Questionnaire Text

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Type of occupied housing unit:
Please encircle symbol number of the relevant type of housing unit. In the case of symbols 2 or 3 the type of occupied unit should be more precisely specified (e.g. barge, trailer, barn, etc.)

[] 1 Dwelling
[] 2 Mobile unit
Specify ________
[] 3 Provisional premises
Specify ________
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Mobile unit
9. Mobile units are units occupied by certain groups of people, especially due to the nature of their work or the followed lifestyle. Those are frequently barges, trailers, ships, or railway carriages).
10. If a given mobile unit is occupied by workers in connection with the nature of their work, for example by construction workers, they shall be considered to be the representatives of a collective household and registered in the Az form (utilized for registering collective households).
11. It should be taken into account, that mobile units are rarely indicated in N-obw forms. If, during the pre-census round or during the census proper, the census enumerator encounters such an object, it should be indicated in the A (Az) form, as well as included in the N-obw form.

Provisional premises
12. Provisional premises are the objects which are not suitable to serve as habitable spaces, but still serve as shelters for people, especially after certain unforeseeable events, such as natural disasters. Those are, among others: all types of utility rooms, provisional shacks, barns, trailers, and attics, as well as shops, storage areas, garages, etc.
13. Basements and attics serving as provisional premises shall not be confused with standard dwellings located in basements and attics. It should be remembered that typically basement are storage-oriented areas without windows and rather not properly decorated, without proper floors or roughcasts. Attics are frequently the rooms that are directly covered with the roof of the building.
In the case of some modern buildings, in the designing stage there are certain spaces designed to serve as basements, drying rooms, washing rooms, etc. They may be even adjusted to occupational standards (direct lighting, proper roughcast on the walls, flooring, and sanitary devices installed). The only difference in their case is the height, as they tend to be a bit shorter, approximately 2.2 m. Such rooms shall not be considered provisional premises but rather a part of the dwelling or a dwelling proper (depending on whether or not there are other rooms in the building). 14. It should be remembered that a given provisional premises may not have been indicated in the N-obw form. If, during the pre-census round or during the census proper, the census enumerator encounters such an object, it should be indicated in the A (Az) form, as well as included in the N-obw form.