
- Individuals employed by franchise owners.

'4. Home worker' -- should be indicated for individuals, who have some raw materials delivered by companies, and they assemble or process them in their houses, transferring to contractors after finishing.

'5. Production collective's member' -- should be indicated for all production collectives' members.

'6. Agricultural holding user' 'Agricultural allotment user' -- should be indicated for individuals, who are earning for their maintenance by working on their own expense in own (own, leased or used in any other way) agricultural holding (garden, orchard, etc.), as agricultural production manager.

Agricultural housing or allotment's user should be specified on the basis of self-evaluation of inhabitants or registered dwelling. Individual, who will define himself as agricultural holding's user (agricultural allotment), should have at least 3 months workload specified in the question number 20.

'7. Working on ones' own expense' -- should be indicated for individuals, who have their own industrial workshop (manufacturing workshop), shop, stall, workshop, they are earning by driving their own taxi, are performing so called free professions (artists, writers, doctors with their own practice) or are tutoring individually.

'8. Work supporter' - should be indicated for all individuals, which supports family member in managing the agricultural holding (plot) or in any other work performed on one's own expense without any specified payment. It should be noted that individuals learning in day schools shouldn't be considered as supporters while managing agricultural holding (allotment). Workload of the supporter indicated in the question number 20 should be longer than 3 months.

The fact of not receiving any set payments by the supportive family member automatically shows his mutual persistence with an individual working on his own expense, or with an user of the agricultural holding (plot), which results in a situation, that the supporter and supervisor should be registered in one household.