Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 9-10 for persons 5 years and above.]

9. Can ____ read newspaper etc, and write a simple letter?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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2.4.10 Column number 10 - Literacy

For this column you will ask about the person of ages five and above whether he can read news paper and can write a simple letter? If answer is "No" then write code "0". But if the answer is "Yes" then ask in which language he can read newspaper and write simple letter write codes of relevant language/languages in the following ways.
[] 1 If they can read/write in Urdu, then write code "1"
[] 2 If they can read/write in English, then write code "2"
[] 3 If they can read/write in language/languages other than Urdu and English, then write code "3"
[] 4 If they can read/write in both Urdu and English languages, then write codes "1" and "2".
[] 5 If they can read/write in Urdu and some other language/languages (except English) then write codes "1" and "3".
[] 6 If they can read/write in English or some other language/languages (except Urdu), then write codes "2" and "3".
[] 7 If they can read/write in some other language/languages besides English, then write codes "1", "2", and "3".

If a person has been reported as literate but did not pass primary school from then some questions may be asked verifying his literacy, for example, which newspaper or which type of books do you read, etc.?