Questionnaire Text

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Census of population (inhabitants)

10. Education attainment ____ _

For persons born in 1973 or earlier write in a relevant code and a description.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

27. Educational attainment (question 10) [p.26]
All individuals born in 1973 and earlier (that is -- having at least 15 years) should have their highest level of education obtained in school specified.

Night schools and part-time schools should be treated in the same manner as day schools, as well as abroad schools. So called externs, who passed final exams (extern exams) outside the school on a level of particular school, should be considered as graduates of such schools.

While specifying the education level, the enumerator should follow principles presented below:

'1. Finished higher education' -- it should be indicated for individuals having a diploma of graduation from university.
'2. Unfinished higher education -- after secondary general education' or,
'3. Unfinished higher education -- after secondary vocational education' -- should be indicated for individuals, who -- after graduating from high school or vocational school -- are attending university and finished at least two years of studies (four terms), but they haven't finished it yet, as well as for individuals with university's 'absolutory'. Appropriate term should be defined after specifying the last finished school.
'4. Finished post-secondary education' - should be indicated for individuals, who have a diploma (certificate) of post-secondary school finishing, attending to which was connected with obtaining secondary school leaving diploma, and up to 1972 -- only graduating from high school.
Note. '4 Finished post-secondary education' should be also indicated for individuals, who have started higher education after graduating from post-secondary school, but haven't finish it yet, regardless of number of terms.
'5. Finished secondary education' should be indicated for individuals, who graduated from high school (general or vocational), regardless, whether they obtained secondary school leaving diploma, or only graduation deed.
This category includes also individuals, who started education on university, but haven't finished 2 years (4 terms) of it.
'6. Unfinished secondary education' - Should be indicated for individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from primary school, and have finished at least 2 years of education.
'7. Finished basic vocational education' -- should be indicated for individuals having a certificate of graduation from:
2 or 3 year vocational school (basic or agricultural vocational school, industrial school, vocational high school etc.)
Vocational or agricultural preparation school
Master's school
Remote agricultural course on the level of vocational school
Note. '7. Finished basic vocational education' should be indicated also for individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from previous school, but they haven't finished it yet -- regardless of completed terms
'8. Finished primary education' - should be indicated for individuals having a certificate of graduation from:
Primary school (general -- before the War), regardless of number of years (eight, sever or even four in the past).
Courses for workers on the level of primary school.
Individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from primary school, but they haven't completed two years of education completed, should have this symbol indicated as well.
'9. Unfinished primary education' -- Should be indicated for individuals who learned (are learning) in primary school.
'0. Without school education' - should be indicated for individuals, who haven't attended to primary school, or who have attended, but haven't finished even 1 year of it..

Children in the age lower than 15 years old (born between 1974-1988) should have a straight line written down in this question.