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Educational characteristics
(For persons 5 years of age and above)
[Questions 11-14.]

13. Highest grade/level passed in general or specialized or Madrassah education
Write highest grade/level passed in general, specialized, Madrassah education, viz. Matric M.Sc., B.Edl, Allm, Fazil, etc. ____

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Educational characteristics (for persons of five years and above)

School or college attendance means that a person has been going to an educational institution, Government or private, for attaining regular education. A private school or college, registered or not, where education is given under educational system and students are prepared for examination as private candidates for any level of education of educational board or university. The attendance in these schools or college will also be considered similar, provided the persons who are studying in such institutions are full time students. The attendance in any class of such schools and Madarsah will be treated as attendance of the schools where regular classes or levels under educational system are taken.

Attendance at such institutions which provide training before employment (e.g., technical training centre, P. T. (physical training teachers), C.T. (teaching certificate), J.V. (junior vernacular), S.V. (senior vernacular), B.T., B.Ed, etc.) will be treated as attendance in [Pg. 38] special educational institutions provided the duration of the full time course. The people who are attending such intuitions is six months or equivalent to it a part time course, all such persons will be considered as admitted in the institutions.

Different professional education which is not the part of any authentic educational system of the country (e.g., education given during job in-staff, college, or training centers) will not be considered equivalent to attendance in school or college for this survey. Similarly, attending a short time class, evening coaching centre, business examinations, languages and class of hobbies will also not be treated as attendance in school or college. The following institutions where there is no arrangement of education according to classes or levels will not come under the definitions of school or college.

1. Below primary, Kindergarten, Montessori, etc.
2. Adult education
3. Institution of laborers education
4. Schools of physical, mental or social education for disabled

The institutions which give on the job training will also be considered as school or college (e.g., training centre of nurses, railways training centre, training centre of post offices, National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), government sector training institute, staff college, etc. and similar armed or semi armed intuitions).

Apprenticeships will also not be treated as attendance in a school or college. Infect attendance means that some body attending an institution with a purpose that he will attain regular education of a course under a syllabus of educational system. Although there may be some temporary break in attendance due to illness or leave. The school or college attendance has been divided into three types.

1. General
2. Specialized education
3. Madrasah education

[Pg. 39]

1. General Education. General education means primary (first to fifth class), middle (Sixth to eight class), secondary school (ninth and tenth class) and arts course and science degree, including eleventh to fourteenth class. If such students are studying in intermediate or degree colleges they will be considered as studying general education. Those students who have passed B.A. or B.S. courses (i.e., studying in thirteen and fourteen classes) of the universities, they will be considered as attaining general education.

2. Specialized education. The definition of general education given above, education besides arts, commerce ,and science given in universities will be considered as specialized education. Professional arts (technical) and Masters of every type and every level are included in it such as B.Sc. engineering, (pass honors), MBBS, or B.Ed., etc.). Moreover, higher education of arts, commerce and science in B.A. honors and B.Sc. (honor) and Masters of every subject will be treated as specialized education.

Apprenticeship before employment: Technical or professional education will also be treated as specialized education, but on job training (e.g., technical training or some other training obtained during employment) will not included in it. Degree or higher professional education (e.g., education in agricultural, veterinary, engineering, law, etc.) will also be considered specialized education.

3. Education in Madarsah. Madarsah is that place where "Imam," "Molvi," or some other teacher of the Holy Quran, and at some other places in urban or local languages give education. Madarsah is such an institution where regular education according to the Eastern system or religious education is given.

Although Madarsahs and schools are considered as educational institutions in Pakistan, they are not treated equivalent to general education special education as primary or middle or high school. Due to this reason, it is not a part of special education, but this fact cannot be ignored that education of Madarsah is also a step [Pg. 40] towards different grades of education. It requires four years initial class admission 4 to 6 years. Alam 4 or 3 complete 2 years total (16 years in total). Therefore, it is considered a different type. All students who got education in Madarsahs or school they will be kept under education in Madarsah. The people who are not getting education in any institution are of two types.

1. The people who got admission in a school or college some time earlier and studied but now has before the school or college. They will be kept under category "Left the school."

2. The people who have never attended any educational institutions for education they will be included in the category "Not attended any school."

General, specialized or the highest class/level completed through education in Madarsah Col. 13.

Information about every person of five years or above in Col. 13 will be asked. The following questions will be asked in this connection which highest grade level (ask by name of entered household member) in general, specialized or education of madarsah has completed. The people who never attended any educational institution for studies and code No. 5 has been entered in column 12 a dash may be put for such people in this box. The highest grade/class passed will be entered for them in the following way.

The highest grade/level will be entered under general education like primary, middle, metric Inter and B.A. the student who are studying in ninth or tenth class. Middle will be entered for them. The students who are studying in intermediate have passed metric, therefore metric will be entered against their names. Similarly other classes will be entered. However no name of class before completion of primary will be entered such as class II, class III or class IV (the one who has passed class V, primary will be entered for him)

[Pg. 41]

As far as specialized education is concerned, for the education level below M. A the highest grades/level will be entered along with general education provided the level of general education is highest than that is necessary for admission in specialized education (e.g., Metric, PT, Metric, J.V, Inter arts, CT, BA, S.V., Inter Science, Diploma in Engineering, MA LLB, etc.). As regards the level of general education compulsory for specialized education, there is no need for its explanation (e.g., (BA Hon) BSc (Hon) B.E, BSc (Agriculture), MBBS, etc.).

As regards the Madarssah education the completed level/grade will also be entered under it (e.g., initial, entry, Alam, Fazal, Kamal). If these levels are different in different areas than these, they may be entered as equivalent to the above mentioned level/grades. The duration of the level may be kept in view which is necessary for completion of the grade.