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7. Relation to the head of household (please write in respectively: head of household, wife or husband, son, daughter, grandson, father, etc.) ____

For head of household is considered household member contributing mainly to defraying the cost of household keeping.
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37 Relation to the head of household (please write in respectively: head of household, wife or husband, son, daughter, grandson, father, etc.) (Question 7) [p.52]
1. For a person, who, in accordance with the rules set forth in 31, has been considered to be head of household, the "head of household" title shall be written down in question 7. The same title shall be written down for the individuals creating single-person households.
2. For all other representatives of a given household, the relation to the head of household shall be specified by writing in respectively: "husband" ("wife"), "son", "daughter", "stepson", "stepdaughter", "father", "mother-in-law", "brother", "grandson", "granddaughter", "aunt", or "distant relative" if there is no possibility of specifying the kinship. A person, who is not related to the head of household but is considered to be a member of the household due to the provided financial support, shall have the "not related to the head of household" answer written down, or, in abbreviation "n. related".
It must be taken account that such levels of relation to the head of household as "tenant", "subtenant", or "co-tenant" cannot be used while specifying the kinship. They are members of their respective household and should be considered "head of households" in the social units they are members of.
3. The principles of closest kinship shall apply while identifying relation to the head of household, so, in the first place such individuals as husband or wife, children or parents, etc. Individuals in a relationship having children who are not engaged shall be registered next to one another. However, if there has been a mistake, due to which it is impossible to keep the proper order, the annotation shall not be corrected, nor shall be a new form used. It is enough to justify the relation in a comprehensible manner (for example, "Janek's wife", "grandson, Czes?aw's son").
4. If there are certain individuals living in a dwelling but not supporting the household financially (such a case is discussed in question 31, point 5 on page 47), such individuals shall be classified with proper terms and titles, such as: "help", "apprentice", "agricultural worker", "student", "hired worker".
It should be remembered that the above concerns only single individuals. If a help lives in a given dwelling together with his or her child, then they create a separate household ("head of household" and "daughter" or "son"). Such individuals may be both permanent and temporal inhabitants (typically staying in a dwelling for over 2 months).
5. If in a given dwelling there are also other individuals staying there in a temporary manner, then they shall be registered as follows:

a) If the duration of the stay has been specified as lasting up to 2 months and if they are related to the head of household the relation shall be specified similarly to other inhabitants or, if there is no kinship, they should be classified as "guests".
b) If the duration of the stay has been specified as lasting over 2 months it should be specified whether or not the said individuals support the household financially. Afterwards, the division into household shall be made in the same manner as for permanent inhabitants.